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My Top Ten Reasons


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And, dude, you probably american (no offence), but english is NOT a common global language (yet), so learn Thai, it isnt so difficult to get to a certain level.

English is the second or third most spoken language in the world (depending on which poll/site you want to believe)




Or you can jsut google for yourself...

But dont let facts get in the way of a good rant!

Well, I guess still more people speak Hindi or Mandarin and not complaining anywhere else in the world that nobody speaks there language.

Take it easy, man.


Edited by canardo
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FYI Not everyone is a teacher some people actually have other aspirations in life and nothing to be vilified for..mad.gif

Whats with slagging teachers off on this thread? I'm a teacher i work hard and i pay my taxes. I dont come on here abusing fat useless business men who spend most of there time in Cowboy!!!

On the other points, yes visa's can be a pain, but so what. Try being non-EU and getting any visa's for the U.K. Politics are awful in any country and Europe and the U.S. arent exactly doing very well at the moment are they? Cant communicate- let me guess you are one of those people who travel and EXPECT everyone to speak English. Don't be so pig ignorant learn the language. The basics (food, drink, directions e.t.c.) are easy to learn. As for not welcome, maybe that was your general attitude to Thailand and its people shining through. Corruption........... i'll concede that point!!

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1) I have been here for just over 11 years and speak Thai fluent (hence the reason I challenged the "Midas-muffler-man's Thai)

2) I haven't lived just in tourist areas and have been in places like Sakon Nakhon, saw a Thai pay 25 baht for an item then was told 30 baht for the same item. Even when I spoke Lao/Esaan back at them and told them I just saw a Thai pay 25 they didn't blink an eye and still waited for the extra 5 baht. It's not the money that is the issue.

3) To the posters who make statements like "How much did the Kathoye take you for," I'm sorry if that is the life you live here however I do not. Sure the first year I was out all the time getting girls and going to bars now it's maybe 2 or 3 times per year when people visit so NO I wasn't burned by a bar girl etc.

4) I have had a Thai drivers license since the first year I was here so yeah 11 years and I have NEVER got any discounts with it. hahah That is a myth that you people seem to get from these posts. Ever tried that at the big palace in Bkk? Water-falls, Parks & Temples Thai's get in for free but we have to pay 200 baht in many places. In Canada if they charged tourists $20.00 to see a river or a Beaver dam_n and NOT the locals you think the Japanese, Thai's etc. would like that too?

5) NO we are NOT welcome here. We are "put up with." and thats it. When you can get off an airplane in a third world country, walk to the counter and give them $25.00 for a 1 years Business visa THAT is being welcomed. Farangs have not been welcomed here since after the Americans set foot here. Only your wallet is welcomed.

I am not "bitter" towards Thai's and do not mix with "Bar People" and I have GREAT respect for "The Big Guy" however these were just my 10 reasons why I'm ready for a change.

I agree with a number of your points - especially the expense with the cost of cars being a great point in case - second hand car prices are <deleted> stupid; daily livingcosts, not so much. But then again living in the UK for example isn't that expensive when the cost of housing is removed from the equation. I think (as with me) that the majority of your concerns come from you having a differents set of values and principles - namely equality which is not an Asian social value and the Thai concept of 'greng jai and defference to the wishes of your 'social' superiors. Being British equality is something (like other western societies) we value and this conflict of values still irks me, even after all these years.

Me I'm here for the job and the financial perks that job gives me for being posted here. Once the job or the posting finishes, i'll move on, after 13 years here my love for the country sadly diminshes with each passing year.

Good luck with your nex life, where ever it takes you

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Please respect each other's opinions and remain civil when debating the pro's and con's of living in Thailand.

Each make their own choice and it is not for others to question someone's motives, for example, working as a teacher.

No more nastiness please.

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1. I can own many things in my own name, just not land.

