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Tired Of My Blackberry Torch, Want Samsung Galaxy S/S+/S2

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I am fed up with my Blackberry Torch 9800, nice enough phone, but bored with it.

Looking to try an Android Samsung Galaxy S, Galaxy S+, or Galaxy S2

If anyone wants to trade theirs for mine, please PM.

(Not sure if this should go in the 'for sale' section or not, sorry if in wrong area)


take a look at Samsung Galaxy Note

A little bit big, pricewise at 22,500bht

I think I might just get a Asus EEE Transformer ($350) or Prime ($500).

They appear to be cheaper than a small Android phone.


Not sure why you think it was funny, Blackberry Torch 9800 and Samsung Galaxy S+ are both selling new at 14,000bht.

Blackberry has a more business orientated market.


Fwiw I have both - My BB's getting a bit old now (9520 Storm II) and GS2. Love the GS2. Might try the Note or wait for GS3. BB I still have because many colleagues still using BBM - pretty much the only thing that keeps us hooked on BB (and yes, I know I could try to get them all on Whatsapp or the likes and rid myself of my BB, but many of them are only interested in keeping bbm)

For the OP, I can't imagine anyone wanting to swap a GS for a Torch - but I get why you would want to... Either sell the Torch and put the proceeds towards an S2, or buy an S2 and keep both would be what I'd do in your shoes...

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