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Why Is Thailand So Uptight When It Comes To Tourist Visas?

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If you came here to make a "fast buck, go home! As Samran says, where else can you go and put an unsecured 800000 baht (26000 USD) in the bank and be granted the options that you have here.I have two homes and am able to live a quality life that I could not live in the US on my retirement benefits. The rules are sometimes demanding and confusing, but they are no different than where you live. Go home and check how difficult it is for a Thai to enter and stay in your home country.

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Thai neighbour (Malaysia) is way more 'generous', offering 10 years unlimited re-entry, free business activity, land and housing ownership and free movement of your money in and out.

In return for a deposit that is double (or quadruple for the under-50s) that of the Thai requirement.

As I said, for what you get for just 800KB deposit, Thailand is quite generous.

I've always wondered about the Malaysia boosters. If it is such a good deal, how come more people from TV aren't there?

Because it is a place full of ethnic and religious tension, and overall not a very attractive place to be.

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Retired, OYO residence, no work, no business, no marriage, no sex tourist, no child abuse, financial conditions resolved...

So, instead of visa runs, I am offered a 'security' of yearly renewable non O retiree plus 90 days reporting. Bliss!

A 1-year retirement visa extension in return for just a 800K deposit (or proof of income) seems quite generous to me. Most countries wouldnt give you as much or would want you to show (invest) much more money.

The 90-day reporting is a pointless nuisance but it isnt actually difficult.

wai.gif Thai neighbour (Malaysia) is way more 'generous', offering 10 years unlimited re-entry, free business activity, land and housing ownership and free movement of your money in and out.

Compare this with uncertainty of retiree's stay in Thailand and you really forget the pointless nuisance of 90 days reporting as well as any invitation to invest in Thailand, wherever it comes from.

Those who 'invest' into marriage - good luck to them. But it isn't investment in Thailand. And we al know the risks involved anyway.

WPFflags.gif In any case, I like it here, I am here, I comply with the rules. But don't ask me to like them. And don't think I am not at risk (meaning my money). Does it have to be this way?


Malaysia is OK. KL superficially is great. The people are another issue. The Malays feel entitled. the Chinese are greedy selfish <Snip>. Im always warned not to take out my mobile in Indian areas by INDIANS! Malaysia has somenoticable social tensions. Thailand is way easier to live in IMHO

Edited by metisdead
Disguised profanity removed.
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Thai neighbour (Malaysia) is way more 'generous', offering 10 years unlimited re-entry, free business activity, land and housing ownership and free movement of your money in and out.

In return for a deposit that is double (or quadruple for the under-50s) that of the Thai requirement.

As I said, for what you get for just 800KB deposit, Thailand is quite generous.

I've always wondered about the Malaysia boosters. If it is such a good deal, how come more people from TV aren't there?

Because it is a place full of ethnic and religious tension, and overall not a very attractive place to be.

Street food is great! I feel its noticably safer than street foodin LOS. Yea, ethnic tension for sure! Once asked for some ICE in a rather nice bar and the Malay dude scowled and told me to go outside and buy my own! Was totally shocked!! the chinese dont give a rats ass as long as they can make an extra RM. There are some gu points, but LOSis better to livein.

Yea, Malaysia does have a retirement program, they've had it for many year,but the number of ppl who have signed up arent even close to what the govt had expected!

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If you came here to make a "fast buck, go home! As Samran says, where else can you go and put an unsecured 800000 baht (26000 USD) in the bank and be granted the options that you have here.I have two homes and am able to live a quality life that I could not live in the US on my retirement benefits. The rules are sometimes demanding and confusing, but they are no different than where you live. Go home and check how difficult it is for a Thai to enter and stay in your home country.

Are you the authority on who should be here and who should not?

