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Thai Officials, PM Yingluck Face Blame Of Flooding


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Saying that 2011's rain was 50% more than normal is just not true. If so, let's see the numbers. I've searched for numbers online, and found sketchy data leading up to 2010. Whomever is measuring rainfall in Thailand, really needs a refresher in how to read rain gauges. Same goes for whomever is charged with reading sea water levels. Do Thai 'scientists' not have the proper equipment, or do they not know how to use it, or do they just expect farang 'experts' to do such things?

The '50% more than usual' pap is just officials trying to lessen the responsibility/consequences of the 2011 floods. Mega bucks and profound efforts have been devoted to trying to keep Bkk flood free for decades. .....Yet 2011 was 'the worst floods ever'! Logic would tell us that : THE MORE MONEY AND EFFORT SPENT ON TRYING TO PREVENT FLOODING, THE MORE SEVERE THE FLOODING WILL BE.

So what do Thailand's leaders recommend doing now? That's right, dump truckloads more money down the drainhole known as 'Bangkok Flood Prevention. I hate to say 'I told you so' but sometime in the near future, some politicians will wake up and realize that the smart money should be devoted to relocating as much of Bkk to higher ground as possible. Satelite cities would be smarter yet, but who ever accused politicians of being smart.

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