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Bangkok Gambling Den Located 'In Railway Police Area'


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"Chalerm claimed he had been offered hundreds of millions of baht by den operators to turn a blind eye to their operations - but had turned them down. "All I can say is that if I am in position, no dens can operate," he said. He did not say why he did not take action against the socalled den operators for offering bribes."

Wouldn't it be nice is a reporter asked him this directly? "Dear Mr Chalerm. When you were approached to to take bribes by criminals, as an upstanding cabinet minister, why did it not occur to you to have these people apprehended?" ....not so hard is it thai hacks.

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While I agree that the Thai press does not ask questions like the western press you do understand that most thinking Thai's understand what is going on don't you all? And a question like that would not be answered and the chances of that reporter ever being in a position to ask a question again would be very limited. No matter what any party might say about improving media access and limiting censorship it is meaningless. The censorship here is self imposed and aimed at extending the life of the reporter and the media outlet.

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