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Thai Bride Reject Threatens To Kill Herself At British Embassy In Bangkok


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Thai wife visa reject threatens to kill herself

Some people will do anything to get your money. Doesn't she realise when your dead you can't spend it..

That is western thinking, she wants all his money not only for her, but her family and village and for her reincarnation.

shades of "John And Yoko"

Saving up your money for a rainy day,

Giving all your clothes to charity.

Last night the wife said,

"Poor boy, when you're dead

You don't take nothing with you

But your soul - think!"

"The Ballad of John And Yoko" - The Beatles

Edited by wxyz
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Seems like this woman is really only interested in a "Pay Out" from the UKBA for infringing her Human Rights.

I think the UKBA was correct to deny her entry to the UK,we have enough Gold Diggers already,maybe she should try a human rights application in Thailand.

Ridiculous women,trying to play the system!

Great,let's say you are married with a thai lady,lets say she want you out of Thailand,lets say you are in UK and you go to thai embassy and try to obtain a Non O visa ,lets say the embassy refuse to give you a visa without any reason,on top you get knowledge of how your wife went to immigration in thailand and told them to put you on a blacklist,,you think thats the right way?If the UK refuse to give a her visa because her legal husband not happy with it,then I would say UK is takatukaland same thailand
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Interesting. The couple is married in Thailand and then (from what I understand) Mr. Booth divorced her in England without Mrs. Booth present? We obviously don't have the whole story here.

***First question I'd have: If your marriage is registered in Thailand, can you process a divorce in your home country. If so, is that divorce than recognized in Thailand? Does anybody know?

Now for some comment -- It sounds like Mr and Mrs Booth lived in Scotland and took individual vacations. He returns to England, claims she deserted him during that time, process a divorce without her present, gets her visa rejected so she can't return -- I'd say there is the potential in that scenario to use the system for one's own unethical gain. But, if she did split to Thailand and chose not to return for the original divorce proceeding, and Mr Booth got a judgment in absentia against Mrs. Booth, that would be her problem. I understand the dilemma in the sense that if he tried to process a divorce in Thailand, her would of have to proved to the Thai court that his wife was having sex with another man, which unless he had a PI with a camera who caught her in the act, he wouldn't legally have a leg to stand on. Also a Thai court, without a doubt, would be biased in favor Mrs. Booth. This really sounds messy.

However, tit for tat -- Mrs Booth isn't going to get any sympathy from me for her attempt to file Human Rights charges. The Thai system treats foreigners who are married to Thai women as though we are little more than walking ATMs -- no money, get out; wife dies -- get out. We have no real rights. Consider this. If a Thai marries a Westerner and obtains a visa to live in his home country, she is afforded rights that we simply do not have here in Thailand, including a road to citizenship if she wishes to pursue it. If a Thai women's husband dies, she can remain in the country and eventually apply for citizenship. Western countries do believe in human rights and act compassionately enough to understand the bond of married is not total severed with the death of the Western spouse. The spouse usually forms bonds with the Western family and has become part of that Western society. And being a spouse of a Westerner gives that spouse a path to citizenship. That's compassion.

But here in Thailand!!! I'm here on a marriage visa. If my wife dies, I don't even get time to grieve; I don't get the time to make funeral arrangements. My first act needs to be to get my bereaved butt down to immigration because my visa is immediately null and void at the time of my wife's death -- otherwise I risk being fined and/or thrown in jail -- really compassionate of the Thai government. "You wife dead. Either put 800K baht in bank for retirement visa, find a job, or get hell out of our country farang. Thai wife dead - you go." The Thai government could give a rip about human rights or compassion.

So when Mrs Booth pulls the "Human Rights" card out of the deck, and that mob in front of the British embassy are crying about Mrs Booth's "rights being violated", all I want to do is laugh. These people need to petition there own government to clean the s**t out of their own backyard before they start slamming the British judicial and immigration system or that of any other Western country. Any Western country's immigration system puts the Thai immigration system to shame, especially when it come to "compassion" for foreign national spouses.

It will be interesting to see how this story plays out, especially considering Mrs Booth has just shown the British authorities that she is suicidal, and hence, also mentally unstable. Now it's that much more difficult to get a visa.

