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Anti-Drug Office Gives Thai Rock Star Sek Loso A Week To Talk And Enter Rehab


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Wow, you really made yourself popular with your inane comments.

If people like you had your way, smoking, drinking, pre-marital sex and anything else fun would be abolished.

Give my regards to your fellow quakers.

DRUGS: The wierd thing about people who like to play around with soft/hard drugs is this "right" to do to my body what I like. Using is not the same as dealing? They feel if their use is personal, what harm can it do? If I possess a small amount for myself, it should not be a crime, what harm is there in it? You can add more.

CHILD PORN: It's my mind and my "right" to see what I want. Viewing child porn is not the same as making/selling it. If I only have 999 megabyte of child porn videos on my computer, it's personal use. What harm is there in my using it? A gig of child porn means dealing right?

I would have done one here on SMOKING but you get my drift.

Please point out what the difference is? Believe me, there will be people who "need" to see the difference, usually addicts and they are not to blame, it is a disease but treatable. Get help.

Being opposed to exploitation of children by any means, drugs or film should not be a popularty contest.

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To all those who think drug use is harmless recreation, my cousin started smoking weed when she was twelve, by the time she was fourteen she had progressed to harder drugs, by the time she was fifteen she was prostituing herself to pay for her habit. She has only recently broken out of the cycle, not becuase she succeeded in giving up, but because she is fortyfive and is suffering from drug induced dementia, she has plenty of friends and acquaintences who have lost thier lives because thier addiction, many of those were involved in crime, all the way from petty crime to murder and extortion in order to finance thier addictions, many have done jail time, some are dead and some are vegetables. You cannot call drug abuse recretion, it wrecks lives, the only ones who benifit are the mister bigs, many of the minor dealers are users, there are many victims of drug abuse, the line stars directly below the the people at the top of the supply chain and goes all the way down to the person who just got mugged, or whose house just got broken into, or the person whose drug debt was so big they were told to kill to pay the debt or die themselves. There is no such thing as recreational drug use, there is only drug abuse.

P.s. her drug of choice was weed, especially the strong hybrid varieties that are available now, some of which can be addictive.

Edited by TomTao
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To all those who think drug use is harmless recreation, my cousin started smoking weed when she was twelve, by the time she was fourteen she had progressed to harder drugs, by the time she was fifteen she was prostituing herself to pay for her habit. She has only recently broken out of the cycle, not becuase she succeeded in giving up, but because she is fortyfive and is suffering from drug induced dementia, she has plenty of friends and acquaintences who have lost thier lives because thier addiction, many of those were involved in crime, all the way from petty crime to murder and extortion in order to finance thier addictions, many have done jail time, some are dead and some are vegetables. You cannot call drug abuse recretion, it wrecks lives, the only ones who benifit are the mister bigs, many of the minor dealers are users, there are many victims of drug abuse, the line stars directly below the the people at the top of the supply chain and goes all the way down to the person who just got mugged, or whose house just got broken into, or the person whose drug debt was so big they were told to kill to pay the debt or die themselves. There is no such thing as recreational drug use, there is only drug abuse.

All the above could just as easily be down to alcohol & this is the hypocrisy. Some drugs are ok & some are not - who decides? It's the 'legal' drug companies paying their lobbyists in the US which, unfortunately far too many countries follow.

Also, was Sek using or abusing a drug? A matter of opinion. I condemn his spousal abuse but, unlike most, he has had the guts to admit it. Sek has created some great music & maybe drug-taking has contributed - as it has to many of the greatest tracks in the last 60 years. Good luck to him.

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DRUGS: The wierd thing about people who like to play around with soft/hard drugs is this "right" to do to my body what I like. Using is not the same as dealing? They feel if their use is personal, what harm can it do? If I possess a small amount for myself, it should not be a crime, what harm is there in it? You can add more.

CHILD PORN: It's my mind and my "right" to see what I want. Viewing child porn is not the same as making/selling it. If I only have 999 megabyte of child porn videos on my computer, it's personal use. What harm is there in my using it? A gig of child porn means dealing right?

I would have done one here on SMOKING but you get my drift.

Please point out what the difference is? Believe me, there will be people who "need" to see the difference, usually addicts and they are not to blame, it is a disease but treatable. Get help.