2. I have never had a problem obtaining a visa or a work permit.

3. I have been fully employed for most of my time here and not as a teacher (well paid too).

4. Conceded, but only at tourist attractions, I pay the same for my som tum as the Thai next to me.

5. I am able to look at any site I wish including naughty stuff!

6. I speak, read and write Thai, but even if I didn't I do not believe language to be such a huge barrier.

7. If you think corruption is limited to Asian countries, think again!

8. Really?

9. Last time I looked, Malaysia was a neighboring country and my experience is that Malaysia is more expensive.

10. I have never felt more welcome in a country. The people are lovely, food is great, climate to my liking and lifestyle is wonderful.

Still, everybody is entitled to their opinion and if you still wish to leave, please do not slam the door behind you!rolleyes.gif

Here is just ONE of the 735 posts you have made. Need I say more?

quote: My contribution to the thread is not so much the pressure to buy, but the hordes of staff in all chains of supermarkets that clog up the aisles and stand in little groups picking their noses and chatting as if you do not exist and they are not in the way!

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10 Reasons for staying

1- cheap massages with a happy ending

2- Walking street

3- Patpong

4- Soi cowboy

5- Nana

6- Bangla road

7- I won the lottery, so I do not care about much

8- Lots of protests means lots of parades

9- Living in Thai neighourhood, means I do not have to listen to farangs complain

10- Asian chicks are hot

Wouldn't living in a "Thai neighbourhood" be far away from your interests/hobbies. rolleyes.gif

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FYI Not everyone is a teacher some people actually have other aspirations in life and nothing to be vilified for..mad.gif

Whats with slagging teachers off on this thread? I'm a teacher i work hard and i pay my taxes. I dont come on here abusing fat useless business men who spend most of there time in Cowboy!!!

On the other points, yes visa's can be a pain, but so what. Try being non-EU and getting any visa's for the U.K. Politics are awful in any country and Europe and the U.S. arent exactly doing very well at the moment are they? Cant communicate- let me guess you are one of those people who travel and EXPECT everyone to speak English. Don't be so pig ignorant learn the language. The basics (food, drink, directions e.t.c.) are easy to learn. As for not welcome, maybe that was your general attitude to Thailand and its people shining through. Corruption........... i'll concede that point!!

I never slagged English Teachers what so ever. I know they (you) work hard and all I said was that you get paid crap.

You should however be able to read English and therefore would have read that I have been here 11 years and DO speak fluent Thai so I'm not sure what you are on about?

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1. I can own many things in my own name, just not land.

2. I have never had a problem obtaining a visa or a work permit.

3. I have been fully employed for most of my time here and not as a teacher (well paid too).

4. Conceded, but only at tourist attractions, I pay the same for my som tum as the Thai next to me.

5. I am able to look at any site I wish including naughty stuff!

6. I speak, read and write Thai, but even if I didn't I do not believe language to be such a huge barrier.

7. If you think corruption is limited to Asian countries, think again!

8. Really?

9. Last time I looked, Malaysia was a neighboring country and my experience is that Malaysia is more expensive.

10. I have never felt more welcome in a country. The people are lovely, food is great, climate to my liking and lifestyle is wonderful.

Still, everybody is entitled to their opinion and if you still wish to leave, please do not slam the door behind you!rolleyes.gif

1) Oh really? Can you own more than 49% of a business too?

2) Thats funny but you ARE 1 in a million who has NEVER had problems.

3) So you have been here what.......4 months?

4) I would love to see you eat somtum. So you are the only tourist in Thailand that has NEVER been double charged?

5) Why would you lie? NO you cannot. Many youtube videos, ALL porn sites and like I say if you have only been here 4 months then I guess you wern't here when they blocked many sited during the red shirt episode.

6) I would LOVE to call you on this one in real or via skype or mobile. 4 months and you can read, write and speak fluent Thai? hahahhahaha

7) Did I say that?

8) Yes REALLY !!!!

9) Wrong.

10) Yeah they are all smiling at you and making you feel welcome on pay day.

I agree that Thailand is still the best place to go in the world for a vacation but living here is NOT as easy as you seem to think. Give it time, you will see.

It seems you need to amend your OP as you said foreigners can't own ANYTHING in their own name! It also seems that you can dish it out but are reluctant to receive a return of serve.

All the people in my Farang circle of friends have valid work permits and visa's and none of them are teachers, as far as I know none of them have ever had problem's renewing same.

