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Thai Policeman Kills Six Fellow Officers After Drinking Session


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I read somewhere that Thailand is actually an extremely dangerous country having (according to the article) the 2nd highest hand gun murder rate in the world,not per.capita.

Some research has shown that this may not be far off the mark.

Wikipedia cites Colombia as number 1 with 51.77 gun homicides per 100,000 people, followed by Guatemala (18.50) and Paraguay (7.35).

The Wikipedia list doesn't include Thailand, but looking at the source information, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, gives Thailand (as of the year 2000), a rate of 33 per 100,000, from 20,032 gun homicides across the country during the year. Compare that rate with the US (2.97), Germany (0.47), Australia (0.31) and the UK (0.12).

The figure seems very high -- are 55 people really being shot to death in Thailand every day? -- but those are the UN figures.

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Gee,I'm 60 and can't ever remember it happening here.Please,regale me where else it happens.

Tragic, but this doesn't happen in Thailand only ... but let's see what the Thai bashers have to say...

I have to agree LTGTR. I to can't recall any incident when one police officer shot 6 others and critically wounded the 7th one before turning the gun on himself. Not even one who comitted a crime and was running from the law. So this incident is very rare for sure.

Trying to piece it together is difficult as well. It may have started out as 8 Co-workers out to celebrate some of them getting a promotion. Maybe one of them was jealous that he was not one of them in this position and felt he should have been. Something like, "If it weren't for so in so, I would have this promotion".

Jealousy can be a very powerful emotion which if not controlled, and adding alcohol, can lead to a thing like this. How many wives or husbands found dead in the hands of there spouses for infidelity? Me things that the Motive was Jealousy that exploded out of control after a few to many drinks of courage. That is to say that, "If I can't have it.... then nobody will".

Very sad for the families over something so senseless.

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Thai policeman kills six fellow officers

BANGKOK, December 27, 2011 (AFP) - A policeman in southern Thailand shot dead six fellow officers before turning the gun on himself after a drinking session in a police canteen turned sour, local police said Tuesday.

Alcohol is served at a police canteen? Astounding.

I gave training to the Czech national police a few years back. At lunch they got into drinking large bottles of beer. They were pretty well wasted during the afternoon session. I didn't take it personally as my session only began on the second day... but they did it again. Was part of the culture there. I worked for a national police agency for several years also. I can tell you that off-duty drinking was very prevalent... these guys are human and have jobs that are a mix of stress and boredom. Those that bunked in more remote detachments would of course drink in the detachment (when off-duty of course). These Thai police appear to have been stationed in a remote area (a 'police camp') ... where they work may be where they sleep. If so, it wouldn't be surprising for them to be drinking there...

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At least we should all be thankfull that there were no innocent victims.

really are you sure of that?

Ya! Me To. Seems to me we have 6 innocent victums and one jealous gunman.

Lets not forget the probably 30+ innocent secondary victims in mothers, wives, children etc. To simply suggest that there were no innocent victims is callous and extreemly insensitive. My sympathy to the families of the victims and the offender who also will be suffering.

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I cannot recall ever seeing a report of a police officer executing his colleagues in my couple of decades in the West.

I can recall about half a dozen reports of such in my half a decade in Thailand.

I believe that many Thais have repressed anger due to the culture, and that they never get to practice it in a rational manner, thus it builds up and up and up.... while they are culturally forced through conditioning to smile....

It's really quite unhealthy emotionally.

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They are not allowed in the culture to show anger, so it stays bottled up till they get drunk, and that is the only time they are forgiving for showing negative emotions.

It's hard to believe we're living in the same country. Where I live Thais show anger at a drop of the hat - anywhere, anytime - and sober. I also see policemen frequently displaying anger.

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Tragic story and my condolences to the families.

What on earth are they doing drinking alcohol on Police premises even if they were off duty? We are subject to drug and alcohol testing, randomly and we definately cannot have any alcohol on the premises, even unopened.

I assume you are being ironic here.

Pissed up cops on duty, in uniform and carrying their gun are a common sight in every small town in Thailand.

Small town, big town/city they are all the same....Chooka, Beer is more common than water in police stations unfortunately

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Tragic story and my condolences to the families.

What on earth are they doing drinking alcohol on Police premises even if they were off duty? We are subject to drug and alcohol testing, randomly and we definately cannot have any alcohol on the premises, even unopened.

I assume you are being ironic here.

Pissed up cops on duty, in uniform and carrying their gun are a common sight in every small town in Thailand.

Small town, big town/city they are all the same....Chooka, Beer is more common than water in police stations unfortunately

I've lost count at the number of "sobriety checkpoints" I've driven through in holiday seasons where I espied a bottle of whiskey on the table under the tent the officers and other local puyai sit in while the soberest one checks the cars passing by.

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Tragic story and my condolences to the families.

What on earth are they doing drinking alcohol on Police premises even if they were off duty? We are subject to drug and alcohol testing, randomly and we definately cannot have any alcohol on the premises, even unopened.

I assume you are being ironic here.

Pissed up cops on duty, in uniform and carrying their gun are a common sight in every small town in Thailand.

Small town, big town/city they are all the same....Chooka, Beer is more common than water in police stations unfortunately

I guess you are refering to Thai Police Stations. I know of Police Stations where alcohol is forbidden (apart from evidence) Places where you will face internal disciplinary action, places where you are randomly tested for alcohol and drugs and repeat offenders could find themselves on welfare. If you are found with alcohol in your system you are not allowed near a vehicle or firearm or the public and may be sent home. Yes you may be right and it may be common in SOME police stations.