If you are being as inclusive as the new laws in some nation as to what constitutes 'child porn', your comparison is true. I.e. if no kids was harmed then indeed what you view is your own thing, just like drug usage. Example is watching or reading cartoons with drawings of naked Simpsons characters - they are now illegal in some nations as Child porn.

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To all those who think drug use is harmless recreation, my cousin started smoking weed when she was twelve, by the time she was fourteen she had progressed to harder drugs, by the time she was fifteen she was prostituing herself to pay for her habit. She has only recently broken out of the cycle, not becuase she succeeded in giving up, but because she is fortyfive and is suffering from drug induced dementia, she has plenty of friends and acquaintences who have lost thier lives because thier addiction, many of those were involved in crime, all the way from petty crime to murder and extortion in order to finance thier addictions, many have done jail time, some are dead and some are vegetables. You cannot call drug abuse recretion, it wrecks lives, the only ones who benifit are the mister bigs, many of the minor dealers are users, there are many victims of drug abuse, the line stars directly below the the people at the top of the supply chain and goes all the way down to the person who just got mugged, or whose house just got broken into, or the person whose drug debt was so big they were told to kill to pay the debt or die themselves. There is no such thing as recreational drug use, there is only drug abuse.

P.s. her drug of choice was weed, especially the strong hybrid varieties that are available now, some of which can be addictive.

I would suggest it is the fact that your cousin started smoking anything at all aged 12 that was the biggest clue to- and indicator of- her future problems, not that what she was smoking was weed.

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To all those who think drug use is harmless recreation, my cousin started smoking weed when she was twelve, by the time she was fourteen she had progressed to harder drugs, by the time she was fifteen she was prostituing herself to pay for her habit. She has only recently broken out of the cycle, not becuase she succeeded in giving up, but because she is fortyfive and is suffering from drug induced dementia, she has plenty of friends and acquaintences who have lost thier lives because thier addiction, many of those were involved in crime, all the way from petty crime to murder and extortion in order to finance thier addictions, many have done jail time, some are dead and some are vegetables. You cannot call drug abuse recretion, it wrecks lives, the only ones who benifit are the mister bigs, many of the minor dealers are users, there are many victims of drug abuse, the line stars directly below the the people at the top of the supply chain and goes all the way down to the person who just got mugged, or whose house just got broken into, or the person whose drug debt was so big they were told to kill to pay the debt or die themselves. There is no such thing as recreational drug use, there is only drug abuse.

P.s. her drug of choice was weed, especially the strong hybrid varieties that are available now, some of which can be addictive.

This is the world we live in a baker bakes bread, a fisherman catches fish and and a butcher sells meat, it takes many different people with many different points of view to make up the world unfortunately your cousin chose to take drugs and so do many others including my own brother who is a heroin addict but believe me when I say weed is not a gateway to killing people and yourself anymore than the sip of wine was your cousin probably took when her dad wasn't looking long before age 12 and weed. It seems crazy to me to blame a plant for your cousin and my brothers character defects because if it wasn't drugs then it would have been something else that took them down a very similar dark path.

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that said though if she or others didn't have to hang around in scumbag places with scumbag people to get the said bag of weed it may reduce the number of people that would come into contact with the other far more dangerous stuff that people take, if it were available in say 7/11 the outcome may have been different in the same way that booze and cigarette smokers are not exposed to these things. I don't agree with the legalization of weed in fact I don't really care either way but it does seem crazy to say to somebody you can smoke the tabbaco plant but not the hemp 1 as any inhalation of smoke is a potential killer without doubt, either legalize them all or ban them all I don't care which as I don't smoke, take drugs or drink.( well not strickly true will have a glass of wine at Christmas or a birthday but am happy to go without).

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Um, his bigger and more important legal problem is that he has failed to pay child support to his first wife for quite some time. He's got more than enough money to do so. Personally, I could care less about his drug issue. He's responsible for his child, pay the support.

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that said though if she or others didn't have to hang around in scumbag places with scumbag people to get the said bag of weed it may reduce the number of people that would come into contact with the other far more dangerous stuff that people take, if it were available in say 7/11 the outcome may have been different in the same way that booze and cigarette smokers are not exposed to these things. I don't agree with the legalization of weed in fact I don't really care either way but it does seem crazy to say to somebody you can smoke the tabbaco plant but not the hemp 1 as any inhalation of smoke is a potential killer without doubt, either legalize them all or ban them all I don't care which as I don't smoke, take drugs or drink.( well not strickly true will have a glass of wine at Christmas or a birthday but am happy to go without).

