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Uk Healthcare Benefits For Brits Living In Thailand

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@thongkorn and ludditeman

Its just out and out racism.

Its Not racism at all . you can only take out what you put in, if you put nothing in , you have nothing to take out., if you put some thing in, then you have something to take out, common sense says that, And its got to the point where people in the UK cannot say anything because it upsets other people, But its OK to knock people in the UK. The British constitution is basted on Christianity and has been over 1000s of years, If people don't like this then they should express there right to leave the UK..

+1, Some above DO NOT answer my points but rather try and eeeeeeeeeeeer, your English not good, BUT they fully understand my words but have NO answer, just knock their own countrymen, sadly.

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@thongkorn and ludditeman

Its just out and out racism.

Its Not racism at all . you can only take out what you put in, if you put nothing in , you have nothing to take out., if you put some thing in, then you have something to take out, common sense says that, And its got to the point where people in the UK cannot say anything because it upsets other people, But its OK to knock people in the UK. The British constitution is basted on Christianity and has been over 1000s of years, If people don't like this then they should express there right to leave the UK..

+1, Some above DO NOT answer my points but rather try and eeeeeeeeeeeer, your English not good, BUT they fully understand my words but have NO answer, just knock their own countrymen, sadly.

I detect a touch of the Alf Garnetts here.


@thongkorn and ludditeman

Its just out and out racism.

Its Not racism at all . you can only take out what you put in, if you put nothing in , you have nothing to take out., if you put some thing in, then you have something to take out, common sense says that, And its got to the point where people in the UK cannot say anything because it upsets other people, But its OK to knock people in the UK. The British constitution is basted on Christianity and has been over 1000s of years, If people don't like this then they should express there right to leave the UK..

+1, Some above DO NOT answer my points but rather try and eeeeeeeeeeeer, your English not good, BUT they fully understand my words but have NO answer, just knock their own countrymen, sadly.

I detect a touch of the Alf Garnetts here.

Try living with Dyslexia


@thongkorn and ludditeman

Its just out and out racism.

Its Not racism at all . you can only take out what you put in, if you put nothing in , you have nothing to take out., if you put some thing in, then you have something to take out, common sense says that, And its got to the point where people in the UK cannot say anything because it upsets other people, But its OK to knock people in the UK. The British constitution is basted on Christianity and has been over 1000s of years, If people don't like this then they should express there right to leave the UK..

+1, Some above DO NOT answer my points but rather try and eeeeeeeeeeeer, your English not good, BUT they fully understand my words but have NO answer, just knock their own countrymen, sadly.

I detect a touch of the Alf Garnetts here.

You still have no answers. Sadly.



Whats the question?

Read my posts and come up with some answers. Questions or points YOU have not responded.You just pick up on your crap. Answer my points about what your countrymen should expect from their country over and above non natives. !!!!! ?


i do get tired of these smug 'if you can't afford to live here/insure yourself tedious. Should everyone then have the good fortune to be on a fat company pension/lottery winner before they are able to make decisions as to whether to stay in their home countries then? And of course there are many 'life is what happens when you're making plans for other things.

I don't believe 'theblether', for instance, to be a troll. Simply, from what I've seen of his many posts, just a miserable old sod.



Whats the question?

Read my posts and come up with some answers. Questions or points YOU have not responded.You just pick up on your crap. Answer my points about what your countrymen should expect from their country over and above non natives. !!!!! ?

Here we go again with the abuse.........let me make this absolutely clear to you. Immigration has been a fantastic thing for the UK, the country is far stronger for it. The NHS would be finished if it wasnt for immigrants.

I was right with the Alf Garnett crack, and to make it even worse your a foreigner living in a foreign land making the jibe, can you not see your hypocrisy?.


i do get tired of these smug 'if you can't afford to live here/insure yourself tedious. Should everyone then have the good fortune to be on a fat company pension/lottery winner before they are able to make decisions as to whether to stay in their home countries then? And of course there are many 'life is what happens when you're making plans for other things.

I don't believe 'theblether', for instance, to be a troll. Simply, from what I've seen of his many posts, just a miserable old sod.

Now now dont be nasty, firstly I am not old, secondly I am very happy thank you, and thirdly any wealth I have I earned. As for your standing I couldnt care less so bah humbug......I am going for a beer now.



Whats the question?

Read my posts and come up with some answers. Questions or points YOU have not responded.You just pick up on your crap. Answer my points about what your countrymen should expect from their country over and above non natives. !!!!! ?

Here we go again with the abuse.........let me make this absolutely clear to you. Immigration has been a fantastic thing for the UK, the country is far stronger for it. The NHS would be finished if it wasnt for immigrants.

