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Fiancee Visa - Have We Got Too Much Info?

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Hello everyone,

As me and my fiancee have been apart (and I am living alone in England), we have both had a lot of spare time and we may have now have ended up with too much information in our visa application. We have presented the folder as follows:

Invitation Letter

1. Application Form

2. Our Relationship - 75 PAGES - inc. photos, tickets, skype, emails - we have spoke a lot and done a lot together

3. Engagement - 5 PAGES - inc. pictures, ring receipt, and a bit of text

4. Intent to Marry - since we cant book anything, there's a few emails, and our plans

5. Degree Certificates (both of us)

6. Sponsors Finances - Lots of Info and all the required docs

7. Extra financial support if required - Lots of Info

8. Accomodation - photos, tenancy agreement, landlord letter

9. Other inc. full passport scan, TOEFL English Certificate, birth certificate + 8 references

We think (without counting) the whole document is 200 pages :s We have been in a relationship for 8 months, no big age gap, and have lived together for about 3 months.

Is this too much?

Thank you for all your help in advance.

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Yes; it's too much!

Whist it is better to present too much than too little, you don't want to overwhelm the ECO with so much that is unnecessary that they miss something which is vital!

2) 75 pages of relationship history!! Write a brief history, when and where you met, how many times you have visited her, and back this up with email headers, phone records etc.

3) Not needed at all.

4) Emails, what emails? Simply say where and when; the ECO will know you cannot book the wedding until she is in the UK. If you do have anything from the registry office, such as a provisional booking, then include it.

5) Not needed, unless you are unemployed and want to show your employment prospects; but remember she cannot work until after the marriage.

6) Not too much info; last 6 months bank statements and pay slips are enough.

7) Do you require extra financial support? If not, leave out.

8) Why do people want to include photos? Your tenancy agreement and landlords letter are fine.

9) References? Why? Who from? For what purpose? She's applying for a visa, not a job! References are not required.

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Here is a list I used, but for a family visa, I have tailored it a little for you

1. Form VAF 4A plus photo.

3. Printed Application from on-line application

4. Her current Passport and copy.

5. Her previous Passport and copy.

6. Her ID Card and copy.

7. Her Tambien Baan plus copy.

8. Proof of relationship

13. Letter from the landlord.

14. Copy of your UK Passport proving British Citizen.

EDITED : As per the post below from 7 by 7.

Edited by beano2274
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Beano, a fiance visa is a type of settlement visa, so it's VAF4 she needs.

Also, as it's a settement application items 2, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 15 are not required.

The fee for a settlement visa is 40500 baht, not 3952 baht

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No self-respecting ECO is going to wade through 75 pages! Be concise and link to the relevant documents where necessary.

As a guide put yourself in the place of the ECO. How would you tackle an application? If the appearance makes your heart sink then you have your answer!

Financial details should be sufficiently detailed to show your income and expenditure and particularly the ability to support your partner as she will not be able to work on a Fiance visa. Credit card statements will probably unnecessary.

Try not to complicate the application!

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Thank you for all the responses on this page.

I have used these tips, and some others from another forum and the application package is now at least half the size and nothing has been lost.

Still the same sections so its easy to read but far far far less rubbish! Its amazing what happens when you look at the whole thing in an ECO's point of view for a few hours.

Well thanks again for all the help.

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Thank you for all the responses on this page.

I have used these tips, and some others from another forum and the application package is now at least half the size and nothing has been lost.

Still the same sections so its easy to read but far far far less rubbish! Its amazing what happens when you look at the whole thing in an ECO's point of view for a few hours.

Well thanks again for all the help.

Are you saying that it is now 100 pages?
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Why YOU think, any western Country want travelers coming in to appy for a visa ?

To use up paper? to have somethin g to do at their embassies ? to earn some money ? ?

NO, to keep unwanted persons out.

Who are unwanted?

Criminals and persons, who whant to stay on the costs of the host country.

So: show, you will leave again and.. during thatt time will NOT be on the expenses of the host company.

So, a return ticket of enough other reasons to return, like property, in the country of origin.

AND>>>> a health insurance during the time you are in the host country.....

Reason why my Thai business partner got difficulties to obtain a Schengen visa: forgot her copy of the health insurance world wide / EU wide during the trip !

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1. I think it's pretty much 100 pages

- 6 months bank statements (15 pages)

- accompdatiom details (12 pages)

- month by month financial calculations (10 pages)

- letter from work / p60 etc (5 pages)

- our relationship (max 40 pages) inc tickets, photos, communication

- invitation letter (2 pages)

- TOEFL certificate (1 page)

- a few more bits of paper I must include

So yes, 100 pages which cannot be reduced any further or otherwise it will not include everything they asked for!

To the last poster - I don't get what you are on about. Return to home country? The idea of a fiancée visa is that your partner does not return to her home country.

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By doing lots of things together! - its true to say though, the 2 months we lived together I have hardly no evidence for it. But when we travelled together on two seperate occasions for a month each, there's lots of photos and tickets etc. The times in between there's examples such as mObile phone rec

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:/So, a return ticket of enough other reasons to return, like property, in the country of origin./:

Risky?.......... buying return ticket before visa granted? How would you get around this apart from purchasing very expensive airline ticket which maybe refundable/partly refundable upon cancellation if visa not granted.

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The UK do not accept a return ticket as reason to return; indeed all the advice from the UKBA is not to buy a ticket until the visa has been granted.

The point is moot, anyway. The OP is asking about a settlement visa; his fiance is applying to settle in the UK; reason to return is irrelevant.

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I would look again at the 40 pages about the relationship. List the basics on page 1. Provide photos and details of how you communicate (Skype etc ). The ECO is unlikely to want the fine details of every contact just evidence that it happens!

12 pages on accommodation seems a bit much as well. Confirm details of housing, rent book or mortgage details (link to bank statements) and letter of permission from landlord (or head of household if staying with relatives).

The ECO is not going to appreciate any 'padding' although this should not go against you. It may, however allow the ECO to miss something crucial in the application.

Look very hard at the paperwork and reduce the volume to make it manageable. Make it clear that you and your partner can be contacted if the ECO needs more information.

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