I agree that if she had not been exposed to the drug at first, then perhaps she would not have taken the path that she did, I do not use drugs or smoke and only have a rare drink of alcohol, in the end we are all responsible for the consequences of the choices we make, not just the way our choices affect our lives, but also how our choices affect the people around us, both directly and indirectly, our bodies may be our own to do with as we wish, but in what way does doing what we want to ourselves affect others?

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It is not proven yet that he did do Drugs in Thailand he said he smoked Meth but the Picture of him with the Pipe was taken in Prague (Czech Republic) not in Thailand

Meth and any other Drug for self Consumption is 100% Legal there.

That means he did nothing wrong in Thailand and any other Country, they cannot Jail him until they have evidence that he did Drugs in Thailand too.

Drugs are decriminalised there, they are not '100% legal' or 'fully legal'.

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that said though if she or others didn't have to hang around in scumbag places with scumbag people to get the said bag of weed it may reduce the number of people that would come into contact with the other far more dangerous stuff that people take, if it were available in say 7/11 the outcome may have been different in the same way that booze and cigarette smokers are not exposed to these things. I don't agree with the legalization of weed in fact I don't really care either way but it does seem crazy to say to somebody you can smoke the tabbaco plant but not the hemp 1 as any inhalation of smoke is a potential killer without doubt, either legalize them all or ban them all I don't care which as I don't smoke, take drugs or drink.( well not strickly true will have a glass of wine at Christmas or a birthday but am happy to go without).

I agree that if she had not been exposed to the drug at first, then perhaps she would not have taken the path that she did, I do not use drugs or smoke and only have a rare drink of alcohol, in the end we are all responsible for the consequences of the choices we make, not just the way our choices affect our lives, but also how our choices affect the people around us, both directly and indirectly, our bodies may be our own to do with as we wish, but in what way does doing what we want to ourselves affect others?

That largely depends on the conscience of the user I guess as to how much or how little it affects the people around them a person of good integrity could most probably use drugs recreationally without having a detrimental affect on his or her nearest and dearest, a person like my brother who to be quite honest was sadly lacking moral fibre in the first place will carry on hurting everyone around him with little regard, this has little to do with the drug itself at the start of useage (later on I appreciate you have no control) as at some point when taking a addictive substance you do think to yourself do I carry on down this road and potentially lose everything and hurt everyone or do I cut it out and get a grip of my life. People who have moral character will cut it out after weighing up the pleasure to pain ratio and the morally bankrupt will carry on regardless. Don't believe what the media tells you about 1 hit and your an addict this is complete nonsense addicts for the most part choose to be addicts they too had these moments of clarity and chose to completely ignore them, this is not hot air I have been there, done that and got the tee shirt. And believe me it all has nothing to do with that hemp plant.

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The real gateway drug for an ex drug and possibly a new user is the dreaded booze because when drunk on on the verge of being drunk it makes things that when sober would seem a terrible idea (i.e using agian or fr the first time) seem fun and harmless, you seldom get ex users who stay ex users who like to go out and get paralytic of a weekend.

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What a load of bolloc-- it is his body and and he is free to do put what he likes in it.

True. But he's buying the drugs from who? Answer: a drug dealer who will sell to anyone, even kids. So, he's as guilty as the dealer or anyone else that buys drugs. It's the same as buying anything illegal. If you're caught, you should be punished according to the law.

I agree it's his body but it is ilegal to pocess and use drugs, by all means knock yourself out and kill yourself but do it legally.

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Um, his bigger and more important legal problem is that he has failed to pay child support to his first wife for quite some time. He's got more than enough money to do so. Personally, I could care less about his drug issue. He's responsible for his child, pay the support.

I didn't think there was any such thing in Thailand.

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I'm surprised this didn't make the news. I just broke the law, but it's 7/11's fault. And every doctor in the country suddenly out of work? Are you sure about this. I'm surprised this didn't make the news.

I know they made - some - drugs illegal because the psychiatric industry doesn't trust itself to regulate Desoxyn (methamphetamine). This is probably fair enough, but we should probably take Alprazolam, Diazepam, all the benzos actually; all the anti-psychotics, all the sedatives, and the placebos / SSRIs and the rest off those self-claimed crooks - they can't pay for the right to be middle men, standing between sufferers of pain, and pain relief - and then simultaneously claim they cannot do their job when it comes to the relatively safe meds like Desoxyn (methamphetamine). That's a confession of incompetence which is quite noble, really - it's a pity they all should be arrested for the contradiction, of course.

