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Help! Wrong Date In My Passport.

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I have just noticed that when I left Cambodia after obtaining a tourist visa, they have stamped me in for only 2 weeks. It should be two months from the date. What should I do???? The stamp that show's 2 weeks therefore would mean I have been over-staying since before Xmas. $$$$$$.

Advice please, anyone been stamped wrong?

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Nearest immigration office should be able to fix it for you, usually free but you have left it rather a long time.

Do let us know how you get on, particularly if there is any fine.

Yet another example of the oft repeated mantra, check your stamp before leaving the immigration desk.

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Actually I haven't left it along time as if they had stamped it correctly my visa run would be 2nd week in Feb. (I only looked to see what date the visa run would be). Yes I did write the visa number on the arrival card, so I'm really surprised they have messed it up so badly! Especially considering me and my partner went together and they have stamped us both wrong, his visa is even on the opposite page.

Yes I will let you know what happens

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Actually I haven't left it along time as if they had stamped it correctly my visa run would be 2nd week in Feb.

Sorry, my wording was awry. I meant to say that most people reporting this type of problem (and it is common) spot it fairly quickly and get it sorted before their actual stamp runs out. As you say you are effectively on overstay, hopefully no fine will be forthcoming.

Don't forget that you can extend a Tourist Visa entry by 30 days at immigration for 1900 Baht.

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It has been stated over and over again on many threads,. CHECK THE STAMPS IN YOUR PASSPORT BEFORE YOU LEAVE IMMIGRATION. Many don't believe it, but they are human. Last year I extended my retirement visa and got permission ro stay of 101 years. Instead of a "must leave by " date of 6 November 2012, she put 2112. I noticed the mistake in the parking lot and went back inan had it changed. It had been filled out by one officer, checked by another and signed by the big boss. I could have just done 90 day reports forever!

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Actually I haven't left it along time as if they had stamped it correctly my visa run would be 2nd week in Feb.

Sorry, my wording was awry. I meant to say that most people reporting this type of problem (and it is common) spot it fairly quickly and get it sorted before their actual stamp runs out. As you say you are effectively on overstay, hopefully no fine will be forthcoming.

Don't forget that you can extend a Tourist Visa entry by 30 days at immigration for 1900 Baht.

Yes I noticed once I got home after reporting to Immi on Chaeng Whattana that the agent had stamped my passport with the same date of my report. My missus called and they said no need to return but noted in the computer which they also had the report date logged in to so it showed I had reported on time.. I was really nervous of the impending confusion when I went back to report the next time but they knew of me immediately (shockingly) and the agent in charge just pushed it right through without issue much to my relief..

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I had a similar problem a few years ago, i did a boarder run To Burma through Rannong, i went back to the Immigration place In Rannong and they check the dates and rectified it, no problem and no cost,

Edited by Thongkorn
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Immigration made an error on my passport one time. I am on a marriage extension, that extends annually on the EXACT date each year that you started it. My date was September 6 (06), but she stamped September 9 (09). I am sure that when she was setting the date stamp, she screwed up because the 6 and the 9 are the same if you turn it over. I noticed it, and thought, "Good, I get an extra three days." But when I went in on the 9th the next time, they caught it. Lucky for me there was a holiday betwee the 6th and the 9th, so no overstay. She insisted that had there been an overstay, I would owe a 500 Thb/day fine regardless of who made the mistake. She said that my day was the 6th and no mistake could change that. Thus, a mistake cannot extend it.

Using this logic, your visa expiration should be after the two months. If a mistake cannot extend a visa, then how can it shorten it? Oh wait! For just a moment, I forgot where I was! Good luck with it.

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Actually I haven't left it along time as if they had stamped it correctly my visa run would be 2nd week in Feb.

Sorry, my wording was awry. I meant to say that most people reporting this type of problem (and it is common) spot it fairly quickly and get it sorted before their actual stamp runs out. As you say you are effectively on overstay, hopefully no fine will be forthcoming.

Don't forget that you can extend a Tourist Visa entry by 30 days at immigration for 1900 Baht.

