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Swedish-Lebanese Terror Suspect Explains Himself: Thailand


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any body is still innocent until proven guilty ... so in this case it works also .... I doubt the mossad is involve in this but you never know ....

Innocent until proven guilty tends to be a US thing since he is in a Thai jail it may not apply.

If that is true why have so many innocent people spent years in Gitmo. And what about the new bill to hold people indefinitely in USA..

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sounds like a plausable explaination to me. Israel have more than enough means to move large volumes of anything, anywhere anytime so it is not beyond the realms of possibilty that he was set up by spooks. Yes. Just for being an Arab with' suspicious movements and lifestyle'. Give him and me a break.

This isn''t about Israel. It is about an individual engaged in illegal activities.

Did he have a visa to engage in this activity? No.

Does he have a history of having engaged in illegal activity? Yes.

Is he credible based upon his previous dishonest acts and lying? No.

Do you think the purchase of undeclared counterfeit products, the attempt to export the fertilizer in fan boxes, the intentional mislabeling of the products, the violation of his visa are all indicative of an honest man given to telling the truth? I don't. Perhaps for those that have a hatred for all things Israeli, it doesn't matter. However, for those of us that can look at the big picture it does. Many arabs are in Thailand and they follow the rules and are law abiding. How is it that they can do that, while this chap cannot?

Where are you getting your nonsense from. Is it just made up? You should read the article before posting or you waste our time.

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sounds like a plausable explaination to me. Israel have more than enough means to move large volumes of anything, anywhere anytime so it is not beyond the realms of possibilty that he was set up by spooks. Yes. Just for being an Arab with' suspicious movements and lifestyle'. Give him and me a break.

This isn''t about Israel. It is about an individual engaged in illegal activities.

Did he have a visa to engage in this activity? No.

Does he have a history of having engaged in illegal activity? Yes.

Is he credible based upon his previous dishonest acts and lying? No.

Do you think the purchase of undeclared counterfeit products, the attempt to export the fertilizer in fan boxes, the intentional mislabeling of the products, the violation of his visa are all indicative of an honest man given to telling the truth? I don't. Perhaps for those that have a hatred for all things Israeli, it doesn't matter. However, for those of us that can look at the big picture it does. Many arabs are in Thailand and they follow the rules and are law abiding. How is it that they can do that, while this chap cannot?

I'm not saying I believe or disbelieve this guy, but how do you know the things you have just posted? How do you know that he didn't/doesn't have a visa to do what he says? What is the history of illegal activity you mention as I see no mention of it in this article or any others I have seen so far? What previous dishonest acts and lying have you got evidence of? Also, I don't know if you are aware of this, but you don't have to declare any products when you leave a country, only when you arrive.

The 'confession' that the Thai police have purported to have got, which 'led them' to the place where this stuff was could just be not a confession at all, but this guy telling them that he did business here and gave them the address, which they then searched, and reportedly found this fertiliser and liquid ammonium nitrate; as someone posted on another thread, just having those materials isn't proof that a bomb was going to be made, and it is entirely feasible that it was planted to back up the warning.It isn't completely out of the realms of possibility that evidence has been manufactured to ensure an arrest. I'm not saying it was, but I trust groups like the Thai police, government, Mossad and the CIA as much as I trust a chocolate teapot. There is a lot of spin being put on this story by whichever side you read - the Thai government, the Thai media, the US government and press and of course now the Swedish press and probably the Lebanese and Iranian media, and there are so many contradictions and misinformation I don't think anyone on here can really 'know' anything. We don't know about any deals that may have been done between the Israeli's, US and Thai governments, or even Lebanese and Swedish and we never will; it all seems like a big show being staged and whenever that happens I always wonder if there is something else going on somewhere else that our attention is being diverted away from.

I agree their is a lot going on that we have no knowledge of.

For instance how did they figure that terrorism in Bangkok would be revenge on the US or Israeli for that matter. I am not buying that. If it was the US embassy maybe.

Also does not fertilizer have to be kept away from water or boom. If that was the case no need to check it would either be OK or have gone boom. One thing people are over looking is that he was a Muslim and going boom on innocent people is one of their tools. I believe that there is more on both sides that need answering.