They shouldn't be allowed to just carry on with their 'caring' monopoly (who are they afraid of competing with? they seem to think you won't select them in an open market which pits them against randoms off the street - it bears thinking about, seems they aren't that confident in you - I wonder why...). But to be allowed to continue to stand between suffering and relief of pain, when they concede they aren't capable of being professional with a FDA-approved medicine...it's a bit of a joke, really. They give Desoxyn to children with ADHD in the US. No addiction. No psychotic episodes as the poisonous addictives and substitutes take their toll over time. No overdosing. One wonders, if therein lies the 'problems' with FDA approved meds. Hardly lucrative, without the hooks.

Imagine how many people Xanax would kill if drug dealers sold it to children, after 'making' it with whatever they have lying around at any given time - because, obviously, the government would need to further control the ingredients. What other options are even left for them, to battle the poison killing 4 million Thais - unnecessarily. Or necessarily, depending on which side of the 'fence' you're on.

Unfortunitly, the kids that get hookrd on said drugs often do take off their clothes to support their habit. Think it through to the end result of drug use. What you are saying, is that drug use is a victimless crime??

You got it the other way around, but yes. Unfortunately, children that are trained to please (their parents, bless their cotton socks - and I understand, few complaints are made about their massage techniques) require pain relief, in order to sustain such universal pleasing.

Aren't you lucky that when you're in pain, you just grin and bear it? But you can grit your teeth all you like when you have a headache or a hangover or sunburn; but try having all of those and going to work - where you can please, I imagine, or not please - but when you're against the law and non-existent, you'd be advised to please. You understand?

Drug users are not criminals.

They are sick people who need medical attention.

please have more respect.

They are victims, that's for sure. Equally as sure as the fact they don't - need - to be. Criminals. Victims. Or sick, at all. It's all needless. Doctors in the US give their medicine to children. It's a children's treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder. I'm pretty sure no disorder or syndrome is worth 'treating' with death; or dependency / addiction which can lead to death. So children in the US get the medicine, if their doctors / parents aren't victims of marketing 'confusion' over labeling 'mishaps'. And children around the world get the poison, with the medicine conveniently banned.

"Fears of misuse" - this is what they say, if you ask them why. They fear the FDA med will be misused. Hah...? Laugh. It's funny and I'll tell you why; 40 million Thais could be misusing the FDA-regulated methamphetamine, and Thailand would still be better off than present, with 4 million dying (and killing, and leaving their kids defenceless, but mostly just dying - profitably) from the substitute poisons. You know, 40 million....or 40,000 in reality. Because medicine only becomes a problem when it makes people lose control.

Pretty optimal way to control millions of people, of course - power could be a lot trickier, if everyone were allowed to remain in control.

Don't believe what the media tells you about 1 hit and your an addict this is complete nonsense addicts for the most part choose to be addicts they too had these moments of clarity and chose to completely ignore them, this is not hot air I have been there, done that and got the tee shirt. And believe me it all has nothing to do with that hemp plant.

Everything you say is true but you nail the points, and seem to miss them all at the same time. Sufferers of pain, will take measures to alleviate their pain. This is not even remotely insightful. So when sufferers of pain find something that alleviates their pain, you can tell them to suffer all you like, but they're not going to listen to you. They're going to keep on alleivating their pain. And you can throw up your hands in exasperation, and they can feel all the guilt you care to project onto them; but who's being illogical, really? You believe they should suffer in silence, for their own good. They disagree. Now, you can arrest them for trying to limit the pain you're almost entirely responsible for in the first place (see: above) or you can dabble in humane.

Unless you're getting kickbacks from the sale of poisons, you can take my word for it; a little humanity from you, will be doing you a bigger favour than them. But everyone wins, of course - with humanity. Except those who are 'confused' about how to govern, and regulate, and protect, and...serve.

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Whether it was in thailand or timbuktu it really does not matter. His record company dumped him for drug abuse. He is getting the chance to get help and to be honest I commend the Thai Government for giving him the chance and not righting him off.

DRUGS KILL and are proven to cause crime. THE THAI GOVERNMENT HAS MADE ALL DRUG USE ILLEGAL. If you want to do drugs fine it is your body but next time you buy ask your provider if he sells to kids?

What are you talking about??

