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Please Tell Me Karma Exists


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And Gravity. That's a load of <deleted> as well. Otherwise it wouldn't be called Newton's gravitational theory. And what about special relativity? Free market theory? Let's face it, knowledge is just as much fairy stories, and we would be as well forgetting about the modern world altogether.

If you believe in karma, or don't, what difference is it going to make to what you actually do?


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And Gravity. That's a load of <deleted> as well. Otherwise it wouldn't be called Newton's gravitational theory. And what about special relativity? Free market theory? Let's face it, knowledge is just as much fairy stories, and we would be as well forgetting about the modern world altogether.

If you believe in karma, or don't, what difference is it going to make to what you actually do?


it doesnt matter for the here and now

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University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University College London,

University of Edinburgh, Imperial College London all teach evolution and not an alternative theory.

Liberty University which has been training "champions for christ" for the past 40 years, teaches divine creationsism and not the alternative notion of evolution, which we all know is the devil's handiwork. How can you compare the brilliance of LU with those old poofy UK schools with their bad plumbing?

BTW, Evolution is no longer a theory, as it has met all of the requirements to be accepted as fact.

Interesting enough, Evolution has a common origin to biblical positions on the subject in that Darwin's Origin of the species held that we had a common origin. Not that much different than claiming that providence came up with birds and the bees and adam and eve.

sadly, there are those that take Creationism seriously.

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The idea of karma is nothing complicated. Deepak Chopra's definition of, what he calls, the spiritual law of Karma is simply this: any given point in a person's life, that they may find themselves in, is simply the result of the previous life choices they made leading up the that point. Good life choices point you in a good life situation. Poor choices will put you in poor life situation. It's got nothing to do with religion, or superstition, or any kind of mumbo jumbo. It's got alot to do with one's self control, or lack there of, and the intellect, or the mind. Yes it can be said that you reap what you so. Lack of self control - or discipline - usually due to emotion based decisions, or choices, invariably lead to negative outcomes. A simple example is that if one drinks too much alcohol you generally end up feeling like shit the next day. Simple cause and effect situation.

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The idea of karma is nothing complicated. Deepak Chopra's definition of, what he calls, the spiritual law of Karma is simply this: any given point in a person's life, that they may find themselves in, is simply the result of the previous life choices they made leading up the that point. Good life choices point you in a good life situation. Poor choices will put you in poor life situation. It's got nothing to do with religion, or superstition, or any kind of mumbo jumbo. It's got alot to do with one's self control, or lack there of, and the intellect, or the mind. Yes it can be said that you reap what you so. Lack of self control - or discipline - usually due to emotion based decisions, or choices, invariably lead to negative outcomes. A simple example is that if one drinks too much alcohol you generally end up feeling like shit the next day. Simple cause and effect situation.

It got all F***ed up with these 3 words though, assumption, lived before baloney. Good choices can still end up bad ie I found £1000000000 on the floor in a bag and handed it in to the authorities, I never heard anything else from them no reward was given or choice 2 I kept it, invested it, and had a great life. is one of these choices good?

Edited by travelmann
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The idea of karma is nothing complicated. Deepak Chopra's definition of, what he calls, the spiritual law of Karma is simply this: any given point in a person's life, that they may find themselves in, is simply the result of the previous life choices they made leading up the that point. Good life choices point you in a good life situation. Poor choices will put you in poor life situation. It's got nothing to do with religion, or superstition, or any kind of mumbo jumbo. It's got alot to do with one's self control, or lack there of, and the intellect, or the mind. Yes it can be said that you reap what you so. Lack of self control - or discipline - usually due to emotion based decisions, or choices, invariably lead to negative outcomes. A simple example is that if one drinks too much alcohol you generally end up feeling like shit the next day. Simple cause and effect situation.

It got all F***ed up with these 3 words though, assumption, lived before baloney. Good choices can still end up bad ie I found £1000000000 on the floor in a bag and handed it in to the authorities, I never heard anything else from them no reward was given or choice 2 I kept it, invested it, and had a great life. is one of these choices good?

