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Bangkok Gun Shops: What's Inside And Why Tourists Can't Buy

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Something else that all you would be gun owners really need to consider before you go rushing out to buy yourself your 'cannon' is 'do you have the stones to actually pull the trigger?' Most folks when faced with a big eff off handgun being pointed at them will do the right thing and beat a hasty retreat.....but then again, you get some fool off his head on yaabaa and/or Lao Kao, its a different story. And if you're not prepared to go all the way, what you have in your hand now becomes a serious liability and you (and anyone else that happens to be in the immediate vacinity....like spouses, kids, friends etc) are now in serious trouble. Most human beings have something 'built in' that stops them from killing another human being, and right in the heat of a showdown is not the time to debate this point with yourself, because one second is all that it will take for your situation to completely turn to rat-shit. If you're not sure; dont buy one. Trust me....its nothing like it is in the movies.

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I would argue that all of those gun shops should be forbidden to feel weapons to expats and Thai people alike. Only mentally sick people need a gun, it is after all an extension of a certain organ, that is probably too short or not working. Sell weapons and you get the mess that the US and the Philippines are in, including school murders, random shootings and a new mister Breivik will emerge soon. (Lot's of nice little Islands in Thailand after all).

There is no need for a gun in the hands of non police (and even they should not all get one) or army. Anyone who comes up with the bullocks statements that guns do not kill are fooling themselves Gun owners are not blessed with too many working brain cells though

Wow and you have the audacity to accuse me of not being blessed with "many working brain cells". I am a responsible firearm owner, I shoot, I love my sport, I'm serious enough to represent my country. I'm also female, so does that mean its an extension of my female parts as well? My female parts are probably what... too small or too large? I have no intention of shooting people yet you've already judged and juried me.

This comment is the biggest load of <deleted> Ive read on this forum. Criminals will always be able to get their hands on guns, regardless of any laws. Not all gun owners are criminals nor do all criminals use guns as their weapon of choice.

I agree with you 100%. If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have them.

Does not matter if a person is smart or not, if they are going to kill someone having a gun or not having a gun is not going to stop them, a knife, a car or their bare hands can do the job. An army with no guns??? This is the most idiotic remark I have ever heard!!!


Even though I'd like to buy one, the fact that my name and address would be on a list, along with the virtual certainty that a "burglar" would find a gun at my address, is pretty much a deal killer- given the trustworthiness of some fraction of the police here.

I've owned guns since I was old enough to buy my own and keep it in my own home. Parents wouldn't allow them in their house, so I can't blame it on my upbringing. In 35 years of gun ownership, I've never killed an animal or pointed one anywhere in the direction of a human being. I shoot targets, clay pigeons, and beer cans (full ones are a hoot). Frankly, I've done more property damage on a golf course than I have ever done with my guns.

I guess some folks won't feel happy until guns, bows and arrows, smoking, drinking, abortion or (fill in the pet-peeve-of-the-day) are banned in every corner of the world. Good luck with that.


are now in serious trouble.

I get your drift but you mean more serious then an intruder there to do you and your family any amount of unknown harm?

I think the chance is worth taking given the unknown alternative and like you said, MOST would turn tail and run pretty quickly once facing a gun so the odds are more in your favor then not having one..

JFYI I don't own one myself not because I don't believe in it but because I'm more concerned about my kids getting a hold of it or it being stolen from the house in our absence and I think that's a far more valid reason not to own one. Having said that I learned to shoot and was taught proper gun control, use and safety as well it's devastating potential when I was very little and I think that's how all children should be introduced to guns so they understand that unlike the movies, the video games and the cops and robbers games they emulate around the house that an actual gun is another very serious tool for protection that can seriously harm or kill and not a toy..

