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Policeman Nabbed For Shooting And Wounding Motorists In Bangkok


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I find it amazing that so many people feel the need to compare/contrast the Thai police with criminals.

Please stop saying stupid things like "he looks like a criminal", "just as bad as a criminal", they are "like" the mafia. You are seeing the world through your western blinkers.

Here they are **one and the same**, 100% equivalent, just better organized and protected. Getting the police involved in trying to solve a real problem here is exactly the same as going to the local mafia capo asking for a favor - generally not a good idea, unless you are prepared to become either a victim or part of the criminal network yourself.

Just keep your head down, your nose clean, conform to their expectations in order to remain invisible and keep the heck out of their way.

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Is it just me that can't folow this reporting?

Arrested, previously arrested, released, missing, murderous [again], burglary, other crimes.

Is there a link here I'm missing?


Fingerprints actually help identify people. Up to now I thought it was a Warhol painting.

I suppose being hit by a bullet while driving is merely another police sting in Bangkok.

Until the next one ............................... keep your head down.

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after quarrelling with a friend there, he tried to chase and shoot him down. However, he said, he could not find his friend and instead shot at other vehicles in anger.

Behind every smile is an angry/resentful Thai.

Some how it doesn't surprise me that you encounter this type of treatment from Thais given your constant bashing and disdain of them. My Thai friends and family are some of the most generous people I've ever known in my life and they truly see life as something that should be enjoyed and always try to see the glass as half full. They certainly wouldn't be angry about your constant bashing and obsession with focusing on the bad but would simply take pity on you but also would avoid you and your cancerous complaining and obsession with focusing on the negative of things that you cannot control.

If somebody can't comprehend and accept that Thailand not only has a very different culture but that it is also not the modern west but rather going through the same pains most western countries did in the past then they really have no business being here.

Thailand and its police force have come leaps and bounds over the years and continue to improve and certainly nothing wrong with discussing the current ills but it is a sad life if one spends so much time on Thai Visa bashing Thais as a way to help their self-esteem and/or feel superior.

Edited by Nisa
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after quarrelling with a friend there, he tried to chase and shoot him down. However, he said, he could not find his friend and instead shot at other vehicles in anger.

Behind every smile is an angry/resentful Thai.

Some how it doesn't surprise me that you encounter this type of treatment from Thais given your constant bashing and disdain of them. My Thai friends and family are some of the most generous people I've ever known in my life and they truly see life as something that should be enjoyed and always try to see the glass as half full. They certainly wouldn't be angry about your constant bashing and obsession with focusing on the bad but would simply take pity on you but also would avoid you and your cancerous complaining and obsession with focusing on the negative of things that you cannot control.

If somebody can't comprehend and accept that Thailand not only has a very different culture but that it is also not the modern west but rather going through the same pains most western countries did in the past then they really have no business being here.

Thailand and its police force have come leaps and bounds over the years and continue to improve and certainly nothing wrong with discussing the current ills but it is a sad life if one spends so much time on Thai Visa bashing Thais as a way to help their self-esteem and/or feel superior.

Please have some empathy for the farangs that show up here from western countries where police are regarded as civil servants, tasked with preventing and solving crimes. When the farangs arrive here, they quickly discover that the police here are tasked with relieving the general population of as much money as they can. Your phrase " a very different culture"

is quite true. If your Thai friends and family are wonderful, that is great. That has generally been my experience after 12 years of traveling everywhere in Thailand. But sadly this thread is about madcap policemen, who bring shame to Thailand with their thuggish behavior....

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It is said by psychologists that the criminal mind and the police officer's mind are very similar, no where is this more apparent than in Thailand.

That's absolutely true as to catch a criminal you have to think like one and both wield their own special kind of power, it's a veeeery thin line and too easy for some to cross over especially under the influence.

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Please have some empathy for the farangs that show up here from western countries where police are regarded as civil servants, tasked with preventing and solving crimes


But sadly this thread is about madcap policemen, who bring shame to Thailand with their thuggish behavior....

According to http://www.nationmas...ners-per-capita Thailand rates 17th per capita in terms of number of prisoners. So, they must be solving some crimes.

