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Time to take your eyes off the sugary treats in the karaoke bars and get to the protein of what really matters in people's lives in Thailand. Villas, and visas.  :o


Well said.

There are a lot of issues out there that matter to farang in Thailand that don't have to do with "backward Thais" not washing their hands before they serve up dog meat or yet another topic that equates Thailand with the sex industry.

I'd certainly be interested in learning about the in's and out's of real estate law, or how to practically apply the Treaty of Amity to owning a business, or how to ensure that my children get properly registered as American citizens. Or heck, just general life interest topics like the new Foodland opening on Viphavadee Rangsit (and whether or not they will sell Mountain Dew and sour cream), or a feature on the Joe Louis Puppet theater, or travel tips for quick weekend getaways to nearby provinces, etc....

Geeesh, right there in one paragraph I listed off half-a-dozen topics for their show, and that's without even trying. If those guys really have a hard time finding news, it's probably because they're not looking that hard (or not looking beyond Sukhumvit/Silom/Pattaya).

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True. Very true. One does wonder however how many of these upstanding expats, of which I happen to be one, arrived here in the first place and partook? lol in the sex. In fact, one wonders how many actually arrived here in the first place due to the lure of said sex...

We shall never know.....  :o

True, true. One will never know the answer to that question, I can only base my opinion on my personal experience. I came to Thailand originally to visit Thai friends who'd moved back home from New York. I came, I liked, and I saw a lot of opportunity.

If I'd have been visiting friends in Houston and seen the same things, I probably would have moved there. I didn't see a move to Bangkok as being significantly different than a move to any city in the States. If I could move to Houston or Seattle for a better standard of living and better opportunities, why not Bangkok?

I'm sure there are a lot of other guys who had the same idea I had. Come here and live a good life in a country were our talents and skills are not only in short supply, but also appreciated more (anyone who's worked for a dot-com knows what I'm talking about).

I moved here with girlfriend in tow, so "partaking in the wild life" wasn't an option even if I had wanted to. After she bailed (didn't like the climate, fashion or food), I dated just like I would back in the States (movies, discos, bowling, etc...). I met my wife in a bookstore in the Mall, the same kind of happenstance meeting I'm sure many husbands and wives have had the world over.

My point is, the sex industry holds absolutely no "allure" for me at all, and therefore a radio program that seems to feature it on a regular basis wouldn't appeal to me, or many other "settled" farang.

I'm just a normal, regular guy who came here for the same reasons any normal regular guy would move to any other city in the world. Did I met a girl here and settle down? Sure, why not? I would have probably done the same thing if I'd moved to Seattle. But to say that I came here TO meet a girl would be a gross misrepresentation of my motives.

Which is why I have a high degree of intolerance for people who constantly characterize Thailand as some oversized brothel with nothing more to offer the world than its women (or men if your tastes run that way).

Its a cheap shot that Thailand doesn't deserve.

My point is, the sex industry holds absolutely no "allure" for me at all, and therefore a radio program that seems to feature it on a regular basis wouldn't appeal to me, or many other "settled" farang.

You sound like you're an informed, reasonable, educated gentleman, however relentless. How come you're not demonstrating it in this case. You're spending a lot of time attacking a show you have never heard. My god the word sex was mentioned once in the headline and you are going over the edge.

Listen to the show for two weeks and I may listen to your rants.

My point is, the sex industry holds absolutely no "allure" for me at all, and therefore a radio program that seems to feature it on a regular basis wouldn't appeal to me, or many other "settled" farang.

You sound like you're an informed, reasonable, educated gentleman, however relentless. How come you're not demonstrating it in this case. You're spending a lot of time attacking a show you have never heard. My god the word sex was mentioned once in the headline and you are going over the edge.

Listen to the show for two weeks and I may listen to your rants.

Couldn't agree more Felix.How some jumped up teacher can try and lecture you about your radio show WITHOUT listening is beyond me. Maybe he should stick to school kids (God help them! :o )

My point is, the sex industry holds absolutely no "allure" for me at all, and therefore a radio program that seems to feature it on a regular basis wouldn't appeal to me, or many other "settled" farang.

