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Thai Immigration Arrest 65-Year-Old British National On Child Abuse Charges


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When speaking of Pedophilia in Thailand it is necessary to differentiate between 10 and 12 year olds and the 16 and 17 year olds with the fake ID working on Walking Street.

Although both are technically illegal there is a huge difference

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When speaking of Pedophilia in Thailand it is necessary to differentiate between 10 and 12 year olds and the 16 and 17 year olds with the fake ID working on Walking Street.

Although both are technically illegal there is a huge difference

That is correct. I recall reading over the years that in Thailand (and obviously some other countries) the severity of the legal charges do vary depending on age group. That certainly makes logical sense. Also, aside from the legal aspect, 16 or 17 isn't pedophilia by definition. Edited by Jingthing
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i had another post removed, but had 4 people who liked it?? can anybody remeber the film a clock work orange, i suggest the same the cure then send him down soi cowboy with a few thousand baht in his shirt pocket.

Perhaps we need a "don't like" button then you may have a less postive judgement of your posts

You already have 2 options 1. click for like and 2. Do not click for dislike.

George - that is a bit like 'if you do not tick this box we will give you insurance'.

A positive action should be required to express an opinion.

I may well agree with many of your posts but I might not be quite moved enough to click on 'like' - I would hate you to assume that I 'disliked' them just because I did not click on 'like'.

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I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

The answer to that is simple. Most hate posters are worried about the devil they have buried in themselves. There have been occasions when the hang em high brigade were led by someone who was known to be a fiddler. Weird deal. I reckon just let them alone and after a day or 2 they get over themselves, go out to a bar and jump a (looks like it could be) 18 yr old kid, and don't see the humour. I just think of it as the TV judge and jury. Mostly alcoholics, mostly lower echelon education, mostly turn up here with a retirement fund to keep them going.

I read the whole thing, and what most of the haters have missed, is that he hasn't been charged with a crime in Thailand. He was wanted by the UK and India. Same old same old as far as I am concerned. As to the issue about being handed over to the poms, makes sense if he hasn't been naughty here.

Edited by Considered Opinion
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When speaking of Pedophilia in Thailand it is necessary to differentiate between 10 and 12 year olds and the 16 and 17 year olds with the fake ID working on Walking Street.

Although both are technically illegal there is a huge difference

AFAIK 16 and 17 is over the age of consent for both male and female. And as you rightly put it, a person into 14-18 year olds is by definition not a paedophile. The word is Ephebophile, but that would be hard for hang em high advocates to spell. That is because, as opined in my earlier post, most intellectuals don't comment on these threads. I like to pop in to keep a bit of an eye on the current work of our judges and jurors, which is my only reason for even gracing it with my view.

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When speaking of Pedophilia in Thailand it is necessary to differentiate between 10 and 12 year olds and the 16 and 17 year olds with the fake ID working on Walking Street.

Although both are technically illegal there is a huge difference

AFAIK 16 and 17 is over the age of consent for both male and female. And as you rightly put it, a person into 14-18 year olds is by definition not a paedophile. The word is Ephebophile, but that would be hard for hang em high advocates to spell. That is because, as opined in my earlier post, most intellectuals don't comment on these threads. I like to pop in to keep a bit of an eye on the current work of our judges and jurors, which is my only reason for even gracing it with my view.

We are indeed honoured jap.gif

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When speaking of Pedophilia in Thailand it is necessary to differentiate between 10 and 12 year olds and the 16 and 17 year olds with the fake ID working on Walking Street.

Although both are technically illegal there is a huge difference

AFAIK 16 and 17 is over the age of consent for both male and female. And as you rightly put it, a person into 14-18 year olds is by definition not a paedophile. The word is Ephebophile, but that would be hard for hang em high advocates to spell. That is because, as opined in my earlier post, most intellectuals don't comment on these threads. I like to pop in to keep a bit of an eye on the current work of our judges and jurors, which is my only reason for even gracing it with my view.

We are indeed honoured jap.gif

Yes, you are... clap2.gif

BTW may I use your signature in one of my grammar classes please?

Edited by Considered Opinion
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i hope this 65 year old nonce gets beaten and raped i have no respect for people who sexually abuse children!!!

-well done to the thai authorities who captured this evil man.....also wanted in the uk and india_why has it taken so long "why has he evaded capture for so long".