I have lived in Thailand for a total of eight years, 1996-98 I worked in the Defence section at the Australian Embassy in Bangkok, a pre-requisite of this posting was to be a Thai linguist at the Advanced level. In 1999/2000 I was attached to the Thai Army contingent in East Timor as their Liaison Officer where my Thai language knowledge was broadened considerably.

I quite like Som Tum however I am not partial to Bpla Raa so opt for Som Tum Thai.

Try ORSM.com. Great site with many links. Never had a problem with any you tube content I wanted to watch being blocked?

Feel free to PM me and I will give you my mobile number, then you can have one of your Thai friends (if you have any) verify my Thai language skills.

No you did not say that but it was implied.

No need to clarify my initial comment, water is wet!

I pay 12,000 a month for my 1 B/R condo in Bangna, similar condo in Johor Bahru would be 25,000.

No response needed.

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1) I have been here for just over 11 years and speak Thai fluent (hence the reason I challenged the "Midas-muffler-man's Thai)

2) I haven't lived just in tourist areas and have been in places like Sakon Nakhon, saw a Thai pay 25 baht for an item then was told 30 baht for the same item. Even when I spoke Lao/Esaan back at them and told them I just saw a Thai pay 25 they didn't blink an eye and still waited for the extra 5 baht. It's not the money that is the issue.

3) To the posters who make statements like "How much did the Kathoye take you for," I'm sorry if that is the life you live here however I do not. Sure the first year I was out all the time getting girls and going to bars now it's maybe 2 or 3 times per year when people visit so NO I wasn't burned by a bar girl etc.

4) I have had a Thai drivers license since the first year I was here so yeah 11 years and I have NEVER got any discounts with it. hahah That is a myth that you people seem to get from these posts. Ever tried that at the big palace in Bkk? Water-falls, Parks & Temples Thai's get in for free but we have to pay 200 baht in many places. In Canada if they charged tourists $20.00 to see a river or a Beaver dam_n and NOT the locals you think the Japanese, Thai's etc. would like that too?

5) NO we are NOT welcome here. We are "put up with." and thats it. When you can get off an airplane in a third world country, walk to the counter and give them $25.00 for a 1 years Business visa THAT is being welcomed. Farangs have not been welcomed here since after the Americans set foot here. Only your wallet is welcomed.

I am not "bitter" towards Thai's and do not mix with "Bar People" and I have GREAT respect for "The Big Guy" however these were just my 10 reasons why I'm ready for a change.

I agree with a number of your points - especially the expense with the cost of cars being a great point in case - second hand car prices are <deleted> stupid; daily livingcosts, not so much. But then again living in the UK for example isn't that expensive when the cost of housing is removed from the equation. I think (as with me) that the majority of your concerns come from you having a differents set of values and principles - namely equality which is not an Asian social value and the Thai concept of 'greng jai and defference to the wishes of your 'social' superiors. Being British equality is something (like other western societies) we value and this conflict of values still irks me, even after all these years.

Me I'm here for the job and the financial perks that job gives me for being posted here. Once the job or the posting finishes, i'll move on, after 13 years here my love for the country sadly diminshes with each passing year.

Good luck with your nex life, where ever it takes you

Cost of cars? Trucks are just about half price here compared to Oz.

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1) I have been here for just over 11 years and speak Thai fluent (hence the reason I challenged the "Midas-muffler-man's Thai)

2) I haven't lived just in tourist areas and have been in places like Sakon Nakhon, saw a Thai pay 25 baht for an item then was told 30 baht for the same item. Even when I spoke Lao/Esaan back at them and told them I just saw a Thai pay 25 they didn't blink an eye and still waited for the extra 5 baht. It's not the money that is the issue.

3) To the posters who make statements like "How much did the Kathoye take you for," I'm sorry if that is the life you live here however I do not. Sure the first year I was out all the time getting girls and going to bars now it's maybe 2 or 3 times per year when people visit so NO I wasn't burned by a bar girl etc.