The only Thai's (or any nationality) that experience difficulty in obtaining tourist visa's to other countries are those without sufficient reason or assets. Using Thailand as the example, people only get 10days annual leave. When a Thai's says' they plan on visiting some country for x months, it would be easy to assume they have no job, and anyone in immigration would expect that they are not a genuine tourist. So it's natural to reject such dishonest applicants. Western countries are not anymore strict than other Asian countries. The same applies to tourists coming to Thailand. How do you guys expect anyone to believe that you are a genuine tourist when you complain that Thailand won't let you have more than 60 days and then deny future back to back visas. That doesn't sound like tourism purposes. What kind of job do you have where you can just have so much holiday?

Edited by Time Traveller
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If you came here to make a "fast buck, go home! As Samran says, where else can you go and put an unsecured 800000 baht (26000 USD) in the bank and be granted the options that you have here.I have two homes and am able to live a quality life that I could not live in the US on my retirement benefits. The rules are sometimes demanding and confusing, but they are no different than where you live. Go home and check how difficult it is for a Thai to enter and stay in your home country.

Are you the authority on who should be here and who should not?

The only Thai's (or any nationality) that experience difficulty in obtaining tourist visa's to other countries are those without sufficient reason or assets. Using Thailand as the example, people only get 10days annual leave. When a Thai's says' they plan on visiting some country for x months, it would be easy to assume they have no job, and anyone in immigration would expect that they are not a genuine tourist. So it's natural to reject such dishonest applicants. Western countries are not anymore strict than other Asian countries. The same applies to tourists coming to Thailand. How do you guys expect anyone to believe that you are a genuine tourist when you complain that Thailand won't let you have more than 60 days and then deny future back to back visas. That doesn't sound like tourism purposes. What kind of job do you have where you can just have so much holiday?

Are you kidding? So it's as easy for a Thai to visit the UK or the US as it is for a Brit or American to visit Thailand?

Can I have some of whatever you're smoking?

If the Thai were as strict on tourist visas as the Americans and Brits -- requiring good employment and assets at home, time off from work, finger prints, etc. -- 90% of TV posters would not be here.

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I've always wondered about the Malaysia boosters. If it is such a good deal, how come more people from TV aren't there?

Malaysia has many good points. Food is very tasty, very varied and cheap (mmm, Indian food). Western imports are widely available and cheaper than here. Infrastructure of all types is good and English is widely spoken. Signs are readable even if you dont understand Malay.

But it's a bit lacking in fun, probably due to it being Muslim. It's not for nothing that many Malays go to Thailand for the weekend, but few Thais go to Malaysia. I would have thought that tea-drinking golfers would be delighted with Malaysia as a retirement destination but the average Pattaya barfly would be very unimpressed.

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I like Malaysia and my costs end up being the same when all is balanced out but there is something about Thailand that just has me.

While I sometimes complain about the visa situation I'm told that my own country Australia makes it hell for people to come to and stay long term so I try to do my complaining in private.

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I've always wondered about the Malaysia boosters. If it is such a good deal, how come more people from TV aren't there?

Malaysia has many good points. Food is very tasty, very varied and cheap (mmm, Indian food). Western imports are widely available and cheaper than here. Infrastructure of all types is good and English is widely spoken. Signs are readable even if you dont understand Malay.

But it's a bit lacking in fun, probably due to it being Muslim. It's not for nothing that many Malays go to Thailand for the weekend, but few Thais go to Malaysia. I would have thought that tea-drinking golfers would be delighted with Malaysia as a retirement destination but the average Pattaya barfly would be very unimpressed.

:) +1. I stopped complaining about thailand when i was reminded how boring life can be with all those rules.

I like Malaysia and my costs end up being the same when all is balanced out but there is something about Thailand that just has me.

Women? Peaceful?

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

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If you came here to make a "fast buck, go home! As Samran says, where else can you go and put an unsecured 800000 baht (26000 USD) in the bank and be granted the options that you have here.I have two homes and am able to live a quality life that I could not live in the US on my retirement benefits. The rules are sometimes demanding and confusing, but they are no different than where you live. Go home and check how difficult it is for a Thai to enter and stay in your home country.

Are you the authority on who should be here and who should not?

