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False Prophecy Leads To US$13m Loss In Tourism Revenues At Tak's Bhumibol Dam


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sorry, but sounds pretty spot on. There was massive flooding in BKK recently as a concequence of the dam not being able to hold water as we all know.

Was not exactly 31st December........ but not far off if ti was predicted 37 yrs back


Beware of kids predictions!!!... my daughter has "seen" icecream after dinner... and I -darn- believe it!!! dry.png

Amazing... as usual... passifier.gif

Edited by DonGato
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There are two things I am certain of :

(1) I knew with 100 per cent certainty from the start this old dude was a nutcase

(2) There was no way I was going near Bhumibol Dam on December 31, 2011

That's a rather extreme way of hedging your bets!

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Is he making these prophecy claims for financial benefit in some way? While most people take these absurd prophecy claims with a grain of salt, some believe charlatans like this man. Better if a warning is sent to all of them.

"Most people"? It wasn't that many years ago that the then Prime Minister of Thailand was up in Burma getting his fortune told - and that probably shaped some government policy! They are all mental if you ask me.

Strange though, I noticed today from the behaviour of my two cats when I hung them upside down by their tails that I forsee the sun rising in the South tomorrow morning!

Edited by Willeyeam
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As we all know, in most of our homelands, the guy would just be simply dismissed as a lunatic and would not get any attention from even his friends, let alone the media and general public.

It's the gullible "customers" and the indiscriminate media that should be arrested for giving the guy a gram of credibility (hearers) and a platform (the media).


In my country lunatics like this and their predictions are big news and some people take them seriously


Yes, I agree, but the difference is that in the West, the %age of Alternative/pseudo-religious/spiritual cranks who would take this kind of thing seriously would be no more than perhaps 5% of the population, whereas in Thailand, it's probably more like 80%.

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sorry, but sounds pretty spot on. There was massive flooding in BKK recently as a concequence of the dam not being able to hold water as we all know.

Was not exactly 31st December........ but not far off if ti was predicted 37 yrs back

+ 1

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I don't see what laws this guy has broken by publishing a bullsh*t prophecy

I believe there is a catch-all law in Thailand about damaging someone else's business.

So if you say, or write, something like: "The Kitty Kat restaurant is useless" and the management of that place can prove that the statement damaged their business, then you are liable.

A legal expert could explain it more accurately, I'm sure.

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Is he making these prophecy claims for financial benefit in some way? While most people take these absurd prophecy claims with a grain of salt, some believe charlatans like this man. Better if a warning is sent to all of them.

"Most people"? It wasn't that many years ago that the then Prime Minister of Thailand was up in Burma getting his fortune told - and that probably shaped some government policy! They are all mental if you ask me.

Strange though, I noticed today from the behaviour of my two cats when I hung them upside down by their tails that I forsee the sun rising in the South tomorrow morning!

Good point.

'no comment' re the cats.

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As we all know, in most of our homelands, the guy would just be simply dismissed as a lunatic and would not get any attention from even his friends, let alone the media and general public.

It's the gullible "customers" and the indiscriminate media that should be arrested for giving the guy a gram of credibility (hearers) and a platform (the media).


In my country lunatics like this and their predictions are big news and some people take them seriously


Yes, I agree, but the difference is that in the West, the %age of Alternative/pseudo-religious/spiritual cranks who would take this kind of thing seriously would be no more than perhaps 5% of the population, whereas in Thailand, it's probably more like 80%.

Most of this prophecy sh*t was invented in Britain by the druids, Celts & Conservitive party.

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I have no idea why people would put much stalk in such nonsense.

Please don't tell anyone about the Mayan Calendar. Heaven only knows what will happen.

Any Mayan decedents would be smart to stay clear of Thailand after 2012 to avoid arrest.

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I don't know wether to laugh or cry at the the thai justice system.

Shouldn't they arrest the ashes of the poor boy 37 years back who did the prediction, not his father who just recited it?

The funny part is that they actually waited until after the new years to see if the predicion was bullocks before they acted.

He might have been right, after all!

And then...what???


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I have no idea why people would put much stalk in such nonsense.

Please don't tell anyone about the Mayan Calendar. Heaven only knows what will happen.