I said he did drugs in a foreign Country and in Czech the consumption of Hard Drugs is Not illegal!! Got it??

Even the possesion is not illegal.

As long as the Thai Police has no evidence that he actually did Drugs in Thailand they cannot charge him!!

Sure they want to investigate now but there is no way they can charge him with anything...

And yes Guess he don t care much that his record Co. Dumped him he has money and Connections overseas, with a good Manager he can do his own Record Label. Anyway he stays in Europe a lot.

And will European govt let him in now they know he can control drug usage?

Some European state will let anybody in. Thaksin's a fine example of that. No European state that anyone considers non-criminal would let him in, but that's probably too fine a point.

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What a load of bolloc-- it is his body and and he is free to do put what he likes in it.

True. But he's buying the drugs from who? Answer: a drug dealer who will sell to anyone, even kids. So, he's as guilty as the dealer or anyone else that buys drugs. It's the same as buying anything illegal. If you're caught, you should be punished according to the law.

Whatever man... who get's to decide that I can't buy recreational drugs legally??

You surely never had a hit of a joint, did you?


and youve obviously never been hit by anyone driving a car smoking a joint wiping out half your family, id like to see you lighten up after that.

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What a load of bolloc-- it is his body and and he is free to do put what he likes in it.

True. But he's buying the drugs from who? Answer: a drug dealer who will sell to anyone, even kids. So, he's as guilty as the dealer or anyone else that buys drugs. It's the same as buying anything illegal. If you're caught, you should be punished according to the law.

Whatever man... who get's to decide that I can't buy recreational drugs legally??

You surely never had a hit of a joint, did you?


and youve obviously never been hit by anyone driving a car smoking a joint wiping out half your family, id like to see you lighten up after that.

if this really happened to you, my condolences.

as bad as an event as that would be, you can't use it as an argument to prove the 'evilness' of weed

it's the persons stupidity for driving the car

do you drink alcohol?

well people blame the person for drink driving when they cause an accident.. they don't blame beer.

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Whether it was in thailand or timbuktu it really does not matter. His record company dumped him for drug abuse. He is getting the chance to get help and to be honest I commend the Thai Government for giving him the chance and not righting him off.

DRUGS KILL and are proven to cause crime. THE THAI GOVERNMENT HAS MADE ALL DRUG USE ILLEGAL. If you want to do drugs fine it is your body but next time you buy ask your provider if he sells to kids?

What are you talking about??

I said he did drugs in a foreign Country and in Czech the consumption of Hard Drugs is Not illegal!! Got it??

Even the possesion is not illegal.

As long as the Thai Police has no evidence that he actually did Drugs in Thailand they cannot charge him!!

Sure they want to investigate now but there is no way they can charge him with anything...

And yes Guess he don t care much that his record Co. Dumped him he has money and Connections overseas, with a good Manager he can do his own Record Label. Anyway he stays in Europe a lot.

And will European govt let him in now they know he can control drug usage?

Some European state will let anybody in. Thaksin's a fine example of that. No European state that anyone considers non-criminal would let him in, but that's probably too fine a point.

haha, typical.. i'll guess you're american?

since european states that anyone considers non criminal are too fine a point, please name them.

what countries in europe have you spent enough time in yourself to make this judgement btw?

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No the point I was trying to make was pretty simple, before becoming an addict which takes a period of months not the popular 1 hit your an addict myth everyones inner voice speaks to them and tells them either carry on this path to rack and ruin or get smart and fly straight, at this point if you choose to say no there is very little to no physical pain its more mental, the morally bankrupt will carry on the path to rack and ruin and people who actually give a toss about others around them will come good. At this point I don't believe and know from my own experiences there is no pain, futher down the road I concede there is but not at the point before you become an addict and are just a casual user then there is none.

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Interesting point but don’t you think that the drugs themselves might have anything to do with getting or being morally bankrupt?

It depends a bit what type of drug you’re using but over time there’s definite changes in brain chemistry taking place which will impact your behavior.

These changes can be quite subtle and because everybody’s brain is wired differently there is no clear point in time when changes become permanent but once you reach that stage there is no more point of return basically.

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There is a cultural point here. In Thailand its all about saving face and being seen to do the right thing. So even if you are a rock star, you are expected to look mean but act like a mouse and be all polite and attentive to your fans. I am sure lots of Thai stars are into drugs, its just that you don't advertise it and hide it from your public persona. I would say by his behavior he can't handle drugs, so he does need to put himself into rehab. At least if he does he will look to be doing the right thing and people will support him for doing so. Sometimes you need to loose a little face to gain some face?