More than likely, because he knows if there's any country on earth that will look the other way, it's Thailand. It seems to me that Thailand does nothing with criminals until other countries step in; and that's assuming it was pressure by the UK and or India that finally caught up with him.

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I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

Ask the kids how they feel.

Supporting prostituion is exploiting women.

That is a ridiculous statement....woman can choose what they do themselves and an agreement of mutual benefit between both parties is suitable to both parties for various reasons...

Except when the prostitute was sexually abused as a child . . .

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I think the issue of consent is complicated. Minors sometimes DO give consent and in some cases may even be sexually aggressive, but are not legally able to give consent. So in many countries including Thailand even though consent MAY have been given, the crimes are legally labeled RAPE because the minors are not legally able to ever give consent. Meaning the legal use of the word rape is not only physically forced sex. The emotional reactions about this class of crimes are of course understandable.

You might want to re word that.....I think a lot of people view the word 'minor' as quite young.....say under 10yo.

I think and hope you are using minor in relation to 13, 14, 15 etc.

I can't help it if there are people who don't know the definition of minor. Minor obviously means anyone even one minute under the legal age. Also in my text is the word SOMETIMES. So I find your comment trollish and unworthy of a clarifying response. Cheers. Edited by Jingthing
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So many people (largely male) constantly need something to rage about. In many western countries, it used to be gay people who were the scum of the earth, 'an affront to common decency' was the war cry of the anti-gay mobs of the early 20th century. Then (and before) it was 'colored people' who were 'coming over here, taking our jobs'. More recently it's been Muslims and paedophiles, who of course must be 'the spawn of the devil'. Society constantly needs scapegoats to throw to the baying pack, to assuage their blood lust. To detract from other important issues of the time that political activists would rather not tackle. And, of course, the mob has always been used by vested interests to promote their political/commercial/power agendas. Sexual predation is wrong whatever the age of the 'victim'. And I see plenty of it over here. I wonder how many of the baying hounds come here because many Thai women look more childlike than western women. Because most are less assertive, and because feminism hasn't taken root here to any noticeable degree. I wonder how many kid themselves that they're really ok because their 22 year old girlfriend only LOOKS 14. I wonder how many, who call their small Thai wives/girlfriends 'baby' or 'my little girl' actually search deeply inward, seeking the real reason behind their fantasies. Maybe none. Maybe many. I'd suggest at least some. I guess I was fortunate enough to have had a life where my orientation has been in sync with the agreed majority. But I also realise it could have been very different. What if I had been born with a predisposition to be gay or non-white, to worship Allah, or with tendencies toward paedophilia? How would I have coped with the calls for my blood by the unthinking mob? Perhaps others should ask the same question before condemning that which they cannot understand. The old adage about walking a mile in another's shoes seems to be relevant here. If those who are different, who we see as 'the other', can bring out such anger, such ferocity, the anger must have been there long before the trigger arrived on the scene. When I was a child I was able to walk freely in my neighborhood, without fear, without fraught parents worrying about my safety because they saw a paedophile around every corner. Paedophilia is anti social. And therefore requires thinking people to find solutions to it. It doesn't need a mob. This person should be removed from the streets, for his own protection and for that of the subjects of his desires. But he is still a human being, regardless of the attempts of some to dehumanize those with whom they do not agree, and cannot understand. On reading many of the responses to this post I have to wonder just how many of the respondents have read a book of any substance in the past 5 years.


Your post seems to rage on and on about rage.

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If this man is guilty then he is despicable, and justice must be done.

I hope I am not alone in feeling some disquiet at the number of posters who seem to relish the thought that he may well be violently sodomised whilst in prison

It would bring some thoughts of joy to most decent people.

Anyone who enjoys seeing others suffer is sick. The desire for revenge, and feeling entitled to hate are also unskillful states.

These thoughts make one no better than the original offender....(in the eyes of the law of karma).

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Rather disgusting that some would hope that the accused is raped or otherwise made the victim of a crime. There is a court system. It is the court system that will pass judgement and that will decide on the penalty. Fortunately, law and order will prevail. I am not particularly comfortable with mob "justice". I often think that some of the most violent reactions come from those that repress hidden desires.

All that matters is that an abuser is removed from society and people are protected. He was able to what he did because along the way he had enablers. w\Whether it was the people that supplied the victims, or the places where the victims were abused, or that looked the other way. Those people are just as guilty, and yet no one says anything about them.