Ha ha ha. Now your talking of a prophecy by someone the Thai's have not a clue about. They wouldn't give it a thought. If it's not a Thai prophecy, it's not believable. Nostradamus, never heard of him, does he live in Chiang Mai? :-)

Sorry, but you're wrong. My Esaan lady's 17yr old son, genuinely concerned, quizzed me about the Mayan prophesy, using her to translate, a couple of months ago. If I'd known the Thai for BS, it would have saved me a lot of time. "Kee Kuaye" maybe? Dont forget Thai kids and teenagers r on the internet 90% of the time now. And everything is now out there on the net.

But I very much doubt if he will believe me until he wakes up on 1 Jan 2013!

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In another case, Paul the octopus, who was used throughout the 2010 FIFA world cup to predict the winner of matches against Germany throughout the tournament, has been summonsed to the Supreme Court of Thailand and stands accused of being unusually lucky. The British born Octopus Vulgaris, who emigated to Germany in his formative years, correctly predicted the winner of 8 matches during the tournament - a 100% record with a probability greater than 256-1. The polyp's keepers at Sea World Centre, Oberhausen, Germany have responded to the summons with a declaration that he unfortunately died on October 26th 2010 and will consequently be unable to attend. Judge Chocdee Plamukyai has received a copy of the death certificate and is considering what action to take next. "I consider it rather unusual that a death caused by shooting in head, sealing in a plastic bag and leaping out of the tank would not be recorded as a suicide as they are in Thailand."

Not really much different than while a young detective, a former chief in good old North America (not Mexico),managing at first to declare the first in a number of females murdered by a psycho to have been a suicide. At least it was until the coroner arrived and found the bullet had entered from the back. Something like shooting self in the head three times just to make sure.

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What about one of the biggest prophecies, the Jehovas Witnesses and their Armageddon. I remember that one being rammed down my throat when I was a kid. That 144,000 going to heaven theory has passed it's sell by date several times and they keep shifting the prediction date.hit-the-fan.gif

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Stupidity rules in Thailand's police force. First of all they are unable to quantify the loss and the accused could counter that more people actually came because a dam burst is a once in a lifetime experience. Secondly if the people are that stupid to cancel they should summon the teachers organization of Thailand for incompetence. Moreover if the police is in the business of summoning people of giving false prophecies, they should start closing down all temples, churches and mosques today. They have no trouble telling us fairytales. And what about the ploughing ceremonies, do they arrest the people behind them too if they do not work out. This

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Here's a little "conspiracy theory" to consider......Tak is a strong democratic province (Yellow) and was

under scrutiny during the flood crisis for why the water was being held up at the dam for so long and

then suddenly drained in massive amounts, hence the floods.

So, how convenient for this psychic's predicted catastrophe to cause Tak millions in tourist revenue this

holiday season. Revenge? Also, the Shinawatra's own and control an extensive amount of Thai media.

The Tak governer is outraged by this "old man" psychic and the financial damage he caused Tak,

and from what I heard while in Tak, he is behind the investigation. I also heard that many poor people

in Tak sold their land to a wealthy investor at fire sale prices for fear of being flooded and killed.

That wreaks of a conspiracy to me....if true. This is what I've heard from credible sources while there last weekend.

No, I didn't hear it from an old lady at the beauty parlor, I am talking about educated adults, some who work in the municipal government.

Congratulations, templedog. You win today's TV prize for working Taksin Shinawatra into a totally irrelavent post. A potatao chip is on it's way to you as we speak.

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Here's a little "conspiracy theory" to consider......Tak is a strong democratic province (Yellow) and was

under scrutiny during the flood crisis for why the water was being held up at the dam for so long and

then suddenly drained in massive amounts, hence the floods.

So, how convenient for this psychic's predicted catastrophe to cause Tak millions in tourist revenue this

holiday season. Revenge? Also, the Shinawatra's own and control an extensive amount of Thai media.

The Tak governer is outraged by this "old man" psychic and the financial damage he caused Tak,

and from what I heard while in Tak, he is behind the investigation. I also heard that many poor people

in Tak sold their land to a wealthy investor at fire sale prices for fear of being flooded and killed.

That wreaks of a conspiracy to me....if true. This is what I've heard from credible sources while there last weekend.

No, I didn't hear it from an old lady at the beauty parlor, I am talking about educated adults, some who work in the municipal government.