As for some of the supposed facts purported by GK suspicious why would he have made them up?

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sounds like a plausable explaination to me. Israel have more than enough means to move large volumes of anything, anywhere anytime so it is not beyond the realms of possibilty that he was set up by spooks. Yes. Just for being an Arab with' suspicious movements and lifestyle'. Give him and me a break.

This isn''t about Israel. It is about an individual engaged in illegal activities.

Did he have a visa to engage in this activity? No.

Does he have a history of having engaged in illegal activity? Yes.

Is he credible based upon his previous dishonest acts and lying? No.

Do you think the purchase of undeclared counterfeit products, the attempt to export the fertilizer in fan boxes, the intentional mislabeling of the products, the violation of his visa are all indicative of an honest man given to telling the truth? I don't. Perhaps for those that have a hatred for all things Israeli, it doesn't matter. However, for those of us that can look at the big picture it does. Many arabs are in Thailand and they follow the rules and are law abiding. How is it that they can do that, while this chap cannot?

I'm not saying I believe or disbelieve this guy, but how do you know the things you have just posted? How do you know that he didn't/doesn't have a visa to do what he says? What is the history of illegal activity you mention as I see no mention of it in this article or any others I have seen so far? What previous dishonest acts and lying have you got evidence of? Also, I don't know if you are aware of this, but you don't have to declare any products when you leave a country, only when you arrive.

The 'confession' that the Thai police have purported to have got, which 'led them' to the place where this stuff was could just be not a confession at all, but this guy telling them that he did business here and gave them the address, which they then searched, and reportedly found this fertiliser and liquid ammonium nitrate; as someone posted on another thread, just having those materials isn't proof that a bomb was going to be made, and it is entirely feasible that it was planted to back up the warning.It isn't completely out of the realms of possibility that evidence has been manufactured to ensure an arrest. I'm not saying it was, but I trust groups like the Thai police, government, Mossad and the CIA as much as I trust a chocolate teapot. There is a lot of spin being put on this story by whichever side you read - the Thai government, the Thai media, the US government and press and of course now the Swedish press and probably the Lebanese and Iranian media, and there are so many contradictions and misinformation I don't think anyone on here can really 'know' anything. We don't know about any deals that may have been done between the Israeli's, US and Thai governments, or even Lebanese and Swedish and we never will; it all seems like a big show being staged and whenever that happens I always wonder if there is something else going on somewhere else that our attention is being diverted away from.

I agree their is a lot going on that we have no knowledge of.

For instance how did they figure that terrorism in Bangkok would be revenge on the US or Israeli for that matter. I am not buying that. If it was the US embassy maybe.

Also does not fertilizer have to be kept away from water or boom. If that was the case no need to check it would either be OK or have gone boom. One thing people are over looking is that he was a Muslim and going boom on innocent people is one of their tools. I believe that there is more on both sides that need answering.

As for some of the supposed facts purported by GK suspicious why would he have made them up?

I think a lot more boom or bombing on innocent people is made by Americans not Muslims. Don't you see or hear the news or do you live in USA.

As for GK he should reveal his source other than senility. But with a name like Geriatric Kid, what can we expect.

Edited by TantraMantra
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sounds like a plausable explaination to me. Israel have more than enough means to move large volumes of anything, anywhere anytime so it is not beyond the realms of possibilty that he was set up by spooks. Yes. Just for being an Arab with' suspicious movements and lifestyle'. Give him and me a break.

Yeh right! Like Mossad don't have anything better to do than fit up an Arab, not just any old Arab but this one in particular and they had to come to Thailand to do it. Someone needs to get out more!!!!

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'I am set up by Mossad,' : terror suspect


A Lebanese-born Swede terror suspect arrested in Thailand last week on terror suspicions has professed his innocence, claiming he was set up by Israeli intelligence service Mossad, the Local online reported Friday.

"I’m 100 percent innocent," 47-year-old Hussein Atris told the Aftonbladet newspaper from a remand center in Thailand where he is being held on suspicion of possessing illegal bomb making materials.

Atris was arrested last Thursday at Suvarnabhumi Airport as he was about to board a flight back to his home in Lebanon.