I agree with all you have said but it has no bearing on this case, certaintly the Thai system is appalling but that doesn't mean the UK should be doing likewise, this issue is in the UK not Thailand.

You have made many points in your Post,but to reply to 3 of them:

1.Thai Marriages are recognised in the UK,they also got married in a UK Register Office,so he was entitled to Divorce her in the UK

2. When a spouse is on a Married Settlement Visa,and the Marriage breaks down,then the Sponser (Husband) is legally obliged to report the fact,to the UKBA,as the wife is no longer living with the Sponsor (Husband) the Visa may be revoked. Or refused in the first place,and as you say "that would be her problem" and IMO nothing to do with Human Rights,nobody has the right to a Visa in any Country,the Country concerned make the rules of entry.

3.Divorces in the UK,can be decided by a UK Court,without either party being present,and concluded by the Court on paperwork submitted by both parties,Solicitors (Lawyers)

Edited by MAJIC
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... Or refused in the first place,and as you say "that would be her problem" and IMO nothing to do with Human Rights,nobody has the right to a Visa in any Country,the Country concerned make the rules of entry.

If I recall from the original brouhaha last year, the Human Rights aspect comes from her detention by UKBA at Glasgow airport for about 48-hours without being told why and their not allowing her any way to communicate with anyone.

I will admit to being fed up with the perpetual playing on Human Rights as a means to and end but IMHO in this instance, the Glasgow UKBA f*cked up badly, they know they did but they won't accept the two rulings that confirm they did. Must be a total earwig civil servant at the top of that wee pile of papershufflers with pictures of someone blowing someone else in a bathroom.

Or maybe the kiltmaker has the pictures?

Edited by NanLaew
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I think we should follow her direction - we should all line up at Thai immigration and threaten to kill ourselves when we cannot remain with our families unless we have so much in the bank or so much income every month!

At least she now knows what it feels like to be treat like dirt!

Funny how they don't seem to like it when it applies to them! No problem for Farang...farang BIG MONEY...Ha Ha! Taste of your own country's medecine, and a spoon full of sugar won't make that any easier to swallow!

Edited by billybobthedog
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It is a good example of why western men should never get married to Thai's expecially isan .

Thai's marry 45-75 y/old semi retired or retired farangs for their money /oseas residency and work rights and the prized possession of a farang passport.

Thais never marry farang for love or companionship. The reason they work bar or go on the net is to get away from their dreadful Thai men.

Find a retired farang with 2 income streams and jump on the money train.

Its that simple.

If it were up to me i would ban all Thai -farang marriages.

Its always one -way with thais. What we can give them not what they can give us.

In my opinion the British are the most gullible when it comes to marriages in the tropics.

I CONGRATULATE the British government for taking a tough stance. She is a parasite...dump her.

Glad you are not in charge and how can you say every Thai girl is out for one thing, as that's not true. Just like anywhere else each girl is different. My wife and I have been together to 6 years and been married for 3. She did not marry me to move to another country or get another passport as she does not want to leave Thailand, nor did she marry me for money. We have had several difficult times where I had no money for months and she took care of paying all the bills. She owns her own shop and makes ok money, my business is up and down. It all depends on the girl and where you meet her and of course how stupid you are if you marry a girl that you only know for 6 months or 1 year and she is 20 years younger than you which you met her in a bar, chances are very good it's not love... So many guys move here and leave their brains in their home country. Also, have several friends that have Thai wives and they are all doing good, the girls are nice and not just looking for money. Again all depends on the girl!!

You are fortunes favourite ! You are the man!

I worked in Thailand, and rescued three Americans(USA), from the street after they were cleaned up and the house they had bought for Mia Luang was sold, when they were away! I mean sleeping on the street! And what they were surprised was the Americans did no try to help them, non Americans did! One of them told me his friends that married Thai Muslim women from the deep South , never had problem! As they treated them with respect and Lord of the Manor! May you guys try heading South, if you could avoid the shootouts there!

Through them I leaned that ripping off Farangs is well traveled path, and they pointed out that Ubon, followed by Udon is littered with wrecks!

well at least one positive story about Farang hunters of Siam ! You are a lucky man! May lyre and laurels be yours! And all those heathenish houris promised by Mohammad for the faithful!