You sound like you're an informed, reasonable, educated gentleman, however relentless. How come you're not demonstrating it in this case. You're spending a lot of time attacking a show you have never heard. My god the word sex was mentioned once in the headline and you are going over the edge.

Listen to the show for two weeks and I may listen to your rants.

You're missing the point. I'm not basing my opinion of the show on what I've heard. I'm basing my opinion of the show on what YOU are saying about it (in these forums).

What I'm saying to you is that if you choose to promote your show with posts that have headlines like "Blocking Porn In The Land Of Sex" you're NOT going to appeal to a lot of farang who find the Thailand=Sex topic over-done, boring and insulting.

If Pepsico changed the name of Diet Pepsi to "Tastes-Like-Piss!!" would I have to try it to make up my own mind about it?? Nah... the way they promote their product would be enough to turn me away.

Likewise, the way you promote your show is enough to turn me away.

Frankly, I believe the market for sensationalized farang-in-hedonistic-Thailand news is a bit saturated right now. There's plenty of websites that cater to that nonsense already. Why join the crowd?

Try to find news stories that appeal to the "silent majority" and you might just find yourself with a larger audience. Maybe. Who knows?


This is a debate for a live call in show! Do you hear that boss. :o

Look, P, I'm not gonna go point by point with you. I don't have the energy. Listen to the show and I'll take you more seriously.


Pudgi - its a sensational headline - nothing more than to grab one's attention. News does that everytime to grab people's attention to listen. If you listen to the actual story it wasn't what you think. Perhaps Felix's made a poor choice of words, but its certainly his right to do so.

Anyways like it or not Sex is part of Thai Society and its rather obvious. I don't have a problem with it and it seems that alot of yanks have a problem with sex in general compared to their european counterparts.

I'd certainly be interested in learning about the in's and out's of real estate law, or how to practically apply the Treaty of Amity to owning a business, or how to ensure that my children get properly registered as American citizens. Or heck, just general life interest topics like the new Foodland opening on Viphavadee Rangsit (and whether or not they will sell Mountain Dew and sour cream), or a feature on the Joe Louis Puppet theater, or travel tips for quick weekend getaways to nearby provinces, etc....

As for your suggestions - I dare say Felix would have no listeners - they'd all be asleep with that boring content. :o

I moved here with girlfriend in tow, so "partaking in the wild life" wasn't an option even if I had wanted to.

I think this may be the cause of your resentment. Not a good idea bring a girlfriend to Thailand with you.

I didn't come to thailand for the sex, but I must admit I did partake often when in my 20's. ANY red-blooded young man would, and the not so young!


I know a few who arrived with gf in tow, and then sent her back... :o

Let's face it, sex crawls out of the woodwork all over Thailand. Mention Thailand anywhere and 90% of the time the reaction is the same. Quite a rep. Where there a little smoke, there must be some fire?

Trying to ignore it and talking it away is rather stupid.

Sure, there's a lot more. And it is also discussed. Why ignore such a big issue? Phobia?

Listen to the show and I'll take you more seriously.

Advertise your show in a way that doesn't insult my wife or my adopted home and I'll take your show more seriously.

You are trying to be funny eh?

Harden up and listen to the nautical show. You are sounding like a baby. I have seen plenty of headlines that are insulting to me....only to read them and find out that the story was quite good after I read it.Harden up mate. :o

either that or keep spouting about what you know nothing.....just like an ostrich really :D


cdnvic - not exactly entertaining subjects, however I suppose it wouldnt harm for a segment to touch on some of the more serious issues.

I'd be interested on what the trend analysis is for those listening is is constant or does it rise/fall depending on the topics of the day?

cdnvic - not exactly entertaining subjects, however I suppose it wouldnt harm for a segment to touch on some of the more serious issues.

According to the amount of topics, blogs, and galleries on real estate and home ownership in the forum it's a very popular subject. As for visas, isn't that what this place revolves around? If people want an amature Jerry Springer they can get that all over the place. If they want concrete info on the issues involved with living in Thailand this is the best place for them to come. Why let them down by pandering to sensationalism and well worn stereotypes?

