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Hi all

Seen another recent promotion for TT&T where for 1000 bht down, you get a free router and 2 months free connection upon signing a 12 month contract. Living in the less congested south of Thailand and in a neighbourhood with a low ownership of computers I am a little tempted to sign up.

But the question that I have is regarding P2P programs. TT&T state that there is no access for Bit Torrent and voip but when I enquire if Kazaa Lite would connect, nobody seems to know the answer.

So does anyone know if it is in anyway possible to get Kazaa Lite, Win Mx et al up and running using Maxnet 4 Home or does "Bit Torrent" mean every program of that ilk will not work whatsoever

And if not.........then whats the point of a faster connection


Hi all

Seen another recent promotion for TT&T where for 1000 bht down, you get a free router and 2 months free connection upon signing a 12 month contract.  Living in the less congested south of Thailand and in a neighbourhood with a low ownership of computers I am a little tempted to sign up.

But the question that I have is regarding P2P programs.  TT&T state that there is no access for Bit Torrent and voip but when I enquire if Kazaa Lite would connect, nobody seems to know the answer.

So does anyone know if it is in anyway possible to get Kazaa Lite, Win Mx et al up and running using Maxnet 4 Home or does "Bit Torrent" mean every program of that ilk will not work whatsoever

And if not.........then whats the point of a faster connection


Can't say about Kazaa lite working or not but Limewire P2P works with out a problem for me anyway. Maxnet4Home 512/256


They may block default ports used by P2P applications, but then all you have to do is to use other ports.

They may use packet shapers which may slow down P2P downloads, but not block them.

And ExpatHub will work, you'll be welcome to share your movies there.


Can't say about Kazaa lite working or not but Limewire P2P works with out a problem for me anyway. Maxnet4Home 512/256

Thats the package I am considering purchasing. is there any chance you could download Kazaa Lite and give it go on your connection, although, be warned not to install the standard Kazaa package.........it must be Kazaa Lite or K++

As for the blocking of certain ports, is it fairly easy to choose alternative ports to allow Kazaa Lite access to upload and download ??



i have maxnet 4 home and i use kazaa lite with no problems really, except that maxnet 4 home is never the speed i am paying for. somedays i can download 15 songs and a tv show in an hour, sometimes it takes me 3 days.

i have maxnet 4 home and i use kazaa lite with no problems really, except that maxnet 4 home is never the speed i am paying for.  somedays i can download 15 songs and a tv show in an hour, sometimes it takes me 3 days.

Went back today to have a chat with the engineer and he said that Kazaa does not work as they have blocked the ip address, so I showed him your post and he has invited me to try it out tomorrow. So was there anything that you did to make it work......... and what speeds do you get using the program, on my dial up connection I get steady speeds equivacable to 5.6k per second, slow but very steady

The engineer also warned that if TT&T noticed heavy downloading they could and probably would block the service provided by Kazaa Lite.........so how would I get around that problem if and when they do try to block it in the future........can anyone explain how to stay ahead in the cat n mouse game of filesharing



If you're using Kazaa already, have a look at how it works: you search through "supernodes", then you connect to other users who have the file you want.

Blocking Kazaa "ip address" would mean blocking at least all supernodes ip address, and I don't believe they can do this.

They can slow down Kazaa downloads using packet shaping, and I'm quite sure they are doing it, as most ISP are doing this (and there is not much you can do about it).

They can cut your connection if you overuse it, but I never heard of users complaining about this.

On how to stay ahead, the answer can be file sharing between users in Thailand, in order to use the highly available Thai bandwidth, see my previous post for this.


Went back today to try Kazaa Lite and TT&T Maxnet 4 Home. After installing it on to their machine and trying to connect I then realised that their machine is Window XP SP 2 and from what I can gather, Kazaa Lite is not compatible without some adjustments

Anyone know what I have to do or maybe it will be easier to take my XP SP 1 machine and try connecting that instead



Just install the normal Kazaa on their machine: being their machine u don't care about spywares... (and it would be surprising if the official Kazaa doesnt work straight away on XP SP2).

I then realised that their machine is Window XP SP 2 and from what I can gather, Kazaa Lite is not compatible without some adjustments

er, i have XP SP2 as well


Well I recall hearing the Kazaa would not work with SP2 and judging by today, it certainly did not connect and when I went to the Supernodes to try and change which machine I was connecting to, it came up with a runtime error on both machines I installed it on

Knowing that Kazaa (lite ?) works on your machine and that you have SP2 only confuses me more. If it connects on your machine, it should have connected on their machine too !! But nothing happened


It is Kazaa Lite that you are using or are you using Kazaa......... there is a subtle difference I suppose

Checked it out today and it worked fine on my computer so I will buy my own modem and try the service on a monthly basis to avoid any prolonged agonies with a duff service and a 12 month contract

Cheers for your advice and time guys



...not to nag, but I really dont understand why you are so dead set on using Kazaa when there are so many better networks, both in terms of speed and quality. But from now on I'll shut up - you do have the info above if you should decide to give it a try.

...not to nag, but I really dont understand why you are so dead set on using Kazaa when there are so many better networks, both in terms of speed and quality. But from now on I'll shut up - you do have the info above if you should decide to give it a try.

Sorry I did not acknowledge your previous posting but I did take heed and downloaded the software already......so after I get my head around the learning curve I will be a regular on the thai network

As for the reason why I use Kazaa Lite...... well I actually like this program and I also have existing files downloading, maybve once they are finished I will explore other avenues

Thanks for your advice


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