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It is still a mystery to me... the use of the indicators. So far I think I have seen it used as:

- I am overtaking, now or in the distant future

- I may at some point in time turn left/right

- You can pass me this side, I am not moving

- You can pass me on the other side, I am not moving

- Wow, I have an indicator, how neat

- Back off you moron

- Duhhhh, was it on then? I did not notice, I was on the phone....

Anything else I may have left out? But on a serious note, a dual carriage way, I am stuck behind some car on the right/fast lane and he his his right indicator on (there is no side road anywhere, and no other car nearby besides his and mine). Is he telling me he is busy overtaking (some vehicle I may not yet have spotted), or telling me to overtake him on the left side? Or???



Is he telling me he is busy overtaking (some vehicle I may not yet have spotted), or telling me to overtake him on the left side? Or???

He's telling you he's not going to move out of the way, he wants the outside lane (usually used when the inside lane is in poor condition).


Thanks Richard. And what about if they use left/right/left/right? "do not overtake yet, I'm busy"?


and ad hazard (all indicators) in a junction meaning I go straight through

sometimes. Sometimes they just forgot switching off


hazard (all indicators) in a junction meaning I go straight through

Ah this is pure logic, left to go left , right to go right, obviously if you have both on you are not going right or left the only other way is straight.

It is like using hazards when reversing? HELLO the two white lights are on at the back I know what you are thinking.


hazard (all indicators) in a junction meaning I go straight through

Ah this is pure logic, left to go left , right to go right, obviously if you have both on you are not going right or left the only other way is straight.

It is like using hazards when reversing? HELLO the two white lights are on at the back I know what you are thinking.

I have learned to use hazard when reversing, as most Thais have no clue what those white rearlights are for, they find them normal just like red headlights on Clicks


hazard (all indicators) in a junction meaning I go straight through

Ah this is pure logic, left to go left , right to go right, obviously if you have both on you are not going right or left the only other way is straight.

It is like using hazards when reversing? HELLO the two white lights are on at the back I know what you are thinking.

I have learned to use hazard when reversing, as most Thais have no clue what those white rearlights are for, they find them normal just like red headlights on Clicks

I use them too mostly to tell the idiot behind me I'm pulling forward past the space to back into that space don't even think about rolling forward and blocking me it's mine not yours, sometimes it works, most times it works but occasionally.........................argh!!! But I also believe that's more the intended purpose of doing that then anything else as once they follow you through you either loose the space because you're blocked off or the whole thing is a cock up trying to get people to back up and give you enough room to back in..


I often see on the highways also the following:

  • Driving on the right lane, the car in front of me indicates right for a fraction of a second (perhaps two blinks) and turns it off. (Does not go any quicker nor change lanes to let me through, no cars in front of him/her) I have taken this to mean that I am staying in this lane and will not move nor speed up.
  • Also driving on the right lane, the car in front indicates left and then right (or viceversa) quickly (only one blink each side), but I still don't know what they are trying to say by that gesture.

Also note that most of this gestures on the highway are done by taxis and those people transport vans, occassionally by private vehicles.


I often see on the highways also the following:

  • Driving on the right lane, the car in front of me indicates right for a fraction of a second (perhaps two blinks) and turns it off. (Does not go any quicker nor change lanes to let me through, no cars in front of him/her) I have taken this to mean that I am staying in this lane and will not move nor speed up.
  • Also driving on the right lane, the car in front indicates left and then right (or viceversa) quickly (only one blink each side), but I still don't know what they are trying to say by that gesture.

Also note that most of this gestures on the highway are done by taxis and those people transport vans, occassionally by private vehicles.

well the good thing about it, they have seen you, so passing on left should be safe if your headlights are on and indicating left

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