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I was told that Thailand is high up on the list of countries with a high murder rate.

True or False I don't know but having a life time of learning to repress anger can not help matters.

Murdering with guns is after Columbia and Southafrica, but in a limited area. (International Mafia established areas)

For the rest of Thailand you can be quiet.

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At least we should all be thankfull that there were no innocent victims.

really are you sure of that?

Ya! Me To. Seems to me we have 6 innocent victums and one jealous gunman.

Lets not forget the probably 30+ innocent secondary victims in mothers, wives, children etc. To simply suggest that there were no innocent victims is callous and extreemly insensitive. My sympathy to the families of the victims and the offender who also will be suffering.

Their families would have been a lot more fortunate if it was an attack by militants or even a border dispute. In this type of case, no one is going to get one of those posthumous promotions (and increased pension support for the families), even if some of the guys had relatively good work records.


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sorry Sirs, but the most anoying postings or talkings with Expats in Thailand start with: One of my friends is a policeman.... My best friends brother is the chief of the police station here.... My lady I havent met at a bar.... my former ladyfriend was once a police woman.... UNFORTUNATELY I hear stories like this on a daily basis ....and you know what... Its just blablabla

Fact is some BiB shoot themselfs and if there is someone who calls the TV members Thai-Bashers because they live here for some time to know

more similar stories like that, he must be worked or lived in Central Africa before...may be its common there to shoot each other while wearing a uniform.

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should have promoted him to a special forces kill squad earlier. wow - 6 people in close quarters with most likely one magazine. impressive. additional points for being drunk.

20 round magazine is easy to kill ppl at close quarters 3 rounds for each victim not too difficult

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Maybe the killer saw western movie the night before, and thought he was Billy the bib.

Out of uniform off duty, free style, no problems. Here the big problem is fact, most police at a guess do drink on duty.

At a town function to bless the monarchs past birthday, next to our v.i.p. table was the police, in uniform at a table on duty.

As all tables were blessed with a Blend whiskey, and beer. All were drinking and armed. They were there to stop problems and keep order. How capable were they, reaction would be slower, thinking less clear. I do feel sorry for the relatives of the dead,especially any -now fatherless kids.

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It seems common sense that Police Oficers should not be allowed to be drunk while on duty. Random drug testing of all Police Officers should be routine. If found to be under the influence of drugs, or alcohol, they should be terminated from employment. Training needs to be improved, and updated annually. Anger management must be part of this training. Psychological assistance should be offered and available for Police Officers. This is a very streesful profession in any country. We have Human Beings doing these jobs not Super Men. Bettter training creates a more professional Police Department.

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I read somewhere that Thailand is actually an extremely dangerous country having (according to the article) the 2nd highest hand gun murder rate in the world,not per.capita.

It is per capita and Thailand is 3rd. (US is 4th or 5th depending on whose stats you are looking at)

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It seems common sense that Police Oficers should not be allowed to be drunk while on duty. Random drug testing of all Police Officers should be routine. If found to be under the influence of drugs, or alcohol, they should be terminated from employment. Training needs to be improved, and updated annually. Anger management must be part of this training. Psychological assistance should be offered and available for Police Officers. This is a very streesful profession in any country. We have Human Beings doing these jobs not Super Men. Bettter training creates a more professional Police Department.

Were they on duty? In many places police are required to carry their gun at all times, even when off duty. However, I believe they are also never supposed to be intoxicated.

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It seems common sense that Police Oficers should not be allowed to be drunk while on duty. Random drug testing of all Police Officers should be routine. If found to be under the influence of drugs, or alcohol, they should be terminated from employment. Training needs to be improved, and updated annually. Anger management must be part of this training. Psychological assistance should be offered and available for Police Officers. This is a very streesful profession in any country. We have Human Beings doing these jobs not Super Men. Bettter training creates a more professional Police Department.

What is stressful about being a Thai policeman, other than having to follow the orders of imbeciles and steal to earn your living? The main job they perform is to allow motorcades of people more important than you to pass by, while obstructing all other traffic. They tend to drink inbetween these assignments unless they've been assigned to a roadside shakedown, in which case they drink during the assignment.

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It seems common sense that Police Oficers should not be allowed to be drunk while on duty. Random drug testing of all Police Officers should be routine. If found to be under the influence of drugs, or alcohol, they should be terminated from employment. Training needs to be improved, and updated annually. Anger management must be part of this training. Psychological assistance should be offered and available for Police Officers. This is a very streesful profession in any country. We have Human Beings doing these jobs not Super Men. Bettter training creates a more professional Police Department.

Were they on duty? In many places police are required to carry their gun at all times, even when off duty. However, I believe they are also never supposed to be intoxicated.

One poster said they were intoxicated and gambling and the argument was over one of them cheating at cards.

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It seems common sense that Police Oficers should not be allowed to be drunk while on duty. Random drug testing of all Police Officers should be routine. If found to be under the influence of drugs, or alcohol, they should be terminated from employment. Training needs to be improved, and updated annually. Anger management must be part of this training. Psychological assistance should be offered and available for Police Officers. This is a very streesful profession in any country. We have Human Beings doing these jobs not Super Men. Bettter training creates a more professional Police Department.

Problem here is it doesn't happen that way, your post is the thing that should be happening, but the bib are having to suffer greatly by being given inactive posts, I think that is inhumane. Just think about it-being given a desk job and no worries. Sick is the word. But it is the government of the day to stop all this crap, and who is the police chief-FAMILY hahaha.

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