One thing for certain, if you answer criticism with "Oh, you don't listen to me anyway", don't expect alot of people to be bothered with you. It's up to you to make them interested, not to dismiss what you don't want to hear.



Cdnvic - well radio/tv bottom line is to entertain and inform. I don't think Felix is remotely close to being in the realm of Jerry Springer. He develops his show topics for the most part from current news in thailand or general social commentary.


I'm not saying he shouldn't be informative, nor entertaining, nor am I saying there shouldn't be stories regarding the sex industry. I will say however, that there should be more information, and less sensationalism. Lets face it, you cannot flog off your responsibilities by saying "Find me a story, and I'll cover it" or "Listen to the show and I'll take you more seriously". That's just lazy journalism. It is his responsibility to find subjects that are of interest to these people and make them want to listen.

Answering your critics, and if need be, giving them an answer they may not agree with takes character, and sometimes a little courage. Dismissing them however shows a distinct lack of professionalism.



cv, you bring up some good points and good topic suggestions for future shows.

However, its my contention that having the world "sex" in a headline does not make it sensational. The "Land Of Sex" phrase is obviously a play on the "Land Of Smiles" moniker that Thailand has. Thailand is also a notorious destination for those from far off lands looking for sex. But let's be honest, 99% of prostitution is conducted between Thais. It is an accepted form of recreational activity that although is illegal is not enforced nor prosecuted. If more nations took the Thai attitude about sex and prostitution there might be less abberrent forms of nurosis. (sp? forgive me.)

To suggest that I'm insulting someone because I use the word sex, talk about sex or cover news that relates to sex, is stupid and rather indignant. Somebody has an ax to grind and I welcome the exchange. Too bad we are not live and ready for callers and you and others could call and put forth your opinions. It will get there.

You also have to understand the limitations of my production. I don't have a team of producers helping me scourer the Kingdom searching for stories. We are just emerging as a commerical stations with limited resources. I have a mike, a computer and a voice. I do interviews when I can. I tell stories and I regurgetate the news with, hopefully, a fresh take on it. I try to give a peice of Thailand in a way that you can't get anywhere else.

The talk radio thing for foreigners here is new. Radio Bangkok is the only place you can find an English speaking foreigner talking about Thailand on a regular basis.

What is annoying is people, unlike you, that attack before investigation. Again, for someone to blow up over one headline, or one topic, AND NOT EVEN HAVE LISTENED TO THE SHOW, is not worthy of responding to...(He said following his tenth paragraph... :o )

I enjoy reading all respones and I hope that one day the entire exchange can be carried live. I think foreigners here would appreciate that kind of medium.

But rest assured, there will be more sex talk on Thailand Today...not everyday, but it will be there. If you don't like it. Don't listen. But when a massage parlor attempts to open across from a school, I will pass the info along and comment on it. People want to hear about that.

Folks need to lighten up a little. I'm only talking, trying to have some fun and present a little of Thailand.

BTW, you saw how much attention my rant on fried bananas got today...NONE! :D

You also have to understand the limitations of my production. I don't have a team of producers helping me scourer the Kingdom searching for stories. We are just emerging as a commerical stations with limited resources.

Fair enough. So, try looking toward Thaivisa's sponsors. They all have info relevant to people here. That's why they advertise here because it hits their target audience. Since you have the same audience it's a good bet that it would be mutually beneficial for you to talk to them about things such as setting up business in Thailand, or how to buy a house and NOT lose if if you wind up divorcing your Thai spouse.


What is annoying is people, unlike you, that attack before investigation. Again, for someone to blow up over one headline, or one topic, AND NOT EVEN HAVE LISTENED TO THE SHOW, is not worthy of responding to...(He said following his tenth paragraph... :o )

BTW, you saw how much attention my rant on fried bananas got today...NONE!  :D

Like I said, the way in which you PROMOTE your show is what I'm "blowing up over".