Unfortunately this subject always brings out the "lynch mob" mentality on TVF.

I'm much more disgusted by the pedo-apologist on here who suggests that this guy has some sort of medical disorder and should be given a pass. Can't people just admit that some in society are inherently evil? Is that not possible?

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If this man is guilty then he is despicable, and justice must be done.

I hope I am not alone in feeling some disquiet at the number of posters who seem to relish the thought that he may well be violently sodomised whilst in prison

It would bring some thoughts of joy to most decent people.

Anyone who enjoys seeing others suffer is sick. The desire for revenge, and feeling entitled to hate are also unskillful states.

These thoughts make one no better than the original offender....(in the eyes of the law of karma).

I think i understand how you feel, but which is a big but, we cannot let such people pray and hunt on the innocent and young, how do you suggest we deal with such people, turn a blind eye, hope they repent their sins?

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I think i understand how you feel, but which is a big but, we cannot let such people pray and hunt on the innocent and young, how do you suggest we deal with such people, turn a blind eye, hope they repent their sins?

Its a controversial area, for sure. In the US, the trend seems to be to remove people identified as acting out pedophiles from society for life because such people really do tend to continue to reoffend if released. The disease model is being used and treatments are being worked on but I think nothing very reliable as yet. Of course like any application of justice, there are cases of injustice where some people are harshly punished who could be safely back in society. Especially when you add in social hysteria (evident on this thread and any time this topic is discussed) and failing to distinguish between different kinds of offenses/offenders (age groups of the minors, etc.). Edited by Jingthing
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I think i understand how you feel, but which is a big but, we cannot let such people pray and hunt on the innocent and young, how do you suggest we deal with such people, turn a blind eye, hope they repent their sins?

Its a controversial area, for sure. In the US, the trend seems to be to remove people identified as acting out pedophiles from society for life because such people really do tend to continue to reoffend if released. The disease model is being used and treatments are being worked on but I think nothing very reliable as yet. Of course like any application of justice, there are cases of injustice where some people are harshly punished who could be safely back in society. Especially when you add in social hysteria (evident on this thread and any time this topic is discussed) and failing to distinguish between different kinds of offenses/offenders (age groups of the minors, etc.).

we hear every year stories of misjugement, people convicted of a crime they did not commit, then you hear stories from child welfare, who missed alerts giving parents another chance, tagged and named offenders reoffending, then oops sorry, i do not know the answer, but it does move me to hatefulness and anger.

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i hope this 65 year old nonce gets beaten and raped i have no respect for people who sexually abuse children!!!

-well done to the thai authorities who captured this evil man.....also wanted in the uk and india_why has it taken so long "why has he evaded capture for so long".

More than likely, because he knows if there's any country on earth that will look the other way, it's Thailand. It seems to me that Thailand does nothing with criminals until other countries step in; and that's assuming it was pressure by the UK and or India that finally caught up with him.

What rubbish. As the story is picked up more reputable news providers, we will find that they have responded to at least one extradition order, likely from UK, but that is a guess.

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I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

how can you feel sorry for somebody who has been a sexual pest interfering with under age children_children need protected.....

---------------------therfor my question to yourself.........what if he sexually interfeared with your children?

My boy would simply say NO to him.

But there are plenty of kids who say yes, it is a fact that most of the sex between adults and underage kids is consensual and a very tiny percentage can be classed as non-statutory rape. its actually a matter of education.

You should be very careful here, throwing actual FACTS around. You know how short the ability to take information in is among the hang em high regiment.

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I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

how can you feel sorry for somebody who has been a sexual pest interfering with under age children_children need protected.....

---------------------therfor my question to yourself.........what if he sexually interfeared with your children?

My boy would simply say NO to him.

But there are plenty of kids who say yes, it is a fact that most of the sex between adults and underage kids is consensual and a very tiny percentage can be classed as non-statutory rape. its actually a matter of education.

You should be very careful here, throwing actual FACTS around. You know how short the ability to take information in is among the hang em high regiment.

Your hang em high routine is getting boring.....come out of your closet if you wish.....you intelligent intellectual you..