He was charged with illegal explosives possession after Thai police said they found large amounts of ammonium nitrate and fertilizer in a storage facility owned by Atris in Samut Sakhon province.

But the 47-year-old, who moved to Sweden in 1989 and took Swedish citizenship in 1994, claims he was set up.

"A lot of the material police found in my storage facility had been placed there, most likely by the Israeli intelligence service Mossad," Atris told the newspaper.

Atris said had been treated well by Thai authorities, but missed his family in Lebanon, where he has lived since moving back from Sweden in 2005 after a decade working as a hair dresser in Gothenburg.

He maintained he had nothing to do with the suspicions against him. "This is a plot; I’m only involved in regular business activities," he said.

According to Thai police, Atris has links to Hezbollah, an Iranian- and Syrian-backed Muslim Shiite group considered to be a terrorist organization by the United States.

Atris believes Mossad has singled him out because he is a Shiite Muslim who lives in an area outside of Beirut where support for Hezbollah is strong.

While he denies being a member of Hezbollah, he admits to having "left-leaning" sympathies.

"I voted for the Social Democrats when I lived in Sweden. That may have made me look suspicious in the eyes of the Mossad. They had an eye on me," he told the newspaper.

Atris explained that, at the time of his arrest, he was in Thailand on business to check on how the storage facilities he had rented near the Thai capital had fared following flooding in the area in November and December.

"We bought goods in Asia and exported them to other countries, including Lebanon. It was fans, copy paper, ice packs used for pain relief," Atris said, explaining the operations of an import-export business he started with a friend in Lebanon three years ago.

According to Thai police, the storage container contained bomb making material, including large quantities of ammonia and fertilizer.

"The [ice packs] contain ammonia," Atris explained.

"It’s as simple as that. We’ve never traded in fertilizer. It must have been placed in our storage facility by someone, probably the Mossad."


-- The Nation 2012-01-20

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Ammonium Nitrate may be relatively harmless in its 'powdered form' one has to ad diesel fuel to make it more sensitive , and use a very high presure detonator of 500+ C to detonate the mixture.

anhydrous ammonia(NH3) is liquid form,

Methamphetamine/jabba cookers use it since using it is one of the simplest ways to produce the drug.

was it liquid or powder form they found in his warehouse ?

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sounds like a plausable explaination to me. Israel have more than enough means to move large volumes of anything, anywhere anytime so it is not beyond the realms of possibilty that he was set up by spooks. Yes. Just for being an Arab with' suspicious movements and lifestyle'. Give him and me a break.

Yeh right! Like Mossad don't have anything better to do than fit up an Arab, not just any old Arab but this one in particular and they had to come to Thailand to do it. Someone needs to get out more!!!!

Dirty tricks, assassinations, false propaganda, spying etc is all they do. But it's ok because it's all to protect Israel and in this case

speed up the war with Iran...Try to get more news. Also just yesterday Thailand recognized Palestine as an Independent state.

Israel won't be too happy about that. They might even stitch up a Lebanese business man and try to ruin Thai Tourism.

It's an Eye for Eye. A lot of Lebanese are Palestinian refugees BTW.

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Don't judge the man, because he's an Arab.

Yes because it is so out of character to find an Arab terrorist. So much more often terrorists are middle class Europeans or Americans. I believe every single plane that has ever been hijacked has been done so by a single ethnicity, but I am not quite sure which one...I hope someone can help me out with that.

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Ammonium Nitrate may be relatively harmless in its 'powdered form' one has to ad diesel fuel to make it more sensitive , and use a very high presure detonator of 500+ C to detonate the mixture.

anhydrous ammonia(NH3) is liquid form,and also used as a coolant.

Methamphetamine/jabba cookers use it since using it is one of the simplest ways to produce the drug.

was it not the latter they found in his warehouse ?

Urea nitrate is a fertilizer-based high explosive that has been used in improvised explosive devices in Israel, Iraq, and various other terrorism acts elsewhere in the world, like the 1993 World Trade Center bombings. It has a destructive power similar to better-known ammonium nitrate explosives, with a velocity of detonation between 11,155 ft/s (3,400 m/s) and 15,420 ft/s (4,700 m/s).

