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New Good Place To Eat In Nakhon Sawan


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I saw a load of old American cars parked outside of a new restaurant last night, went back there tonight, 2 still there, one is for sale! We are on the road 3005 about 200 yards west of the Ban Isaan, opposite the TATA garage, next to a fuel station so its on the east bound carriageway. Park out front an old Chevrolet pick up from the early 1950's and a Buick from the early 60's, this is white and for sale at 19000 bts. The rest of the cars came up from Supan for the opening, they may be back new years eve, so we have a booked a table and hope for the best, 41 vehicles came up.

The restaurant is called "LAN MAI" and is very good too, good protions and not expensive, certainly on a par with Baan Isaan but the service and quality is better, hope it continues, if you are in the area well worth as visit, so to give you an idea we have a thick mushroom soup, 6 bowls out of it, french fries, spicey salad, tuna and mixed vegatbles with mushrooms (hot) beer and water ( ice is free ) 350 bts. Also got some pics of me in the Buick!

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Well Done Nong38. Might give it a try if I ever get that way. Hope you had a good Chrissy with lot's of pressy's. Father Christmas got me a gas mask. Just the thing on my trip's out of K.K.Phet.

Have a great New year. I might be down there in the next week or two got to get the G/L a passport. Will sent you a P/M so we can meet up for a beer.

Regard's T.T.A.K.P.Phet.

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Hello Fred, hope you had a good time as well and not too much Tiger tonight, it'll ruin your sex life!coffee1.gif . Myself tonight I have a bottle of that most wonderful of ales, Batemans XXXB brewed in the Windmill at Wainfleet, Lincs (near Boston). Dark and malty.

Let me know when you are coming down, I will look out for the gas maskclap2.gif

Nakhon Sawan mow has an anthem all of its own, you may hear it at any time, Jimi Hendrix "Purple Haze" you may have heard of it?I saw it this morning coming out of the back of a som law.

The cross roads at Big C has been half closed the last few days so through traffic on Route 1 can be kept moving more, so you can turn off in the metropolis or to Big C but you acnnot cross over from Big C into the Metropolis or vice versa, yhou have to go round a most inconvenient routepassifier.gif

Happy New Year to all and see you tomorrow.

PS the Buick has gonejap.gif

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Well Done Nong38. Might give it a try if I ever get that way. Hope you had a good Chrissy with lot's of pressy's. Father Christmas got me a gas mask. Just the thing on my trip's out of K.K.Phet.

Have a great New year. I might be down there in the next week or two got to get the G/L a passport. Will sent you a P/M so we can meet up for a beer.

Regard's T.T.A.K.P.Phet.

Send me a PM too and I may just turn up and buy you both a beer.

I am changing my motorbike as I am looking at a great deal on a never used (except at coup time) Thai Army tank, then let the little old ladies run a red light into me.

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Well Done Nong38. Might give it a try if I ever get that way. Hope you had a good Chrissy with lot's of pressy's. Father Christmas got me a gas mask. Just the thing on my trip's out of K.K.Phet.

Have a great New year. I might be down there in the next week or two got to get the G/L a passport. Will sent you a P/M so we can meet up for a beer.

Regard's T.T.A.K.P.Phet.

Send me a PM too and I might turn up and buy you both a beer.

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What Ho, to you both.

Not sure when I'll going down but I think Dave is going on a trip for some fresh air look's like Pattaya fresh air indeed. Oh well each to his own. Bill if you want to come with me we can go in the car just get your arse over here in your tank at the appointed time. Dave as far as Sex is concerned Gave that up year's ago if/when you see my wife you will know why. Come on then where did you get the Bateman's ??? So they have closed all the road's now does that surprise me it holiday time Choke Choke Wheeze Wheeze, about time they closed the hole place. I looked on the local TV last holiday time and they showed N/S "Metropolis" (that word always remind's me of the superman comic's, you would have to be a superman to live there) in all it's glory to-wit the bus station where all the Peep's had mask's on Oh Joy of Joy's. Must get there soon though as the gas mask I got was made in China so don't hold out to much hope of it lasting to long, one trip to the Purple Haze could see it buggered.

You will notice Dave that Bill offered to buy us both a beer he only did that as he know's I don't drink daytime.

I'm off to Mike's (Local restaurant) tonight N/Y eve might have to have Leo as Tiger is a bit short on the ground here at the moment. Don't panic as have plenty at home.

A Great New Year to you both.


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Happy new year to Bill and Fred and families, I am sure we will meet up in the New Year, I am off to Bungalow bump bump on the 12th of Feb for 8 days, no rest for a superstar you knowclap2.gif The fog has cleared now can see the television. The Batemans came with me from Blight along with the Blandford Fly which went on the g/f's birthday, she declared it to be delicious but then declined a 2nd helping as she did not like beer, do you think she has Irish blood in there somewhere?

We are off to Lan Mai tonight, then home for the bevys before the local dodgems hit the road.

Forget the joking for a moment, there is soon to be released a new range of bht notes, apparently the 3 most favoured places for fakes to turn up are Pattaya, Bangkok and horror of horrors KPP! So all better watch out.

Now have to go and put on my make up so see you all in the new year.

Better to arrive late than not at all, the Thai version might be Better not to arrive than arrive late!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately the standards seems to have been to much of challenge since opening in a blaze of glory, better to go over the road to the Riverboat, just the city side of Anfield Snooker Club, dont go to the the one on the country side of Anfield (at HOME) they seem to have special prices and rip offs for non thais.

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