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If the geezer is found GUILTY, throw away the key, rather than let a low paid prison counciler decide whether or not he is fit to re-join society. In jail there is no temptation for nonces, therefore no more children will have to suffer at his hands. All you pro pedo (anti hang em high posters) need to get a grip, maybe sit down with the family of a minor that has lost their innocence at the hands of a beast and realise the destruction that peadophiles can cause.

Answers on a post card please!!!!!!

Edited by InTransit
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I really do not understand all the pro pedophile lobbyists, they seem to think it is a basic human right for a rockspider to feed off and abuse the babies and children of others. They seem to think that children are put on this earth to satisfy the lust of these mentally ill people.

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I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

Excuse me !!

I excuse you !

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Ok guys, I get the outrage, but any more personal attacks and I will do a lot more than simply delete posts.

I think a lot more filtering is needed by the moderators, there is way too much "Hang-em", "he'll get screwed in jail" and avocation of violence posts, lets have a serious discussion for a serious subject please.

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Ok guys, I get the outrage, but any more personal attacks and I will do a lot more than simply delete posts.

I think a lot more filtering is needed by the moderators, there is way too much "Hang-em", "he'll get screwed in jail" and avocation of violence posts, lets have a serious discussion for a serious subject please.

And post #115 was an example of serious discussion, was it ?

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Ok guys, I get the outrage, but any more personal attacks and I will do a lot more than simply delete posts.

I think a lot more filtering is needed by the moderators, there is way too much "Hang-em", "he'll get screwed in jail" and avocation of violence posts, lets have a serious discussion for a serious subject please.

have you ever been on the recieving end of one of these lowlifes? If you had you would certainly change your point of view and would not be campaigning for the freedoms and rights of pedophiles if you had. Do you want a serious discussion? Were you ever a 12 yr old boy who forcefully had the penis of your football coach shoved down your throat? Were you ever threatened by the coach who was the friend of the family that you would never play football again if you said anything and you would be beaten up by the team. Were you punished by your father for being rude to your coach when he attended a family function or punished because your school marks started dropping off after the rape. Have you ever felt the pain and anguish caused by one of these pigs? yes I will have a serious discission with you and yes I advocate for the hang them high policy. Walk a little in your victims shoes and then you may just understand a little.

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Interesting that India has asked for him on their charges too. In 1998, when working offshore India, we were taken to a clip joint where ladies were paraded, about 10 at a time, on a stage, complete with curtains which opened and closed to show the next hopefuls. Myself and a friend were shocked at the line up provided, looked like the old "tallest to the left, shortest to the right" routine. There must have been about 50 women on show, but the last 2 girls on every line up were obviously children. We left the place amidst angry scenes, but our host could not understand our attitudes. He later showed us an article in a very good Indian newspaper which was campaigning to remove an estimated 100,000 child prostitutes from Bombay brothels

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Ok guys, I get the outrage, but any more personal attacks and I will do a lot more than simply delete posts.

I think a lot more filtering is needed by the moderators, there is way too much "Hang-em", "he'll get screwed in jail" and avocation of violence posts, lets have a serious discussion for a serious subject please.

have you ever been on the recieving end of one of these lowlifes? If you had you would certainly change your point of view and would not be campaigning for the freedoms and rights of pedophiles if you had. Do you want a serious discussion? Were you ever a 12 yr old boy who forcefully had the penis of your football coach shoved down your throat? Were you ever threatened by the coach who was the friend of the family that you would never play football again if you said anything and you would be beaten up by the team. Were you punished by your father for being rude to your coach when he attended a family function or punished because your school marks started dropping off after the rape. Have you ever felt the pain and anguish caused by one of these pigs? yes I will have a serious discission with you and yes I advocate for the hang them high policy. Walk a little in your victims shoes and then you may just understand a little.

The trouble is that the majority of Westerners, and I'm assuming that most on this forum are Westerners, either believe in a religion like Christianity, or are aetheist, both of which view this lifetime as the one and only one we get, the only chane we get.

Buddhism, with its belief in rebirth and an infinite past and future, sees this as just one more life in a continual cycle. Therefore a person who is abused in this lifetime...... has many other lifetimes where they are not abused........ and because nothing happens without cause, the law of karma, they have probably been abusers themselves in the past.

This is not to imply that we should just turn our back on them and say 'well, they deserved it', but we should still try to bring them relief from suffering. We should also have compassion for the abusers, who are creating future suffering for themselves.

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