I thought this thread was about 1 non-active (suspended) Thai police officer going mental. How does the act of one or a few bring shame to Thailand unless you can only think in stereotypes.

Certainly nothing wrong (unless Mods disagree) with bring up other police misconduct and/or criminal behavior but I almost have to LOL when you use the word "thuggish" as I am from the US, a very modern first world nation, and the legal abuse police dish out there doesn't come close to the behavior of cops on duty here. As for the majority of cops in the US ... their job is to write traffic citations to generate income.

So, my view of Thai police is actually one of seeing them as being incredibly mellow. Bad cops, ex-cops and suspended cops exist everywhere and common sense tells us they exist more so in poorer countries such as Thailand where the starting pay for a cop in Bangkok is 7,200 baht a month with NO scheduled days off a month.

I will take handing a cop $5 over paying $150 for a simple traffic infraction any day of the week.

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anyone has information on the Police who killed the couple farangs in Kanchanaburi some time ago? I heard he was acquitted and is in service again waiting for another pair of victims...

Somchai Wisetsingh who shot Adam Lloyd and Vanessa Arscott in Kanchanaburi. He was eventually convicted after his colleagues assisted in his escape to Burma, his 'arranged' return and his confession which changed to a not-guilty plea in court and sentenced to two life sentences.

However posters here and elsewhere maintain he still has not served a day in prison and can still be seen in and around Kanchanaburi. How true this is, I don't personally know but I sure wouldn't be surprised.

Interesting you claim to know facts about his sentencing but then want to act like there is a possibility he hasn't served any time when the stories of his sentencing clearly indicate he was in custody & handcuffed at his sentencing and not granted bail.

Kind of interesting you state as fact (no proof) that his colleagues help him flee to Burma when if they wanted to protect him they simply would not arrest him (no need to flee) and the police wouldn't have bothered to offer 100,000 reward for his capture.

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after quarrelling with a friend there, he tried to chase and shoot him down. However, he said, he could not find his friend and instead shot at other vehicles in anger.

Behind every smile is an angry/resentful Thai.

Some how it doesn't surprise me that you encounter this type of treatment from Thais given your constant bashing and disdain of them. My Thai friends and family are some of the most generous people I've ever known in my life and they truly see life as something that should be enjoyed and always try to see the glass as half full. They certainly wouldn't be angry about your constant bashing and obsession with focusing on the bad but would simply take pity on you but also would avoid you and your cancerous complaining and obsession with focusing on the negative of things that you cannot control.

If somebody can't comprehend and accept that Thailand not only has a very different culture but that it is also not the modern west but rather going through the same pains most western countries did in the past then they really have no business being here.

Thailand and its police force have come leaps and bounds over the years and continue to improve and certainly nothing wrong with discussing the current ills but it is a sad life if one spends so much time on Thai Visa bashing Thais as a way to help their self-esteem and/or feel superior.

headline from Thai Intelligence News Study Center,,,

"Alert Thailand: Alcohol consumption, teen pregnancy, women in prison & suicide rate among global worse"

from the article,,,

"First, Thailand’s alcohol consumption is among the highest per capital globally. Then came news that Thailand’s teen-age pregnancy is also among the worse globally. Then also, that Thailand has the highest number of women prisoner globally. Then Thailand’s suicide rate, that had doubled in recent years, remain stubbornly high."

Edited by wxyz
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after quarrelling with a friend there, he tried to chase and shoot him down. However, he said, he could not find his friend and instead shot at other vehicles in anger.

Behind every smile is an angry/resentful Thai.

Some how it doesn't surprise me that you encounter this type of treatment from Thais given your constant bashing and disdain of them. My Thai friends and family are some of the most generous people I've ever known in my life and they truly see life as something that should be enjoyed and always try to see the glass as half full. They certainly wouldn't be angry about your constant bashing and obsession with focusing on the bad but would simply take pity on you but also would avoid you and your cancerous complaining and obsession with focusing on the negative of things that you cannot control.

If somebody can't comprehend and accept that Thailand not only has a very different culture but that it is also not the modern west but rather going through the same pains most western countries did in the past then they really have no business being here.