You may think it's not insulting to call Thailand the "Land of Sex", but I happen to know a lot of Thai people who would be very offended by that moniker.

I'm sure people back in England would get a bit irrate if people started referring to the UK as "the Land of Pedophiles" thanks to the likes of Gary Glitter.

You might say, "hey, pedophilia is a BAD thing, but sex is a GOOD thing, so it's not insulting to refer to Thailand in that manner", but as you've said many, many times before, when you say "sex", you are specifically referring to the "sex industry", which IS a very bad thing.

Perhaps you don't agree, but I think you'll find that a majority of Thai people would rather NOT have their country equated with the sex industry. Simply because many foreigners mistakenly do equate it with the sex industry does not mean that Thai people like or appreciate that moniker.

Talk about sex all you like, it's your show, but you'll find that myself and many other farang won't bother tuning in because the way you promote your show is a big "turn off".

You may think it's not insulting to call Thailand the "Land of Sex", but I happen to know a lot of Thai people who would be very offended by that moniker.

Well it's up to those Thai people to do something about it then. The majority of tourists who enter and leave this country, day in day out, identify the country in this way, and that's not down to Felix's radio show.

What is annoying is people, unlike you, that attack before investigation. Again, for someone to blow up over one headline, or one topic, AND NOT EVEN HAVE LISTENED TO THE SHOW, is not worthy of responding to...(He said following his tenth paragraph... :o )

BTW, you saw how much attention my rant on fried bananas got today...NONE!  :D

Like I said, the way in which you PROMOTE your show is what I'm "blowing up over".

You may think it's not insulting to call Thailand the "Land of Sex", but I happen to know a lot of Thai people who would be very offended by that moniker.

I'm sure people back in England would get a bit irrate if people started referring to the UK as "the Land of Pedophiles" thanks to the likes of Gary Glitter.

You might say, "hey, pedophilia is a BAD thing, but sex is a GOOD thing, so it's not insulting to refer to Thailand in that manner", but as you've said many, many times before, when you say "sex", you are specifically referring to the "sex industry", which IS a very bad thing.

Perhaps you don't agree, but I think you'll find that a majority of Thai people would rather NOT have their country equated with the sex industry. Simply because many foreigners mistakenly do equate it with the sex industry does not mean that Thai people like or appreciate that moniker.

Talk about sex all you like, it's your show, but you'll find that myself and many other farang won't bother tuning in because the way you promote your show is a big "turn off".

Hmmm vast majority of those Thai mates you are referring are actively participating in said sex industry. Face it the facts are you have a hangup, the majority of Thai(s) and farangs don't and this is what really bothers you. :D

There are no numbers on the Western immigrant/"long-term visitor" population in Thailand.  The State department website says that Thailand's population is 89% Thai, Lao or Chinese and 11% "other".

How many of those "others" are Westerners is anybody's guess, but I find it very hard to believe that sex-pats make up a majority of that group.

Really, you find this hard to believe?  Then you must be living in a state of grandiose self-delusion, because the majority of longterm male expats are past and current sexpats.  Somehow your reasoning seems to suggest that marriage and commercial sex are mutually exclusive - it certainly doesn't rule out marriage

Theres a hel1 of a lot of people who came for the sex or partook of the scene, who, upon settling down, now like to decry the whole bar scene and those who partake of it.


You may think it's not insulting to call Thailand the "Land of Sex", but I happen to know a lot of Thai people who would be very offended by that moniker.

Well, let's face it, many Thais get upset if you refer to Thailand as a developing country, which it is.

I'm sure people back in England would get a bit irrate if people started referring to the UK as "the Land of Pedophiles" thanks to the likes of Gary Glitter.

Well there are pedophiles everywhere, so I don't think the UK has a much higher case of pedophila than most other developed, Western nations.  However, Thailand DOES have a higher incidence of prostitution, physical, and sexual abuse than many other nations.  It is therefore, obviously, news - not only the sensationalist sort, but the UNICEF, UNIFEM, NGO, and every other research report-sort.