4) I have had a Thai drivers license since the first year I was here so yeah 11 years and I have NEVER got any discounts with it. hahah That is a myth that you people seem to get from these posts. Ever tried that at the big palace in Bkk? Water-falls, Parks & Temples Thai's get in for free but we have to pay 200 baht in many places. In Canada if they charged tourists $20.00 to see a river or a Beaver dam_n and NOT the locals you think the Japanese, Thai's etc. would like that too?

5) NO we are NOT welcome here. We are "put up with." and thats it. When you can get off an airplane in a third world country, walk to the counter and give them $25.00 for a 1 years Business visa THAT is being welcomed. Farangs have not been welcomed here since after the Americans set foot here. Only your wallet is welcomed.

I am not "bitter" towards Thai's and do not mix with "Bar People" and I have GREAT respect for "The Big Guy" however these were just my 10 reasons why I'm ready for a change.

If you speak Thai fluently why is the lack of English a problem?

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1. I can own many things in my own name, just not land.

2. I have never had a problem obtaining a visa or a work permit.

3. I have been fully employed for most of my time here and not as a teacher (well paid too).

4. Conceded, but only at tourist attractions, I pay the same for my som tum as the Thai next to me.

5. I am able to look at any site I wish including naughty stuff!

6. I speak, read and write Thai, but even if I didn't I do not believe language to be such a huge barrier.

7. If you think corruption is limited to Asian countries, think again!

8. Really?

9. Last time I looked, Malaysia was a neighboring country and my experience is that Malaysia is more expensive.

10. I have never felt more welcome in a country. The people are lovely, food is great, climate to my liking and lifestyle is wonderful.

Still, everybody is entitled to their opinion and if you still wish to leave, please do not slam the door behind you!rolleyes.gif

Pretty much spot on except for number 4. I get into tourist attractions at the Thai price by showing my Thai driving license.

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And out comes all the farangs that think they are Thai. hahahahah. Do you also have a side-car on your motorbike?

You own your own house do you? I don't think so.

A farang can own a house, a condo, a car, all in his own name, oh and a motocy.

Correct, but not the land it (the house) sits on.

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My Top Ten Reasons.... too stay away from Thailand

1- My wife has 5 sisters.

2- You look hungry,I make you more food. No,I'm OK

3- You need more Leo.No,I'm OK

4- Here's more food,you what more Leo? No thank you' I'm OK

5- I get new Leo,you what more ice? I'm fine,Thank you!

6- Are you hot? I get fan for you OK. Up to you,but I'm OK.

7- Are you OK now? Not so hot anymore.You what more food?..aaahhhh

8- You want more ice in Leo,I think you hungry....aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

9- Are you OK? You look hot. Leo OK.

10-I think I make more food for you..OK

Do you think it's easy living with 6 Thai girls????

Ohhh for you haters,only one sister asked me for money.20,000bt that she paided back within 1 year.

One day, late at night, perhaps after a few leo's your wife may offer up a playful suggestion regarding one of her sisters.

For the love of all that is holy and what is left of your sanity just say NO!

Can you elaborate on this? Is it a common occurence? My gf has a hot sister and has made suggestions of this sort

before without being drunk. I have never taken her up on it yet. What are these horrible ramifications... I might have

to much to drink one day?

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I must say that the funniest thing to see here is some posters that reply how wrong I am and not to let the door....., how they have NOTHING to complain about etc. etc but then You look at their posts from their profile and VUALAH !!!!! all they seem to do is complain how they can't find English speaking staff in Home Pro or how the Thai staff sits in the isle ways picking their noses all the time (RE; midasthailand)

Please consider your own posts before jumping down my throat.

PS: Yes cars and trucks are cheaper here then in OZ but we don't really consider OZ as a neighboring country lol.

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1. I can own many things in my own name, just not land.

2. I have never had a problem obtaining a visa or a work permit.

3. I have been fully employed for most of my time here and not as a teacher (well paid too).

4. Conceded, but only at tourist attractions, I pay the same for my som tum as the Thai next to me.

5. I am able to look at any site I wish including naughty stuff!

6. I speak, read and write Thai, but even if I didn't I do not believe language to be such a huge barrier.

7. If you think corruption is limited to Asian countries, think again!

8. Really?

9. Last time I looked, Malaysia was a neighboring country and my experience is that Malaysia is more expensive.

10. I have never felt more welcome in a country. The people are lovely, food is great, climate to my liking and lifestyle is wonderful.