Thailand and its police force have come leaps and bounds over the years and continue to improve and certainly nothing wrong with discussing the current ills but it is a sad life if one spends so much time on Thai Visa bashing Thais as a way to help their self-esteem and/or feel superior.

headline from Thai Intelligence News Study Center,,,

"Alert Thailand: Alcohol consumption, teen pregnancy, women in prison & suicide rate among global worse"

from the article,,,

"First, Thailand’s alcohol consumption is among the highest per capital globally. Then came news that Thailand’s teen-age pregnancy is also among the worse globally. Then also, that Thailand has the highest number of women prisoner globally. Then Thailand’s suicide rate, that had doubled in recent years, remain stubbornly high."

First, don't believe everything you read on a blog (your source link).

What country doesn't have problems but you are being foolish if you want to use these subjects to make Thailand or its people (let alone the police) to be horrible as compared to the rest of the world ... especially when in some areas western countries rank worse.

Suicide rate by country Thailand ranks 57th out of 107 countries (Germany, Australia, US, Canada, France and Singapore are all higher) http://en.wikipedia....by_suicide_rate

Alcohol consumption by country Thailand ranks 122nd out of 188 countries (US, UK, Sweden, France, Germany, Japan and Australia are all higher) http://en.wikipedia....hol_consumption

Teen Pregnancy

  • The adolescent fertility rate in Thailand is relatively high at 60 per 1000.
  • In the United Kingdom, the rate of adolescent pregnancy in 2002 was as high as 100.4 per 1000
  • The teenage birth rate in United States was 53 births per 1,000 women aged 15–19 in 2002, the highest in the developed world.
  • If all pregnancies (in the US), including those that end in abortion or miscarriage, are taken into account, the total rate in 2000 was 75.4 pregnancies per 1,000 girls.
  • approx. 35% of US and 42% of UK adolescent pregnancies are aborted


Thailand may have the highest number of female prisoners but not sure what that has to do with anything as some country has to have the most and of the 23 countries with populations over 50 million, Thailand rates 7th highest in terms of percentage of females vs. the male total population. http://www.geohive.c...pop_gender.aspx ... one would think if the police are so corrupt in Thailand that they should have the lowest # of females in prison (sex for freedom)

As for total percentage of population imprisoned Thailand ranks 27th out of 216 countries. (The US ranks 1st with the UK (England & Wales) rating 82nd.) http://en.wikipedia....arceration_rate ... hmmm it would seem the police in Thailand make an awful lot of arrests that result in imprisonment.

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Please have some empathy for the farangs that show up here from western countries where police are regarded as civil servants, tasked with preventing and solving crimes


But sadly this thread is about madcap policemen, who bring shame to Thailand with their thuggish behavior....

According to http://www.nationmas...ners-per-capita Thailand rates 17th per capita in terms of number of prisoners. So, they must be solving some crimes.

I thought this thread was about 1 non-active (suspended) Thai police officer going mental. How does the act of one or a few bring shame to Thailand unless you can only think in stereotypes.

Certainly nothing wrong (unless Mods disagree) with bring up other police misconduct and/or criminal behavior but I almost have to LOL when you use the word "thuggish" as I am from the US, a very modern first world nation, and the legal abuse police dish out there doesn't come close to the behavior of cops on duty here. As for the majority of cops in the US ... their job is to write traffic citations to generate income.

So, my view of Thai police is actually one of seeing them as being incredibly mellow. Bad cops, ex-cops and suspended cops exist everywhere and common sense tells us they exist more so in poorer countries such as Thailand where the starting pay for a cop in Bangkok is 7,200 baht a month with NO scheduled days off a month.

I will take handing a cop $5 over paying $150 for a simple traffic infraction any day of the week.

From Wikipedia regarding the Thuggee class in India. Looks like the perfect word to describe the Thai police......

Thug, a common criminal, who treats others violently and roughly, often for hire.