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Chr**t are we nuts in Europe,,,,this rag gets to the UK Immigration board and the European Human rights court?? Are we for real??? Guess who pays for all of this?

She has deserted her husband , has no intention of living with him and she has rights???? The mind boggles and blood boils.

A foreigner trying to stay in Thailand??

Fraudently stripped of his assets, usually by a Thai partner/"wife"...(see A Drummonds other well informed articles)

Thrown into jail


We have absolutely no rights at all here. This is just so unbalanced and so unjust for all of the foreigners cheated and conned and defrauded in Thailand..

Edited by harleyclarkey
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My Thai wife divorced me in UK after four years of marriage. Despite my assets such as a house, pensions,cars, capital etc. she insisted to her lawyer ( totally against his advice) that she did not wish to claim one single penny from me, and that is how it turned out

It just goes to prove that not all Thai women are purely mercenary.

The exception that proves the rule.

Edited by wxyz
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Interesting. The couple is married in Thailand and then (from what I understand) Mr. Booth divorced her in England without Mrs. Booth present? We obviously don't have the whole story here.

***First question I'd have: If your marriage is registered in Thailand, can you process a divorce in your home country. If so, is that divorce than recognized in Thailand? Does anybody know?

Now for some comment -- It sounds like Mr and Mrs Booth lived in Scotland and took individual vacations. He returns to England, claims she deserted him during that time, process a divorce without her present, gets her visa rejected so she can't return -- I'd say there is the potential in that scenario to use the system for one's own unethical gain. But, if she did split to Thailand and chose not to return for the original divorce proceeding, and Mr Booth got a judgment in absentia against Mrs. Booth, that would be her problem. I understand the dilemma in the sense that if he tried to process a divorce in Thailand, her would of have to proved to the Thai court that his wife was having sex with another man, which unless he had a PI with a camera who caught her in the act, he wouldn't legally have a leg to stand on. Also a Thai court, without a doubt, would be biased in favor Mrs. Booth. This really sounds messy.

However, tit for tat -- Mrs Booth isn't going to get any sympathy from me for her attempt to file Human Rights charges. The Thai system treats foreigners who are married to Thai women as though we are little more than walking ATMs -- no money, get out; wife dies -- get out. We have no real rights. Consider this. If a Thai marries a Westerner and obtains a visa to live in his home country, she is afforded rights that we simply do not have here in Thailand, including a road to citizenship if she wishes to pursue it. If a Thai women's husband dies, she can remain in the country and eventually apply for citizenship. Western countries do believe in human rights and act compassionately enough to understand the bond of married is not total severed with the death of the Western spouse. The spouse usually forms bonds with the Western family and has become part of that Western society. And being a spouse of a Westerner gives that spouse a path to citizenship. That's compassion.

But here in Thailand!!! I'm here on a marriage visa. If my wife dies, I don't even get time to grieve; I don't get the time to make funeral arrangements. My first act needs to be to get my bereaved butt down to immigration because my visa is immediately null and void at the time of my wife's death -- otherwise I risk being fined and/or thrown in jail -- really compassionate of the Thai government. "You wife dead. Either put 800K baht in bank for retirement visa, find a job, or get hell out of our country farang. Thai wife dead - you go." The Thai government could give a rip about human rights or compassion.

So when Mrs Booth pulls the "Human Rights" card out of the deck, and that mob in front of the British embassy are crying about Mrs Booth's "rights being violated", all I want to do is laugh. These people need to petition there own government to clean the s**t out of their own backyard before they start slamming the British judicial and immigration system or that of any other Western country. Any Western country's immigration system puts the Thai immigration system to shame, especially when it come to "compassion" for foreign national spouses.

It will be interesting to see how this story plays out, especially considering Mrs Booth has just shown the British authorities that she is suicidal, and hence, also mentally unstable. Now it's that much more difficult to get a visa.

I agree with all you have said but it has no bearing on this case, certaintly the Thai system is appalling but that doesn't mean the UK should be doing likewise, this issue is in the UK not Thailand.

