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Please Tell Me Karma Exists


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Wife called earlier, she was at a wake, and wanted to come home. 2 b******s beat a dog to death with metal bars. Everyone was yelling at them to stop. They didn't, so everyone left. Hours later, and she is stil upset. She can't get the images out of her head. The dog had been fighting, the other dog ran away as the 1st blow landed, and broke the 1st dog's leg. angry.png

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Well not exactly what you wanted in answer to your post but yes " Karma " does exsist I travel by " Aeroflot " return from England & thailand once, never would want to test my

" Karma " again.wacko.png

Edited by Kwasaki
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I firmly not believe in karma. I think people that believe in karma are actually the problem violence and other criminal activities can take place.

Criminals thrive on it because they know karma not exists. They have the proof.

So get this karma out of the way and DO something.

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Karma does not exist but the more times you upset people the more chance one day it will backfire in your face BUT its not guaranteed as you can see throughout history where evil people lived a long life and died peacefully.

Welcome to the real world where there is no god.

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Watch your thoughts, for they become words.

Watch your words, for they become actions.

Watch your actions, for they become habits.

Watch your habits, for they become character.

Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

(Unknown source)

As the Buddha taught:

"Do not think a small sin will not return in your future lives.

Just as falling drops of water will fill a large container,

The little sins that steadfast accumulate will completely overwhelm you.

Do not think a small virtue will not return in your future lives.

Just as falling drops of water will fill a large container,

The little virtues that steadfast accumulate will completely overwhelm you."

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so when a child is killed, is this Karma?

Plenty of disgusting people get through life just fine and to suggest otherwise is totally ludicrous and of course those that believe in karma are suggesting they are a superior person, honest as the day is long and a pillar of society, of course it has to be this way, no point saying you believe in Karma if it may bite you on the backside at some stage jap.gif

Edited by Hooters
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A convenient mechanism and 'philosophy' to keep people in check. Basic physics even allows for intuitive 'proof,' in that it does seem like our actions must surely result in some equal and opposite reaction.... why not 5-10-15 years down the road? Why not in the next life as well? If people are waiting for the next life or explaining their failures in this life because of actions in previous lives.... then they are less likely to go out and 'get it' in the here and now. The world couldn't sustain itself if everyone believed and practiced living all out for THIS life.


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Karma's got nothing to do with real life. Stand up for injustice when you come across it. I've rescued several animals from maltreatment by people, falang and Thai (mostly falangs). Those people 'shouting at them to stop' deserve nothing but contempt.

For a human to beat an animal is nothing short of bullying of the most despicable kind and they deserve retribution. My cats are all rescue animals from one form of abuse or another and I wouldn't think twice about wading-in to meet out 'street justice'. Makes my blood boil to see a 100 kilo human beat a 5 kilo dog or 2 kilo cat.

Ask yourself the question: Would YOU stand by and see an animal or child or defenceless person assaulted?

Not if you have any moral fibre...

Edited by SimonD
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My belief if Karma is a way to live your life, the value you put on your actions, and the possible consequences.

If a child dies - is this Karma ? If you did not kill it, then it is not your Karma.

As far as a system to 'keep people in check' - only if you allow it to happen to you.

You create your own reality by the way you live your life.

Use what works for you.

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Last night I watched a 4 hour movie made in 1993 on the Battle of Gettysburg. 53,000 people died in three days of battle. It's not a Karma movie.

There is a Siamese cat who lives in the French drain next to my condo. There are three dogs who provide security for the condo and bite motorcycle taxi drivers when they are leaving after dropping off a customer. The cat is well fed. The cat knows the dogs can't fit through the small holes in the top of the drain. The cat sits on the top of the drain and meows at the dogs until they chase her. Then the cat looks through the holes and taunts the dogs while they bark feverishly.

I have watched this behavior for years. I think the dogs and cats do it just for the heck of it. The cat enjoys seeing the dogs frustrated. I don't think I am applying human values to animals. The dogs and cat are both well fed they don't do it for food. The dogs want to kill the cat for sport and the cat taunts the dogs for laughs.