Membership was sometimes passed from father to son, in what would now be termed a criminal underclass. The leaders of long-established Thug groups tended to come from these hereditary lines, as the gang developed into a criminal 'tribe'. Other men would get to know a Thug band and would hope to be recruited, in the way that one might aspire to join an elite regiment or university:

If you think Thai policemen are mellow, you must live way, way, up country. Clearly my experiences of traveling throughout Thailand are considerably different than yours.... One time when I refused to pay money to the police after a drunk Thai motorcyclist ran a red light and slammed into me, the policeman warned me to never set foot in his town again. Mellow ?

Regarding their low pay, that is a complete sham. If you want to understand Thailand, just follow the money. The pay is is 7200 baht, and all the money you can steal. As people are fighting for police positions and paying large sums of money to become policemen, clearly the all you can steal part must be pretty good.

.... As for the majority of cops in the US ... their job is to write traffic citations to generate income......

What do you think the job of the police here is ????? The traffic citations in America may be a bit more expensive, but at least you have done something wrong. Here I have been pulled over, and had coffee money demanded from me by the policeman....

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What does it take to get fired? huh.png

The cop up here in Pai who shot down 2 tourists had to kill his wife.

Yes another mad man in uniform, I think he got 5 years for clubbing his wife to death because he admitted the crime, but the 2 tourists?? Did he get any extra time for that? Life without parole sounds about right to me.

The OP ex police man seems to be same type, soooo angry at everything, a walking time bomb but I think he is done for, so bye bye to him and enjoy the prison.

I think you've all missed the point of what the Thai police is all about. Like the army it is an armed business group but unlike the army, where the top brass retain total control over operations and their brand, the police is a pyramid franchise operation from the people who have power to appoint the national police chief right down to the lowliest bobbies on the beat. Army footsloggers are just required to carry out orders and don't receive any distributions of profits, while the top brass handle all the revenue generating operations, such as purchasing divining rods, logging and narcotics operations, by themselves. Just conscripting anyone who is too poor to bribe his way out of the draft and isn't obviously a katoey is good enough for their staffing needs and, since virtually no training or skills are required from the rank and file, they can tolerate extremely high staff turnover. The police, on the other hand, need to recruit people with special qualities or the entire franchise system will break down with no torrents of cash flowing up the pyramid any more. They need motivated go-getters with a psychopathic frame of mind - men who are not afraid to violate all laws and regulations in their ruthless pursuit of material gain and who will not hesitate use force to get an extra few bucks, of which the designated percentage will make its way uphill towards the police chief and the polticians. The business model is extremely effective but, hey, you need to be able to tolerate a minimal amount of collateral damage from time to time. This is minimised by an efficient damage limitation programme which ensures that crimes committed by police franchisees will be automatically by covered up by their superior officers in order to keep the statistics of police convictions acceptably low. Sometimes the system breaks down when a franchisee is stupid enough to confess to a serious crime. The idiot in Pai could easily have claimed that a mysterious third party, known only by a nickname, rushed into his house, clubbed his beloved wife to death and then disappeared into thin air. Then he would be still enjoying life, getting shitfaced, gunning down tourists and having fun beating defenceless, illiterate hill trbe women to death.

Edited by Arkady
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I think you've all missed the point of what the Thai police is all about. Like the army it is an armed business group but unlike the army, where the top brass retain total control over operations and their brand, the police is a pyramid franchise operation from the people who have power to appoint the national police chief right down to the lowliest bobbies on the beat. Army footsloggers are just required to carry out orders and don't receive any distributions of profits, while the top brass handle all the revenue generating operations, such as purchasing divining rods, logging and narcotics operations, by themselves. Just conscripting anyone who is too poor to bribe his way out of the draft and isn't obviously a katoey is good enough for their staffing needs and, since virtually no training or skills are required from the rank and file, they can tolerate extremely high staff turnover. The police, on the other hand, need to recruit people with special qualities or the entire franchise system will break down with no torrents of cash flowing up the pyramid any more. They need motivated go-getters with a psychopathic frame of mind - men who are not afraid to violate all laws and regulations in their ruthless pursuit of material gain and who will not hesitate use force to get an extra few bucks, of which the designated percentage will make its way uphill towards the police chief and the polticians. The business model is extremely effective but, hey, you need to be able to tolerate a minimal amount of collateral damage from time to time. This is minimised by an efficient damage limitation programme which ensures that crimes committed by police franchisees will be automatically by covered up by their superior officers in order to keep the statistics of police convictions acceptably low. Sometimes the system breaks down when a franchisee is stupid enough to confess to a serious crime. The idiot in Pai could easily have claimed that a mysterious third party, known only by a nickname, rushed into his house, clubbed his beloved wife to death and then disappeared into thin air. Then he would be still enjoying life, getting shitfaced, gunning down tourists and having fun beating defenceless, illiterate hill trbe women to death.