You have made many points in your Post,but to reply to 3 of them:

1.Thai Marriages are recognised in the UK,they also got married in a UK Register Office,so he was entitled to Divorce her in the UK

2. When a spouse is on a Married Settlement Visa,and the Marriage breaks down,then the Sponser (Husband) is legally obliged to report the fact,to the UKBA,as the wife is no longer living with the Sponsor (Husband) the Visa may be revoked. Or refused in the first place,and as you say "that would be her problem" and IMO nothing to do with Human Rights,nobody has the right to a Visa in any Country,the Country concerned make the rules of entry.

3.Divorces in the UK,can be decided by a UK Court,without either party being present,and concluded by the Court on paperwork submitted by both parties,Solicitors (Lawyers)

Surely you can only get married once either in Thailand or the UK, and then either have a ceremony in Thailand or register your marriage in the UK.

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Chr**t are we nuts in Europe,,,,this rag gets to the UK Immigration board and the European Human rights court?? Are we for real??? Guess who pays for all of this?

She has deserted her husband , has no intention of living with him and she has rights???? The mind boggles and blood boils.

A foreigner trying to stay in Thailand??

Fraudently stripped of his assets, usually by a Thai partner/"wife"...(see A Drummonds other well informed articles)

Thrown into jail


We have absolutely no rights at all here. This is just so unbalanced and so unjust for all of the foreigners cheated and conned and defrauded in Thailand..

In ten years I haven't been cheated and conned here and it sounds like you don't even live here, are you just banging a drum in support of the wasters who show up in every trashy article you've ever read about Thailand, goodness me!

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Beautiful couldn't have said it better myself.

The reason why she is confused about these things called "laws" is because her country does have any.

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Beautiful couldn't have said it better myself.

The reason why she is confused about these things called "laws" is because her country does have any.

Maybe a Freudian slip but yes, correct, this country (Thailand), does have laws.

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Once again, I'm surprised by the huge outpouring of hatred of many posters against Thais. Once again, it begs the question, if you hate Thailand / Thais so much, what are you doing on this forum?

Can you please point out where posters are expressing hatred of Thai'S. I see people speaking about a Thai (One) and not the Thai population in general who are good people.
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Like many Thais who marry farang, she does it for the money, and he does it for sex.

She might be just another one, so UK is right to ban her from entering the high moral country.

And many Thai women marry farang because they get treated better than they do by Thai men.

Edited by bigbamboo
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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Beautiful couldn't have said it better myself.

The reason why she is confused about these things called "laws" is because her country does have any.

Maybe a Freudian slip but yes, correct, this country (Thailand), does have laws.

Is that a reason we should do same thing as thailand?the difference between thailand and UK or Germany or Denmark is we have laws and rules,we normally obey them,Thailand is a 3rd world country,Uk is a 1st world country,that lady is legally married to a UK citizen,so she has the right to get a visa,whatever she did in the past is not the point,I stay long time in Thailand,but i still know what is right or wrong,i don't care what the thais do with us,if we do the same ,then we are also not much different from them.If that lady has the required documents,then there is no reason to refuse her a visa,moralic points are not counting,thais are not the only one who are greedy in this world,If you pissed off your Uk wife,she probably will try same thing
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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Wonder how many foreigner who married a Thais actually got what they apply for. Well we all now how the systems works dont we.

However, this Brit man is also a coward, please end the relationship if you doesn't want her anymore. SHameless oldman !!

Umm he did and filed for divorce, isn't that ending the relationship?

Good that he did but some forummers mentioned it done in British which she have no idea of what happening, may be?

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Wonder how many foreigner who married a Thais actually got what they apply for. Well we all now how the systems works dont we.

However, this Brit man is also a coward, please end the relationship if you doesn't want her anymore. SHameless oldman !!

Umm he did and filed for divorce, isn't that ending the relationship?

Good that he did but some forummers mentioned it done in British which she have no idea of what happening, may be?


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This came up some time ago and it is just a continuation on the same theme.

She is just smart enough to cause trouble,

but not smart enough, or too smarting from loss of face to just drop it

and walk away with a modest settlement.

She just can't understand that she has to call it a day,

and clearly has some advisor / lawyer hoping for a cut of the profits,

telling her to fight it to the last dregs of common sense.

The same attitude that makes her fight UK right into the EU courts

is likely the same reason he wants nothing more to do with her;

a right total pain in the arse, who is showing her true colors;

give me, and my lawyer, more money, and we go away,

if not....

