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Terror Suspect Still At Large May Be Hezbollah Operative : Israeli News

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Locals in Afghanistan have described the Iranian influence as like a cancer.

You mean something like the plague? The black death?

No using their oil money for total power takeover.

ohmy.png a conspiracy???

And i thought its about nuclear power.

Its mostly about Iran's political ambitions to dominate the entire middle eastern region. the nukes will help a lot with that. Look folks, its OK to come out and be pro Iran. I'm pro USA and pro Israel, proudly. If its going to be war, I'm not neutral. Edited by Jingthing
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My understanding is that the Bali bombings were carried out by Al Qaida, you know, the ones NATO and the West supported in Libya. Nothing to do with Hezbollah.

More specifically they were the Jemaah Islamiyah faction and linked to Al Quaeda or the Taliban by the UN. Also known to have adopted the Hezbollah model.

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My understanding is that the Bali bombings were carried out by Al Qaida, you know, the ones NATO and the West supported in Libya. Nothing to do with Hezbollah.

Thailand was harboring some of them.

Thailand arrested one of them. An Indonesian terrorist.

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Its mostly about Iran's political ambitions to dominate the entire middle eastern region. the nukes will help a lot with that. Look folks, its OK to come out and be pro Iran. I'm pro USA and pro Israel, proudly. If its going to be war, I'm not neutral.

I didn't know that the USA is in the Middle East. Sounds like some Protocols of some Elders of Persepolis.

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It is conceivable that a Hezbollah type group could be taking actions in Thailand. Part of their general outlook on the world is: Israel should be destroyed, as well as its people. So, an attack on Israeli interests within Thailand is not far-fetched, because Thai security is generally lax to a fault. Along with that, Hezbollah, like all extreme Islamist groups, believe everyone should eventurally see the world as they see it - Sharia law, and all the rest of their mandates. In lieu of that, it's not outlandish to picture some of their operatives trying to create fanatics (and later 'martyrs') here in Thailand.

On the other side of the issue, some of my favorite people here in northern Thailand are Moslems, including a few young men who appear as decent and respectful as any I've met anywhere.

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Its mostly about Iran's political ambitions to dominate the entire middle eastern region. the nukes will help a lot with that. Look folks, its OK to come out and be pro Iran. I'm pro USA and pro Israel, proudly. If its going to be war, I'm not neutral.

I didn't know that the USA is in the Middle East. Sounds like some Protocols of some Elders of Persepolis.

Oh please, I am not talking about the USA. I'm talking about Iran's heavy involvement in a number of middle eastern countries.
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May be they were looking for Former British prime minister Tony Blair when he delivers the keynote address at the Thailand Board of Investment (BoI) CEO Forum cowboy.gif

Edited by metisdead
Bold font removed.
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Just a small reminder.

Hezbollah and Iran are shiite muslims.

Al qaeda are sunnite muslims.

They see one another as traitors of the islam. They bomb one another in Iraq and Pakistan.

They are like uda and ira.

Not clever to mix them up.

Good to mention but they BOTH hate Israel.
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Oh please, I am not talking about the USA. I'm talking about Iran's heavy involvement in a number of middle eastern countries.

You mean like Israel and Saudi Arabia? Iran just does the same as any other regional power in any other part of the world... support groups with similar causes and/or support enemies of their enemies.

It's a bit of a stretch to conclude that Iran is therefore planning terrorist activities in Thailand or sending Hezbollah (whose interest is in their home of Lebanon, not SE Asia LOL) half way around the world to do their dirty work.

And, please, tell me, what would be the benefit to either Iran or Hezbollah of such actions?

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Revenge. I didn't make up the warning about Hezbollah in Thailand. Believe it or not. I believe it.

BTW, the terror in Thailand warning is STILL in effect:

According to Thai sources, despite the arrest of the first suspect, the terror warning is still in force.


Edited by Jingthing
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Oh please, I am not talking about the USA. I'm talking about Iran's heavy involvement in a number of middle eastern countries.

Iran just does the same as any other regional power in any other part of the world... support groups with similar causes

Yes. Other terrorists.wink.png

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Oh please, I am not talking about the USA. I'm talking about Iran's heavy involvement in a number of middle eastern countries.

Iran just does the same as any other regional power in any other part of the world... support groups with similar causes

Yes. Other terrorists.wink.png

And Israel, the USA and many other countries do not ?

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Call me cynical but I can't help be reminded of the upsurge in hype and spin about WMD before we invaded Iraq.

Sadham wasn't putting pictures of enriched nuclear rods that he was developing on TV. rolleyes.gif

But the Americans do ???
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Wow! I naively hadn't considered that Iranian funded Hezbollah may be infiltrating in their charming way into the Thailand specific conflict. Its not really surprising as this is a pattern coming from Iran. Locals in Afghanistan have described the Iranian influence as like a cancer. I guess it is worth considering now that thanks to Iran, the southern conflict in Thailand and the external conflict in the middle east may be considered related and linked.

The article says nothing about the insurgency within the southern provinces that made up the former sultanate. There are Muslims in many other parts of Thailand that have nothing to do with that conflict. Some are also ethnic Malay but don't speak yawi, some ethnic Thai, some other ethnicities... and no connection to the idea of Patani Liberation/Independence.

You're jumping to conclusions.

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Call me cynical but I can't help be reminded of the upsurge in hype and spin about WMD before we invaded Iraq.