You might say, "hey, pedophilia is a BAD thing, but sex is a GOOD thing, so it's not insulting to refer to Thailand in that manner", but as you've said many, many times before, when you say "sex", you are specifically referring to the "sex industry", which IS a very bad thing.

Perhaps you don't agree, but I think you'll find that a majority of Thai people would rather NOT have their country equated with the sex industry.  Simply because many foreigners mistakenly do equate it with the sex industry does not mean that Thai people like or appreciate that moniker.

I can empathize with the fact that many Thai people are uncomfortable with this moniker, but they should turn the reflection back on their society and take a hard look.  Learn the history of their own sex trade, the statistics and context of homegrown abuse, and then do something about it, rather than grasping at the fake moral highground of blaming foreigners for their societal problems. 

Some Thais have already started to deal with these issues, but they risk intimidation and death threats for trying to confront some very unpleasant issues in this culture.  You can't resolve or heal things that don't exist; better to blame farang.  Problem is, farang isn't easily controlled to keep their mouths shut like the majority of Thai society.

Face it the facts are you have a hangup, the majority of Thai(s) and farangs don't and this is what really bothers you. :o

Why is it that people on this forum seem to think that if a guy doesn't pay for sex, he must have a "hang-up" about sex?

What kind of juvenile pseudo-logic is that?

I objected to the way this guy chooses to promote his radio show because (based on HIS posts in this forum) he seems to equate Thailand with two things: the sex industry and "backward"/"uncivilized" behavior.

But like I said, that point's been made so enough about it already.

However, you guys are trying to make me out like some sort of 40-year-old-virgin prude who's never even gotten a wiff of tail simply because I object to my adopted homeland being equated with a giant brothel.

Sorry to disappoint you guys, but that ain't me. You're going to have to stuff your idiot stereotypes back down your throats, because they don't apply here.

Here's a radical thought: If you don't like what I'm saying, why not DEBATE THE ISSUE, instead of just launching personal attacks?

What's the matter? Can't think of anything relevant to say? Or is dismissing my objections as "hang-ups" merely the highest level of "logic" you can attain in a debate?

Face it the facts are you have a hangup, the majority of Thai(s) and farangs don't and this is what really bothers you. :D

Why is it that people on this forum seem to think that if a guy doesn't pay for sex, he must have a "hang-up" about sex?

What kind of juvenile pseudo-logic is that?

I objected to the way this guy chooses to promote his radio show because (based on HIS posts in this forum) he seems to equate Thailand with two things: the sex industry and "backward"/"uncivilized" behavior.

But like I said, that point's been made so enough about it already.

However, you guys are trying to make me out like some sort of 40-year-old-virgin prude who's never even gotten a wiff of tail simply because I object to my adopted homeland being equated with a giant brothel.

Sorry to disappoint you guys, but that ain't me. You're going to have to stuff your idiot stereotypes back down your throats, because they don't apply here.

Here's a radical thought: If you don't like what I'm saying, why not DEBATE THE ISSUE, instead of just launching personal attacks?

What's the matter? Can't think of anything relevant to say? Or is dismissing my objections as "hang-ups" merely the highest level of "logic" you can attain in a debate?

Thai(s) need to look at themselves before they point fingers elsewhere - and Thailand is what it is. If you open your eyes long enough that will be plain obvious.

Is thailand a giant brothel? (only person that has implied that until now is you) Course I'm sure thats not what you meant.... :o

If you are interested in a debate you will listen to Felix's program then you'll have a leg to stand on with your criticisms. :D

If you are interested in a debate you will listen to Felix's program then you'll have a leg to stand on with your criticisms.  :o

Since my criticisms were directed at the way the show was PRESENTED on these forums, I do have a "leg to stand on".

You do understand the difference between advertising and content, don't you?

If you are interested in a debate you will listen to Felix's program then you'll have a leg to stand on with your criticisms.  :D

Since my criticisms were directed at the way the show was PRESENTED on these forums, I do have a "leg to stand on".

You do understand the difference between advertising and content, don't you?

Listen to the show today - you are a topic now!!! :o

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