I was right with the Alf Garnett crack, and to make it even worse your a foreigner living in a foreign land making the jibe, can you not see your hypocrisy?.

You obviously, but intentionally have not answered any off my questions or points, and of course you never will, bigotry sometimes cannot be conquered, and my similarity in your eyes to a long gone comedy show shows your lack of tack and loss of the debate.


i do get tired of these smug 'if you can't afford to live here/insure yourself tedious. Should everyone then have the good fortune to be on a fat company pension/lottery winner before they are able to make decisions as to whether to stay in their home countries then? And of course there are many 'life is what happens when you're making plans for other things.

I don't believe 'theblether', for instance, to be a troll. Simply, from what I've seen of his many posts, just a miserable old sod.

cheesy.gif In a nut shell (sorry English saying). As you point out the guy is a sad individual who thinks of himself and not the farang world as a whole, and no consideration for anybodies different life and how they got there.


I am probably sadly mistaken but I always thought GB stood for playing fair, fairness and trying to do the right thing rather than the wrong thing. Remember many centuries ago the Royal Navy sailed the high seas stopping slave trading wherever they found it because it was wrong. Today that fairness does not seem to have the same meaning that we thought it did, or is that we each have a different view of what fairness is? It seems to me that because I chose to move somewhere else to live that the country and Government I supported for the majority of my life now use that as an excuse to curtail benefits that were recently available to me. As I approach the non productive and tax yielding part of my life perhaps I am seen as not now worth a light as I cannot support others in society as I have previously done, therefor, I am surplus to requirements, new immigrants are more productive than me now, that I am an Englishman and the folks are not is of little consequence they generate taxes and I do not, how very sad that money dictates so much like this.

If I or most of you develop a serious illness the chances you will not have the time to get back to the NHS you will have to deal with it, strokes, heart attacks, road accidents, snake bites etc will not wait for you to get back, if you think you have a problem get back in good time. I fyou are taken by surprise best think how you will deal with it. That is the reality of the situation.

And as far as rascism is concerned I would say this, as a white man I dont think I could bring a case, its slewed against a white man. As far as people from other races are concerned I dont have a problem so long as you are playing the game and not sponging of the system, claiming political asylum when you are not the genuine article. Otherwise I take you on your merits

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i do get tired of these smug 'if you can't afford to live here/insure yourself tedious. Should everyone then have the good fortune to be on a fat company pension/lottery winner before they are able to make decisions as to whether to stay in their home countries then? And of course there are many 'life is what happens when you're making plans for other things.

I don't believe 'theblether', for instance, to be a troll. Simply, from what I've seen of his many posts, just a miserable old sod.

cheesy.gif In a nut shell (sorry English saying). As you point out the guy is a sad individual who thinks of himself and not the farang world as a whole, and no consideration for anybodies different life and how they got there.

You two are a good match


I have nearly finished my beer now, so I think we should all settle down, close our eyes and think of the best parts of Britain, then we shall all stand for a rendering of "Jerusalem" followed by "Hearts of Oak" we will all feel a lot better then wont we! WONT WE!!!clap2.gif


i do get tired of these smug 'if you can't afford to live here/insure yourself tedious. Should everyone then have the good fortune to be on a fat company pension/lottery winner before they are able to make decisions as to whether to stay in their home countries then? And of course there are many 'life is what happens when you're making plans for other things.

I don't believe 'theblether', for instance, to be a troll. Simply, from what I've seen of his many posts, just a miserable old sod.

cheesy.gif In a nut shell (sorry English saying). As you point out the guy is a sad individual who thinks of himself and not the farang world as a whole, and no consideration for anybodies different life and how they got there.

You two are a good match

Yes, thankfully most Brits stick together. If in LOS and you had a problem l would back you up IF l thought you were innocent (shot gun not present), l am proud to be English and what the working guy has achieved and we/they should be looked after above all other..

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I am off to you tube now for a bit of Jerusalem and Hearts of Oak if you want to join me, the wife always comes and puts here arms round me, she maybe Thai but she knows how IMPORTANT THESE TWO ARE TO AN ENGLISHMAN.

Goodnight to you all, see you tomorrowjap.gif

  • Like 2

I am off to you tube now for a bit of Jerusalem and Hearts of Oak if you want to join me, the wife always comes and puts here arms round me, she maybe Thai but she knows how IMPORTANT THESE TWO ARE TO AN ENGLISHMAN.

Goodnight to you all, see you tomorrowjap.gif

Dee ma. +1


I am off to you tube now for a bit of Jerusalem and Hearts of Oak if you want to join me, the wife always comes and puts here arms round me, she maybe Thai but she knows how IMPORTANT THESE TWO ARE TO AN ENGLISHMAN.

