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Marrying Bar Girls

the gentleman

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I'm new here.. just registered.. and I'll make it very clear up front. I'm gay.

I sincerely hope that the members of this site can be accepting and not flame me off here immediately.

I live in Los Angeles, am a University Professor.. (a young 51) and have visited BKK several times now. Am seriously considering retiring here in a few years.

But I do love this site and the discussions.. and, believe it or not, MANY of the posts reflect the same problems WE "alternative lifestyle" guys have too...

In particular this one.

Why have a bf who works in a boy-bar...? I don't know exactly.. I just fell for him. And no.. it's not just for the sex.. (it's actually pretty average!) He's sweet, adorable, romantic, and gets SO jealous! (See, just like the girls really.!)

So.. anyone else here have similar problems.


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  • 4 months later...

Why do you do it or not?

I did not read the whole thread.

Just the subject.

No easy answer.

Most of the Bar Girls are "damaged".

We read it before but it is unfortunately true.

Whatever the reason they chose/went to that kind of business.

They get damaged.

Because "customers" damage them and anyway, because this kind of business, whoever is right or wrong, is damaging,.,..

So before criticizing anybody, I just want to say life is very seldom what you want it to be.

And if you are Thai from a poor region/family, it is sure not what you want it to be.

There is a saying on the question but I do not remember it.

It does not matter.

Do you know, "farangs", that you are the lucky ones?

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Do you know, "farangs", that you are the lucky ones?

Yup, never went a day hungry in my life accept in the army. But then I was looking for it volunteering for the stupid survival course. :D See, I had to learn how to feel hungry. :o

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I can't really answer the thread's initial question, since it doesn't apply for me, however i can answer you from the "other side". After reading through some of these stories with BG's, true or not, i can say i'm very happy with my non-BG girlfriend and wouldn't want it any other way.

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As a teenager I worked part-time for a 30-year-old friend of the family, who ran a market-garden. That 'Uncle-figure', whose own marriage has now lasted 58 years, told me that there were 12 questions that you should ask yourself before proposing marriage to a woman. They were, in order of importance, is she:

(1) trustworthy?  (2) good-hearted?  (3) healthy?  (4) shrewd?  (5) intelligent?

(6) a good money-manager? (7) a good cook?  (8) clever?  (9) a good shag?

(10) educated?  (11) well-off?  (12) good-looking?.

I was surprised that he put 'good shag' so low, but he told me that for all the interest in and boasting about shagging there wasn't that much action around. In those days lots of couples only shagged three times a month, when the kids were at Sunday School, on the three Sundays when she didn't have the rags up.

Little did he foresee how, in the fifty years to come, everyday living and working would get a lot less tiring and there would be a lot more energy available for a lot more shagging.

I was also surprised that he put 'good looking' so low, but he said: "Who looks on the mantelpiece when they are poking the fire?".

He reckoned that if you couldn't answer absolutely 100% Yes! to the first two (trustworthy and good-hearted) you should immediately put marriage out of your mind, no matter how smitten you were.

By all means have an affair if she was a good shag and you could get the satisfaction and pride of making her come---but remember that time was passing while you were having your affair and that, while you were shagging  your brains out, the girl that you should be winning for a wife might get courted, wed, and carried over the threshold by another man.

He reckoned that if you couldn't also say Yes to the third, fourth and fifth ((healthy, shrewd and intelligent) you really ought to consider backing off.

But if all the first five were Yes, then you'd be OK (provided you loved her, of course), even though all the rest were No (though if you too were a a lousy money-manager and a lousy cook yourself, you and she might have a tough time!).

As to marrying a bar girl in Thailand, IMHO 'gentleman' was beginning to see the light when he asked "Maybe it all comes down to how long they have been on the bar scene?". A trustworthy, good-hearted, shrewd, intelligent woman who goes to 'work bar' will soon be snapped up. If for some reason she isn't, her intelligence will cause her to jack it in before it makes her bitter and cynical. I would warn any man to be very, very, very, wary of thinking of marriage to any woman who has been on the bar scene more than a month or so.

But the same goes in farang-land. I gather that quite a lot of easy-on-the-eye female undergraduates in the UK now keep down the size of the Student Loan that they have to take on by doing "massage parlour" and "escort" work in their vacations (well away from their home and university towns---or, for even less risk of being recognised by a client, in France where 'english roses' sell well). But some have found that it makes them very cynical about men.

