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So Sick Of The Aboriginal Protests


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I am so sick and tired of groups of militant aboriginals burning the Australian flag and generally protesting about how we stole their land and their life from them.

Yes Im sorry we did this, yes I'm sorry we gave you blankets with anthrax on them, yes I'm sorry we gave you flour with rat poison it, Im sorry we stole your children, I'm sorry we took your land but it was a hundred and fifty plus years ago.

Why don't we come to a good deal .. you can have some sort of ancient desert tribal land back its yours... in return you must give up all trappings of modern life and again become subsistence hunter gatherers... no cars, no government handouts, no petrol to sniff, no glue to sniff, no alcohol... just go back to the way of life that you cry loudly and profusely was taken from you by us. You are not allowed to have money, shop ,western clothes or any trappings of the evil white man who stole this from you.

Your medicine and health care system is nature.. don't care if your dying.. do it the way your ancestors did.

Housing.. build a bark lean to same as your revered ancestors did... you want full reconciliation you got it.. heres x million acres of land now go live on it and never be seen again. Hell we even let you annex this land so that no other non indigenous Australian has right or ability to step foot on it. The airspace around this land will be no fly territory .

This bullshit of holding generations of people responsible for acts of their forefathers is just a front for militant groups such as these aboriginals to try and extort monies and more government benefits.

its the same world over with any misplaced indigenous misplaced peoples but we have to as a society stop pandering to these people and just say yes we are sorry but there is nothing we will do about it.

Rant over, normal breathing and circulatory control will start in three seconds

And breathe one two three

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