Goodnight to you all, see you tomorrowjap.gif

Dee ma. +1

Away and give me peace, its guys like you that make Engerlund one of the most despised countries on Earth, that full of your own self importance and pomposity you make me ( and millions of others ) wretch.

Face the facts, there are hundreds upon thousands, if not millions of immigrants to England that have done more for the country than you. Millions of Indians took up the war effort in the last war, Gurkhas have died in their droves for the country, the NHS would collapse if it wasnt for immigrant doctors and nurses, and countless other immigrants have made outstanding contributions to the country.

Quite frankly, I personally know immigrants that could buy and sell you and your type, crawl back into your racist hole and leave the rest of us alone.

ps If Engerlund is that important to you.......move back.

pps I want to apologize to my English friends and compatriots if you think I am having a go at you, many English people are amongst the greatest and most gracious people I know, and the achievements of the English as part of the UK have changed the course of world history. There is a massive difference between a True Englishman and little engerlunder.


The blether, you have really lost me on this, are you saying that because "Jerusalem" and "Hearts of Oak" are important to me that that is wrong for an Englishman, that that makes me racist?

I can remember times when a foreigner was an Irishman, Scotsman, Welshman or Pole who had come to work in the local munitions factory!

You are right our health service is full of people from overseas, alot come to learn and go back, some are here to stay and frankly if I need fixing I dont care who fixes me so long as I get fixed. Recently, however, the NHS has had a 75% return rate for things not going as they should that is how I would put it anyway, so a bit of room for improvement.

I dont slag people off on this site but I do find some of your comments well off beam re my first paragraph.I think a lot of the ex pats on here are and always will be Brits, they will always have a special place in the hearts for blighty that does not mean to say that everything is hunky dory, it clearly is not and people express different opinions about things is their right, that is what we have always done and so long it is not done in a rude way that is ok.

Whether you agree or not immigration is seen by a lot of people as a problem and to keep immorting more and more to solve our problems is not the answer, the countries they came from, they are emmigrating, its not solving their countries problem is it? Controlled immigration is ok but too much has been allowed for cheaper labour, so who has benefited from that? Companies and shareholders with increased margins? The government through increased taxes? The ordinary man in the street does not benefit directly, all he sees is more and more non residents of the UK arriving in his neck of the woods, he hears so many strange tongues, he is plagued with forms with many language options, he is now having to pay for translations all over the place. He cant get what he thinks he is entitled too and is often told that by someone who was clearly not born in the UK , either by accent or skin colour, how do you think he feels about that?

You mention the war, yes you are right a lot came to fight with us for the sake of the world's future, clearly better choice, I am happy they did, most came from the old colonies but not all. and it did cost us the Empire. You mention the Ghurkas, yes I am glad J Lumley sorted out the unfairness for them, but no one comes to help me with my frozen pension increases and I am not alone am I ? Lots more pensioners in that position that Ghurkas, I am from England, the Gurkhas are from Nepal?

I come here knowing the score, I am not rich by the way, just an ordinary chap. I am happy to be accepted here, I will help where I can, get involved if asked too, generaly fit in with the locals, laugh with them not at them I dont get any benefits from the Thai Government I do contribute to the Thai economy. I take things as I find things, not everything is to my liking but thats part of life and living here, my balance is that living here is my preference over the UK, now at my time of life, but I will always be an Englishman if you think that is racist that is up to your interpretation, perhaps you took umbridge because I had preference for the Royal Navy, well, I have immense pride for not only the Roal Navy, but also for the Army and the Air Force. If only they would give the tools to do the jobs they asked to do.!!

Breakfast! Good morning to you The Blether and too everyone else.

  • Like 1

I am probably sadly mistaken but I always thought GB stood for playing fair, fairness and trying to do the right thing rather than the wrong thing.

You were sadly mistaken.

I'm only sorry that it seems you were not advised in your youth to build a life in which you never rely on anyone being 'fair' to you, particularly the Government.

Not that I'm picking on you personally, it is a national trait in the UK to believe the Government owes people, that they are entitled.

  • Like 1

I can remember times when a foreigner was an Irishman, Scotsman, Welshman or Pole who had come to work in the local munitions factory!

You'll perhaps also remember the food was <deleted>, the nation inward looking and the peak of cultural diversity the New Year Scottish Party on the TV - just before it went of air at midnight.

The UK has had to go through proud moments like the crowd throwing bananas at black footballers when they appeared on the pitch, but things have improved.

Meanwhile, as has been pointed out the NHS would collapse without the support of foreign workers who provide the manpower and skills in all sectors of it's operation.


I'm ashamed to be British and ashamed to share a nationality with people like TB.