So any man who is into shagging bar girls and also in the marriage market should think it through before and after. He won't be able keep his wits about him during. Man was given a brain and a cock, but only enough blood to operate one at once.

Sorry to be serious, ######, but if I have caused even one young man to take things a bit more steadily, then my 'hunting and pecking' on the keyboard will not have been in vain!

Martin, you're words ring true to me.

I did a lot of sleeping around before I even came to Thailand. One night stands, 3 somes all kinds of sleazy shit. By the time I came to Thailand I was already "damaged" about what kinds of things women really get up to. The more I made a male slut of myself, the more I wanted a pure woman. Now I cant even hold a relationship down with a woman. Even if she only had two men before me, I cant stand the thought of what they did together. I'm ruined, it makes my blood boil and I lose sleep literally through brooding on it. Imaginary pictures in my head about them being shagged all over.

Everyone tries to say, "We all have a past", but that dosen't stop my relationship time bomb. Then it gets to a point where I have to call it off, which hurts also, but at least goes away eventually. The bottom line is, I feel a woman who had sex before me is tainted, soiled goods, something a man used then threw out. Wrong way to think, but its the only way my clock ticks. :o

but remember that time was passing while you were having your affair and that, while you were shagging  your brains out, the girl that you should be winning for a wife might get courted, wed, and carried over the threshold by another man.

Ignorance is bliss, I now realise that. I've seen too much now and will never change.

So fella's be warned. We can also become damaged goods, just like the BG's.

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I know guys in florida that have no intrest in nice girls and prefer the bar girl type... This is not the case for everyone... Guys there are some great girls in Thailand who arnt carrying around excess bagage and have never even drank a winecooler muchless ever stepped foot in a bar... They get together with guys for the same reasons girls all over the world get together with a boyfriend,,, It is just natural for a man and woman to be together... Simple as that... If you like the bar girl type by all means go for it... Just dont be pathetic and accept whoever you can get easy just cause your lonely and drunk... If I never hear another drunk tell me "I never saw It coming" and then say "She took It all" then hit me for beer money I will realize Im no longer in Thailand......

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prefer not to bum bar boys mehself.. but each to his own

The Guy is new and gay, why pick on him?

he registered a month before me... :o So im tha newbie :D

Did u hear about them experiments done on gay sheep? Interesting stuff, apparently their brains are less developed than normal human beings.. I aint trying to start an argument or nothing.. Just some thing I read in the local rag, would anyone like to elaborate on this :D

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I can't really answer the thread's initial question, since it doesn't apply for me, however i can answer you from the "other side". After reading through some of these stories with BG's, true or not, i can say i'm very happy with my non-BG girlfriend and wouldn't want it any other way.

yer drifting off topic now lad.. Leave it a few more days and she will start pointing to her finger when u buy a loaf of bread and tell you how you should be saving money (for the future) :o

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Anyone thinking of marrying a BG should ask themselves this.

Do I really want to be speaking pidgin English for the next few years or the rest of your life with someone who might be a great root but has never heard of the Beatles or the Taliban?

A wife should also be your best mate who you can trust without question.

These girls are usually educated until age 12. Think abt it seriously.

Get out and meet some uni students with degrees, they are like a breath of fresh air to talk to.

just my 2bt. :o

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Ignorance is bliss, I now realise that. I've seen too much now and will never change.

So fella's be warned. We can also become damaged goods, just like the BG's.

Sad, but oh so true, at least for the ones of us that have "been around" That's probably why I never married a BG, maybe there's still time :o

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Anyone thinking of marrying a BG should ask themselves this.

Do I really want to be speaking pidgin English for the next few years or the rest of your life with someone who might be a great root but has never heard of the Beatles or the Taliban?

A wife should also be your best mate who you can trust without question.

These girls are usually educated until age 12. Think abt it seriously.

Get out and meet some uni students with degrees, they are like a breath of fresh air to talk to.

just my 2bt. :o

Why was the thread starter banned?, what did he do?. I read a few of his posts and found him funny, passionate and correct in many observations.

I married a non bar girl and yes she also has an education, but unfortunately broken English is still the norm at my house, with Thai thrown in.

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I married a non bar girl and yes she also has an education, but unfortunately broken English is still the norm at my house, with Thai thrown in.

Couldn't agree more with taht comment.

Comments like "You Sabai Dee today" and "Au drink beer" are common place.