Edit: I also don't buy my boys toy guns either and feel really uncomfortable when they use anything to simulate a gun or the neighbors children play with them. The thought of them pointing them at each other or strangers just makes me cringe understanding the true result of an actual gun and it seems to me be at a minimum disrespectful of living beings.. This is all a product of my gun training and experiences and a complete reversal from my own childhood.. having said that though I accept that there are times when it may be necessary to do so so knowing how and when to use them properly is the way to go.


Like it or not. I am getting a gun and a holster. I like protectng myself, especially when someone in Thailand likes to lift my personal belongings off of me, via a knife, gun or group/mob. There will be a gun, not only on my person, but in my residence. You want to take what I've worked so hard to obtain..it's either you or me, that'll hit the ground. Simple. You anti-gun owners don't like it? Too bad. I'm not asking YOU for permission.


There is no need for a gun in the hands of non police (and even they should not all get one) or army. Anyone who comes up with the bullocks statements that guns do not kill are fooling themselves Gun owners are not blessed with too many working brain cells though

Wow and you have the audacity to accuse me of not being blessed with "many working brain cells". I am a responsible firearm owner, I shoot, I love my sport, I'm serious enough to represent my country. I'm also female, so does that mean its an extension of my female parts as well? My female parts are probably what... too small or too large? I have no intention of shooting people yet you've already judged and juried me.

This comment is the biggest load of <deleted> Ive read on this forum. Criminals will always be able to get their hands on guns, regardless of any laws. Not all gun owners are criminals nor do all criminals use guns as their weapon of choice.

Excellent reply LadyBytes! The availability of unregistered weapons (globally, not just Thailand) is untrue, and not that difficult to get once you have the contacts. Law abiding people don't have these contacts.

What I would say about owning personal weapons is before you make the purchase, understand the legal aspects of this action, and more to the point, the consequences of actually using the weapon for (what you believe to be) self defence.

Legally, you cannot carry the weapon on your person in public (unless you have been given the required permit to do so) so it will be restricted to your property. I am referring to handguns here and not sports or hunting weapons which have different controls.

If you have to get a weapon, get it for a reason and not just because you can. The amount of accidents that are caused with firearms, through lack of training and curiosity is alarming to say the least, so think about your children and other occupants in your home before purchasing. If you enjoy the pleasures of booze, don't even go down this road!

Last point, it is not as easy as you would think to point your weapon at someone and pull the trigger. It is an action you will live (hopefully) with for the rest of your life.

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Poeple should be able to own guns because of personal freedom, but do not fool yourself to think that owning a gun makes you more safe.

It is way more likely that someone will end up stealing your gun or there will be an accident with you gun or you will use it in bad judgement than actually "defending your family from a home invasion".

Where do you get this information? Or you just make this stuff up as you go along. Show me a report with statics that people that own guns end up having them stolen or used in a accident, please show me. I owned guns for 20 years in the US, never had one stolen never had an accident, all my friends owned guns never heard any of them having any guns stolen or accidents. Do accidents happen? yes, often don't think so.


I would argue that all of those gun shops should be forbidden to feel weapons to expats and Thai people alike. Only mentally sick people need a gun, it is after all an extension of a certain organ, that is probably too short or not working. Sell weapons and you get the mess that the US and the Philippines are in, including school murders, random shootings and a new mister Breivik will emerge soon. (Lot's of nice little Islands in Thailand after all).

There is no need for a gun in the hands of non police (and even they should not all get one) or army. Anyone who comes up with the bullocks statements that guns do not kill are fooling themselves Gun owners are not blessed with too many working brain cells though

I am with you 101%. Could not agree more!!!

Wow - great idea!! Let's ban guns, knives (other than culinary), martial arts training, agressvie sports etc etc - then everybody will be nice and kind to each other. Get rid of all Nuclear and even conventional waepons. Then those nice "axis of evil" countries can show they're really benevolent and beign, just misunderstood. Dream on!!

I respect your right to a different view. I also hope you are never faced with a life threatening situation, either individually, with your family or in threatened country.