Sure this is reading between the lines, but the lines kinda jump out at you.

She's 'going to kill herself on Valentines Day in front of the British Embassy'

over a divorce she can do right here? <deleted>. This is a publicity stunt,

because yet again she isn't being allowed back into UK to raise a ruckus there.

I couldn't agree more.The way she is acting is a sure sign of instability and will not help her in the slightest.The British are no fools to this and are well aware that once in the country it becomes harder to have her leave, so NO ENTRY.

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How easy a Malaysian can get visas to the UK and others compare to the Thais? A subjec of discrimination again.

Find out the percentage of Malaysians who end up staying in the UK illegally, and compare it to the percentage of Thais.

I believe that will give your answer - and the same applies for all the other countries, they work off the historical statistics.

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that lady is legally married to a UK citizen,so she has the right to get a visa,whatever she did in the past is not the point

Apparently that is not the case, at least under UK law - you have to not only be legally married, but intending to live together with your UK spouse in order to qualify.

Now if you mean the "international right", that may well be a different story, which is of course the "human rights" issue she is trying to pursue with the EU.

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Surely you can only get married once either in Thailand or the UK, and then either have a ceremony in Thailand or register your marriage in the UK.

If you read one of the AD articles, there's no mention of either of the Thai ceremonies being formalised at a local Amphur. Therefore, her only recourse for divorce is through the UK courts as the third ceremony was done at the Registrars office in Gallashiels.

So, the old kilted duffer cocked-up in that regard. He vainly hopes that the UKBA's stance will prevent her entering the UK forever so he can proceed with the cheapest divorce option which is her alleged desertion. I see this being overturned and a face-off at the court in Selkirk late this summer which will no doubt momentarily distract the public from their disappointment with the other Brit underachievers at the Olympics in London.

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that lady is legally married to a UK citizen,so she has the right to get a visa,whatever she did in the past is not the point

Apparently that is not the case, at least under UK law - you have to not only be legally married, but intending to live together with your UK spouse in order to qualify.

Now if you mean the "international right", that may well be a different story, which is of course the "human rights" issue she is trying to pursue with the EU.

In Thailand you have to prove every three months you are still living with your Thai spouse otherwise no visa. In that event you need to divorce and divi up the assets accrued during the marriage on the assumption that if you no longer live together so why stay legally married.

Edited by bigbamboo
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It is a good example of why western men should never get married to Thai's expecially isan .

Thai's marry 45-75 y/old semi retired or retired farangs for their money /oseas residency and work rights and the prized possession of a farang passport.

Thais never marry farang for love or companionship. The reason they work bar or go on the net is to get away from their dreadful Thai men.

Find a retired farang with 2 income streams and jump on the money train.

Its that simple.

If it were up to me i would ban all Thai -farang marriages.

Its always one -way with thais. What we can give them not what they can give us.

In my opinion the British are the most gullible when it comes to marriages in the tropics.

I CONGRATULATE the British government for taking a tough stance. She is a parasite...dump her.

Glad you are not in charge and how can you say every Thai girl is out for one thing, as that's not true. Just like anywhere else each girl is different. My wife and I have been together to 6 years and been married for 3. She did not marry me to move to another country or get another passport as she does not want to leave Thailand, nor did she marry me for money. We have had several difficult times where I had no money for months and she took care of paying all the bills. She owns her own shop and makes ok money, my business is up and down. It all depends on the girl and where you meet her and of course how stupid you are if you marry a girl that you only know for 6 months or 1 year and she is 20 years younger than you which you met her in a bar, chances are very good it's not love... So many guys move here and leave their brains in their home country. Also, have several friends that have Thai wives and they are all doing good, the girls are nice and not just looking for money. Again all depends on the girl!!

My sentiments exactly!

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Why don't they just call her bluff and wait until February 15th.

If she values her life so little and kills herself, problem solved.

If she doesn't, UK decision to not let her in is justified because she would have proven she doesn't stick to her word, making her stated intentions for entry meaningless. Entry denied, problem solved.

Not really... can you imagine the headlines if she does go through with it? In front of cameras and journalists? I can already see the headlines now... we all know how the media loves to print a bit of drama - it boosts readership immensely.

Personally I agree with you but this is a delicate matter for the British Embassy - bad publicity and all that.

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