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Beating The Scams? Very Poor Advice I Think


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No idea how or why I came across this website, but I did and read through laughing at the stupidity of people until I read this page


Is it just me, but it seems to advise all sort of nonsense that frankly is going to end up in a very uncomfortable situation down a back street with a gang of taxi / tuk tuk drivers with bats giving you a hiding.

These include

1) Wasting time and then not paying a "no meter" taxi

2) 10 baht Tuk Tuk scam, denying him of commission and taking the piss, and trying to run off

3) Ordering a banquet in a two tiered restaurant, and then calling the cops to try and get local costs

4) Going to a ping pong show and then calling the cops to complain about being over charged (that will end nicely I am sure).

5) Play the card game scam and walk away as you are in front (yeah, tried that one myself once, not a clever idea).

I wonder why these chaps stopped posting these "investigations" a couple of years back. Either Thailand is Scam free now or they have both been duffed up and barbecued by a taxi driver they dicked around.

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Just flicked through the comments section on this page (which is still running thick and fast with people getting scammed). I have no idea why people on holiday believe that strangers will make them money in a foreign city for no reason. Seems to be more than one born every minute.

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Just flicked through the comments section on this page (which is still running thick and fast with people getting scammed). I have no idea why people on holiday believe that strangers will make them money in a foreign city for no reason. Seems to be more than one born every minute.


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The advice given on that website is a one way ticket to either getting shot, stabbed or beaten to death.

Seriously, I would never attempt any of that stuff. The only good parts are that it does inform tourists how and where these scams exist. After that it practically advises tourists to become their own enforcers of justice by going out on suicide missions.

All extremely bad advice and that website should be deleted forthwith before someone gets jailed, seriously injured or even killed.

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They should add a new section "Get a loan from a loan shark then spit in his face and tell him you're never gonna pay it back"

I think you’ll all agree some fantastic advice from that web-site!

‘dave111223’ I like that…..How about putting the word about that you want to buy a few Ks of Yabba, get them to bring it to your room, say you want to look at it….Then tosh it out the window to your mate below then laugh at them and ask….”what you going to do now”, leave them, (all confused) meet up with your mate, sell the drugs to a bar girl…..I think this would work…Well, as good as any of his other tricks.

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