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Non Imm 'B' Visa Questions

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Hello folks!

A preemptive 'Thank You' to all who respond.

My question is about the Non Imm 'B' Visa. When I read the Thai Visa page, it states I need a letter from the company in Thailand that's offering me the job. (See: Can't link oddly enough, but it is the 1st page about Non Imm 'B' Visa)

However, at the bottom of that same page, is an example of the Non Imm 'B' Visa filled out: I can't seem to link... But I attached a copy of the example taken directly from this site.

In the Purpose of Visit, it says 'Holiday'.

Would this actually work?

I would prefer to get a Non Imm 'B' Visa than have to do the Tourist Visa Multi Entry method. Would this aforementioned 'Holiday' Purpose of Visit work for a Non Imm 'B' Visa work?

To clarify: I do not have a job in Thailand. I'm not actually looking for work (but would say I am if it is better?), I just want to visit Thailand for an extended period. Also after reading the page it states I cannot volunteer with a Tourist Visa. Which is largely in part why I am wanting to visit Thailand (to volunteer, but not at Orgs that you pay a ton to spend time there which help you get visas. I've found volunteer orgs that need volunteers and don't charge, so they won't necessarily help in getting my paperwork).

Insight / Input, folks? I'd greatly appreciate it.



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This is old example of a general application for a non immigrant visa that wouldn't help you to get a non B anywhere.

Here is a link to the current list of required documents to apply for a non immigrant B visa http://www.mfa.go.th...482.php?id=2492

All Thai Consulates have their own readings on these cirteriae and some which are far away from SE Asia may well only want very few of the documents listed - check with the consulate concerned (website/phone/call in).

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Your only option is to apply for a non-immigrant "O" visa, based on volunteering. Volunteering without a work permit is not allowed, and you only get one with a non-immigrant visa.

Yes, there is paperwork required for the non-O visa. Basically, a letter from the organisation that you will be volunteering confirming you will be volunteering with them and askiking for a visa for you.

The work perrmit will require more work, but only costs 3,100 baht for 1 year.

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Either you obtain a letter from a future employer stating that he will employ you or you get a letter from a lawyer stating that you need a non-B for business-investigation-purposes.

Attach resp company registration and the paperwork is ready, apart from your personal documents: passport, application form, bank-balance-statement (well, that's what I needed last time I applied for a non-B in Amsterdam - NL)

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is old example of a general application for a non immigrant visa that wouldn't help you to get a non B anywhere.

Here is a link to the current list of required documents to apply for a non immigrant B visa http://www.mfa.go.th...482.php?id=2492

All Thai Consulates have their own readings on these cirteriae and some which are far away from SE Asia may well only want very few of the documents listed - check with the consulate concerned (website/phone/call in).

that was so in the past, but not in 2012.

they will ALL ask for a full documentation nowadays, otherwise this will get them into big trouble......

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