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Retirement Visa Changes Or Updates

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Many thanks to Lopburi3. He knows the details!!!! Thats why he's the moderator and keeps the flamers at bay.

One quick question.... I would like to minimize the time at Chang wantana as last time it took all day. I will get the queue numberfor re-entry before i finish the retirement visa for perhaps an hour or 90 before. On the 800,000 baht method the officer ask me to go deposit 500 baht downstairs, update the bank book, and make a copy. I suppose to verify the money was there that day. I was thinking to deposit it early that morning and make a copy to avoid that step. It's best to finish before they break an hour for lunch.

Chang wanttana didnt ask any proof of residencey address or phone. Anyway I will bring my apartment receipt.

Any clue what days of the week are less crowded? I suppose Monday is worst and maybe friday? I went a month before expiration of extension in case there was something missing but no. Then he extended a year from expiry of the previous extension. where can I know if they are closed for a Thai Holiday in advance I will go a week before Song Kran.

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licklips.gif Just a quick note about "updating" your passbook at Chaeng Wattana...as mentioned by other posters.

I have a Bangkok Bank account so i know about them specifically. I'm not sure about other banks, but I imagine they have something similar.

I was told to make a "token" deposit or withdrawal...100 baht would be enough. I did, but found out that it was really not required. Yes, the immigration did check that entry before initialing my paperwork. All they really wanted though was the date and amount verification. There is a passbook update machine outside the Bangkok Bank that you place your passbook in and which scans your passbook and then prints the balance and the date into your book. No withdrawal or deposit is required, and it's free. The only problem is if the machine can't read your passbook number for some reason, it won't update (print) anything in your pasbook.

In that case you can go inside that branch, where there is a sign in English telling you to go to a certain desk. There the teller will read the number on your passbook, enter it manually into the computor, and tell it to print out date, time and the account balance. Again. it's free.

Now that is only at Chaeng Wattana...I don't have any idea about other locations.


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Normally they will be closed Thai holidays and that will include April 9 this year so next day will probably be crowded. They will want you to enter your telephone number on rear of the TM.7 form near your address in my experience.

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