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Had an interesting conversation with a thai taxi driver who could speak incredibly good english.

He told me that thai women are nomally not jealous it is just those exposed to and work in the "night entertainment industry".

Has anyone any experience of normal thai ladies as oppose to night time

workers, and can the conclusion be drawn that they are only jealous due

to the environment they have become exposed to ? :o


I am married to a Thai school teracher that has never been a saloon in her life,and when we were first married,she was extremely jealous, and to such an extent that it just about broke up the marriage.

But as time went on and as I proved myself, things have settled down somewhat,but it is easy to bring the green eyed monster back to the surface,but not with the power that he had in the beginning,There are a few very pretty girls in town that I steer clear of,if I talk to them in town and then they phone her when she gets home from school at night and tell her that I have been talking to them,I get a little of the ol bullshit,but not as bad as it was.


Thai Girls are humans too.

Of course they get jealous.

If you are talking about show of emotions that is something else. The extreme would make duck food when they get real jealous. :o


I am married to a Thai girl that has a good education and works in the legal field. Having said that, she is about as jealous of a woman that I have ever dealt with. Fortunately with a little sweet talk she becomes "Jai Yin" :o


what a bullxxx

my wife is not jalous at all, and i'm sure most thai women aren't.

They just get pissed off when the prospect of money or a better life gets compromised by a competitor.

How do you explain all the Mia noi's then in thailand? is thai women would be jealous we would have figths all over the place everyday. If you support Nr 1 while having 2 or 3 she won't love you anymore but she will not be jealous as long she is taken care for.

That's thai women thinking :o

they actually don't care that much , it's probably only showing off.


NO, but she ties me to the bed and does weird and un-natural things to me.

Don't be coy! What kinds of un-natural things? Erasers? geometry sets? Chalk? :o


Boy,do you have a lot to learn,,sounds more like a business arrangement like some of the farang I know here than a true love type marriage.

If it is an arrangement and you keep up your part of the bargain and the monthly payments, then there is no room for jealousy.

"You do this and I will pay you so much money and I will do as I please" that always works but there is no need for marriage,and as such,no need for jealousy.

You seem to think like a lot of farang,these people are not that much different in life's feelings than any other,there is love and faithfulness in Thailand,you just have to get out of the bar scene to find it.My wife sometimes looks in my wallet in the mornings before she goes to work and if I seem to be a little short,she will put in a couple of thousand just to make sure.


The female does not have to be Thai, or even human to exhibit dangerous jealous tendencies.

Never forget the old proverb "###### hath no fury like a woman scorned", which derives from the original: "Heaven has no rage, like love to hatred turned, Nor ###### a fury, like a woman scorned". The Mourning Bride. - William Congreve

This jealousy and rage is a biological necessity for the female to keep control of her male to ensure she and her offspring are cared for.

The extreme would make duck food

Ah, the famous duck report.

My wife smiles, sort of, when she catches my eyeballs uncaged passing a nubile or two. At our age, she' s probably just glad I still respond. But I just wish she would'nt go, "quack,quack."

This jealousy and rage is a biological necessity for the female to keep control of her male to ensure she and her offspring are cared for.

The Evolutionary Theory :D:D - jealousy arises as a mechanism to prevent loss of resources. Keep in mind that men get just as jealous over the possibility of their partner's infidelity as it may result in the parenting of a child that they did not father :o .

Overall, most people (male and female) experience jealousy, just comes down to verbalising it and the different ways of showing it.

KevinN - sounds like you're a lucky man :D


Thai woman can be jealous without expressing their emotions. Try what Zendesigner does to a woman with lots of money, she will dump you with immediate effect. To balance things up about supporting No. 1 and No. 2 and as long as all of them are given an allowance they will not complain, we should note the high divorce rates in Thailand and the number of women that don't marry. The Thais practice avoidance.

I hope that whoever said that thai woman would not be unhappy if the man has a mia noi as long as she gets her money would have more respect for women, please don't treat your wife like a prostitute, she has feelings too even if she doesn't say it. Perhaps he should think that she is happy because she is using his money to support her lover. Let's see who has the last laugh. I guess that she won't be unhappy either right?


Gordon Bennet again, what planet have you've been on, normal thai woman not jealous, I think nearly everone in Thailand is jealous, men, women, dogs, cats, whatever. Just get someone to translate a Thai TV soap series, it's full of tales of jealousy, envy, revenge etc etc. Don't forget that an apparently friendly smiling face might hide a mega raging jealous feeling behind the mask. Seriously though, I've noticed more jealousy and envy in Thailand than anywhere else I've been!


In my personal experience Thai "normal working girls" are not jealous as a ###### western chick. My current straight girlfriend is not jealous at all. She, of course, expects me to behave normal in public and not expecting me to adopt "farang behavior' loooking the tight jeans and tits of every single chick in the BTS or Central Plaza....

Bar girls are another story. They think the CUSTOMER is the short time boyfriend so that they are in the thought that you will be back to the same bar ONLY to pick them up again. Otherwise, she will "lose face" with her friends and even the argument can easily turn into a fight. Saw a couple of nasty cat fighting shit at two different bars in NANA PLAZA.

This jealous girls are really a case study. My policy is to have one girl....but one girl PER bar or gent's club. This is better than trying to escape from one chick at one bar having the intentions to bar fine another one at the bar next door. Get the picture? There was a guy called himself PINGA who even wrote an excellent book currently advertised at www.bangkoktonight.com. his experience is awesome.

Had an interesting conversation with a thai taxi driver who could speak incredibly good english.

He told me that thai women are nomally not jealous it is just those exposed to and work in the "night entertainment industry".

Has anyone any experience of normal thai ladies as oppose to night time

workers, and can the conclusion be drawn that they are only jealous due

to the environment they have become exposed to ? :o

I dont think every thai girl jealous or not only girl also man very jealous for me i am not jealous person but my husband is very jealousSSSSSSSSSSSS... I thought depands on each person ... what do you think? :D

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