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Interesting point but don’t you think that the drugs themselves might have anything to do with getting or being morally bankrupt?

It depends a bit what type of drug you’re using but over time there’s definite changes in brain chemistry taking place which will impact your behavior.

These changes can be quite subtle and because everybody’s brain is wired differently there is no clear point in time when changes become permanent but once you reach that stage there is no more point of return basically.

I think they certainly don't help but don't believe they are the sole cause of becoming morally bankrupt, and I also don't believe there is ever no more point of return I have met many people have returned to normality after decades of usage anything is beatable with the will to do so although the brain and thought patterns may need reprogramming to a certain degree..

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No the point I was trying to make was pretty simple, before becoming an addict which takes a period of months not the popular 1 hit your an addict myth everyones inner voice speaks to them and tells them either carry on this path to rack and ruin or get smart and fly straight, at this point if you choose to say no there is very little to no physical pain its more mental, the morally bankrupt will carry on the path to rack and ruin and people who actually give a toss about others around them will come good. At this point I don't believe and know from my own experiences there is no pain, futher down the road I concede there is but not at the point before you become an addict and are just a casual user then there is none.

You clearly know what you're talking about, but I'm surprised that your understanding of the realities of what - creates - dependance isn't simultaneously the clue that should show everyone that we're talking about fundamental contributing variables that have almost nothing to do with the drug - or with it's degree of dependance. 99/100 people have compulsive habits they don't even realise they're effectively slaves to - but then I didn't like exploiting disparities of intelligence in the first place - exploiting compulsion of gamblers who've lost the ability to act in their own best interests because they're afraid, and in pain - doing this (making them afraid, then making them 'lose...everything" - creating pain is a license to print money. A license to print misery. My misery! Who cares about them. I did, eventually, once I started being selfish enough to be decent.

The mental compulsion driving non-addicted people to dive seemingly head-first into suffering, might not be understood by them - but it's all incredibly simple and even logical, really. They're in pain. They're attracted to pain...relief. No one gets 'surprised' by physiological dependency - well, they're going to wake up dependent on poison at some point and there might be some surprise because they thought they were in control over a moderate or lengthy period of time.

But they weren't. They were addicted a long time before they realised they were physiologically compelled to do what they've already been mentally compelled to do - for months or years leading up the physical pain. It's a logical proof that cannot be countered. You don't take drugs when you're happy (oh you might think you do, but it's nonsense). Happy people don't sacrifice their happiness, in desperation. They wouldn't be desperate. Happy people definitely don't start exposing themselves to petty crime, violent criminals, vile poison and - total self-annihilation and eventual death. It literally doesn't matter what delusional reason you have for doing that, there is only one reason - ever - you weren't happy. And you were trying to be. It's simple.

When you're complete, when you're coping, when you're functional - you don't resort to such drastic measures to find X (happiness, creativity, motivation, confidence, etc). People who are resorting to taking poisons, are - provably - not in control. They are not happy. If they were, they wouldn't be using drugs. But then we live in a world where everyone is blasted with this ludicrous brainwashing, where everyone has to to fake being happy all the time. It doesn't matter whether you're happy or not. It's considered - you're considered - to be repulsive if you're miserable or distraught. No one cares a twig for your reasons, who cares if you have 'excuses' for why you're not faking it. Maybe you were raped. Maybe you raped someone. Maybe you're damaged and trying to 'recover' from a traumatic childhood. Maybe you're just sick of working like a dog doing a job you hate, for chump change. Maybe you don't like your prospects. Maybe you don't like how you look in a mirror. Maybe you've lost hope things will "turn around for you". Maybe you've been lied to your whole life by people who lie to you, for your benefit or to save your feelings. Maybe you're just sick of being patronised and insulted by endless idiocy. Sick of the boredom of imbecilic small talk. Maybe you're just unhappy, and you don't know why. Or maybe everyone else is sick, and that's why you're in pain.

Maybe you're sick, and you're in pain.

Maybe there isn't anything - maybe - about it.

It doesn't matter, why people take medicine; because 100% of the time whether they realise it or not, people take drugs to alleviate pain they're suffering, or to hopefully ward off imminent pain. There is literally no other reason to drink alcohol, fill a prescription, or score. It's 100% pain relief.

