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Does anyone know if it's possible, and how, to obtain National Insurance (NI) and National Health Service (NHS) numbers for your children when you are overseas?

Can it only be done when the child returns to UK?

NI numbers used to be sent out automatically before your 16th birthday but if the NI don't even know of the child's existence then how to get them into the system?

NHS numbers are issued at birth but if your child was not born in UK how to go about it?



I'd be interested in the answer to this as well. Our Thai-born English Citizen daughter should always have these rights, but it is for us to discover how. I'll put in some legwork when my daughter allows me, but practical experience would be useful.


I left the UK at a very early age and never returned there for nearly 25 years, and from personal experience they would only give me my NI number once I was back living and working in the UK, which I did for a period of 18 months, and for the NHS number think you needed to be registered with your "own" doctor in the UK for the NHS number is issued, as far as I can remember.

From start to finish the process took around 6 weeks before was given a NI number which was problematic as no company would employ me because I didnt have a NI number, even though I had plenty of job offers in the UK


All national insurance applications are dealt with by jobcentre plus offices within the Uk, the applicant has to attend and interview to prove identity and eligibility. see here - http://www.dwp.gov.uk/docs/dwp1006.pdf

Nhs numbers are given once you register at a GP's surgery.

I think with all the emphasises the goverment place on proving ones identity to open bank accounts, apply for passports, to buy a house etc. etc. It would be almost immpossible to obtain N.I or NHS numbers from over here, unless trying to claim some sort of benefit from here, paying voluntary national insurance contributions, claiming bereavement benefit, etc.

As to post 3 above you can start work without NI number, but you can also apply prior to starting work.

edit, where is spell check?


Thanks for the info Steve and Soutpeel.

I never had a problem with my NI number not being available when starting a job, the employer puts you on Emergency Code for tax and holds your NI contributions until a number is available. This may be different if you have specifically told them you don't have one though.

When I went to my local clinic to ask about a NHS number for my daughter they were surprised that she didn't have one until I told them she was born overseas and then they were stumped. It was especially odd to me as my wife had been given a NHS number after a visit to my local doctor even though she is not UK nationality and on a tourist visa and it was before we were married.

So sounds like something she's going to have to sort out herself when she goes to UK.


I never had a problem with my NI number not being available when starting a job, the employer puts you on Emergency Code for tax and holds your NI contributions until a number is available. This may be different if you have specifically told them you don't have one though.

Going through the formalites with specific companys before I arrived back in the UK, and was asked what my NI was and I did tell them I didnt have one, maybe they thought I was coming the UK as an illegal and bottled out....LOL...anyways it all worked out in the end, got one now


Thanks for the info Steve and Soutpeel.

I never had a problem with my NI number not being available when starting a job, the employer puts you on Emergency Code for tax and holds your NI contributions until a number is available. This may be different if you have specifically told them you don't have one though.

When I went to my local clinic to ask about a NHS number for my daughter they were surprised that she didn't have one until I told them she was born overseas and then they were stumped. It was especially odd to me as my wife had been given a NHS number after a visit to my local doctor even though she is not UK nationality and on a tourist visa and it was before we were married.

So sounds like something she's going to have to sort out herself when she goes to UK.

There is a legal obligation ( as you no doubt know ) to register births in the UK, and as a matter of course your GP would complete the NHS registration for the baby. If you are not born in the UK and the UK authorities have no notification of the existence of the child then obviously it is impossible for the NHS to issue the number.

Registration with the NHS is now strictly regulated, I was forced to change my GP practise of 42 years standing because I changed postcodes. The GPs are now sifting through their patient register on a regular basis and striking out people who have not attended or responded to communication.

It was pointed out on another thread that NHS treatment is dependent upon being domiciled in the UK, so your daughter wll have to be domiciled to enter the system.

As far as NI numbers are concerned, I am an employer, it is true and normal practise to employ people on the emergency tax code, however the legislation that you have to be careful about concerns employing illegal immigrants. Most companies these days will shy away from hiring anyone that cannot prove they are entitled to work in the UK.

It can be a complete pain in the ass trying to get a NI number issued, I have seen cases take over a year due to incompetence, ( to be fair the incompetence was shared 50/50 by the person applying and the NIC department ). When your daughter eventually arrives in the UK i would recommend that she goes to your local tax office rather than call the NI Hotline. The local tax offices have been very helpful to myself and my colleagues and employees in the past.

The local tax office will walk her through the paperwork and procedure. Job done.

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