Actually I haven't left it along time as if they had stamped it correctly my visa run would be 2nd week in Feb.

Sorry, my wording was awry. I meant to say that most people reporting this type of problem (and it is common) spot it fairly quickly and get it sorted before their actual stamp runs out. As you say you are effectively on overstay, hopefully no fine will be forthcoming.

Don't forget that you can extend a Tourist Visa entry by 30 days at immigration for 1900 Baht.

I think you can only extend for 7 days not 30 for b1900, be carefull.

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A tourist visa is issued by a consulare or embassy in a foreign country. Each entry is valid for 60 days and can be extended for 30 days at immigration for 1900 baht.

What you are thinking of is a "visa exempt" entry. No visa required. You get 30 days if you enter by air or 15 days by land.

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Well i can comment from experience here, as it has happened to me.

2 years ago, i used to do a flight in and out to get a 4 week visa, then 4 visa runs (border is only 5 mins away), after 6 months or so of doing this, on 1 visa run i got a 4 weeks visa, and not a 2 week visa, i checked my passport every time to ensure the date was correct, but this time decided they have given me 4 weeks, instead of 2, so i will say nothing.

On the next visa run, i was fined for 14 day overstay, "PAY or GOTO PRISON"

Long and short of this is, if they make a mistake to your advantage, it is your fault, is they make a mistake and give you a shorter stay, then go down to immigration and spend 1/2 a day to sort it out.

Do not leave the desk until you have checked you passport!!!!

Ah Thailand!!

But as another point, also understand the rules for each country, as they are different, In most counties a full visa will grant you entry upto the date of expiry of the visa, but not all, got caught with this one as well, i had a 6 month Vietnam Visa, and entered 4 days before it expired, believing i would be allowed to stay for 2 or 4 weeks, on exiting, they decided i had overstayed, and fined me as well.

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Airport immigration stamped me in for 3O days once, ignoring my visa, which I did write on the landing card. Chaeng Wattana changed it, no cost, but a little wait queing. They have a little section to do this. Make sure you get the right form at the front desk and fill it in. Get photocopies of your passport, visa, entry stamp etc. as they will ask for them.

I always try and check enrty stamps for all countries that give them. But missed this one. I've been extra caerful when entering Thailand since, but not had the problem again.

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I had this problem last year at the airport in Bangkok. I checked my passport after I left immigration. When I returned and pointed out the error, they corrected it w/o any problems or fees. Also, they were pleasant and professional.

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Last time I returned to Thailand from getting my new 1-year multiple entry visa abroad, the officer at the immigration cancelled it by mistake (it was 12 hours old) as if it was a single entry.

She didn't say anything at the moment, so I collected the passeport and noticed the mistake on my way to collect my luggage on the belt.

I immediately returned and asked her about it. She then made a rather miserable face and said she had handwritten on the same page "can use several time" (sic), no signature, no stamp, no officer ID along the mention.

I then asked my lawyer about the matter and was told to leave it that way and should expect to have to explain the case at each return.

To my surprise, it did work several times since then. Not a single question asked.

Not exactly the same situation but I think it illustrates another "blurness" locals cope with, their own way.

Edited by Mitker
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but a tourist visa over a land crossing is only good for 15 days.

And the OP say's he has a tourist visa.

Folks doing a land crossing for the purpose continuing their stay in Thailand (just a stamp and not a visa) will get 15 days at the border. If you enter via airport, you get 30 days. If you have a tourist visa, regardless of crossing mode (air or land) you get the validity of the tourist visa of 30 or 60 days. A land crossing for 15 days is not a tourist visa. It is permission to stay for a specific time period.

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It has been stated over and over again on many threads,. CHECK THE STAMPS IN YOUR PASSPORT BEFORE YOU LEAVE IMMIGRATION. Many don't believe it, but they are human. Last year I extended my retirement visa and got permission ro stay of 101 years. Instead of a "must leave by " date of 6 November 2012, she put 2112. I noticed the mistake in the parking lot and went back inan had it changed. It had been filled out by one officer, checked by another and signed by the big boss. I could have just done 90 day reports forever!