Still, everybody is entitled to their opinion and if you still wish to leave, please do not slam the door behind you!rolleyes.gif

1) Oh really? Can you own more than 49% of a business too?

2) Thats funny but you ARE 1 in a million who has NEVER had problems.

3) So you have been here what.......4 months?

4) I would love to see you eat somtum. So you are the only tourist in Thailand that has NEVER been double charged?

5) Why would you lie? NO you cannot. Many youtube videos, ALL porn sites and like I say if you have only been here 4 months then I guess you wern't here when they blocked many sited during the red shirt episode.

6) I would LOVE to call you on this one in real or via skype or mobile. 4 months and you can read, write and speak fluent Thai? hahahhahaha

7) Did I say that?

8) Yes REALLY !!!!

9) Wrong.

10) Yeah they are all smiling at you and making you feel welcome on pay day.

I agree that Thailand is still the best place to go in the world for a vacation but living here is NOT as easy as you seem to think. Give it time, you will see.

It seems you need to amend your OP as you said foreigners can't own ANYTHING in their own name! It also seems that you can dish it out but are reluctant to receive a return of serve.

All the people in my Farang circle of friends have valid work permits and visa's and none of them are teachers, as far as I know none of them have ever had problem's renewing same.

I have lived in Thailand for a total of eight years, 1996-98 I worked in the Defence section at the Australian Embassy in Bangkok, a pre-requisite of this posting was to be a Thai linguist at the Advanced level. In 1999/2000 I was attached to the Thai Army contingent in East Timor as their Liaison Officer where my Thai language knowledge was broadened considerably.

I quite like Som Tum however I am not partial to Bpla Raa so opt for Som Tum Thai.

Try ORSM.com. Great site with many links. Never had a problem with any you tube content I wanted to watch being blocked?

Feel free to PM me and I will give you my mobile number, then you can have one of your Thai friends (if you have any) verify my Thai language skills.

No you did not say that but it was implied.

No need to clarify my initial comment, water is wet!

I pay 12,000 a month for my 1 B/R condo in Bangna, similar condo in Johor Bahru would be 25,000.

No response needed.

My goodness what an arrogant post.

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1) I have been here for just over 11 years and speak Thai fluent (hence the reason I challenged the "Midas-muffler-man's Thai)

2) I haven't lived just in tourist areas and have been in places like Sakon Nakhon, saw a Thai pay 25 baht for an item then was told 30 baht for the same item. Even when I spoke Lao/Esaan back at them and told them I just saw a Thai pay 25 they didn't blink an eye and still waited for the extra 5 baht. It's not the money that is the issue.

3) To the posters who make statements like "How much did the Kathoye take you for," I'm sorry if that is the life you live here however I do not. Sure the first year I was out all the time getting girls and going to bars now it's maybe 2 or 3 times per year when people visit so NO I wasn't burned by a bar girl etc.

4) I have had a Thai drivers license since the first year I was here so yeah 11 years and I have NEVER got any discounts with it. hahah That is a myth that you people seem to get from these posts. Ever tried that at the big palace in Bkk? Water-falls, Parks & Temples Thai's get in for free but we have to pay 200 baht in many places. In Canada if they charged tourists $20.00 to see a river or a Beaver dam_n and NOT the locals you think the Japanese, Thai's etc. would like that too?

5) NO we are NOT welcome here. We are "put up with." and thats it. When you can get off an airplane in a third world country, walk to the counter and give them $25.00 for a 1 years Business visa THAT is being welcomed. Farangs have not been welcomed here since after the Americans set foot here. Only your wallet is welcomed.

I am not "bitter" towards Thai's and do not mix with "Bar People" and I have GREAT respect for "The Big Guy" however these were just my 10 reasons why I'm ready for a change.

