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I've read on hobo maps that there is now a minivan service (from November 2011) from Mae Sai to CR. Anyone know the cost and from where in Mae Sai/ Chiang Rai it departs from? Also does the minivan drop you off anywhere in CR (different provinces, different rules).



thanks -- emm, perhaps with all due respect either help sincerely or dont -- blindly directing someone to a thai only site isnt really in the spirit of it ....



I am so sorry, but I made the mistake of thinking, that you-as every one I know, wood be able to translate such a page.

Normaly google or another one have translators, and normaly windows have it to, build in.


brianmarinus - perhaps your abilities are above google, mine and two Thai friends cos the website proffered does not contain any information on a minivan service (lotto) from Mai Sai to CR, and thus cannot answer any of the three questions in the OP - it lists the green bus service. Thanks for replying but in general people are looking for specific answers to specific questions, not just any answers.

Incidentally if u can find the answers to the op I'd very much appreciate if I could send the specific link to me.


The mini bus van leaves Chiang Rai's old bus station every hour to mae Sai, less than 50 baht.

I will stop anywhere along the way to drop you off.

Hi - thanks- You are referring to the new minivan service or normal bus service (like brian above). Did you come back to CR on the minivan? Does it depart from Mae Sai bus station or closer to the border? Will it stop near Over Brooke hospital or just at the bus station like a normal bus does?



Hi, Yes I am referring to the new mini van service Chiamg Rai - Mae Sai- Chiang Rai. Leaves from the old bus station in Chiang Rai.Arrives and departs the bus station in Mae Sai. It doesn't go anywhere near the Overbrook hospital but will stop for you anywhere you want to get off.

When you get to Mae Sai you get a taxi(15 baht) to the border. re my previous post.


Thanks Dindong - was hoping it went as far as the border (done this trip 20 times or so) – The slow bus is fun when ur not in a hurry and the minivan is a step in the right direction – Again thanks for the help

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