The only Thai's (or any nationality) that experience difficulty in obtaining tourist visa's to other countries are those without sufficient reason or assets. Using Thailand as the example, people only get 10days annual leave. When a Thai's says' they plan on visiting some country for x months, it would be easy to assume they have no job, and anyone in immigration would expect that they are not a genuine tourist. So it's natural to reject such dishonest applicants. Western countries are not anymore strict than other Asian countries. The same applies to tourists coming to Thailand. How do you guys expect anyone to believe that you are a genuine tourist when you complain that Thailand won't let you have more than 60 days and then deny future back to back visas. That doesn't sound like tourism purposes. What kind of job do you have where you can just have so much holiday?

Are you kidding? So it's as easy for a Thai to visit the UK or the US as it is for a Brit or American to visit Thailand?

Can I have some of whatever you're smoking?

If the Thai were as strict on tourist visas as the Americans and Brits -- requiring good employment and assets at home, time off from work, finger prints, etc. -- 90% of TV posters would not be here.

Ok it's not easier because Thailand people can not utilise visa waiver for other countries. But the topic is tourist visas and those countries do request more documents than say Thailand when applying for a tourist visa. But any real tourist (Thai going to US, or US going to Thai) should be able to easily show such things as assets/job/hotel booking. (Thailand doesn't do this now, but they could). Most of the people that are complaining because of visa rejection don't have evidence of those. That's why the question is are they genuine tourists? My point was genuine tourists don't experience much difficulty (rudeness perhaps) in obtaining tourist visas.

Edited by Time Traveller
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Darrel, Samran, NewlyMintedThai, Billd766, Kee Nok, tfc and others...

We do not have any real arguments. As I already said above -


Having said this, I insist on the following:

we all (farang expats) have rights of a stray dog; we all can be denied our stay any time; our investments here are therefore very much at risk; we are subjected to indignities, inconveniences and stress caused by uncertainties of our yearly non immigrant O visas renewals; all this has nothing to do with Thai people, Buddism, Islam, Christianity or economics.

I know about Malays, Chinese, Indians and Arabs you have mentioned. I am happy with Thais.


I would rather pay 20KBt to have a permanent residence than appear 5 times each year and pay 2KBt for a yearly 'O' visa. And I fail to see what makes Billd766 happy having to dress-up, drive for 125km to get his in 4 min. Not having much to do? Maybe I'm just plain stupid?

If one day the rules change and we all get a big fat NO to our extention of stay, say goodbye to all your investments and properties... Who will buy them and for how much??? I hope you guys see this my way. And have a nice life.clap2.gif

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I would rather pay 20KBt to have a permanent residence than appear 5 times each year and pay 2KBt for a yearly 'O' visa.

I'm sure you would. I'm also sure that many others would also.

Trouble is you have to remember that Thailand doesn't want you; it just wants your money. And so they like to keep the possibility of throwing you out (or not letting you back in) from time to time.

If one day the rules change and we all get a big fat NO to our extention of stay, say goodbye to all your investments and properties... Who will buy them and for how much???

This is true also, and, combined with the high purchase prices and low rental costs, it makes me less and less inclined to buy somewhere to live here. There's just too much downside and little upside.

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hehehe between visa issue and the ladyboy issue (both seem to appear occasionally) get over it. The people who donot qualify for a retirement or marriage extension of stay, to lazy to study Thai, or feel entitled are just envious of those who do and need to vent. Those other places that a few have praised for there great policies well pack your bags and get on with it.

Thailand has become my home, they have there policies, rules and way of doing things. I guess I have been lucky never felt I have been belittled in anyway when dealing with immigration in fact the officers I have had dealings with have been very professional. When you consider the work enviroment they are in kudos to them. Yes a better system for us long term stayers would be nice but we have what we have and crying and singing the blues will not change it. My trips to immigration are what I do that day they are sch. and I make no other plans other than to go to the mall when finished and take in a movie.

For all those who want to stay long term and donot qualify go home get a job skill you can bring back to Thailand. Yes it will take a few years out of your Thai life but in the end you can stay in paradise until they change the visa rules. My job skills didn't convert to Thailand easily so I was stuck coming on holiday until I could retire, we all make adjustments.