Congratulations, templedog. You win today's TV prize for working Taksin Shinawatra into a totally irrelavent post. A potatao chip is on it's way to you as we speak.

You took the words out of my ...ahm...keyboard!

Some [email protected]....

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I heard that he just made a numerical mistake and the real date was 31st January 2012. Whoops!

There is no 31st January. Must be 30th January. Maybe 31st February. Whoops, there is no 31st February,.....

...... maybe 28th February.

Same as the doomsday predictions. 11 / 11 / 11 .... and so on. They come and go, - but people are quick to rationalize why they made a mistake and quickly generate a new date. Many people thrive on this stuff.

Leave the old guy alone.

It's not only Thai's who get into these predictions. Just look on the net - at how many predictions there are. Are these Thai's. Nope! Most are Farangs, - and the web sites and accompanying videos are elaborate.

So, for all you people out there pointing the finger at Thai's for their simple superstitions, .... look in your own home country first. Probably much more BS there.

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Some people have no idea how powerful superstition and rumor mongering are around here. I lost my pre-paid (one of those Agoda no-refund specials) New Year's trip to Samui a year ago because my college-educated, middle-management companion heard from her friends there would be a tsunami there on New Year's Eve.

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First of all predictions are possible but the timing may be off. Or it could have been averted already by actions taken over the last 37 years to re-enforce the dam. Time is in a constant flux and changes all the time.

What should happen is extra attention put on the dam during regular inspections. Why would this guy be to blame if the media is the one who put the story out there.

So what happens if the Dam breaks a year from now? Predicting dates is difficult but predicting obvious events is not so difficult.

I predict many things due to observations and knowledge. Is the Dam strong enough to withstand an earthquake? If not then sure it could collapse during more recent instability in the Earth's crust. Look what happened to Christ Church New Zealand.

The obvious solution would be to make all Dams earthquake proof. Then any such prophesy is automatically changed. We control our future through our actions. Earth going to blow up? Move to the moon. Sun going to explode? Move to another solar system.

False prophets don't disprove all prophecy. Sometimes I have weird dreams and then forget. The next day I run into the thing I dreamt about. Recently I dreamt of being with my gf and seeing a strange shoe I'd never seen before. Why was a dreaming of this shoe? I've never dreamt about them and didnt have any plans to look at them. I woke up and told myself I have to remember this shoe for some reason. I was going to run into it soon. The next day we suddenly decided to eat at a shopping mall on the way home. I saw this shoe shop next to the restaurant and felt ill at ease. I walked into the shoe shop and found the exact strange shoe I had dreamt about the night before. I didnt even know shoes could have light blue soles and white and black spotted leather but there it was.

so that's why I believe some prophesy is real. We all have this ability to some degree. Doesn't mean you have to believe every prophesy made. But you can inspect it for yourself.

As for the Mayan Calendar the real researchers point out it's the end of an Era, not the end of the world. It's the media and chaos merchants that turn it into the end of the world.

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Here's a little "conspiracy theory" to consider......Tak is a strong democratic province (Yellow) and was

under scrutiny during the flood crisis for why the water was being held up at the dam for so long and

then suddenly drained in massive amounts, hence the floods.

So, how convenient for this psychic's predicted catastrophe to cause Tak millions in tourist revenue this

holiday season. Revenge? Also, the Shinawatra's own and control an extensive amount of Thai media.

The Tak governer is outraged by this "old man" psychic and the financial damage he caused Tak,

and from what I heard while in Tak, he is behind the investigation. I also heard that many poor people

in Tak sold their land to a wealthy investor at fire sale prices for fear of being flooded and killed.

That wreaks of a conspiracy to me....if true. This is what I've heard from credible sources while there last weekend.

No, I didn't hear it from an old lady at the beauty parlor, I am talking about educated adults, some who work in the municipal government.

Congratulations, templedog. You win today's TV prize for working Taksin Shinawatra into a totally irrelavent post. A potatao chip is on it's way to you as we speak.

Well done Templedog, you've actually managed to make Nostradamus seem lucid!

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First of all predictions are possible but the timing may be off. Or it could have been averted already by actions taken over the last 37 years to re-enforce the dam. Time is in a constant flux and changes all the time.


Surely if someone is psychic enough to predict a dam collapse, they shouldn't have any problem predicting a bit of maintenance work ...

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