I agree with a number of your points - especially the expense with the cost of cars being a great point in case - second hand car prices are <deleted> stupid; daily livingcosts, not so much. But then again living in the UK for example isn't that expensive when the cost of housing is removed from the equation. I think (as with me) that the majority of your concerns come from you having a differents set of values and principles - namely equality which is not an Asian social value and the Thai concept of 'greng jai and defference to the wishes of your 'social' superiors. Being British equality is something (like other western societies) we value and this conflict of values still irks me, even after all these years.

Me I'm here for the job and the financial perks that job gives me for being posted here. Once the job or the posting finishes, i'll move on, after 13 years here my love for the country sadly diminshes with each passing year.

Good luck with your nex life, where ever it takes you

Cost of cars? Trucks are just about half price here compared to Oz.

Jeez you must get screwed in OZ

Prius new on the road taxed and insured VAT etc in UK - Shade over 1 million baht - Thailand 1'200'000 before tax basic both basic models. (based on 49 bhat to the pound)

Second hand Prius will start from about 250'000 baht or 5'000 Uk - Thailand about 1 million - That's my main grip - cost of cars - way too expensive here - and as for imports - well i ain't gonna go there 300% import duty - talk about protectionist!!!

Merc in UK 1'500'000 baht for your basic - Thailand lucky to see anything under 3'500'000 million new - why?? Protectionist / lack of a level playing field and lack of equality. What are Thais so scarred of?

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My Top Ten Reasons.... too stay away from Thailand

1- My wife has 5 sisters.

2- You look hungry,I make you more food. No,I'm OK

3- You need more Leo.No,I'm OK

4- Here's more food,you what more Leo? No thank you' I'm OK

5- I get new Leo,you what more ice? I'm fine,Thank you!

6- Are you hot? I get fan for you OK. Up to you,but I'm OK.

7- Are you OK now? Not so hot anymore.You what more food?..aaahhhh

8- You want more ice in Leo,I think you hungry....aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

9- Are you OK? You look hot. Leo OK.

10-I think I make more food for you..OK

Do you think it's easy living with 6 Thai girls????

Ohhh for you haters,only one sister asked me for money.20,000bt that she paided back within 1 year.

One day, late at night, perhaps after a few leo's your wife may offer up a playful suggestion regarding one of her sisters.

For the love of all that is holy and what is left of your sanity just say NO!

Can you elaborate on this? Is it a common occurence? My gf has a hot sister and has made suggestions of this sort

before without being drunk. I have never taken her up on it yet. What are these horrible ramifications... I might have

to much to drink one day?

I won't go into details, after years of therapy and chemical support I have successfully managed to compartmentalize the whole affair.

It is a trap. It will be the end of life as you know it. If you take only one piece of advice in your entire life, this is the one.

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1) I have been here for just over 11 years and speak Thai fluent (hence the reason I challenged the "Midas-muffler-man's Thai)

2) I haven't lived just in tourist areas and have been in places like Sakon Nakhon, saw a Thai pay 25 baht for an item then was told 30 baht for the same item. Even when I spoke Lao/Esaan back at them and told them I just saw a Thai pay 25 they didn't blink an eye and still waited for the extra 5 baht. It's not the money that is the issue.

3) To the posters who make statements like "How much did the Kathoye take you for," I'm sorry if that is the life you live here however I do not. Sure the first year I was out all the time getting girls and going to bars now it's maybe 2 or 3 times per year when people visit so NO I wasn't burned by a bar girl etc.

4) I have had a Thai drivers license since the first year I was here so yeah 11 years and I have NEVER got any discounts with it. hahah That is a myth that you people seem to get from these posts. Ever tried that at the big palace in Bkk? Water-falls, Parks & Temples Thai's get in for free but we have to pay 200 baht in many places. In Canada if they charged tourists $20.00 to see a river or a Beaver dam_n and NOT the locals you think the Japanese, Thai's etc. would like that too?

5) NO we are NOT welcome here. We are "put up with." and thats it. When you can get off an airplane in a third world country, walk to the counter and give them $25.00 for a 1 years Business visa THAT is being welcomed. Farangs have not been welcomed here since after the Americans set foot here. Only your wallet is welcomed.