The most unbelievable part of this story is that you went back to have it corrected, shock1.gif

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Did you put the number of the Visa on the arrival card?

Only place is Chaengwattana in Bangkok or the border crossing to address the situation, if not then pay the fine and get another

I had a1 yar b visa and i entered by air the guy stamped me in for one month .I remember feeling like he was up to something so i looked in my passport and found out before i left the airport thank god . I would have been screwed .I am almost certain the xeno phobic bleep did it on purpose.

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It has been stated over and over again on many threads,. CHECK THE STAMPS IN YOUR PASSPORT BEFORE YOU LEAVE IMMIGRATION. Many don't believe it, but they are human. Last year I extended my retirement visa and got permission ro stay of 101 years. Instead of a "must leave by " date of 6 November 2012, she put 2112. I noticed the mistake in the parking lot and went back inan had it changed. It had been filled out by one officer, checked by another and signed by the big boss. I could have just done 90 day reports forever!

The most unbelievable part of this story is that you went back to have it corrected, shock1.gif

They would have caught it somtime, and unless I had "kiced the bucket" first I might have been out 20000 baht overstay. When they make a mistake in your favor, you usually end up paying.

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It has been stated over and over again on many threads,. CHECK THE STAMPS IN YOUR PASSPORT BEFORE YOU LEAVE IMMIGRATION. Many don't believe it, but they are human. Last year I extended my retirement visa and got permission ro stay of 101 years. Instead of a "must leave by " date of 6 November 2012, she put 2112. I noticed the mistake in the parking lot and went back inan had it changed. It had been filled out by one officer, checked by another and signed by the big boss. I could have just done 90 day reports forever!

The most unbelievable part of this story is that you went back to have it corrected, shock1.gif

They would have caught it somtime, and unless I had "kiced the bucket" first I might have been out 20000 baht overstay. When they make a mistake in your favor, you usually end up paying.

Points well-taken. wai.gif

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I got burned in a similar fashion - immigration stamped the wrong date by one day, and this invalidated my retirement visa. I had to go through the whole process again. I won't name names, but I originally used one of those "services" at the cost of 19k baht to get a retirement visa, and THEY missed the mistake, too. When I brought to their attention (I was quite angry but maintained my cool), they told me it would cost an additional 21k baht to fix it. Long story short, I did my homework, and now have a completely legal visa that will withstand any honest scrutiny. And, EVERY time I get any stamp in my passport, I take great care and check out the date. Much easier to correct it there if there is a mistake. Good luck!

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Okay people, I've read all your posts and thanks for the feedback. Yes I should have checked the date (I was tired and our bus broke down on the way back from PP to Poipet, so by the morning we were exhausted!)

Anyway my problem was rectified at Chiang Mai airport immigration. I did not have to go back to Poipet, thank goodness!!! They just crossed out the mistakes and stamped in the date as it should have been.

Good luck to anyone who comes across something similar.

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I have a similar problem (if you want to call it that!). I recently flew to Bangkok and expected to be given a 30 day entry stamp but I was given 90 days and the visa class "V" was written on the stamp. My non imm O had expired exactly one month earlier, but another twist is that my flight arriving was late and I was rushed through the diplomats section of immigration to catch my connecting flight.

So I still haven't made my mind up about what to do. I planned to stay in Thailand for 3 or 4 months this time so this visa has saved me a pain in the ass visa holiday that I really didn't want to take.

If I stay 90 days, when I come to depart BKK how would the immigration officer know there is a problem if I have stayed within the 90 days printed in my passport?

I might even do a border run near the end of the 90 days so I can come back into Thailand with 15 days entry and then fly out of BKK, as I'm hoping the border immigration will be easier to talk to or persuade if needed, plus I can have my missus on hand for translating and help.

Any advice would be appreciated. TIA.

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As I recall I already answered you in another thread that if it does not say -non o- it was likely just a wrong stamp date and computer will show you had a 30 day entry and you will be overstay when leaving if you stay more than 30 days.

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