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Passing through Kata, this morning I witness the aftermath of an horrindous accident involving a bike and a car. The two on the bike were killed { confirmed} outright. The driver of the car was a foreigner. One only wishes that alcohol was not the reason for this disaster The damage to the car and the proxomity of the bodies indicate a head-on collision [ I.E. one body was at least 30 feet further on from the other ] The car was on the wrong side of the road.Tthe time was between 6 and 6.30am. No speculation from me but if drink was the cause of this terrible accident [and I Know Karon/Kata] then the guilty should be punished accordingly. This sort of, I don"t give a <snip> attitude is not acceptable for many people and their family who live in these tourist areas. RIP to those involved.


I passed by about 8:30 and there was no sign there had even been an accident but my GF saw the carnage and told me about this yesterday morning,

Speculation yesterday morning was that the car driver was a drunk Russian however I will add that this is pure speculation and in no way confirmed.

I believe the accident took place near the traffic lights on Patak Road.

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