Sure, people will tell themselves to stop taking their meds when the meds are illicit and poisonous and addictive - just because you're in pain, doesn't make you stupid. But then it's a bit silly of junkies, and of those who tell them to stop, if they forget why they started - in the first place. Being smart and flying straight, was painful. Looks like they have a dilemma, and they must choose between pain and pain. And this is why 95% of junkies return to pain relief. Sure it's poison, and they're being silly because it's procrastination of pain - nothing more. But it's perfectly understandable.

But then the choice doesn't need to be, between pain and pain (delayed). It could be a choice between pain and medicine, if Middle Men of Medicine didn't stand in the way.

It's beyond tacky to force the suffering for profit, and then to scorn the victims for suffering - unnecessarily. Medicines rarely kill people. Poisons don't kill, fast enough. And you will die, of course; when you're dependent on poisons. But you'll cause a lot of pain, getting from A to B. And you know what people do when you cause them pain?

Yeah. I mean, it's not rocket science.


Interesting point but don’t you think that the drugs themselves might have anything to do with getting or being morally bankrupt?

It depends a bit what type of drug you’re using but over time there’s definite changes in brain chemistry taking place which will impact your behavior.

These changes can be quite subtle and because everybody’s brain is wired differently there is no clear point in time when changes become permanent but once you reach that stage there is no more point of return basically.

It's a misconception that junkies are soulless and/or have lost touch with reality; they just really drunk I think so it might appear that way. But they're not evil, they don't even become evil. They're not having fun, creating suffering and misery - if they cause any. If they cause any, it's purely because they've lost control and are trying to act in their own best interests, and failing miserably. They get to that point, eventually - anyone would, being forced to take poisons. But initially junkies feel more than is normal or sane, because they over-dosing on emotion. Too much ecstasy, too much shame, too much happiness, too much swinging from highs to lows, too fast, it's all too much and not-remotely-sustainable. They spin out of control, even if they have only the best intentions. They get loose, sloppy, they make mistakes in their personal lives, or behind the wheels of 2 tonne moving vehicles.

It's very hard to get the dosage right, for poison. 4 drinks? Or have i had 14. What is standard, anyway - when half the country over the age of 18 is getting blind every other night and lying about it every night, and every day, in shame and misery. You might think bar owners are in a tough spot, when the government forces them to be conflicted about selling their product to a customer with cash and intent to buy. But junkies trying to make ends meet by selling their victimisation to others, are in a pretty tough spot when children with cash hit them up. If you think junkies and dealers are slinging to schools, you know nothing about commerce.

The guys that understand commerce, are the ones who are responsible for everything. They ban the medicine. To clear the market for their poison. Supplied by associates who are too stupid to be plausible but cannot seem to get themselves arrested, even though millions of people know what they're in the business of doing. They're protected until they're not. They're pawns, they have no power because they can't ban the medicine. And that's where the money is made. All they can do is make the substitute poison/s, as their competitors are frozen out by politicians who routinely announce brazenly that they'll be killing more innocents on account of their inspired Prohibitions not working.

Hey man, what else can they be expected to do?

Chemicals don't make you immoral. There is no such thing as immorality, there is only mind-blowing confusion about "good" v "bad", "saints" v "sinners", "right" v "wrong" and an entire world hilariously confused about 'selfishness'.

You either act in your own best interests, or you don't. If you think your best interests are served by causing suffering, then bully for you. But you're tragically confused. The human genome is not hard-wired to enjoy self-destruction. It's not remotely coincidental that we are all hard-wired to be selfish, and therefore we are all hard-wired to be empathetic / intelligent. Selfishness, when it is intelligent, will fight alongside other selfishness, for the shared good - if only to ensure the self is best protected. I know the best way to exploit humanity, and I bet you know it too. Look around. 7 billion people, being 'selfish' idiotically. They aren't even bright enough to understand why they should be ashamed. But then they've been tricked into thinking they can profit, from hurting others.

There is no morality or immorality. Those are constructs invented by very vile people who want to confuse you; distract you from the simplicity that is: Your will always have the desire to act in your own best interests.

When those who have lots that understanding, want to profit from exploiting you, it's very easy really. They just make you very confused, and ratchet up the pain so that you can't get out of their trap.

