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Yingluck Revives Thaksin's Strategic 'Look West' Policy


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Based on the photo, I'd say it's more like the LOOK PRETTY policy. Sorry, I can't take the puppet clone lady seriously and I know I'm not alone on that. No it's not that she's a woman, or that she's a pretty woman, its the CONTENT of her leadership and communication skills.

Edited by Jingthing
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Is it me, or does the Indian gentleman in the photo look a trifle nervous ? rolleyes.gif

No, I doubt he's nervous, after all he's the Prime Minister of a huge country. More likely he is feeling some sympathy for his guest's limited English skills, given that Mr Singh speaks near perfect English, as is to be expected.

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Is it me, or does the Indian gentleman in the photo look a trifle nervous ? rolleyes.gif

No, I doubt he's nervous, after all he's the Prime Minister of a huge country. More likely he is feeling some sympathy for his guest's limited English skills, given that Mr Singh speaks near perfect English, as is to be expected.


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Did she meet brother by chance while she was there? Taksin tieing up a couple of deals in the background while sister is in the limelight? Shinawatra PLC doing business again under the premise of government initiatives? Just crosses my mind that it may not be all it seems?

Edited by MaiChai
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While the attempt to secure a position in the regional economy is laudable, India is a waste of time. In case anyone hadn't noticed, the economy of India is under tremendous pressure. The only aspects of the economy that continue to expand are corruption, redtape and inflation.

Yes, India is a big economy, but its a nightmare to navigate and Thailand should take a hint from trade initiatives elsewhere; The Trans Pacific Partnership agreement has the potential to create a major free trade agreement in the Pacific rim that would see Thailand sitting on the sidelines. The agreement will see the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Chile and Peru linked to a a single free-trade community that would lower lower tariffs and other trade barriers among the nine countries. With last December's agreement by Japan and Canada, the worlds' 3rd and 10th largest economies agreeing to participate, and the likelihood of Indonesian and Mexican participation, Thailand is about to be squeezed in a big way.

Thailand had a chance to participate, but apparently, the Mr. Korn the finance minister at the time the negotiations were underway was unconcerned. Cutting a deal on prisoner exchange or signing a document on cultural niceties is not going to help Thailand when Vietnam is given preferred access into lucrative rice markets and manufactured good markets.

India is renowned for its bureacracy and redtape. While the Thais are getting tangled in it, Malaysia and Vietnam have their eyes on the ball and are thinking strategically.

Agree - I lived in India for 2 years, but spent time also working in China and Malaysia. India is a disaster when it comes to red tape and bureaucracy. Add to that corruption and the issues arround caste and you have a real muddle. The results in China and Malaysia were much more impressive, and quite frankly, far easier and pleasent to set up. India was full of promise - but, with one or two notable exceptions, rarely delivers.

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"Yingluck revives Thaksin's strategic 'look west' policy"

Pull the string and I'll wink at you, I'm your puppet

I'll do funny things if you want me to, I'm your puppet

Your every wish is my command

All you gotta do is wiggle your little hand

I'm your puppet, I'm your puppet

"I'm Your Puppet"

Edited by z12
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