Would you also like to tell us that santa claus, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy also exist. Sorry but your example is nonsense. The reality is that if you found a bag with a sum of money like that in it then it wouldn't be too long before the wrong type of people started to show interest in you. Do you really think that the people who would misplace a sum of money like that would just idly sit by and forget about it? Better luck next time with the assumption and baloney. Perhaps you could also fit nonsense into your silly little quote as well.

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Wow, how could something be so very misunderstood.

Firstly, just go to any decent museum and you will find thousands of fossils. Many of which can and do demonstrate evolution of one species into another. To say that there is no evidence is bizarre.

Look also at the Cheetah and the Gazelle, for example. Two species that are EVOLVING to become faster than each other through survival of the fittest (fastest)

"Theory". Another enormous misunderstanding. EVERYTHING in science is a theory. Just because it is called a theory DOES NOT make it false. That we even exist is a theory in science

Species HAVE been observed evolving into others through fossil records.

you are right about the definition of theory but fossils do not prove anything really other than different species. Fossils show jumps and we don't know for sure what caused it. The cheetah example shows how a cheetah evolves, it doesn't show how it changes species.

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From the mouth of Sir David Attenborough, who knows more than most.

"Evolution is not a theory. It is a fact, every bit as much as the historical fact that William the Conqueror landed in 1066. Indeed, more so, because all we have to tell us about William are a few bits of paper here or there - not very much at all. For evolution we have much more evidence: palaeontology, embryology, biology, geology".

he is a presenter reading what is on the autocue. he also told us that polar bears filmed in a zoo were filmed in the arctic. Not his fault, he is just a presenter. I am not questioning evolution, just that there is probably more to it than merely survival of the fittest.

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The idea of karma is nothing complicated. Deepak Chopra's definition of, what he calls, the spiritual law of Karma is simply this: any given point in a person's life, that they may find themselves in, is simply the result of the previous life choices they made leading up the that point. Good life choices point you in a good life situation. Poor choices will put you in poor life situation. It's got nothing to do with religion, or superstition, or any kind of mumbo jumbo. It's got alot to do with one's self control, or lack there of, and the intellect, or the mind. Yes it can be said that you reap what you so. Lack of self control - or discipline - usually due to emotion based decisions, or choices, invariably lead to negative outcomes. A simple example is that if one drinks too much alcohol you generally end up feeling like shit the next day. Simple cause and effect situation.

It got all F***ed up with these 3 words though, assumption, lived before baloney. Good choices can still end up bad ie I found £1000000000 on the floor in a bag and handed it in to the authorities, I never heard anything else from them no reward was given or choice 2 I kept it, invested it, and had a great life. is one of these choices good?

Would you also like to tell us that santa claus, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy also exist. Sorry but your example is nonsense. The reality is that if you found a bag with a sum of money like that in it then it wouldn't be too long before the wrong type of people started to show interest in you. Do you really think that the people who would misplace a sum of money like that would just idly sit by and forget about it? Better luck next time with the assumption and baloney. Perhaps you could also fit nonsense into your silly little quote as well.

I could have put W***er but didnt

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we evolved from some ape-like creature, homo erectus I think. Perhaps you think aliens made us in a lab, mixing homo erectus DNA and their DNA like it says in the Sumerian texts? Lol

No evidence, only a theory.

Other theories include God and aliens, all equally valid theories as no evidence either way.

Likelihood, Evolution , highly likely, Aliens highly likely although time scale is a factor ie Aliens existed millions/billions of years before us died out and distance is also a problem...... God unlikely most bizarre theory IMO

the sumerian texts, which genesis is copied from, and which they themselves were taken from the Babylon tablets, talk about gods genetically engineering man - which at the time would only be comprehensible with a genesis type story. Not God. Gods are most likely aliens. Graham Hancock wrote a book about it called 'finger-prints of the gods'.

Then again whoever wrote the Babylon tablets might have been screwing with us!

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University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University College London,

University of Edinburgh, Imperial College London all teach evolution and not an alternative theory.