Production is by nitration of urea using nitric acid. This is an exothermic reaction, so steps must be taken to control the temperature. Presence of sulfuric acid during the nitration catalyzes the reaction, although this is not necessary.

Urea nitrate explosions may be initiated using a blasting cap

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sounds like a plausable explaination to me. Israel have more than enough means to move large volumes of anything, anywhere anytime so it is not beyond the realms of possibilty that he was set up by spooks. Yes. Just for being an Arab with' suspicious movements and lifestyle'. Give him and me a break.

Yeh right! Like Mossad don't have anything better to do than fit up an Arab, not just any old Arab but this one in particular and they had to come to Thailand to do it. Someone needs to get out more!!!!

Dirty tricks, assassinations, false propaganda, spying etc is all they do. But it's ok because it's all to protect Israel and in this case

speed up the war with Iran...Try to get more news. Also just yesterday Thailand recognized Palestine as an Independent state.

Israel won't be too happy about that. They might even stitch up a Lebanese business man and try to ruin Thai Tourism.

It's an Eye for Eye. A lot of Lebanese are Palestinian refugees BTW.

Assassinations and false propoganda, spying etc etc. are also employed by Hezbollah.

There are about 300,000 Palestiniam refugees in Lebanon (out of a total population of around 4 milion). While most live in Lebanon for quite some time, they aren't usually granted citizenship, and therefore aren't Lebanese.

I serisously doubt if there's a connection between the arrest of this guy and Thailand recognising Palestine as a state.

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It should not be difficult for him to prove the legit business he claims to have operated - suppliers - distributors etc and if he had organised a shipment why was he leaving, where is the shipment now, records of past shipments, sorry but nothing this guy has said is very convincing and don't expect the truth from the Thais as it is obvious they would rather everything he said was true.

what a mess

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Time to screen Mossad... This is the only remaining officialised state-supported terrorist organisation in the world after the fall of Kadhafi. You come in contact with them: you're grilled and that's it! So simple it is! They even do not officially exist if you ever want to lodge a claim for the hits and torture they gave you!

Believing this guy is another topic but for the time being he is a victim (like so many others from Mossad) as long as he is not being inculpated with a crime.

Mossad was also the private bodyguard from the former Mobutu Sese Seko (Zaire) who had blood on his fingers... more than anyone else, as I have witnessed myself!

Edited by dude007
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Time to screen Mossad... This is the only remaining officialised state-supported terrorist organisation in the world after the fall of Kadhafi. You come in contact with them: you're grilled and that's it! So simple it is! They even do not officially exist if you ever want to lodge a claim for the hits and torture they gave you!

Believing this guy is another topic but for the time being he is a victim (like so many others from Mossad) as long as he is not being inculpated with a crime.

Mossad was also the private bodyguard from the former Mobutu Sese Seko (Zaire) who had blood on his fingers... more than anyone else, as I have witnessed myself!

Rubbish. Mossad is subject to the same scrutiny that other government security agencies are subject to. Israel being Israel, there are most likely more meddling officials than in functioning countries.

As for the allegations about Sese Seko, the security guards were independent contractors, much as former UK, US, Russian etc. personnel sell their services. Zaire was in the French sphere of influence and lucrative contracts went to French nationals.

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I would almost believe him, if he hadn't fingered Mossad. If I found 4 tons of fertilizer in my house, I wouldn't have the faintest idea how it got there. I certainly wouldn't think about some foreign intelligence agency.... unless, of course, I was up to something.

Don't you get it. He's accusing his accusers. This is a very plausible story. Israel are the dirty tricks experts. There goal with USA is to make war with Iran asap.

How does this "make war with Iran"? This is a Lebanese national allegedly involved in a bomb plot in Thailand. If you think Israel is looking for a war with Iran, you are delusional. Iranian missiles can reach all major Israeli cities. If launched, Israel will suffer catastrophic loss. All it takes are a couple out of the hundreds if not thousands of Iranian missiles to hit Tel Aviv or Jerusalem and 1 million people could perish. And don't think that the Iranians wouldn't launch a few towards London and Paris and US vessels in the Gulf of Hormuz. The only europeans safe are the Germans and Swiss, since the Iranians need them.

