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Adsl Through Gprs


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Hi all,

We've been waiting for a landline for five months now but whether we'll get one soon... who knows. Luckily we're able to get onto the internet via GPRS thru DTAC. The thing is, it's a very slow connection.

I was wondering whether there is a way to have a fast GPRS connection as well. I was in Hong Kong recently and read that it is available there. What about here in Thailand?

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where are you located?

Without a fixed phoneline options are limited.

Depending on area you can use Hutch, speeds are around triple of what you get through regular modem, maybe quadruple of your gprs speeds. (100-140kbps)

The lag (slow response) is much better on the cdma network (which Hutch uses)

I have several friends using it and the consensus is that it's pretty good.

Initial cost is 6500 Baht for the USB modem, after that 999 Baht/month for unlimited datatransfer or 890 Baht/month for 890 Mb data transfer.

Bkk, Eastern Seaboard works, but no luck up north / north-east.

Also in certain parts of BKK, Dtac supprts edge gprs. three times as fast but you need an edge capable phone or modem. Still not that good, since you keep the slow response time inherrent to data traffic over the gprs network.

Second option is iPSTAR, which uses a two way satellite connection.

Priced have dropped a bit and there is no limit on dat transfer anymore, but they seem to have loads of technical problems since they launched there new satellite!

Edited by monty
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To add a quick reply to the original question....ADSL through GPRS is not possible. 2 different technologies...

ADSL is landline; GPRS is sort of old technology over radio (i.e. cellphones)

Wait for EDGE or 3G on cellphones,,or get GPRS on your landline, if you can.....its cheaper and much better

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Hi all,

Thanks for your replies. In the meantime I went to the Wattana computershop opposite Foodland for the Hutch system. But they say I can't have it without a work permit... which I don't have. How silly! How many potential clients would they lose with his rule? I can apply for it through my "Thai friend", who I don't have either... I have a house, bank account, drivers license; is there another way to get Hutch after all? The other option IPSTAR is possible, for 3000 baht installation plus 2500 per month. Hmmm... gotta think about it.

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Yep indeed a silly rule, requiring the workpermit.

But it's actually with all mobile phone operators like that (AIS, Dtac)

They all require a workpermit if you want a post paid package...

You write you have house, so if the house is registered under a company, you can use the company to subscribe to the Hutch service!

I did it that way for my AIS post package also.

If Wattana don't know how to go about the company way, Hutch has an office themselves on South Pattaya road. (between Friendship supermarket and the TukCom shopping mall)

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