Bet the plus of the badly educated ones is you can educate them yourself, with the same amount of myth and half fact they learn here. Of course the marital instruction videos you can buy on Sukhumvit certainly help to describe what normal married coupled do :o

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Ha! Ha! it has been a pleasure to read through this thread. I am not alone. I married a non BG i.e one who left her 3months old daughter to be brought up in the village by her mother and went to Phuket to find fame and fortune working as a rep for a wine company. When I met my future wife (2 years future) she was to all intents and purposes single and represented herself as such. She was very attractive to me and stroked my ego in just the right way. I was sold.

It was only later that I found out that she lied as a daily routine - even when the truth was easiest and harmless to her. She was money mad and constantly reminding me that she must have a secure future. However the ego stroking was first class and had me - a sophisticated very well educated farang - by the shorts. We married.

She still has not sold herself to the general public, but has left me to search for those very rich gentlemen who can secure her future. A house, a car, and 2 children were not enough. She has listened to many others who were in the BG business and to hear them talk its sounds wonderful. Lots of money and a secure future. My ex-wife is just too stupid to realise that if it is so good why are they all out of it.

Conclusion: Most Thai girls have the minds of 13 year olds trapped in women's bodies. A non BG will eventually act in most respects just like a BG but probably without the nocturnal physical excitement. At least a good BG will know what she does not any longer want to do and may just settle for what she has - and give god value on a long term basis.

The longer I am here the more intriguing I find this wonderful land. I wouldn't know what to do if I wasn't surrounded by whores.

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Hey guys:

It's been a plesure lurking on this thread. I'm a female farang (does that mean I'm the enemy?), who admittedly does have my preconceptions about most of the men who come out here and hook up with a woman, in like, 2 minutes. But I've read through this entire thread and reserved my judgement, and must say, have come to see some of you as human :o (ok, I'm sorry, bad joke).

I think I would like to lurk around a bit longer and have a genuine and honest conversation with some of you. Mostly though, it's been good to read all of the honest comments.

Many of my questions that arise from being a farang woman in BKK and watching all of this from the sidelines has been answered by this thread. Is it possible to for a farang woman on this thread to have an honest non-judgemental discussion with men on this thread about this topic and other related issues? ######, it seems like quite a lot to even have a decent non-judgemental conversation with western men in this town. There does seem to be a cold war going on. I don't know, maybe

a lot of you also have some deeply entrenched presumptions about western women. Anyway, even if I get booted out of here by hostile comments, it was interesting. I'm only looking for honest dialogue. I won't check in again for a few days because I'm travelling. Hope everyone is able to find what they are looking for. Peace boys.

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Hey guys:

It's been a plesure lurking on this thread. I'm a female farang (does that mean I'm the enemy?), who admittedly does have my preconceptions about most of the men who come out here and hook up with a woman, in like, 2 minutes.

Most of the men?

2 minutes?

Yes, I guess preconceptions are what make us human.

No men.

Not women.


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It's been a plesure lurking on this thread.  I'm a female farang (does that mean I'm the enemy?), who admittedly does have my preconceptions about most of the men who come out here and hook up with a woman, in like, 2 minutes. ....................


Is it possible to for a farang woman on this thread to have an honest non-judgemental discussion with men on this thread about this topic and other related issues?


  There does seem to be a cold war going on.  I don't know, maybe a lot of you also have some deeply entrenched presumptions about western women.  Anyway, even if I get booted out of here by hostile comments, it was interesting.


I'm only looking for honest dialogue...............

I cannot help, but I have to reply to this posting.

1- To be a female Caucasian woman does not mean to be the enemy generally for me. However I do not like such a woman, who is claiming certain rights, privileges and advantages, solely based on the fact, that she is a woman.

2- A discussion with me about such subjects or other related issues is for sure possible with me, and it is ok, if you have preconceptions - because I have also my own preconceptions.

3- Hostile comments - depends what do you consider as hostile comments - I myself received already many 'hostile comments' by female Caucasian women - This might be a reason for most men to remain silent, but I do not care.....

4- Can you explain to me, what means for you a 'honest dialog'? This is it, what makes me really curious! 'honest dialog' ?...........

If you, Kat, are interested to reply to my posting here, this might be the start of a very long new thread on this forum.............

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No men.

Not women.

:o  :D



I've just come home from my bar where i had a good drink with erco believe it or not, its certainly taught me not to take things too seriously.

He really is a very nice guy. :D:D

Was he with a lady of the night Dave ?

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