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Thai Police Arrest Brutal Pakistani Stepfather For Abusing 5-Year-Old To Death


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Not a perfect comment. Sure every culture on the planet has its nut cases that commit atrocities against innocent people. But there is only one culture (religion) that teaches and condones it. Example: kill all infidels. More examples but too numerous to mention.

Honourable Learned Sir, Esq.;

please enlighten us which sura in the Qr'an condones the torturing and killing of an innocent 5-year old girl?

Thank you for your accolades my fine friend. May the honey from ten million bees sweeten your life forever. In the following verse of the Sura it commands all infidels be killed. All does not exclude any children of any age.

Sura 4:89 “seize them and slay them wherever you find them: and in any case take no friends or helpers from their ranks.”

you will find a dozen similar quotes in the Holy Bible but hardly anybody winks an eye or uses the Bible as a reference to smear those who believe in it.

but this thread and my question refer to a poor little girl which (it seems) was brutally killed. so i'm asking again, please quote the sura which asks/condones the torturing and killing of little girls. surely you will not extrapolate "infidel" and label said little girl an infidel? or perhaps you will?

Point well taken about this poor little girl not being an infidel. She was just an innocent victim of a very evil man and I am not saying his religion had anything to do with it. In this case it did not. But I stand by my statement that the Qr'an does condone the killing of innocent people simply because they are of another religous belief and if you do your research of history you will find this has happened for hundreds of years and children were not spared.

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It fortunately never ceases to amaze me how ignorant, small minded, bigoted people take an abhorrent and despicable event and try to turn it into some kind of commentary on different religions.

You're very comments produce the type of atmosphere allowing violence that you are supposedly against.

Every culture on the planet has despicable acts against innocent people. To use it as an opportunity to build hate and animosity towards people is truly one of the lowest forms of human behavior.

There is a Sanskrit proverb saying: "To that ruler those people." (eta raja tada praja). This proverb can be reversed. Therefore a people reflect the religion they follow. And a religion reflects its followers.

Pakistan means "the land of the pure" and it sends preachers and proselytizers to many countries. I understand the comments you so sternly judge and demean. I guess it would be different if their religion was low key and Pakistanis would keep their spirituality to themselves. But there is a history of religious pride preceding citizens of that overtly religious country.

I do not approve of a "lynching atmosphere" created by reckless comments, and I agree with you on that side, but I neither approve of excessive political correctness that can only contribute to stifling self-criticism among Muslims.

You are right I agree with you please tell us the Mossard did this

Edited by harryfrompattaya
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For these types of crimes , only the death penalty will suffice. And even that should not be made easy!

that is why I'm against the death penalty , it is too easy... this guys should get a LIFE of suffering and not an easy way out by death.

Whilst I would imagine the perpetrator here will have a hard time in a Thai jail, and may well not survive, in a European jail, and especially in the UK, he would likely have an easy life, and all the do-gooders would be trying to have him released after 10 years.

Sure the death penalty as we know it today is too easy for him. He should be hung, drawn and quartered or as others have said, suffer the same punishment as he meted out.

In the United States a jailed child molester/abuser is low man on the totem pole. His life is constantly on the line.
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quick death sentence for a person like this would be unfair...

He should have his skin peeled first and then burn him like they do with pigs, hope he suffer 1000x times more if he commit such a crime like this.

Poor girl and her family, RIP.

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Well I tell you, I have a Daughter and step daughter and NOBODY touches them not even their mother or grandmother, I dont allow any physical punishment of my kids, but it seems its a common occurance here in Thailand to beat your kids, and many a time I have had to control myself as I hear screams of the kids coming from my next door neibours, as the kids are screaming while being abused, but after my run in with the law and the WHACKED out result, I now stay well clear of any confrontation although its hard when you hear the distress a 5 year old is in and they dont stop.

As sad as it is I have to close my doors and windows to deaden the noise of the screams and crying.


I agree with you 100%. I have been married to a Thai woman since 97...We have an 8 year old daughter and I constantly have to step in and stop the disipline. For some reason Thai women think its OK to hit...not only misbehaving children but pretty much anyone that doesn't agree with them. If it wasn't for our daughter she would be out the door. Her reply is always kids in the USA don't respect anyone....All I can think of is her mother must have beat the crap out of her. This is not OK with me...People who think Asian women are quiet and docile are completely wrong....I have never met women that are more controlling then a Thai woman....10 more years of protecting my daughter then she can go blank herself...

Amazing Thailand...hardly.....If I could only "turn back time" like the Cher song...

And lastly I am taking about a college educated Thai woman....I should have known better her mother is like a cobra

Edited by robkey69
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It fortunately never ceases to amaze me how ignorant, small minded, bigoted people take an abhorrent and despicable event and try to turn it into some kind of commentary on different religions.

Your very comments produce the type of atmosphere allowing violence that you are supposedly against.

Every culture on the planet has despicable acts against innocent people. To use it as an opportunity to build hate and animosity towards people is truly one of the lowest forms of human behavior.


Spot On, perfect coment

"Every culture on the planet has despicable acts against innocent people."