And? So what? They all recommended leaches at the time leaches were a cure all.

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Wow what did I start ? laugh.png As to the creation theory. All 3 religions of the book in the story of the creation contain an almost identical line. "Let us create man in our image" As to my original post, my significant other is still struggling with the memoery of what she witnessed.

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Wow, how could something be so very misunderstood.

Firstly, just go to any decent museum and you will find thousands of fossils. Many of which can and do demonstrate evolution of one species into another. To say that there is no evidence is bizarre.

Look also at the Cheetah and the Gazelle, for example. Two species that are EVOLVING to become faster than each other through survival of the fittest (fastest)

"Theory". Another enormous misunderstanding. EVERYTHING in science is a theory. Just because it is called a theory DOES NOT make it false. That we even exist is a theory in science

Species HAVE been observed evolving into others through fossil records.

you are right about the definition of theory but fossils do not prove anything really other than different species. Fossils show jumps and we don't know for sure what caused it. The cheetah example shows how a cheetah evolves, it doesn't show how it changes species.

Wrong again http://www.livescience.com/5257-ancient-fossil-suggests-origin-cheetahs.html.

Why is it that creationists constantly try to ignore or deny the evidence that is there. There are millions upon millions of tonnes of fossils that do demonstrate a clear and smooth transition among countless species. Millions of tonnes.

Sure, there are some bits missing but that does not mean they never existed. Creationists seem to like to latch on to these 'missing links' as though it proves them right, it doesn't. These 'missing links' are being found all the time and even if they are never found it proves absolutely nothing whatsoever.

The evidence in favour of evolution is overwhelming, trying to deny or ignore that does not change that.

Where is the evidence against evolution?

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University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University College London,

University of Edinburgh, Imperial College London all teach evolution and not an alternative theory.

And? So what? They all recommended leaches at the time leaches were a cure all.

Leaches are in fact still used in modern medicine.

But that's not the point. Science tries to use logic and reason to analyze the information we have and use that to determine how stuff works. When science proves itself wrong, it advances and moves on.

When religion proves itself wrong..... Oh wait. Doesn't happen does it despite there being NOTHING to support it and so much to prove it wrong.

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And it's not even just about fossil records. There are so many other things, such as DNA, that confirm evolution.

It's all here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evidence_of_common_descent Creationists can try to deny the evidence all they like but it wont make it go away. It's all there, whether they like it or not.

But anyway, it is a common approach for the creationist to attack opposing theories rather providing evidence to support their own theory. The thing is though that even if the theory of evolution was found to be false, we would still be no closer to confirming the creation theory.

So, where is the evidence in support of creation?

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Wow, how could something be so very misunderstood.

Firstly, just go to any decent museum and you will find thousands of fossils. Many of which can and do demonstrate evolution of one species into another. To say that there is no evidence is bizarre.

Look also at the Cheetah and the Gazelle, for example. Two species that are EVOLVING to become faster than each other through survival of the fittest (fastest)

"Theory". Another enormous misunderstanding. EVERYTHING in science is a theory. Just because it is called a theory DOES NOT make it false. That we even exist is a theory in science

Species HAVE been observed evolving into others through fossil records.

you are right about the definition of theory but fossils do not prove anything really other than different species. Fossils show jumps and we don't know for sure what caused it. The cheetah example shows how a cheetah evolves, it doesn't show how it changes species.

Wrong again http://www.livescien...n-cheetahs.html.

Why is it that creationists constantly try to ignore or deny the evidence that is there. There are millions upon millions of tonnes of fossils that do demonstrate a clear and smooth transition among countless species. Millions of tonnes.

Sure, there are some bits missing but that does not mean they never existed. Creationists seem to like to latch on to these 'missing links' as though it proves them right, it doesn't. These 'missing links' are being found all the time and even if they are never found it proves absolutely nothing whatsoever.

The evidence in favour of evolution is overwhelming, trying to deny or ignore that does not change that.

Where is the evidence against evolution?

You're missing the point.

Facts indicate that evolution is the most likely cause of the diverse forms of life on earth - so must of us agree that evolution is probably the 'answer'.

