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Open Letter To PM Yingluck Re: Updating Laws Affecting Foreigners From Drew Noyes


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When will foreigners accept the fact that asians enjoy being treated equally with us in the west but westerners are treated as 3rd rate interlopers in thailand. As a farang i would be in far more trouble for exterminating a soi dog than a Thai would be for killing a foreigner expecially if they know influential people. Foreigners will probably never have equal rights with Thais. They dont really want us here. Its always about the money.

They only marry european men for their assets bought in LOS and even back home. An Australian recently lost his house in Australia to his Thai-isan wife in a divorce settlement. He owned the house before marrying the creep. We cant win.

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Missing is foreign ownership of land...Why can't I own the small 208 square meter piece of land I live on in Thailand while a Thai can go to my country and buy as much as she/he likes. What on earth do the Thais think I am going to do with my small plot? Build a nuclear missile! Dig it up and ship it to UK. Come on if the Thais really think it is BAD for somebody to own land in a country that is not their own (nationality) then a law should be passed forbidding ALL THAIS FROM OWNING LAND OVERSEAS. See how they like that.

Honestly a reasonable change would be One Rai per foreigner family.

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Good effort that needs to be complimented rather than scoured. But there are more things the foreigners could ask for. Personally I think that the allowed percentage of condominium ownership and even a proposed 90 Year land lease instead of 30 are half-measures that under the current economic circumstances are not going to make much of a difference to foreign investment in Thailand. And there is no any improvement in this situation on a horizon. So, if Thailand was to be serious about encouraging foreign investment they should introduce stronger measures giving foreigners security over their assets brought into the country and facilitating their stay here. I'm talking of things like straight ownership of not only condominiums but small land parcels (maybe up to 1 rai). And easily extendable 10 year visas based on the investment made similar to the Malaysia My Second Home program. Only than the perception that Thailand is only geared at extracting money from foreigners who are not really welcome here and treated as second class "citizens" here may eventually fade away.

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This has to be the most idiotic thing ever, I take it the person responsible for this naive idea has just arrived in Thailand as anyone who has spent time here knows quite defiantly that NON Thais are viewed as buffalo dung by any Thai elite or Hi-So

More like an advertising campaign that has also not been thought about........oh and good luck on renewing your work Permit and company registry as you will be well and truly placed on the watch list

Take it from me over 40 years here ...NOTHING will ever change for the good of Foreigners here especially the 4 points raised

Just look how a Thai woman gives up here rights when marrying a non Thai

What rights does a Thai woman give up if marrying a foreigner? If you are referring to not being able to buy land, that is BS.

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This letter should be a one pager, free of errors, and express economic benefits to Thais. If there are no economic benefits to Thais, they will ignore it. The condominium resale benefit is one that I am certain that Thais have already figured out how to get around. The reduction of annual deposit from 800K to 560K and the monthly requirement is a negative to Thais. They will question why it"s worth having them here, if they have no money to rock and roll. They only want the money. They would actually be happy if we stayed out and just sent the money to the Thai wife, girlfriend, or business partner. The lawyer must have a lot of time on his hands and fewer clients around.

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...and that's all they can think of? What a self-centred and badly written worthless piece of paper!

THere are so many issues involving foreigners in Thailand and they have basically chosen to ask to make it cheaper to stay here and buy property - the result - more riffraff and scumbags.

what is needed is a relaxation in business and company law to enable foreigners to come here and make a REAL contribution to the country's economy and development.

but I guess that open letter is all you can expect to get when you leave a bunch of expats in a room full of beer over new year.

Edited by cowslip
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Thanks Mr Noyes for this open letter.

We should always remember that "a journey of a thousand miles start with a single step" (Confucius) and my favorite one "they didn't know it was impossible so they did it" (Mark Twain)

And a last one for the road : there are only 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don't smile.png

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This letter should be a one pager, free of errors, and express economic benefits to Thais. If there are no economic benefits to Thais, they will ignore it. The condominium resale benefit is one that I am certain that Thais have already figured out how to get around. The reduction of annual deposit from 800K to 560K and the monthly requirement is a negative to Thais. They will question why it"s worth having them here, if they have no money to rock and roll. They only want the money. They would actually be happy if we stayed out and just sent the money to the Thai wife, girlfriend, or business partner. The lawyer must have a lot of time on his hands and fewer clients around.

someone with a bit of clear thinking on the matter.

I think the "only want the money" is a bit over simplistic but in essence you make good points - especially about the standard of writing involved.

I get the impression that this "open" letter is intended more for the simple tastes of TV members than the Thai Govt.

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There are other foreigners in Thailand besides the Pattaya expat community and the issues are much broader than it would seem the OP seems to realise - this is a very ego-centric effort.

If foreigners are really interested in "changing" their situation in Thailand then a pan-national organisation should be formed and given the remit to produce a document to be presented to the Thai government that is truly representative of the needs of foreigners living in Thailand........ Not a onesided doc produced over lunch by a few (myopic?) US expats.

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Thanks Mr Noyes for this open letter.

We should always remember that "a journey of a thousand miles start with a single step" (Confucius) and my favorite one "they didn't know it was impossible so they did it" (Mark Twain)

And a last one for the road : there are only 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don't smile.png

"A first step in the wrong direction is about as much use as a fart in a force 10 gale" - C. Slip

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I would have thought that Mr. Noyes would have been able to convey his message privately as he has indicated previously that he is on personal terms with Khun Yingluck. Please see attached.


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foreign men can become Thai citizens if married to a Thai woman, but the requirements are much stricter...

Any link or advise to get Thai citizenship???