This theocracy celebrates doing them, sanctions them and does them as an orgaznized group, as was just done in Nigeria.

Edited by z12
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just one word about this guy...ANIMAL!!

Yes, you are as upset as the rest of us about this, but a comment about the use of "ANIMAL" as an expletive. Only humans torture animals and other people with such malicious intent. No other animal does this.

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How does one illegally enter Thailand? We just recently moved here from Texas and I'm accustomed to illegals crossing all over the place without resistance, but here? How'd that happen? I am also a little confused about the good citizen report. The attack that caused this chidl's death was obviously not the first, so who dropped the ball on that one? The whole thing is very sad and I personally hope this waste of oxygen dies a horrible, painful death. I don't care what religion he is, he deserves to die!

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Oh Boy where do i start. How about this .. I am from Pakistan and as much as most of the people commenting here would like to generalize, am not a "Fundamentalist bearded animal from the dark ages" as normally thought.

Secondly "Aree Amudbud" is not a Pakistani name, never even heard concoction of letters ever in my life (heck most of Pakistani's would have a problem pronouncing such a name), so i am not too convinced about his Pakistani Origins.

Now on to the sad news... This bugger should be sent into the hilton for life and RIP little girl. Such events are not specific to any country or Religion. If you follow news from US you should already know this. So stop bashing Muslims or Islam. There are psychos everywhere.

Finally about Islamophobia - and there sure seems to be a lot of it here. Do some research before you post things that you read on a blog. "Islam gives the right to do whatever to women or children" - What are you crazy? The Unfortunate reality of this is

- Most of these practices are socially driven then religious

- Most of the Muslim know very little about their religion and hence attribute social practices to Religion

- Rest of the world probably would rather follow the popular belief about the perceived value system of a religion then to actually research it


"Most of the Muslim know very little about their religion and hence attribute social practices to Religion"

True. The spreading of Islam is more successful throughout the most ignorrant populations of the world.

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Oh Boy where do i start. How about this .. I am from Pakistan and as much as most of the people commenting here would like to generalize, am not a "Fundamentalist bearded animal from the dark ages" as normally thought.

Secondly "Aree Amudbud" is not a Pakistani name, never even heard concoction of letters ever in my life (heck most of Pakistani's would have a problem pronouncing such a name), so i am not too convinced about his Pakistani Origins.

Now on to the sad news... This bugger should be sent into the hilton for life and RIP little girl. Such events are not specific to any country or Religion. If you follow news from US you should already know this. So stop bashing Muslims or Islam. There are psychos everywhere.

Finally about Islamophobia - and there sure seems to be a lot of it here. Do some research before you post things that you read on a blog. "Islam gives the right to do whatever to women or children" - What are you crazy? The Unfortunate reality of this is

- Most of these practices are socially driven then religious

- Most of the Muslim know very little about their religion and hence attribute social practices to Religion

- Rest of the world probably would rather follow the popular belief about the perceived value system of a religion then to actually research it


"Most of the Muslim know very little about their religion and hence attribute social practices to Religion"

True. The spreading of Islam is more successful throughout the most ignorrant populations of the world.

Sadly when you do some research as suggested the results cannot be aired if they are deemed uncomplimentary to Islam. But I do agree with the recommendation to do said research as it would be a real eye opener. In this case there is actually some kudos for the Muslim community at the mosque if they reported injuries to the girl to the authorities because as I tried to post earlier this would be contrary to some conservative Islamists views on parental liability - and my source for that is Al Jazeera.

Edited by Steely Dan
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I lived many years in Asian Muslim countries before and I am glad I am living here now. I am convinced that, despite all the shortcomings, the basic philosophies prevailing here in Thailand make better and gentler people.

You obviously have not lived in Malaysia or Indonesia. The muslims there are very good people.

Yes, I have not lived in Malaysia or Indonesia, but I found also very good people in Iran and in Afghanistan. It is not about people. It is about the overwhelming vibe. The problem with those societies is that the atmosphere promotes self-righteousness and a feeling that they are already alright. In such places people become judgmental about others and concentrate little on self-improvement. i don't know whether you have been in a majority Muslim community in Ramadan and experienced the prevailing mood. It is a relief to be in Thailand where people do not judge others and live and let live.

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It fortunately never ceases to amaze me how ignorant, small minded, bigoted people take an abhorrent and despicable event and try to turn it into some kind of commentary on different religions.

Your very comments produce the type of atmosphere allowing violence that you are supposedly against.

Every culture on the planet has despicable acts against innocent people. To use it as an opportunity to build hate and animosity towards people is truly one of the lowest forms of human behavior.


Spot On, perfect coment

No it is not spot on and perfect. The subject of this thread is one of the lowest forms of Human behaviour, I think you chaps are getting a little confused with what are the lowest forms of Human behaviour here!!

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For these types of crimes , only the death penalty will suffice. And even that should not be made easy!

that is why I'm against the death penalty , it is too easy... this guys should get a LIFE of suffering and not an easy way out by death.

