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Thai Life Expectancy 63Ish? Reasons?


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I understand the life expectancy for Thai males is 63ish. What would you say are the contributing reasons for this? Accidents? AIDS? Alcohalism? Poor health?

I ask because ppl seem to rave about how healthy Thai food is and the abundance of fruits. I actually think Thai food isn t all that healthy due to the heavy use of palm oil. I also wonder about the use of pesticides and the residue that is left behind. Do those street vendors take to time to wash their vegs? I suspect not. Any ideas?

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I don't have an intellegent answer and I've wondred the same. In the village I stay there are many old ladies without husbands. Diabetes is a problem caused in part by so much stickey rice. The normal villager can't afford to buy good fruits and vegetables. They eat whatever grows at the house. As for the men, smoking the 5 Baht tobacco all their lives and drinking too much doesn't help. Most of the men in the village do smoke. As it is everywhere the more money you make the bettrer your healt care.

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Where the heck do get your info from? A quick online search reveals that life expectancy for males in Thailand is 71/72. Comparing this to for example, The Netherlands with 76, not that big of difference. And as life expectancy in the "developed" world is likely to go down for future generations, this difference is set to get even smaller.

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Where the heck do get your info from? A quick online search reveals that life expectancy for males in Thailand is 71/72. Comparing this to for example, The Netherlands with 76, not that big of difference. And as life expectancy in the "developed" world is likely to go down for future generations, this difference is set to get even smaller.

Ooops, the stats I posted were from several years ago. The life expectancy is in the low to mid 70s. Not as gud as 82, but yea I sure hope it gets better. Edited by Sheryl
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