If I could exchange my British nationality for Thai nationality, I would do so in a shot.

England is a scummy country full of self righteous judgmental prigs, the world would be a better place if some terrorist nuked it.

Just my opinion.


I'm ashamed to be British and ashamed to share a nationality with people like TB.

If I could exchange my British nationality for Thai nationality, I would do so in a shot.

England is a scummy country full of self righteous judgmental prigs, the world would be a better place if some terrorist nuked it.

Just my opinion.

I suppose you do your bit for your country by living in Thailand. Thanks.



This topic has reminded me of the benefits of private pensions and personal insurance. Its a lot easier to accept the shortcomings of your care and support when you are responsible for it yourself.

The great thing about a private pension is that it is specific to yourself, and governed by a contract. The UK state pension is governed by legislation and can be changed at the whim of future government; I'd hate to be at the mercy of some whippersnapper who has not even been weaned yet (possibly a slight exaggeration; I suppose the people who will be in power when I retire are in primary school now - though maybe not, since I am anticipating having to work till I drop...). I don't actually have any specific pension scheme in progress at the moment, though perhaps I should set one up as I am anticipating being here for a few years. The only reason for setting up a pension scheme, as opposed to just stuffing a shoe box with old notes, or whatever you do for general savings, would seem to be the tax breaks that accrue by locking the money up into a formal scheme until your dotage.

Whenever we have audaciously availed ourselves of care under the NHS when back in Blighty, I have found the standard of care to be excellent. For the sort of minor treatment that we have used, it would cost more to process the payment, particularly since the NHS is not set up to do so. But I can understand that they might take a more rigorous approach to medical tourists...


You're entitled to your opinion of course but, there are some things better left unsaid.

I'm ashamed to be British and ashamed to share a nationality with people like TB.

If I could exchange my British nationality for Thai nationality, I would do so in a shot.

England is a scummy country full of self righteous judgmental prigs, the world would be a better place if some terrorist nuked it.

Just my opinion.


The blether, you have really lost me on this, are you saying that because "Jerusalem" and "Hearts of Oak" are important to me that that is wrong for an Englishman, that that makes me racist?

I can remember times when a foreigner was an Irishman, Scotsman, Welshman or Pole who had come to work in the local munitions factory!

You are right our health service is full of people from overseas, alot come to learn and go back, some are here to stay and frankly if I need fixing I dont care who fixes me so long as I get fixed. Recently, however, the NHS has had a 75% return rate for things not going as they should that is how I would put it anyway, so a bit of room for improvement.

I dont slag people off on this site but I do find some of your comments well off beam re my first paragraph.I think a lot of the ex pats on here are and always will be Brits, they will always have a special place in the hearts for blighty that does not mean to say that everything is hunky dory, it clearly is not and people express different opinions about things is their right, that is what we have always done and so long it is not done in a rude way that is ok.

Whether you agree or not immigration is seen by a lot of people as a problem and to keep immorting more and more to solve our problems is not the answer, the countries they came from, they are emmigrating, its not solving their countries problem is it? Controlled immigration is ok but too much has been allowed for cheaper labour, so who has benefited from that? Companies and shareholders with increased margins? The government through increased taxes? The ordinary man in the street does not benefit directly, all he sees is more and more non residents of the UK arriving in his neck of the woods, he hears so many strange tongues, he is plagued with forms with many language options, he is now having to pay for translations all over the place. He cant get what he thinks he is entitled too and is often told that by someone who was clearly not born in the UK , either by accent or skin colour, how do you think he feels about that?

You mention the war, yes you are right a lot came to fight with us for the sake of the world's future, clearly better choice, I am happy they did, most came from the old colonies but not all. and it did cost us the Empire. You mention the Ghurkas, yes I am glad J Lumley sorted out the unfairness for them, but no one comes to help me with my frozen pension increases and I am not alone am I ? Lots more pensioners in that position that Ghurkas, I am from England, the Gurkhas are from Nepal?

I come here knowing the score, I am not rich by the way, just an ordinary chap. I am happy to be accepted here, I will help where I can, get involved if asked too, generaly fit in with the locals, laugh with them not at them I dont get any benefits from the Thai Government I do contribute to the Thai economy. I take things as I find things, not everything is to my liking but thats part of life and living here, my balance is that living here is my preference over the UK, now at my time of life, but I will always be an Englishman if you think that is racist that is up to your interpretation, perhaps you took umbridge because I had preference for the Royal Navy, well, I have immense pride for not only the Roal Navy, but also for the Army and the Air Force. If only they would give the tools to do the jobs they asked to do.!!

Breakfast! Good morning to you The Blether and too everyone else.


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