Those who do not agree with the death penalty should pay the cost of the "life of suffering" leaving those who believe in the death penalty free of the burden of paying to keep these scum alive and for the comforts that they inevitably receive even if it is only basic food and a roof over their heads.

Edited by Billmont
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I have been talking to my gf about this and she tells me that this guy ,as apparently reported on some thai media this morning is using the excuse that the little girl was prossesed by " ghosts " and he was beating the ghosts out of the little girl. If this is true ,he has not even one ounce of decency left to accept the consquences of what he has done . Blame the spirit world .Blame ghosts , blame everybody else except himself.

With all due respect, to the best of my knowledge there is no possession by ghosts and all those other nonsensical notions, in Islam. Whatever its failings are, Islam does avoid some of the "primitive" notions common with some other religions. However, women and children are considered as chattel, common belongings, by some cultures and their own specific interpretation of Islam. I suggest that the end result is the product of the man's culture and not necessarily his religious beliefs. (Not that you made that point or that I am criticizing your account. My comment is intended at those that may misinterpret.) On the other hand, we just may have a pathetic psycho bully here. If he's a nutter, what then?

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Poor little girl .. that is very sad .. I hope that jerk will rot in jail for ever.

I hope he will not rot in jail forever.

Thailand got the death penalty - this is one of the rare good opportunities to apply it.

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I have been talking to my gf about this and she tells me that this guy ,as apparently reported on some thai media this morning is using the excuse that the little girl was prossesed by " ghosts " and he was beating the ghosts out of the little girl. If this is true ,he has not even one ounce of decency left to accept the consquences of what he has done . Blame the spirit world .Blame ghosts , blame everybody else except himself.

With all due respect, to the best of my knowledge there is no possession by ghosts and all those other nonsensical notions, in Islam. Whatever its failings are, Islam does avoid some of the "primitive" notions common with some other religions. However, women and children are considered as chattel, common belongings, by some cultures and their own specific interpretation of Islam. I suggest that the end result is the product of the man's culture and not necessarily his religious beliefs. (Not that you made that point or that I am criticizing your account. My comment is intended at those that may misinterpret.) On the other hand, we just may have a pathetic psycho bully here. If he's a nutter, what then?

I guess that exlaians saudi arabia executing a woman for sorcery and that the founder of islam believed in jinns.

And his followers still do.

A 29-year-old Saudi in Makkah has been living in chains for over six years because he is, according to his father, possessed by a female jinn who refuses to leave him.

Edited by z12
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I have been talking to my gf about this and she tells me that this guy ,as apparently reported on some thai media this morning is using the excuse that the little girl was prossesed by " ghosts " and he was beating the ghosts out of the little girl. If this is true ,he has not even one ounce of decency left to accept the consquences of what he has done . Blame the spirit world .Blame ghosts , blame everybody else except himself.

With all due respect, to the best of my knowledge there is no possession by ghosts and all those other nonsensical notions, in Islam. Whatever its failings are, Islam does avoid some of the "primitive" notions common with some other religions. However, women and children are considered as chattel, common belongings, by some cultures and their own specific interpretation of Islam. I suggest that the end result is the product of the man's culture and not necessarily his religious beliefs. (Not that you made that point or that I am criticizing your account. My comment is intended at those that may misinterpret.) On the other hand, we just may have a pathetic psycho bully here. If he's a nutter, what then?

I suggest that the end result is the product of the man's culture and not necessarily his religious beliefs.

I wonder how large the overlap is where religious beliefs are prescriptive of politics and treatment of those outside the religion. Incidentally a Pakistani man in Switzerland has just murdered his daughter with an axe, culture or religion some things really need to be addressed and not swept under the carpet, there are many good people in Pakistan who are the victims of aspects of said religion/culture.

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And more in the news today on child rearing:

Palestinian woman kept locked in bathroom for 9 years by father: police

Woman was beaten, barely fed, and was encouraged to kill herself by her dad, social worker says

By The Associated Press

Monday, January 23 2012, 7:40 AM


Seems like it's always the girls and young women....

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Yea what can you say about stuff like this? Should normal people pay tax to feed people like this in prison while you know parasites like this have no use for anyone anywhere in the world. Or should we pay for a prison while the school is a brig house.Thai prison is no joke compared to our Dutch prison (named hotel sometime) but still... Waiste of money to feed a parasite like this. 1 Bullit will do, don't say it's to easy like this. People don't learn much anywayangry.png

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just one word about this guy...ANIMAL!!

Yes, you are as upset as the rest of us about this, but a comment about the use of "ANIMAL" as an expletive. Only humans torture animals and other people with such malicious intent. No other animal does this.

Well spoken, no animal worse then a human. No animal stay angry/mad/wild a long while, just a frenzy moment while human can live a long while or maybe a full lifetime in madness.

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Wish i didnt check the news now.

Very sad.

Yes indeed,

Why is this a "Must read:" anyway?

I know this happens everyday somewhere in our world. Just a pitty i never meet one BEFORE the abuse would start. Specialy for such a young one who can't just run away and take care herself. Sad and Mad world.

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