sounds awful and just fantasy but, in my experience, unfortunately absolutely true

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What does it take to get fired? huh.png

The cop up here in Pai who shot down 2 tourists had to kill his wife.

Yes another mad man in uniform, I think he got 5 years for clubbing his wife to death because he admitted the crime, but the 2 tourists?? Did he get any extra time for that? Life without parole sounds about right to me.

The OP ex police man seems to be same type, soooo angry at everything, a walking time bomb but I think he is done for, so bye bye to him and enjoy the prison.

I think you've all missed the point of what the Thai police is all about. Like the army it is an armed business group but unlike the army, where the top brass retain total control over operations and their brand, the police is a pyramid franchise operation from the people who have power to appoint the national police chief right down to the lowliest bobbies on the beat. Army footsloggers are just required to carry out orders and don't receive any distributions of profits, while the top brass handle all the revenue generating operations, such as purchasing divining rods, logging and narcotics operations, by themselves. Just conscripting anyone who is too poor to bribe his way out of the draft and isn't obviously a katoey is good enough for their staffing needs and, since virtually no training or skills are required from the rank and file, they can tolerate extremely high staff turnover. The police, on the other hand, need to recruit people with special qualities or the entire franchise system will break down with no torrents of cash flowing up the pyramid any more. They need motivated go-getters with a psychopathic frame of mind - men who are not afraid to violate all laws and regulations in their ruthless pursuit of material gain and who will not hesitate use force to get an extra few bucks, of which the designated percentage will make its way uphill towards the police chief and the polticians. The business model is extremely effective but, hey, you need to be able to tolerate a minimal amount of collateral damage from time to time. This is minimised by an efficient damage limitation programme which ensures that crimes committed by police franchisees will be automatically by covered up by their superior officers in order to keep the statistics of police convictions acceptably low. Sometimes the system breaks down when a franchisee is stupid enough to confess to a serious crime. The idiot in Pai could easily have claimed that a mysterious third party, known only by a nickname, rushed into his house, clubbed his beloved wife to death and then disappeared into thin air. Then he would be still enjoying life, getting shitfaced, gunning down tourists and having fun beating defenceless, illiterate hill trbe women to death.

Absolutely spot on !!! Sometimes I wonder if the ordinary Thai person will ever get tired of this.. So this guy is a disenfranchised franchisee ?? :-)

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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I think you've all missed the point of what the Thai police is all about. Like the army it is an armed business group but unlike the army, where the top brass retain total control over operations and their brand, the police is a pyramid franchise operation from the people who have power to appoint the national police chief right down to the lowliest bobbies on the beat. Army footsloggers are just required to carry out orders and don't receive any distributions of profits, while the top brass handle all the revenue generating operations, such as purchasing divining rods, logging and narcotics operations, by themselves. Just conscripting anyone who is too poor to bribe his way out of the draft and isn't obviously a katoey is good enough for their staffing needs and, since virtually no training or skills are required from the rank and file, they can tolerate extremely high staff turnover. The police, on the other hand, need to recruit people with special qualities or the entire franchise system will break down with no torrents of cash flowing up the pyramid any more. They need motivated go-getters with a psychopathic frame of mind - men who are not afraid to violate all laws and regulations in their ruthless pursuit of material gain and who will not hesitate use force to get an extra few bucks, of which the designated percentage will make its way uphill towards the police chief and the polticians. The business model is extremely effective but, hey, you need to be able to tolerate a minimal amount of collateral damage from time to time. This is minimised by an efficient damage limitation programme which ensures that crimes committed by police franchisees will be automatically by covered up by their superior officers in order to keep the statistics of police convictions acceptably low. Sometimes the system breaks down when a franchisee is stupid enough to confess to a serious crime. The idiot in Pai could easily have claimed that a mysterious third party, known only by a nickname, rushed into his house, clubbed his beloved wife to death and then disappeared into thin air. Then he would be still enjoying life, getting shitfaced, gunning down tourists and having fun beating defenceless, illiterate hill trbe women to death.