But, it is not proven. The poster who said that nothing is 'proven' is just plain wrong. Many things are 'facts' - only the un-proven are theories.

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Wow what did I start ? laugh.png As to the creation theory. All 3 religions of the book in the story of the creation contain an almost identical line. "Let us create man in our image" As to my original post, my significant other is still struggling with the memoery of what she witnessed.

human ETs?

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But, it is not proven. The poster who said that nothing is 'proven' is just plain wrong. Many things are 'facts' - only the un-proven are theories.

Everything in science is a theory and unproven, even the facts.

That the atom was the smallest particle was once a 'fact'.

Newton's theory was once a 'fact'.

That the speed of light is the maximum speed in the universe was once a 'fact'

These were all 'facts' that were 'proven' in practice.

And so on.............

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But, it is not proven. The poster who said that nothing is 'proven' is just plain wrong. Many things are 'facts' - only the un-proven are theories.

Everything in science is a theory and unproven, even the facts.

That the atom was the smallest particle was once a 'fact'.

Newton's theory was once a 'fact'.

That the speed of light is the maximum speed in the universe was once a 'fact'

These were all 'facts' that were 'proven' in practice.

And so on.............

I'm sure you're right (although I can't be bothered to check).

But the point I'm trying to make (badly), is that evolution is not even now considered a 'fact' - just the best theory we have.

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And it's not even just about fossil records. There are so many other things, such as DNA, that confirm evolution.

It's all here: http://en.wikipedia...._common_descent Creationists can try to deny the evidence all they like but it wont make it go away. It's all there, whether they like it or not.

But anyway, it is a common approach for the creationist to attack opposing theories rather providing evidence to support their own theory. The thing is though that even if the theory of evolution was found to be false, we would still be no closer to confirming the creation theory.

So, where is the evidence in support of creation?

I have said numerous times that I believe we evolved from single celled organisms through to humans. But current thinking says that the survival of the fittest models is flawed because there are too many jumps.

For example, IQ scores are higher every decade. That is evolution but it is not down to survival of the fittest.

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And it's not even just about fossil records. There are so many other things, such as DNA, that confirm evolution.

It's all here: http://en.wikipedia...._common_descent Creationists can try to deny the evidence all they like but it wont make it go away. It's all there, whether they like it or not.

But anyway, it is a common approach for the creationist to attack opposing theories rather providing evidence to support their own theory. The thing is though that even if the theory of evolution was found to be false, we would still be no closer to confirming the creation theory.

So, where is the evidence in support of creation?

I have said numerous times that I believe we evolved from single celled organisms through to humans. But current thinking says that the survival of the fittest models is flawed because there are too many jumps.

For example, IQ scores are higher every decade. That is evolution but it is not down to survival of the fittest.

What jumps. Current thinking from whom?

Stop just saying these things, back it up with something.

What jumps?

Edited by Moonrakers
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And it's not even just about fossil records. There are so many other things, such as DNA, that confirm evolution.

It's all here: http://en.wikipedia...._common_descent Creationists can try to deny the evidence all they like but it wont make it go away. It's all there, whether they like it or not.

But anyway, it is a common approach for the creationist to attack opposing theories rather providing evidence to support their own theory. The thing is though that even if the theory of evolution was found to be false, we would still be no closer to confirming the creation theory.

So, where is the evidence in support of creation?

I have said numerous times that I believe we evolved from single celled organisms through to humans. But current thinking says that the survival of the fittest models is flawed because there are too many jumps.

For example, IQ scores are higher every decade. That is evolution but it is not down to survival of the fittest.

I am a little confused. Isn't higher IQ scores an example of evolution AND survival of the fittest at the same time? please explain!

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Wow what did I start ? laugh.png As to the creation theory. All 3 religions of the book in the story of the creation contain an almost identical line. "Let us create man in our image" As to my original post, my significant other is still struggling with the memoery of what she witnessed.

Yeah and all 3 are sexist tripe where does it say lets create woman in our own image, men always comes first.

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