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Thailand Internet Dating Sites


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Met n married my wife thru a dating site best choice I ever made 6 years ago now. All hookers hahahahah funny tossers!!

If youve got half a brain you can easily weed out the bad uns.

Ditto, all I want to add to that is I met a good group of friends from the dating site both men and women and we still socialize with them to this day.

I met several other women before I met my wife and they were all as discribed, as travelmann says "If youve got half a brain you can easily weed out the bad uns"

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Met n married my wife thru a dating site best choice I ever made 6 years ago now. All hookers hahahahah funny tossers!!

If youve got half a brain you can easily weed out the bad uns.

Ditto, all I want to add to that is I met a good group of friends from the dating site both men and women and we still socialize with them to this day.

I met several other women before I met my wife and they were all as discribed, as travelmann says "If youve got half a brain you can easily weed out the bad uns"

You can also enjoy rooting out the bad uns.... oo'er missus!

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How come your wife made so little and you think it is so much you must have a very poor background 100k is only 1.2 million US dollars a year.

Oh really now 100,000 THB X 12 is 1.2 million USD??? Hahaha LOL

I think he's on a wind up

Here's another example of his work: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/517860-my-very-rich-well-educated-wife-refuses-to-use-bottle-water/

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In the US, there are many American women who have a predilection for European, Latin American, or African men. Whether this is the grass is always greener or just a belief that supposed characteristics of said men better match their expectations, I really don't know. And in almost every country to which I have traveled or lived, there is a percentage of women who looked at me with interest in their eyes strictly because I was American.

Men are no different. How many western men are here in Thailand because of an affinity for Asian women?

My point is that in all countries, there are people who look for partners from other cultures, and in this day and age, the easiest method to scratch that itch is probably the internet dating sites. They offer introductions to men or women who meet the demographic desires of others.

Not everyone on a dating site has an ulterior motive. Not every man who joins a Filipino dating site is a serial deflowerer of virgins, not every woman who joins a Thai dating site is married and looking for a new house in Roet. Many, of not most, just want to find a partner.

Oh, some are looking for financial contributions. But it is not always as insidious as others might opine. When i joined one site years ago, when internet dating was still in its infancy, the early 40's version of me met a 20-year-old Thai. Yes, I realize the age difference might put some people off, but frankly, that was our business, not others'. When we decided to try and formally date, she was very happy, because to her, that meant I would be paying for her rent. That ran to 3,500 baht per month. She was working in a factory for around 8,000 baht per month, so to her, this was a significant contribution. Was she in the dating only for money? I rather doubt it, given how much my Thai friends regularly pay to girlfriends. But she certainly appreciated the contribution.

Internet dating sites are merely one more vehicle to meet people. And they work rather well for people wanting to meet others of a specific demographic. But it is up to the user to weed out the good from the bad just as it is when meeting by any other method.

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Add me to the group that says there are plenty of good women on these sites. I have used TLL. and never had a problem with being fooled by "working girls". Maybe part of the reason is that I am interested in women in their early 40's, obviously a bit long in the tooth to be a bar girl, but the other reason is that I try not to go brain dead when I log in and start looking at the photos.

I look for someone who has a job besides "other", has some education, etc.

I also only offer to meet for a coffee on the first meeting. That tends filter out the hustlers.

I think there are many Thai women out there who are single, middle-aged (i.e. over 35 in Thai years) and with grown children or teenagers who don't want to hang out with their parents. The woman is just looking for some male companionship, maybe a little romance, and yes, maybe someone who can give them a sense of security, given the alternatives they face.

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How come your wife made so little and you think it is so much you must have a very poor background 100k is only 1.2 million US dollars a year.

Oh really now 100,000 THB X 12 is 1.2 million USD??? Hahaha LOL

I think he's on a wind up

Here's another example of his work: http://www.thaivisa....e-bottle-water/

Used to be a guy on TF called HarryPattaya - used to get the girls from various sites to go down to Pattaya on the bus, promise them the world, get a shag if he could then go for a meal in an expensive restaurant and slip out the backdoor on a toilet break.

probably a different guy tho

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  • 1 month later...

Never trust Any Thai lady who tells you they don't like Thai men- its what they think farang men want to hear. Sure they will tell u about their ex Thai bf who was a drunk/lazy / violent - all bs to make u feel special. Funnily enough it tends to be farang men age 50 plus who fall for this most. And they ought t be wiser ! Anyway one born every minute I guess. ....

I have to disagree with this, having met some of my wife`s friends, relatives, i have been astounded how much dishonest the thai men are. I have not experienced this in Europe, and some do violent at home. My wife had a sour experience with a thai man too.

I do agree to some extent as Thai Men are flirtatious, often times you will find one finding a new girl friend and dumping the old ones, even they are pregnant, and some even bring back new girls to the house and just ignore the existing one,it is true to these, but I think sometimes these unforntunate girls were lucky to be sponsored by their generous farang bf, and after a while they find them to be bored because of the different culture, and eventually, they have thai bf on their bed or singing thai kara ok and talking to their farang bf "kit teung mak mak", so the point is, you can't change a dog from eating shit, it is their nature, but I am not condeming all thai girls, still some of them are real gems, well these will be pure luck, same as lottery!

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"But it has been said (perhaps by Ludditeman, cant recall) that 90% of women on the site are "working girls".

That is absolutely not true. I met about 8 girls from dating websites the first year I was here. Every one of them were professional people with good paying jobs. Most had nice automobiles, owned homes, etc. I was careful who I met, and only ever met one who was divorced with a child. I was often invited to meet the families of the girls as well. It really boils down to what kind of people you meet or want to meet. I only was interested in educated people with good jobs. 5 years later I'm still in contact with 2 of them. Just be selective.

I think both of you were right, it all depends which website, so maybe you can point as to the right website, to find all these professional ladies.

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I am not sure all the girls on TLL are "Working girls" I would think there are alot of ordinary Thai girls who are just looking for a better life that a non Thai might be able to offer, so they see this site as a chance to find security. I think the 90% figure is way over the top. I would also comment that alot the people on this site and others similar do not even put up a photo, why bother being on the site if you dont want people to see what you look like? Some of the photos are too daft for words and makes you wonder of these are real people, employees of the company perhaps?

Get you interested to upgrade, how do they make their money other than a bit of advertising? These comments are for all dating sites not just one in particular. IMHO most are a waste of time.

Edited by exeter
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  • 3 weeks later...

I think I'd agree that they are a waste of time, possibly for different reasons.

My observation is that most Thai women are after an ATM on the hoof, so to speak. These are women who earn a few hundred $$ a month and want a cut in what somebody has worked his butt off for 30 years to have. I can't believe the arrogance.

Somebody should make up a glossary of terms. My contribution is "Good heart" and that means somebody who will keep me in a manner to which i have never been kept but to which I aspire, i.e., I want your money, more money, mooooore money!!.

I find it even more difficult to believe that naive foreigners are keeping entire families in Thailand while they're back home working their butts off. Beats me??? Maybe they have really 'good hearts'??

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Sure there are lots of scammers, and personally I'd rather get out there and meet them in person, but for some it works just fine, especially if you're outside of Thailand.

My trained nurse sister-in-law met her Norwegian husband who works in the salmon industry on TLL, and they're both lovely people and very happily settled into their married life over there.

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