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think I need to finish that book started 6 months after I moved here, Lie-Land I will call it because it certainly is just that-subtitled, The Real Thailand; When Cheap Sex is not a Consideration

Please notify me when it's finished. I'd like a copy. tongue.png


I find this more amusing and terrifying in the South because the people here drink and fire their guns WITH REAL BULLETS into the sky on new years eve. Welcome to the South, the wild wild west of Thailand...

Yeah as stupid as it gets , typical penis display, very simian.

I just have one question for the OP, aka Tigerwan. Do you wake up every single morning mad-at-the-world, or do you occasionally take a break?

Just a topic on a forum about bad neighbors, kinda fun, share the utter idiocy, enlighten.

No need to make personal, aggressive assumptions.


think I need to finish that book started 6 months after I moved here, Lie-Land I will call it because it certainly is just that-subtitled, The Real Thailand; When Cheap Sex is not a Consideration

Please notify me when it's finished. I'd like a copy. tongue.png

It's a hole different perspective from sex- pat.


Had noisy neighbours in a condo once, what you need is a ghost.

I glued up their door locks when they were IN, this means when they go out they cant lock their door, then every so often Id open their door and leave it open when they were away, Then get the girlfriend to say she heard crying in the room all night and let the maid see the open door. Wife suggests ghost to maid, maid tells whole building, tenant leaves.

Someone else suggested if you have a small child get it to say why is the girl crying in the upstairs window every night or similar crap

Good idea , I buried a horse a few years ago, maybe he should be resurrected- maybe wiht a headless rider?? This morning the kids were doing it again, and so I started watering them with a hose, Yep they hate water, like they are going to melt or something. "Whoops- sorry, did I soak your fireworks? ." Brats !!

you ask what do thais hate most?? they hate it when you complain about something that you have nothing to do about it, but they really hate it when you move back to your country, so they dont have to listen to your complaints,

Maybe thats what you should do, that will show them,

Actually setting off fireworks aimed at my property certainly concerns me, in every way and I don't adhere to any Nationality's notions of common rudeness as a desirable trait and way of life. You really defend people with no respect for private property? Or safety? Or common courtesy? I'm not that much of an ass- kisser, thankfully.

Besides, asshol_e neighbors exist everywhere, just in Thailand is it acceptable to shoot dangerous flaming objects at another person and her 30,000 baht baht worth of highly flammable hay-if she is a " whitey," that is.

I think a real good old fashioned Celtic style curse is needed- on the entire Nation. Need to go bleed a chicken.wai.gif Wait ..., never mind it already is cursed- with its people !!.

Sorry, I have no respect whatsoever for the culture as a whole and only for a very, very few individuals.

I think I need to finish that book started 6 months after I moved here, Lie-Land I will call it because it certainly is just that-subtitled, The Real Thailand; When Cheap Sex is not a Consideration.

you have obviously built up a good head of venom.

one might ask why you persist if you hate the place an people so.

certainly if you were my neighbor i would make little effort to placate you and your precious hay.

i fiind it very difficult to believe your neighbors would throw firecrackers at your horses. I think you are just embellishing for effect the long the thread goes on.

by the way is your signature intended to be ironic?

My neighbors had many guests with children and they were pointing flying fire works in my property direction and some were landing inside of the property near to where animals are homed.

My request to not do so were ignored, until one responsible guest noticed and stopped the kids. (Then the adult ddi the dripping lantern and fired guns )

Certainly seems rather uncivilized and rude behavior to me. I submit you are simply attaching a personal dislike to your contribution to this thread . " head of venom. " Thus we really discuss my point of bad neighbors if you refuse to believe their actions and instead, wish a personl clash.

Why even comment n the thread? I'm sure others will agree, and still others will think twice about where they live.


I just have one question for the OP, aka Tigerwan. Do you wake up every single morning mad-at-the-world, or do you occasionally take a break?

Just a topic on a forum about bad neighbors, kinda fun, share the utter idiocy, enlighten.

No need to make personal, aggressive assumptions.


Firstly, I thought I was being rather pleasant. But seriously, if it's all in fun, good-on-you. From the tone of many of your posts (and it's not just you, believe me), you seem to hate every Thai and pretty much everything about Thailand. Which would have led me to ask what-on-God's-Green-Earth are you doing in Thailand? But alas, no need to ask. It's all in fun....


I just have one question for the OP, aka Tigerwan. Do you wake up every single morning mad-at-the-world, or do you occasionally take a break?

Just a topic on a forum about bad neighbors, kinda fun, share the utter idiocy, enlighten.

No need to make personal, aggressive assumptions.


Firstly, I thought I was being rather pleasant. But seriously, if it's all in fun, good-on-you. From the tone of many of your posts (and it's not just you, believe me), you seem to hate every Thai and pretty much everything about Thailand. Which would have led me to ask what-on-God's-Green-Earth are you doing in Thailand? But alas, no need to ask. It's all in fun....

Hate is too strong a term, though my neighbors are certainly odious enough to warrant it. Disppointed is a better description of my view of the Thai culture.

Why I'm here and reasons for staying are not subject to discussion on a public forum. I reserve the right to my observations for benefit of public knowledge and getting some venting relief.

May I suggest if readers are offended, confused, angry or otherwise emotional by the tone of another'sa particular user's posts, instead of attempts of belittlement, they simply no longer read them.

I beleive it is the forum intention to not foster personal conflicts which you seem to be forgetting in last responses.

Maybe you can tell us how you enjoyed having a neighbor's fireworks exploding on your property at one time or another? Or how fun it was to have your animals scared?

Just please remember, I don't see it that way, I see my neighbor's action past and present it as outlandishly rude behavior that borders on hostliity.

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