WIth medicine you could get out of their trap easily. When you're not in pain, you'll be able to assess your own interests a great deal more accurately. And they don't want you doing that. Hah. No that's the LAST thing they want. So they pretend they're stupid, in trying to make you stupid.

But all you need is Faith. And then everyone gets confused. And confused people feel pain, the worst.

There is only your ability to control your actions, and direct them in your own best interests. I understand poison makes girls sell their bodies to buy more suffering. It's hardly immoral, is it? They've merely lost the ability to be intelligent - maybe they never had it. Maybe you can draw the dots, together.

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Maybe the headline could read...

"GRAMMY worried that their pop song magic formula will be destroyed by musicians who use recreational drugs"

Seriously, have you heard Thai pop music??? Someone please GIVE THEM SOME DRUGS and they'll feel embarrassed enough to improve their music.

Making Sek go to rehab is simply retarded and shows their level of ignorance and sheer stupidity.

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Interesting point but don’t you think that the drugs themselves might have anything to do with getting or being morally bankrupt?

It depends a bit what type of drug you’re using but over time there’s definite changes in brain chemistry taking place which will impact your behavior.

These changes can be quite subtle and because everybody’s brain is wired differently there is no clear point in time when changes become permanent but once you reach that stage there is no more point of return basically.

I think they certainly don't help but don't believe they are the sole cause of becoming morally bankrupt, and I also don't believe there is ever no more point of return I have met many people have returned to normality after decades of usage anything is beatable with the will to do so although the brain and thought patterns may need reprogramming to a certain degree..

Not sure why you deleted your other post to which I wanted to reply.

Anyway I’ve used a variety of drugs as a kid and followed the classic route from weed to lsd to heroin to cocaine to amphetamine and never felt any suffering.

I enjoyed them all until I lost my mind and that’s when the suffering started.

In those days (25-30 years ago) the health service for the most part didn’t really know how to deal with addiction and things like drug induced psychosis for example so in my case I got subjected to a whole range of pharmaceuticals which were supposed to get me straight again.

Unfortunately most of these pharmaceuticals have nasty side effects and that’s when the suffering really started.

This might sound strange but for me the so called legal drugs were much worse than anything illegal I had ever taken.

Anyway it’s all water under the bridge and nowadays I stick to alcohol and nicotine out of which nicotine is probably the most addictive because it’s the only drug that the majority of people don’t like when they first try it but they keep on coming back for more.

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Interesting point but don’t you think that the drugs themselves might have anything to do with getting or being morally bankrupt?

It depends a bit what type of drug you’re using but over time there’s definite changes in brain chemistry taking place which will impact your behavior.

These changes can be quite subtle and because everybody’s brain is wired differently there is no clear point in time when changes become permanent but once you reach that stage there is no more point of return basically.

I think they certainly don't help but don't believe they are the sole cause of becoming morally bankrupt, and I also don't believe there is ever no more point of return I have met many people have returned to normality after decades of usage anything is beatable with the will to do so although the brain and thought patterns may need reprogramming to a certain degree..

Not sure why you deleted your other post to which I wanted to reply.

Anyway I’ve used a variety of drugs as a kid and followed the classic route from weed to lsd to heroin to cocaine to amphetamine and never felt any suffering.

I enjoyed them all until I lost my mind and that’s when the suffering started.

In those days (25-30 years ago) the health service for the most part didn’t really know how to deal with addiction and things like drug induced psychosis for example so in my case I got subjected to a whole range of pharmaceuticals which were supposed to get me straight again.

Unfortunately most of these pharmaceuticals have nasty side effects and that’s when the suffering really started.

This might sound strange but for me the so called legal drugs were much worse than anything illegal I had ever taken.

Anyway it’s all water under the bridge and nowadays I stick to alcohol and nicotine out of which nicotine is probably the most addictive because it’s the only drug that the majority of people don’t like when they first try it but they keep on coming back for more.

I deleted it as people tend to form an opinion on what you were and to be honest it in no way reflects the person I have become, i'm not sure why I wrote the post in the first place as even when I had my problems I was never the touchy feely type who sat around at AA meeting talking about stuff I have always been more of the old school bottle it up and bury it at the back of your mind and get on with life way of thinking. Thats not to say that the AA road is bad and doesn't help people it just was never for me thats all.

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Does he have a soppy all-too-sweetsie sounding voice like all other popular Thai boy singers? When will Thailand get a male singer who can sing with more depth than a canary on quaaludes?

Quualudes, now we're talking licklips.gif

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