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Why Are Farangs Terrified Of Thai Guys ?


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I gave him a sarcastic smile as he left and never saw him again.

I always find that sarcastic smile to be a winner.

The sarcastic smile did come after he told the guy, "any more menaces from you, and you'll be in trouble with my friend".

Now, when someone says that, you know they mean business.

P.S. Only pulling your leg Simon.

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I used to be a little circumspect on my way to the pub walking past the nightclubs outside which the teenage neds would hang around. Any place where young lads gather, drink and take drugs is likely to be a suitable place for random unfortunate events in any country. That said, it wasn't enough to make me walk a different way, or take the train or a taxi.

I always laugh when people say they feel so safe here; I've never been mugged in Glasgow either...


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I had a situation some time back when a Thai neighbour accused my cats of killing his prized show-bird. I guessed he was trying scam me as the bird wasn't actually his and it was probably his own negligence that caused its death. Also, my moggies were only five months old and the bird cage was over two meters off the ground at the front of his house. No way could my cats have jumped that high.

He demanded 9,000 baht 'compensation'. I told him to get stuffed, politely of course, smiling... My GF did the translating.

A bit later five of his mates came over and they all gathered in his front yard, talking loudly and looking and gesturing towards my house. I went over to talk to him in front of his friends, one of whom had his hand behind his back. maybe he was carrying, I don't know. My GF wasn't too happy but I was damned if I was going to be intimidated in my own soi. I poured scorn on him for needing five friends to sort out a problem over a stupid bird. I didn't raise my voice or make any threatening gestures, just stuck to my guns and smiled while my GF translated that I held him in utter contempt. His friends seemed uneasy and taken aback by my bold approach. I then pulled my trump card which he didn't suspect I had.

I knew the owner of 'his' house. He was renting from a Swedish friend of mine and I told him that any further menaces from him, I would call my friend and have him evicted. Then we left.

Long story short, he carried on the same way (minus his friends who I think left him to deal with it alone) for another couple of days so I called my friend. The Thai agent he used came round the following day and evicted the nasty little piece of work. I gave him a sarcastic smile as he left and never saw him again.

I don't go looking for trouble and personally don't like violence but I won't be intimidated or abused by anyone, Thai or falang, anywhere. Stand your ground and most of them are cowards who will melt. Sure, you have to pick the times to walk away, they might come back with some heat but if it's right outside your front door what are you going to do?

Just my tuppenyworth.

A few weeks back I had a minor issue at the front of my apartment.

Popped down to jip-sipit to get some stuff, had my daughter with me at the time. Upon walking back home I encountered 4-5 lads sat on the path that not only refused to let us pass but quite rudely and aggressively told us to walk around. With my little girl in tow I just did what they said.

With a couple of beers inside me however, I wouldn't let it go and once my daughter was safely back at home with Mrs. Rakers I headed back downstairs. Saw them outside and having barley said 2 word (probably something like 'Oi, you') they became very apologetic and scrambled for their bikes.

A bit stupid of me in hindsight. Just one of those could well have beaten and with 4-5 I'd have had no chance, but then lots of things seem like a good idea on a couple of beers.

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I'm not terrified of Thai guys, but I think it is better to avoid altercations with them as they can be very vicious if they feel that they have been wronged and they are not adverse to having their friends help sort someone out

Of course there are plenty of Westerners that fall in the same category, but they are less likely to have large numbers of buddies who are willing to risk going to jail in Thailand to help them out. unsure.png

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Two things I AM scared of: British house spiders and my Thai GF when she's in one of her moods. She's known amongst our circle of friends as 'The Volcano' All 5 foot nothing of her but packs a punch! One falang neither of us had any time for got drunk in our local mom 'n' pop shop and bad-mouthed her when she went in to do some shopping. She overheard the insult, walked over to him, said "Eat my shoe" and slapped him hard in the mouth with the heel of her shoe. She hit him so hard it cut his lip and chipped his tooth! I was so proud of her, she got extra hugs that day.

Scares the bejeebers out of me tho'...wub.png

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All you guys that bend over and take it are detrimental to the rest of us and contribute to Thai guys laughing at us.

Man up <deleted>.

<deleted>, did you not consider that most Farangs here are old?

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All you guys that bend over and take it are detrimental to the rest of us and contribute to Thai guys laughing at us.

Man up <deleted>.

<deleted>, did you not consider that most Farangs here are old?

Sorry Tropo, I didn't take that into consideration.

But point well taken and underestood, I just assumed ( stupidly ) that most here were like me, young, virile, handsome and sexy.

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But point well taken and underestood, I just assumed ( stupidly ) that most here were like me, young, virile, handsome and sexy.

...and with those fine attributes, prone to chatting up sidewalk vendor blokes? You should be down the clubs chasing the hi-so Thai-Chinese graduates mate!

(The female ones I mean).

Edited by NanLaew
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All you guys that bend over and take it are detrimental to the rest of us and contribute to Thai guys laughing at us.

Man up <deleted>.

<deleted>, did you not consider that most Farangs here are old?

Eh? huh.gif

What part of old has you confused?

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How pathetic mrs Mills.

I have a few male Thai friends and never been afraid of one yet. There are times to be wary of any person depending on the situation and circumstances. Same as there is a time to confront and a time to back down and walk away or avoid altogether.


Edited by pattayadingo
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A classic wind-up thread, if I've ever seen one. Bravo Mrs. Mills, you succeeded yet again.


Indeed, nice attempt at trolling and baiting members into posts that violate forum rules.

sigh, happy holidays to you too.


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