Trajickingdom - and what extensive research have you carried out in the mental health of people wanting to own guns - interested to hear your research methodlogy? A PhD friend of mine carried out research into violent street crime in the early 90's. There was significantly less in Japan than the UK. Yet, in Japan, a much higher % of the population study martial arts to much higher levels.


Something else that all you would be gun owners really need to consider before you go rushing out to buy yourself your 'cannon' is 'do you have the stones to actually pull the trigger?' Most folks when faced with a big eff off handgun being pointed at them will do the right thing and beat a hasty retreat.....but then again, you get some fool off his head on yaabaa and/or Lao Kao, its a different story. And if you're not prepared to go all the way, what you have in your hand now becomes a serious liability and you (and anyone else that happens to be in the immediate vacinity....like spouses, kids, friends etc) are now in serious trouble. Most human beings have something 'built in' that stops them from killing another human being, and right in the heat of a showdown is not the time to debate this point with yourself, because one second is all that it will take for your situation to completely turn to rat-shit. If you're not sure; dont buy one. Trust me....its nothing like it is in the movies.

+1. I have just replied to LadyBytes last post with the same advice; it isn't Hollywood out there!


Like it or not. I am getting a gun and a holster. I like protectng myself, especially when someone in Thailand likes to lift my personal belongings off of me, via a knife, gun or group/mob. There will be a gun, not only on my person, but in my residence. You want to take what I've worked so hard to obtain..it's either you or me, that'll hit the ground. Simple. You anti-gun owners don't like it? Too bad. I'm not asking YOU for permission.

You won't carry it in public (legally anyway) without the correct permit.


John I see your point but I'd sacrifice my life to save my family whether it be it a lifetime in prison or even dying for them, so I don't see that as a reason to hesitate if they were in a position to be harmed regardless of the law. I'd be very content to know I saved their life and they have a long future ahead of them and being a hero in their eyes for making that choice..

What I thought was astonishing, disturbing and irrelevant to ownership is the question to foreigners of how much money they own?? WTH? Firstly who's business is that? And secondly if you don't have enough your families life and your possessions aren't worth the right to protect?? Someone who wishes to do you harm doesn't give a rats tush how much money you have in those terms only what's immediately available to them and is not even likely to know how much that is only an assumption or guess, especially what's in your bank account. This sounds more like a question to set you up for a shake down later either to pay more tea money for ownership or some other purpose in the future.

Thanks for your thoughts WarpSpeed.


I would argue that all of those gun shops should be forbidden to feel weapons to expats and Thai people alike. Only mentally sick people need a gun, it is after all an extension of a certain organ, that is probably too short or not working. Sell weapons and you get the mess that the US and the Philippines are in, including school murders, random shootings and a new mister Breivik will emerge soon. (Lot's of nice little Islands in Thailand after all).

There is no need for a gun in the hands of non police (and even they should not all get one) or army. Anyone who comes up with the bullocks statements that guns do not kill are fooling themselves Gun owners are not blessed with too many working brain cells though

Since the above post remains I can only judge it that some groups are fair game to attack with any slurs as one can think up.

How surprising that several of those proclaiming support for Red Shirts also have clear radical social-fascist tendencies and love to dictate what others should be limited to doing.


I am not Texan, but I wish. really respect the way they handle things down there. I would be proud to be Texan, but was not blessed by birth.

Then you should go there. plane tickets are not that expensive these days.

And don't take it personally, but maniacs are always told to go somewhere else regardless to their nationality.

Failure at logic.

Since the law allows it here and you disagree with it it is clearly you that should be flying somewhere else...

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And to ask before the question comes up:

A CC-permit is very difficult to get here, unless you have a job where it is 'required' due to job description or threat picture.

For example, which directly contradicts the article and might be a case of an off-duty cop running one shop and having a different opinion than another one, reporting being robbed/attacked as a jewelry trader is more likely to have your CC-permit approved then if there is no known/no clear threat picture against you.


Guns Kill.