One of the best and most accurate posts I've read here in a long time.

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I think you've all missed the point of what the Thai police is all about. Like the army it is an armed business group but unlike the army, where the top brass retain total control over operations and their brand, the police is a pyramid franchise operation from the people who have power to appoint the national police chief right down to the lowliest bobbies on the beat. Army footsloggers are just required to carry out orders and don't receive any distributions of profits, while the top brass handle all the revenue generating operations, such as purchasing divining rods, logging and narcotics operations, by themselves. Just conscripting anyone who is too poor to bribe his way out of the draft and isn't obviously a katoey is good enough for their staffing needs and, since virtually no training or skills are required from the rank and file, they can tolerate extremely high staff turnover. The police, on the other hand, need to recruit people with special qualities or the entire franchise system will break down with no torrents of cash flowing up the pyramid any more. They need motivated go-getters with a psychopathic frame of mind - men who are not afraid to violate all laws and regulations in their ruthless pursuit of material gain and who will not hesitate use force to get an extra few bucks, of which the designated percentage will make its way uphill towards the police chief and the polticians. The business model is extremely effective but, hey, you need to be able to tolerate a minimal amount of collateral damage from time to time. This is minimised by an efficient damage limitation programme which ensures that crimes committed by police franchisees will be automatically by covered up by their superior officers in order to keep the statistics of police convictions acceptably low. Sometimes the system breaks down when a franchisee is stupid enough to confess to a serious crime. The idiot in Pai could easily have claimed that a mysterious third party, known only by a nickname, rushed into his house, clubbed his beloved wife to death and then disappeared into thin air. Then he would be still enjoying life, getting shitfaced, gunning down tourists and having fun beating defenceless, illiterate hill trbe women to death.

One of the best and most accurate posts I've read here in a long time.

Yeah only someone out of touch with realistic goings on here would disagree .
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ummmmmmmmmmmm 2nd story this week about police and shooting innocents. As some will say not just Thailand, but other countries maybe just once every 10 years in thailand twice a week.

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Anyone remember the copper in Pattaya who shot two pedestrians about two years ago?

They were chasing a car, which hadn't fired on them or shown any weapons, then the police decided to start shooting, yup, two pedestrians shot, car got away.

Like most businesses in Thailand, they are seen as a total joke by anyone with half a brain.

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It is totally incomprehensible that the alleged perp BIB was even on duty, let alone armed and on the streets...err....but this is Thailand, so no surprise really.

RIP to the bereaved and all affected.


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What does it take to get fired? huh.png

The cop up here in Pai who shot down 2 tourists had to kill his wife.

Yes another mad man in uniform, I think he got 5 years for clubbing his wife to death because he admitted the crime, but the 2 tourists?? Did he get any extra time for that? Life without parole sounds about right to me.

The OP ex police man seems to be same type, soooo angry at everything, a walking time bomb but I think he is done for, so bye bye to him and enjoy the prison.

I think you've all missed the point of what the Thai police is all about. Like the army it is an armed business group but unlike the army, where the top brass retain total control over operations and their brand, the police is a pyramid franchise operation from the people who have power to appoint the national police chief right down to the lowliest bobbies on the beat. Army footsloggers are just required to carry out orders and don't receive any distributions of profits, while the top brass handle all the revenue generating operations, such as purchasing divining rods, logging and narcotics operations, by themselves. Just conscripting anyone who is too poor to bribe his way out of the draft and isn't obviously a katoey is good enough for their staffing needs and, since virtually no training or skills are required from the rank and file, they can tolerate extremely high staff turnover. The police, on the other hand, need to recruit people with special qualities or the entire franchise system will break down with no torrents of cash flowing up the pyramid any more. They need motivated go-getters with a psychopathic frame of mind - men who are not afraid to violate all laws and regulations in their ruthless pursuit of material gain and who will not hesitate use force to get an extra few bucks, of which the designated percentage will make its way uphill towards the police chief and the polticians. The business model is extremely effective but, hey, you need to be able to tolerate a minimal amount of collateral damage from time to time. This is minimised by an efficient damage limitation programme which ensures that crimes committed by police franchisees will be automatically by covered up by their superior officers in order to keep the statistics of police convictions acceptably low. Sometimes the system breaks down when a franchisee is stupid enough to confess to a serious crime. The idiot in Pai could easily have claimed that a mysterious third party, known only by a nickname, rushed into his house, clubbed his beloved wife to death and then disappeared into thin air. Then he would be still enjoying life, getting shitfaced, gunning down tourists and having fun beating defenceless, illiterate hill trbe women to death.