Good luck to all of you what works for one doesn't work for another

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As westerners with easy travel passports don't blame us if we take notice of countries that are easier than others. By obvious definition, a country that lets you enter for three or six months on entry without any hassle is easier than one that only allows one month.

Taking notice is one thing. Squawking and bleating with an arrogant sense of entitlement is another -- especially when your country offers little in the way of reciprocity for citizens if this country.

My girlfriend has obtained a US visa and I dare say it was easier than what I go through - my grovelling process.

India provides ten year visas for US citizens and five for UK pp holders. Otherwise six months.

Most western countries can stay in Phils for two years w/o leaving

Malaysia allows 90 days on entry

Cambodia has 365 day visas, plus extentions

Lao - with argueably less work, you can stay just as long

Vietnam has ability to long stay

Even Indonesia - about 1M rupiah, 1 year.

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As westerners with easy travel passports don't blame us if we take notice of countries that are easier than others. By obvious definition, a country that lets you enter for three or six months on entry without any hassle is easier than one that only allows one month.

Taking notice is one thing. Squawking and bleating with an arrogant sense of entitlement is another -- especially when your country offers little in the way of reciprocity for citizens if this country.

My girlfriend has obtained a US visa and I dare say it was easier than what I go through - my grovelling process.

India provides ten year visas for US citizens and five for UK pp holders. Otherwise six months.

Most western countries can stay in Phils for two years w/o leaving

Malaysia allows 90 days on entry

Cambodia has 365 day visas, plus extentions

Lao - with argueably less work, you can stay just as long

Vietnam has ability to long stay

Even Indonesia - about 1M rupiah, 1 year.

And yet, people are still here. I wonder why???

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The relative ease that men who often have had little if any interaction with the opposite sex have in hooking up with women

Safety in comparison to other fleshpots (Phils, Central America)

Ease in ability to land short to longish term accomadation

Inexpensive accomodation

Bangkok is still a regional hub with some of the cheapest fares

Reasonable value for money due to Thailand's ecomomies of scale

Pure laziness and lackof interest in travel. Most are expats, in search of the easy and the familar

The relative ease that men who often have had little if any interaction with the opposite sex have in hooking up with women

Oh, did I state - The relative ease that men who often have had few if any interaction with the opposite sex have in hooking up with women?

Edited by bangkokburning
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Darrel, Samran, NewlyMintedThai, Billd766, Kee Nok, tfc and others...

We do not have any real arguments. As I already said above -


Having said this, I insist on the following:

we all (farang expats) have rights of a stray dog; we all can be denied our stay any time; our investments here are therefore very much at risk; we are subjected to indignities, inconveniences and stress caused by uncertainties of our yearly non immigrant O visas renewals; all this has nothing to do with Thai people, Buddism, Islam, Christianity or economics.

I know about Malays, Chinese, Indians and Arabs you have mentioned. I am happy with Thais.


I would rather pay 20KBt to have a permanent residence than appear 5 times each year and pay 2KBt for a yearly 'O' visa. And I fail to see what makes Billd766 happy having to dress-up, drive for 125km to get his in 4 min. Not having much to do? Maybe I'm just plain stupid?

If one day the rules change and we all get a big fat NO to our extention of stay, say goodbye to all your investments and properties... Who will buy them and for how much??? I hope you guys see this my way. And have a nice life.clap2.gif

Actually I didn't have to go there.

I combined a visit to Immigration with some shopping, met a friend, looked around for some odd bits and pieces I wanted, I was dressed up because I was on my motorbike.

It was a nice day out and made a change.

Of course I could have stayed at home and sent my 90 renewal by post and, no you aren't stupid but it was a day out for me.

If I hadn't gone down there I would have just pottered around, done some odd jobs that I can do at any time and spent some time on the internet.

I don't have any inerests or properties. My wife does and when I die it will all belongs to her and our son anyway.

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