As for the Iranian nuclear fellow being killed by Mossad, not necessarily so. Israel will encourage the suspicion because it builds up the Mossad image. To date Mossad has had one blunder after another and needs something to make it look competent. The US and UK won't say much for good reason. The most likely culprits were Iranian dissidents assisted by a European or Israeli group. The europeans have the best network in Iran and I wouldn't be surprised if the UK didn't have a hand.

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Actually his story is quite plausible. Though I have scolded them the KGB has managed to place at least a ton of similar materials in my attic. Interestingly they have also stored a large number of Wolfgang Puck Pressure Cooker boxes--perhaps we all ought to look in our attics.

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sounds like a plausable explaination to me. Israel have more than enough means to move large volumes of anything, anywhere anytime so it is not beyond the realms of possibilty that he was set up by spooks. Yes. Just for being an Arab with' suspicious movements and lifestyle'. Give him and me a break.

Yeh right! Like Mossad don't have anything better to do than fit up an Arab, not just any old Arab but this one in particular and they had to come to Thailand to do it. Someone needs to get out more!!!!

Dirty tricks, assassinations, false propaganda, spying etc is all they do. But it's ok because it's all to protect Israel and in this case

speed up the war with Iran...Try to get more news. Also just yesterday Thailand recognized Palestine as an Independent state.

Israel won't be too happy about that. They might even stitch up a Lebanese business man and try to ruin Thai Tourism.

It's an Eye for Eye. A lot of Lebanese are Palestinian refugees BTW.

Assassinations and false propoganda, spying etc etc. are also employed by Hezbollah.

There are about 300,000 Palestiniam refugees in Lebanon (out of a total population of around 4 milion). While most live in Lebanon for quite some time, they aren't usually granted citizenship, and therefore aren't Lebanese.

I serisously doubt if there's a connection between the arrest of this guy and Thailand recognising Palestine as a state.

Nevertheless, Israel will punish Thailand....as they are doing now...whether it's connected or not.

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Was his store house in the flood area? If so, what would bags of fertilizer look like after being covered in water for six weeks or so? If those bags of fertilizer are in decent shape then maybe they were planted recently.

Excellent point. Why would anyone even risk leaving it there whether Business man or Terrorist. Hopefully that will be resolved soon. But my bet is still that he's a Stitched up Scapegoat.

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Time to screen Mossad... This is the only remaining officialised state-supported terrorist organisation in the world after the fall of Kadhafi. You come in contact with them: you're grilled and that's it! So simple it is! They even do not officially exist if you ever want to lodge a claim for the hits and torture they gave you!

Believing this guy is another topic but for the time being he is a victim (like so many others from Mossad) as long as he is not being inculpated with a crime.

Mossad was also the private bodyguard from the former Mobutu Sese Seko (Zaire) who had blood on his fingers... more than anyone else, as I have witnessed myself!

what a pile of <deleted> that post was, we are all working on the information we have been given and right now this guy is in jail because he has been linked to bomb making equipment and Thai authorities are looking for more members of him team, you made a statment that he is a victim - from what you and we all know he is not a victim, the evidence is clear and until refuted this guy and his cohorts will/should go to jail, the confusion in all of this is thai authorities trying to play the terrorist threat down because of the effect on tourism - which quite frankly is foolish, if you read between the lines the are now seeking others in connection with this alledged terror effort which seems to have been foiled by pressure from outside Thailand - shame on them

get your facts straight before you go posting here and making unfounded claims, as it sits now these people are terrorists .... full stop

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Was his store house in the flood area? If so, what would bags of fertilizer look like after being covered in water for six weeks or so? If those bags of fertilizer are in decent shape then maybe they were planted recently.

do you know the answer to this ????? if not your post is meaningless, it is obvious to me no flood water was in this area.

you people need to realise the world we are living in............................I firmly believe these <snip> where stopped before they caused mass murder in Thailand...based on the info provided so far

Edited by metisdead
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you know reading through this thread there an awful lot of posters here sit way too long in front of their keyboards thinking of some crap to type.............and we think the Thais are children

remember this guy is in jail and the Thai authorities are looking for more of them.............that is for me a no brainer

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