I am not "bitter" towards Thai's and do not mix with "Bar People" and I have GREAT respect for "The Big Guy" however these were just my 10 reasons why I'm ready for a change.

I agree with a number of your points - especially the expense with the cost of cars being a great point in case - second hand car prices are <deleted> stupid; daily livingcosts, not so much. But then again living in the UK for example isn't that expensive when the cost of housing is removed from the equation. I think (as with me) that the majority of your concerns come from you having a differents set of values and principles - namely equality which is not an Asian social value and the Thai concept of 'greng jai and defference to the wishes of your 'social' superiors. Being British equality is something (like other western societies) we value and this conflict of values still irks me, even after all these years.

Me I'm here for the job and the financial perks that job gives me for being posted here. Once the job or the posting finishes, i'll move on, after 13 years here my love for the country sadly diminshes with each passing year.

Good luck with your nex life, where ever it takes you

Cost of cars? Trucks are just about half price here compared to Oz.

Jeez you must get screwed in OZ

Prius new on the road taxed and insured VAT etc in UK - Shade over 1 million baht - Thailand 1'200'000 before tax basic both basic models. (based on 49 bhat to the pound)

Second hand Prius will start from about 250'000 baht or 5'000 Uk - Thailand about 1 million - That's my main grip - cost of cars - way too expensive here - and as for imports - well i ain't gonna go there 300% import duty - talk about protectionist!!!

Merc in UK 1'500'000 baht for your basic - Thailand lucky to see anything under 3'500'000 million new - why?? Protectionist / lack of a level playing field and lack of equality. What are Thais so scarred of?

A prius here will be same as the UK, but a 4 door Hilux (Vigo) will not be giving change from 1.5 mill. A c180 merc would be about 1.9 mill.

The upshot is the grass is ALWAYS greener somewhere in some respect. But people are often quick to bag the negatives while forgetting all the positives, and Thailand, for all it's faults has plenty of those. And laughably, quite a few of those positives are only made possible by the negatives...

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I have to respectfully disagree with some of the items on your list. For example,

1. With a valid work permit you can own anything under your name with exception of land. I have never had problems buying a car or having it under my name.

2. 14 years and not once an issue with my visa and work permit. I have to admit everything was handled by my company, and did not have to do it myself.

4. Double pricing. Happens some times even when you speak Thai with street vendors. However with other places like Grand Palace or Safari World, etc, showing your Thai Drivers licence or work permit gets you the local price every time.

9. I vehemently disagree with you on this one. I moved to KL January this year after 14 years in Bangkok. A similar size house running at 6million Bhat in Bangkok is going for 20million in KL. Cars are 30% higher in cost, food is significantly more expensive and a can on Heinneken cost me 75Bhat at 7-11. I am not sure what neighboring countries you are comparing Bangkok to, but KL is a much more expensive place to live. Experiencing it as we speak.

10. Unless you are of a certain ethnicity, I find Bangkok a very welcoming place. Thai's are a little racist by nature and tend to treat people of a certain disposition a little different than others. So in a way I can see where you're coming from with this last point.

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It continually amazes me that people complain about living in Thailand. First of all..... why are you here? and second..........why don't you leave?

"No one else can ever make your choices for you. Your choices are yours alone. They are as much a part of you as every breath you will take, every moment of your life."

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more rambling cr"p from foreigners who think they have been accepted into Thai society.....passifier.gif

I dont care how long you have been here what you can read write or what you own.....you will always be "That Falang" and cross the wrong Thai you are gone and magically all you possessions too...Amazing Thailand the Hub of Rose glasses giggle.gif

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Yeah but you referred to anyone who decides not to put up with this dump and finally pack it in (and I mean that literally I'd be glad to take a walk down my street to take some jpegs and post up said jpegs to illustrate it) as a failure which is patently wrong and demeaning in my point of view..

FYI Not everyone is a teacher some people actually have other aspirations in life and nothing to be vilified for..

My aspiration in life is to become angry and bitter and live in a foreign country I despise and spend 5000 posts moaning about it on the internet.