Sadham wasn't putting pictures of enriched nuclear rods that he was developing on TV. rolleyes.gif

But the Americans do ???

The attack is coming from Hezbollah which is based in Lebanon because of Imad Mughniyeh who was blown up in Syria by the Mossad on 2008 so says the Jerusalem post and they should know because the Israel told the Thais about it on Dec 22.

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Wow! I naively hadn't considered that Iranian funded Hezbollah may be infiltrating in their charming way into the Thailand specific conflict. Its not really surprising as this is a pattern coming from Iran. Locals in Afghanistan have described the Iranian influence as like a cancer. I guess it is worth considering now that thanks to Iran, the southern conflict in Thailand and the external conflict in the middle east may be considered related and linked.

The article says nothing about the insurgency within the southern provinces that made up the former sultanate. There are Muslims in many other parts of Thailand that have nothing to do with that conflict. Some are also ethnic Malay but don't speak yawi, some ethnic Thai, some other ethnicities... and no connection to the idea of Patani Liberation/Independence.

You're jumping to conclusions.

I never said all Thai Muslims were in the south or all Thai Muslims were involved in political insurgency. Geez!
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Wow! I naively hadn't considered that Iranian funded Hezbollah may be infiltrating in their charming way into the Thailand specific conflict. Its not really surprising as this is a pattern coming from Iran. Locals in Afghanistan have described the Iranian influence as like a cancer. I guess it is worth considering now that thanks to Iran, the southern conflict in Thailand and the external conflict in the middle east may be considered related and linked.

The article says nothing about the insurgency within the southern provinces that made up the former sultanate. There are Muslims in many other parts of Thailand that have nothing to do with that conflict. Some are also ethnic Malay but don't speak yawi, some ethnic Thai, some other ethnicities... and no connection to the idea of Patani Liberation/Independence.

You're jumping to conclusions.

I never said all Thai Muslims were in the south or all Thai Muslims were involved in political insurgency. Geez!

No, you claimed that article states that Hezbollah is getting inolved in the "Thailand specific conflict." But the article does not state that at all.

It claims that Hezbollah is providing services and/or trying to recruit from among Muslims in Thailand... My statement is that there are Muslims in Thailand outside the area and not involved with the conflict yet you jump to the conclusion that the Hezbollah is infiltrating itself in the insurgency. The article does not state that.

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Wow! I naively hadn't considered that Iranian funded Hezbollah may be infiltrating in their charming way into the Thailand specific conflict. Its not really surprising as this is a pattern coming from Iran. Locals in Afghanistan have described the Iranian influence as like a cancer. I guess it is worth considering now that thanks to Iran, the southern conflict in Thailand and the external conflict in the middle east may be considered related and linked.

The article says nothing about the insurgency within the southern provinces that made up the former sultanate. There are Muslims in many other parts of Thailand that have nothing to do with that conflict. Some are also ethnic Malay but don't speak yawi, some ethnic Thai, some other ethnicities... and no connection to the idea of Patani Liberation/Independence.

You're jumping to conclusions.

I never said all Thai Muslims were in the south or all Thai Muslims were involved in political insurgency. Geez!

No, you claimed that article states that Hezbollah is getting inolved in the "Thailand specific conflict." But the article does not state that at all.

It claims that Hezbollah is providing services and/or trying to recruit from among Muslims in Thailand... My statement is that there are Muslims in Thailand outside the area and not involved with the conflict yet you jump to the conclusion that the Hezbollah is infiltrating itself in the insurgency. The article does not state that.

If they are teaching Thai children to hate Jews and Israelis, they are actively radicalizing every Thai they touch. Such brainwashed Thais are perfect terror recruits. Grow up.
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Just a small reminder.

Hezbollah and Iran are shiite muslims.

Al qaeda are sunnite muslims.

They see one another as traitors of the islam. They bomb one another in Iraq and Pakistan.

They are like uda and ira.

Not clever to mix them up.

Good to mention but they BOTH hate Israel.

YOU mentioned iran as a cancer in afganistan.

Another one talked about shiite reaction to americans pissing on sunite bodies.

I am only trying to keep up some intellectual standards.

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No, you claimed that article states that Hezbollah is getting inolved in the "Thailand specific conflict." But the article does not state that at all.

It claims that Hezbollah is providing services and/or trying to recruit from among Muslims in Thailand... My statement is that there are Muslims in Thailand outside the area and not involved with the conflict yet you jump to the conclusion that the Hezbollah is infiltrating itself in the insurgency. The article does not state that.

If they are teaching Thai children to hate Jews and Israelis, they are actively radicalizing every Thai they touch. Such brainwashed Thais are perfect terror recruits. Grow up.

Grow up? Dude, you're reading things into the article that aren't there. ... "infiltrating in their charming way into the Thailand specific conflict" would mean that they're getting involved in the insurgency in the far south.

The article states nothing of the sort... there's no mention of the insurgency, nor is there mention that they are focusing on 3-4 provinces in which it exists.

It claims they are recruiting "agents" but it doesn't state the purpose.

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If they are teaching Thai children to hate Jews and Israelis, they are actively radicalizing every Thai they touch. Such brainwashed Thais are perfect terror recruits. Grow up.

What do they teach them? That Israel is a "cancer", wants to "dominate the entire middle eastern region" and using whatever money "for total power takeover"? And that its time for total war now and if you are not with us you are the enemy?

Stuff like that?

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