It is their primary function.

It's rather foolish to think that you might not need one.

I was attacked by feral dogs 15 years ago in Northern California. The next time I went to my ranch, I had a Glock 19 with me.One round over the poochies heads and they were gone.

Let's see.. then there was the mountain lion that I thought was the neighbor's dog one night, as I tried to entice it to eat some chicken with me. Closer examination awakened me from my Eau De Vie Poire William fantasy, that the neighbor's dog had come to visit. Closed the bottle...went inside the house for a while.

I no longer own any weapons. Mostly by choice, but also because of theft. This should be a big consideration for anyone living in LOS. The possibility that you may be shot with your own weapon is greater than zero in provinces fueled by YaaBaa, (crank for you Californians).

There is a very large King Cobra living around our house. I have never killed an animal with a weapon. Snakes are of great benefit when you are overrun with mice. I have no desire to kill it and could probably convince it to leave if I could ever figure out where he/she hangs out. Still, this does not mean I would not like a weapon to even the odds in the event the snake wanted to have it's way with me in the biblical sense.

Guns are a pain in the ass...if you take it with you.. it owns you..

Had a crazed man tell me he was going to kill me once. He meant it. My .357 was within a meter of my reach, yet had I gone for it.. he would have dropped me with a small axe, like rice under an Isan scythe. I immediately embraced the man and apologized for whatever indiscretion he felt I had bestowed upon him. Guns can be a rapid ending to a long story.

To say that people are stupid for owning them is like telling a mechanic he is stupid for using metric tools on a Mercedes. There is a time and place for everything.

If Christine LaGarde's predictions are correct, I would highly suggest you invest in a magnum, short barreled shotgun and 50 rounds of deer slugs, because if the world economy collapses...you're going to need it Coolio, just not in Thailand.

Civilised countrys in Europe doesn`t allow too much weapons, I will never understand why USAmericans need them like big bOOb-ies --- Fact is, if one have one he will shoot and a lot of crazy dogs drinking too much doesnt proof me wrong here. .... But with all the weapons around in your glorious country I will never understand why you finally not shoot the RIGHT people and leave the rest of the world alone and at peace jap.gif


Foreign Business Owners have always been allowed to own guns here. On your permit it will say that you can only have the gun in your possession from your home to your business and also to the Bank that your business is registered with. Anywhere outside that triangle and you could be in trouble AND lose your gun, business etc.


So can I now buy a gun legally beibg a foreinger with a business and work permit

Yes. You already could before too.

Not totally true. You have to explain at the Police station for what reason you NEED a gun. If they broke in your house a couple of times its not a

problem.... BUT normally your wife has to own the gun....like the house rolleyes.gif AND if someone really get shot in your house...you are not allowed to carry it outside.... make sure your wife shot and not yourself guitar.gif


So now we can put more guns on the streets in the cities. Cities like Pataya, Pukhet, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, And should I keep going?

They are already on the streets...but at least now I can defend against them.


So now we can put more guns on the streets in the cities. Cities like Pataya, Pukhet, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, And should I keep going?

I need a FaceBook LIKE button here (:

and NO. normally NO ONE except police or proofed bodyguards is allowed to carry firearms OUTSIDE the house or at shooting ranges... so if some gangsters running around with handguns or bazookas it doesnt mean YOU as a farang can do the same...DAM_N some ppl here are hard to understand sometimes


Foreign Business Owners have always been allowed to own guns here. On your permit it will say that you can only have the gun in your possession from your home to your business and also to the Bank that your business is registered with. Anywhere outside that triangle and you could be in trouble AND lose your gun, business etc.

Not quite sure where you got that information from, care to advise?


Foreign Business Owners have always been allowed to own guns here. On your permit it will say that you can only have the gun in your possession from your home to your business and also to the Bank that your business is registered with. Anywhere outside that triangle and you could be in trouble AND lose your gun, business etc.

Not quite sure where you got that information from, care to advise?