No one has trained the dogs to bite the motorcycle drivers; indeed sometimes they get kicked for their sport but they do it anyway because they like to.

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Last night I watched a 4 hour movie made in 1993 on the Battle of Gettysburg. 53,000 people died in three days of battle. It's not a Karma movie.

There is a Siamese cat who lives in the French drain next to my condo. There are three dogs who provide security for the condo and bite motorcycle taxi drivers when they are leaving after dropping off a customer. The cat is well fed. The cat knows the dogs can't fit through the small holes in the top of the drain. The cat sits on the top of the drain and meows at the dogs until they chase her. Then the cat looks through the holes and taunts the dogs while they bark feverishly.

I have watched this behavior for years. I think the dogs and cats do it just for the heck of it. The cat enjoys seeing the dogs frustrated. I don't think I am applying human values to animals. The dogs and cat are both well fed they don't do it for food. The dogs want to kill the cat for sport and the cat taunts the dogs for laughs.

No one has trained the dogs to bite the motorcycle drivers; indeed sometimes they get kicked for their sport but they do it anyway because they like to.

That's a very small font u have kerry...need my glasses

Edited by BookMan
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I can tell you karma exists, if it helps, but I don't believe it myself. Plenty of bad people, dishonest/corrupt people, unpleasant people, violent people, etcetera would have balance sheets way in their favour.

Sad news about the dogs. Vicious cruelty to animals is always unwarranted, I feel your wife who will probably see those images for years to come.

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Karma does not exist ...... as you can see throughout history where evil people lived a long life and died peacefully.


But did they die happy? And what happened after?

What has dying happy got to do with it? After there is no after?, do dogs die happy, why can only humans have karma, all B/S as usual Karma, God, Lepricorns etc etc all the same nonsense wrapped up in mystical crap.

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Karma does not exist ...... as you can see throughout history where evil people lived a long life and died peacefully.


But did they die happy? And what happened after?

What has dying happy got to do with it? After there is no after?, do dogs die happy, why can only humans have karma, all B/S as usual Karma, God, Lepricorns etc etc all the same nonsense wrapped up in mystical crap.

must be great having all the answers!

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licklips.gif Mosha:

Since this is NOT the Buddhist forum I won't go into a lot of detail...simply becaue most readers of this reply will turn off their minds once they read this first sentance.

But i will just say that as a Buddhist, I believe that Karma exists....but not as it is normally concieved of as retribution for a specific deed.

Rather think of Karma (by which you probably actually mean BAD Karma) as a poison.

If you dump poison into a municipal water supply, that poison will affect everyone in that city.

Anyone who drinks that water takes in that poison.

What your wife saw was like a poison being dumped into the city water supply....everyone got sick.

That's how Karma really works.

But I said I wouldn't give a lecture here....and so I won't.

Happy New Year.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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Examples of instant Karma :-

Walk up to the nearest man you see and slap him across the face and you are almost guaranteed a slap across the face back.

If I was to post "f*** you all" on here I would ( apart from getting banned and this could be viewed as bad Karma also ) receive a lot more of the same coming back to me.

Or am I just being daft ?wacko.png

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I firmly believe in Karma. Bad people do get what's coming to them, sooner or later.

not in Thailand, my friend.

all bad deeds have an instant fix clause in Thailand.

1. beat the crap out of a dog until it is dead.

2. go to the temple and make merit (money, food, etc; ) and all is forgiven.

the above applies for all sorts of crimes. easy peezy, lemon squeezy.

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He's got a point you know.

But there is good and bad Karma.

I used to own a kit car called a Karma, back in the UK. It looked like a Ferrari Dino but was really a VW Beetle.

The engine fell out of it one night after I tried to look cool pulling away from the outside of a packed bar. Ohh the shame, it really was a bad Karma.

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