Jeff, a recent post here about your question.

Good place to start

Chok dee

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Why would a foreigner want to become a Thai citizen any ways.

Sorry but I've lived here to long so this letter sure don't represent me for one.. Seems old Drew is a newbie to Thailand I say.

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dear PM Yingluck and Sirs of Immigration,

this letter is not submitted on my behalf as stated by the writer.

i have no problem following the laws and rules of a foreign country in which i wish to reside.


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Great, just what Thailand needs, more foreigners who don't have enough money to live here. The 400,000 and 800,000 baht requirements are fair. Keeps out people who don't have the required money to live here.

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Uhmm...when in the world did the investment minimum to procure investment-based visa become THB30 MILLION???? I never heard of this. I know it used to be THB3 million but was raised around 2006 to THB10 million. Does this person have the right details?? If Thailand is now requiring US$1 million...my goodness...! I know Singapore requires minimum of US$1 million and THAT is much more understandable. But since when did Thailand elevate so highly in terms of business reputation to be demanding on the level of a Singapore, or a HK or Taiwan, etc.?! I checked now a document and I only see THB10 million as minimum for investment-based visa.

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At least someone is trying instead of just complaining and knowing that nothing will ever change.

Someone already had a good idea:

"If foreigners are really interested in "changing" their situation in Thailand then a pan-national organisation should be formed"

This would be a good start, so who has the Thai language knowledge, the time, charisma and the guts to start that?

Maybe if we keep sending this kind of letters on a regular basis (and in Thai) the government will not be able to ignore it. Even if the outcome is that the government clearly states that he doesn't care about us and that we better shut the f***k up or get the hell out of here. At least that would be a clear statement to investors, too!

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How about an amendment to allow teacher's wh have been teaching English in Thailand for a few years now, but don't have a piece of paper that says Bachelor's degree on it, but do have lots of experience, in both their teaching and Thai culture, the educational system.. as well as other teaching quals, both gained in UK and here.. but now have to 'ship out' for someone with a bit a paper and whatever experience (if any?)??.. Yes I'm including and talking about myself in all this, at 48 years of age, I've been here 5 years and worked as an English teacher for all but 3 months of that time (including the first 3 months as a volunteer at a large orphanage and school).. I've actually been at the same Government school for over 4 years now.. but WILL NOT get my contract renewed end of March, as my UK (Huddersfield) University qualification says 'Certificate in Education' not 'Bachelor Degree or Masters in Education'!!.. Yes I'm pretty down about it, as I have a decent life here, despite my hardly spectacular 20k baht P.M. salary (couldn't do it back in England!!) and have never had anything but thanks - until now!!! - from my school...

I'm sure there must be many similar farang folks, teaching (but not for much longer!!) under similar circumstances... and I think this insistence on bits of paper rather than 'Can you do the job well' is just b******s!!! Rant over!... all those in agreement (or similarly hassled!) please undersign and pass on...

All the best in the New Year, all, regardless,

LBUK ;-> (:

to add to and clarify my own post.. (too much ranting?!) .. yes I know we were always technically supposed to have degrees but now.. like so many things that suddenly come round here.. it's ENFORCEMENT time.. ie, my school can no longer write up a 'We want this teacher, he's qualified, he's experience etc etc' letter to keep my 'above board, ie with visa and yaerly WP.. now we must show degree to get Thai Culture and Professional Ethics' course, then show the degree (+ TC&PEc!!) and try to get our Teacher's Licenses..

NB: you have a huge 'wedge' coming in already, as per above 'Open letter' then you're sorted!!.. wish those were my 'problems'... :-)

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How about an amendment to allow teacher's wh have been teaching English in Thailand for a few years now, but don't have a piece of paper that says Bachelor's degree on it, but do have lots of experience, in both their teaching and Thai culture, the educational system.. as well as other teaching quals, both gained in UK and here.. but now have to 'ship out' for someone with a bit a paper and whatever experience (if any?)??.. Yes I'm including and talking about myself in all this, at 48 years of age, I've been here 5 years and worked as an English teacher for all but 3 months of that time (including the first 3 months as a volunteer at a large orphanage and school).. I've actually been at the same Government school for over 4 years now.. but WILL NOT get my contract renewed end of March, as my UK (Huddersfield) University qualification says 'Certificate in Education' not 'Bachelor Degree or Masters in Education'!!.. Yes I'm pretty down about it, as I have a decent life here, despite my hardly spectacular 20k baht P.M. salary (couldn't do it back in England!!) and have never had anything but thanks - until now!!! - from my school...

I'm sure there must be many similar farang folks, teaching (but not for much longer!!) under similar circumstances... and I think this insistence on bits of paper rather than 'Can you do the job well' is just b******s!!! Rant over!... all those in agreement (or similarly hassled!) please undersign and pass on...

All the best in the New Year, all, regardless,

LBUK ;-> (:

to add to and clarify my own post.. (too much ranting?!) .. yes I know we were always technically supposed to have degrees but now.. like so many things that suddenly come round here.. it's ENFORCEMENT time.. ie, my school can no longer write up a 'We want this teacher, he's qualified, he's experience etc etc' letter to keep my 'above board, ie with visa and yaerly WP.. now we must show degree to get Thai Culture and Professional Ethics' course, then show the degree (+ TC&PEc!!) and try to get our Teacher's Licenses..

NB: you have a huge 'wedge' coming in already, as per above 'Open letter' then you're sorted!!.. wish those were my 'problems'... :-)

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This would be a good start, so who has the Thai language knowledge, the time, charisma and the guts to start that?

I know somebody...he has your 4 requested requirements.


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