From owning a gun here and having it registered in MY name. I owned a Business and had a lot of money on site and when it was Pay Day and we had to get the money from the Bank I was allowed to have it in my possession.

If you are let's say an English Teacher here with a work permit and apply to buy/register a gun chances are they will not allow this. If you are allowed then for sure you will only be able to have it in your house and NOT anywhere else.

When they registered my gun they even came to my business to see everything and looked at our Business's Bank accounts, withdrawals, etc.

BTW: If you plan on getting a gun here you should consider a 0.38 due to the price and availability of other ammunition here in LOS.


If I felt it necessary to own a gun here I would leave.

I have stayed in Cambodia and even though it is more dangerous, I have never felt the need to own a gun let alone carry one anywhere in South East Asia.

Africa; different story. I recently did a job in Nigeria where I had three heavily-armed security professionals with me at all times.


I am not Texan, but I wish. really respect the way they handle things down there. I would be proud to be Texan, but was not blessed by birth.

Then you should go there. plane tickets are not that expensive these days.

And don't take it personally, but maniacs are always told to go somewhere else regardless to their nationality.

Failure at logic.

Since the law allows it here and you disagree with it it is clearly you that should be flying somewhere else...

Failure at understanding simple text. Suggesting that those who have problems with hearing other people's opinions will stop posting at forums.


I am not Texan, but I wish. really respect the way they handle things down there. I would be proud to be Texan, but was not blessed by birth.

Then you should go there. plane tickets are not that expensive these days.

And don't take it personally, but maniacs are always told to go somewhere else regardless to their nationality.

Failure at logic.

Since the law allows it here and you disagree with it it is clearly you that should be flying somewhere else...

Failure at understanding simple text. Suggesting that those who have problems with hearing other people's opinions will stop posting at forums.

Well (1) I have bought a plane ticket to Texas before. I like Texas. It's beautiful. People are friendly. They're proud to be Texan, and I don't blame them.

Regarding "suggesting that those who have problems hearing other people's opinions will stop posting"...no...wishing people with opinions would stop hijacking people's threads. This thread is not "What are your opinions on gun control"...this thread is the change in the Thai law, and what the Thai law is in regards to gun ownership. It is useful to many people. But you anti gun crowd jump on this thread and all the other threads involving guns so that LAW ABIDING people who SUPPORT firearm ownership cannot talk about it.

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Foreign Business Owners have always been allowed to own guns here. On your permit it will say that you can only have the gun in your possession from your home to your business and also to the Bank that your business is registered with. Anywhere outside that triangle and you could be in trouble AND lose your gun, business etc.

Not quite sure where you got that information from, care to advise?

From owning a gun here and having it registered in MY name. I owned a Business and had a lot of money on site and when it was Pay Day and we had to get the money from the Bank I was allowed to have it in my possession.

If you are let's say an English Teacher here with a work permit and apply to buy/register a gun chances are they will not allow this. If you are allowed then for sure you will only be able to have it in your house and NOT anywhere else.

When they registered my gun they even came to my business to see everything and looked at our Business's Bank accounts, withdrawals, etc.

BTW: If you plan on getting a gun here you should consider a 0.38 due to the price and availability of other ammunition here in LOS.

Well I'm sure not a teacher and have been working in Thailand for a long time now. The reason I asked for the reference to where the information came from, was because I had never heard of this concession for foreign businesses.

Would have thought that the police would have mentioned it due to our work.

Were you in the precious metal & stone market?


It's not difficult to make a crossbow, a longbow is even easier but takes more skill to use. It takes about 2 weeks to learn to throw a knife. However, revenge killings are usually done with bombs.

Then there are catapults and catapult spear guns, mace and pepper sprays, samurai type swords are also popular as are machetes. biggrin.png .


is there a background check and license required for a 22? i just need one around the house to shoot rodents. i see them sold at all the markets and malls. i am in Isaan. thanks.

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