Really? Well you must be very goal oriented then but surely you're not referring to me as I've only spent about 4000 of those posts doing that...
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FYI Not everyone is a teacher some people actually have other aspirations in life and nothing to be vilified for..mad.gif

Whats with slagging teachers off on this thread? I'm a teacher i work hard and i pay my taxes. I dont come on here abusing fat useless business men who spend most of there time in Cowboy!!!

On the other points, yes visa's can be a pain, but so what. Try being non-EU and getting any visa's for the U.K. Politics are awful in any country and Europe and the U.S. arent exactly doing very well at the moment are they? Cant communicate- let me guess you are one of those people who travel and EXPECT everyone to speak English. Don't be so pig ignorant learn the language. The basics (food, drink, directions e.t.c.) are easy to learn. As for not welcome, maybe that was your general attitude to Thailand and its people shining through. Corruption........... i'll concede that point!!

I slagged off teachers with that comment? Maybe if that's what you comprehend in that sentence then there's an answer for you without further elaboration..

There is nothing relative to slagging off anybody in that comment, please reread again, it merely states that because one is NOT a teacher or has NO desire to be one is no REASON to VILIFY them.. Sorry for the bold type it seems it required some emphasis to make the point once again.

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And out comes all the farangs that think they are Thai. hahahahah. Do you also have a side-car on your motorbike?

You own your own house do you? I don't think so.

There are two sides to every coin... If you don't like Thailand (or any other country for that matter) then just pack you bags and move to another country. I've lived here 2 years now and can honestly say that Thailand is NOT as bad as many expats make it out to be.

Some of your comments just prove how little you actually know about the laws and regulations of the country you are residing in.

1. YES, foreigners CAN own houses (but not the actual land the house is built on), condos, cars, motorbikes, etc.

2. YES the visa/work permit situation is frustrating but then again it is the same for foreigners who move to OUR countries in the West.

3. There are other, albeit limited, job opportunities. Alternatively you could start your own business and be self-employed.

4. I've only experienced double pricing at the tourist attractions but for food, drink, bus/train tickets etc. I pay the same as the person in front of me.

5. Haven't had any problems with the internet yet.

6. True, their English should be much better but maybe we should also try to learn a foreign language... and not always expect other people to speak our language...

7. Yes, it is everywhere - literally speaking.

8. Doesn't merit a comment.

9. I've been to Laos and Malaysia recently - prices are more or less the same here as in these countries.

10. I wonder why that could be...??? coffee1.gif

Like some other Thaivisa member already wrote, "don't slam the door on the way out".

Do you think that you should be treated differently? Like royalty maybe?

Please feel free to tell us if/when you find "paradise"...

Yes, for the first 2 years it may not seem that way..

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It continually amazes me that people complain about living in Thailand. First of all..... why are you here? and second..........why don't you leave?

"No one else can ever make your choices for you. Your choices are yours alone. They are as much a part of you as every breath you will take, every moment of your life."

First off none of your business and secondly none of your business but maybe some have certain obstacles, commitments and responsibilities that prevent them from leaving when they'd really like to.. And thirdly all he did was say that he is leaving and why so kinda throws your whole attack strategy into disarray and renders it moot doesn't it?

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more rambling cr"p from foreigners who think they have been accepted into Thai society.....passifier.gif

I dont care how long you have been here what you can read write or what you own.....you will always be "That Falang" and cross the wrong Thai you are gone and magically all you possessions too...Amazing Thailand the Hub of Rose glasses giggle.gif

Yes reality is very difficult for many to face head on hence why so many come here to fantasy land in the first place and then build their own fantasy land around them while wearing their copy rose colored glasses.

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My question would be why do so many expats (read non citizens with severely restricted rights and freedoms) get all defensive and their panties in a twist every time, any time someone relays their OWN PERSONAL feelings and makes it known they're discontent and leaving? How does that revelation effect anyone here personally especially people who are not even citizens of this country??

Your'e entitled to your blinded justification whatever that may be but can't you allow someone else their own perception, opinion and justification without vilifying them for it? Apparently a rhetorical question..

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