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How Fresh Are Our Eggs


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if this topic is in the wrong forum be free to move it,how many of us test our eggs for freshness,my wife bought a tray of eggs on one of the markets normally she would only buy 10 but i wanted to pickle a doz.i filled a large pan with water and gently put in the eggs,i then noticed that they all floated to the top,i thought this cant be right they should sink to the bottom,out of 22 we had left 14floated and the rest were bobbing up and down.so i googled testing your eggs and discovered that the 14 should not be eaten and the rest were old and should be eaten straight away,needless to say i binned the lot and told the wife never buy eggs on the markets again.today i had 2fried eggs that were cp.what a difference bright red yolks and didnt splatter all over the pan,also every one had the date stamped on them.i must say i have never been ill eating eggs but i will be careful where we get them from.

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So buy 'em at Tesco, Big C, Tops, etc. where you can check the dates on the carton. Sorted.

Not quite.....I have seen packed dates later than the current date at tops. I have also bought eggs at supermarkets which have new dates ut are old allready as it seems to be the pack date not the lay date. Tops own brand in general seem the freshest.

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We've our own eggs [far too many chooks]...never a problem with soilage either. Room temp or chilled.

The issues and suspicions should be viewed towards commercially produced eggs, not market farmed eggs.

It's not the eggs - it's what we do to them.

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My wife and I have a freind who sells eggs at the market, she always tells us which ones to buy, my step son also has a farm in the mountains at Phato, eventhough he always gets his eggs from the chooks we still have to crack them into a small bowl to check the freshness before they go into the frypan, you never know when you're going to find a half formed chick.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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If you are worried, always buy the central brand(my choice) or CP

CP is always safe for any kind of food, its a massive company that has to follow regulations from its offshore partners.

1 fuc_k up and they could lose the whole 7/11 franchise.

In CP we trust.

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Dunno bout you meatboy but I usually reject eggs that have bright red yolks, I prefer my yolks to be yellow.

This arises from your long conditioning, unfortunately.

To me a red yolk is akin to a human pissing blood. something aint right.

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Eggs bought from the market.You should know that a fresh market,as known in civilised country's, is an oxymoron in Thailand.

I never buy ANY food in the market here.

It's a lose-lose situation when one is burdened without knowledge.

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Eggs bought from the market.You should know that a fresh market,as known in civilised country's, is an oxymoron in Thailand.

I never buy ANY food in the market here.

It's a lose-lose situation when one is burdened without knowledge.

Don't worry you're making progress.You already are aware of it

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Eggs bought from the market.You should know that a fresh market,as known in civilised country's, is an oxymoron in Thailand.

I never buy ANY food in the market here.

It's a lose-lose situation when one is burdened without knowledge.

Don't worry you're making progress.You already are aware of it

I guess it is bliss....in many cases.

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i would rather pay 10bht.an egg from someone who has about 20 laying hens and gets rid of the every day lay, scatchers i call them or free range,now i am getting on in life i think its better to be safe than sorry,only once you need to get salmonella.egg-sactly.

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Dunno bout you meatboy but I usually reject eggs that have bright red yolks, I prefer my yolks to be yellow.

This arises from your long conditioning, unfortunately.

I prefer the dark orange yolks, darker the better...just like women. We live down south and don't have room for my own chickens so I found a small farm nearby and get freshh ones daily. Not sure how she does it but at times ALL are double yolk.

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Dunno bout you meatboy but I usually reject eggs that have bright red yolks, I prefer my yolks to be yellow.

This arises from your long conditioning, unfortunately.

I prefer the dark orange yolks, darker the better...just like women. We live down south and don't have room for my own chickens so I found a small farm nearby and get freshh ones daily. Not sure how she does it but at times ALL are double yolk.

According to the misses, as chickens get older they start laying double yolkers, something to do with the birth canal stretching allowing for bigger eggs. Thats my misses two bits worth.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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If the white of the egg runs freely across the pan it's a sign of an old egg, better when they are solid.

But it is possible to keep fertilised eggs at around 10oC for at least 3 weeks and still have 95% fertility so not everything is bad. ( Not suggesting you eat fertilised eggs, just my experience!)

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Crack an dgg in a frying pan.

The yolks will stand up in the fresh eggs.

Never mind if the yolks will stand up or not. You will smell it. The questions that some people ask. And this is obviously not a troll. The mind boggles.

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from now on every egg i eat if it hasnt got a date stamped on it i wont eat it,we take things for granted that what we eat is ok.but think trays of eggs out in the sun and in the heat how safe is that,the number of times the wife has come home with a plastic bag with 10eggs on opening you find a few cracked,we should know nothing is thrown away,its the same with meat if its going off chuck it in the curry or like you see in some supermarkets put some glaze spiced powder on it,if your in doubt about an egg do the water test.

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from now on every egg i eat if it hasnt got a date stamped on it i wont eat it,we take things for granted that what we eat is ok.but think trays of eggs out in the sun and in the heat how safe is that,the number of times the wife has come home with a plastic bag with 10eggs on opening you find a few cracked,we should know nothing is thrown away,its the same with meat if its going off chuck it in the curry or like you see in some supermarkets put some glaze spiced powder on it,if your in doubt about an egg do the water test.

There is no utopia.

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reminds me of the time i had a lady friend over for the night.

i asked her next morning when i was cooking brealfast how she liked her eggs.

she said, 'unfertilised." giggle.gif

My friend was asked at the same restaurant how he liked his eggs and he replied " I like them I really like them"

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Eggs bought from the market.You should know that a fresh market,as known in civilised country's, is an oxymoron in Thailand.

I never buy ANY food in the market here.

Have you ever had a meal in a Thai restaurant in Thailand? If so, you have consumed food bought in markets. Have you ever been hospitalised for this?

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