hahaha you only need to add, 'once upon a time' at the beginning, and 'they lived happily ever after' at the end, lol

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Some how it doesn't surprise me that you encounter this type of treatment from Thais given your constant bashing and disdain of them. My Thai friends and family are some of the most generous people I've ever known in my life and they truly see life as something that should be enjoyed and always try to see the glass as half full. They certainly wouldn't be angry about your constant bashing and obsession with focusing on the bad but would simply take pity on you but also would avoid you and your cancerous complaining and obsession with focusing on the negative of things that you cannot control.

If somebody can't comprehend and accept that Thailand not only has a very different culture but that it is also not the modern west but rather going through the same pains most western countries did in the past then they really have no business being here.

Thailand and its police force have come leaps and bounds over the years and continue to improve and certainly nothing wrong with discussing the current ills but it is a sad life if one spends so much time on Thai Visa bashing Thais as a way to help their self-esteem and/or feel superior.

Well good for you that you have found true happiness and a good and trustworthy family...really.

I know of many who have not and their demise was aided and abetted by corrupt Thai police and Thai people. The Thai police indeed have come on in leaps and bounds but only in their new methods to cheat, scam and defraud. Anyone who beleives that they are there for the good and safety of the community are not facing reality.

They, the lawyers and indeed the judicary have no interest in serving any foreigner.

There are numerous cases listed here, and elsewhere, fraud and corruption but especially of massive property fraud. I beleive there is now a web site recently set up to highlight the corruption in Thailand and particularily in regard to the afore mentioned property fraud and theft.

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I think you've all missed the point of what the Thai police is all about. Like the army it is an armed business group but unlike the army, where the top brass retain total control over operations and their brand, the police is a pyramid franchise operation from the people who have power to appoint the national police chief right down to the lowliest bobbies on the beat. Army footsloggers are just required to carry out orders and don't receive any distributions of profits, while the top brass handle all the revenue generating operations, such as purchasing divining rods, logging and narcotics operations, by themselves. Just conscripting anyone who is too poor to bribe his way out of the draft and isn't obviously a katoey is good enough for their staffing needs and, since virtually no training or skills are required from the rank and file, they can tolerate extremely high staff turnover. The police, on the other hand, need to recruit people with special qualities or the entire franchise system will break down with no torrents of cash flowing up the pyramid any more. They need motivated go-getters with a psychopathic frame of mind - men who are not afraid to violate all laws and regulations in their ruthless pursuit of material gain and who will not hesitate use force to get an extra few bucks, of which the designated percentage will make its way uphill towards the police chief and the polticians. The business model is extremely effective but, hey, you need to be able to tolerate a minimal amount of collateral damage from time to time. This is minimised by an efficient damage limitation programme which ensures that crimes committed by police franchisees will be automatically by covered up by their superior officers in order to keep the statistics of police convictions acceptably low. Sometimes the system breaks down when a franchisee is stupid enough to confess to a serious crime. The idiot in Pai could easily have claimed that a mysterious third party, known only by a nickname, rushed into his house, clubbed his beloved wife to death and then disappeared into thin air. Then he would be still enjoying life, getting shitfaced, gunning down tourists and having fun beating defenceless, illiterate hill trbe women to death.

One of the best and most accurate posts I've read here in a long time.

I second that. Superb post Arkady. A few folk here need to take off the rose coloured specs.

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