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Thai Logic


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Well it's only logical. Logic is a western construct handed down to us from the Greeks. Thais can't speak Greek and I'll bet you won't meet any who have even heard of Aristotle. Furthermore, logic is a construct for discussing the nature of arguments and as I'm sure you already know Thais will do anything to avoid an argument.

Please feel free to logically discuss my argument below.

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That is one of the most arrogant and ethnocentric troll bait threads I have ever read.

Do you really think that the western notion of logic is the only notion of logic?

How many philosophy majors in your country can read ancient greek? You can understand the principles in translated form and I bet that every single philosophy major in Thailand has read some things by aristotle.

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That is one of the most arrogant and ethnocentric troll bait threads I have ever read.

Do you really think that the western notion of logic is the only notion of logic?

How many philosophy majors in your country can read ancient greek? You can understand the principles in translated form and I bet that every single philosophy major in Thailand has read some things by aristotle.

I can read ancient Greek and I don't like Philosophy too much. I can say that logic is international and regardless of ethnicity, clever people are good at thinking logically. Clever Thais are very logical when you take the time to understand their reasoning.

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All I can say is that western and eastern logic do not always mesh. Having said that, just look around at the infrastructure that has been constructed in Thailand over the last two decades. Sky Scrapers, highways systems, BTS, MRT, the new airport, etc. We may not always understand the Thai way of doing things, but to say that no Thais operate in a logical or reasonable manner is just plain wrong.

What may be at play in the OP's train of thought is that the Thai's in his realm of influence do not operate in a logical fashion. One must be trained to think logically. With the average Thai only receiving a 6th grade education, they simply do not have to tools to apply deductive reasoning. Do not attribute lack of education with stupidity.

I have a friend that is Vietnamese. She escaped Vietnam as a boat person and lived in a refugee camp in KL for three years before winning the lottery and being sponsored to the US on a visa. She had nothing when arriving in the US, but through hard work and taking advantage of educational opportunities, she is now working for a large multi-national company and is on a very select team that travels the world trouble-shooting technical issues for the company. The moral is than a person may be dumb due to lack of education, but may be far from stupid.

Edited by KeyserSoze01
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All I can say is that western and eastern logic do not always mesh. Having said that, just look around at the infrastructure that has been constructed in Thailand over the last two decades. Sky Scrapers, highways systems, BTS, MRT, the new airport, etc. We may not always understand the Thai way of doing things, but to say that no Thais operate in a logical or reasonable manner is just plain wrong.

I have to agree that thailand's infrastructure has come along way over the past 10 years, craps all over what we have here in Sydney. So yes there are logical people and workers in thailand... Having said that there is absolutely no logic and plenty of stupidness when it comes to thai bar ladies. Have you ever tried having a meaningful conversation with one... smile.png

Edited by rusty1976
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I like this. Because westerners here are so mature and well mannered. Old men throwing money at bar girls thinking that they love them. That is mature and logical.

Western tourists coming here and driving motorcycles in a foreign country when they have never ridden before. That is mature and logical.

Only Thais are ignorant and immature.

My only advice to most of the posters on this web is stop judging a whole nation by the limited scope of the people that you associate with.

FYI the average level of education is much higher than grade 6. Mandatory is up to grade 9. With 100,000 + kids graduating university every year I think that you would give Thais a little more credit.

I will agree that the education system instills too much rote learning and doesn't foster much critical thinking. However, critical thinking and logic are not exactly the same. They both have to do with reasoning but critical thinking is more about applying knowledge latterally. The expression "thinking outside of the box" speaks more to critical thinking than logic.

Edited by sbk
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That is one of the most arrogant and ethnocentric troll bait threads I have ever read.

Do you really think that the western notion of logic is the only notion of logic?

How many philosophy majors in your country can read ancient greek? You can understand the principles in translated form and I bet that every single philosophy major in Thailand has read some things by aristotle.

Have to agree. Carib is demonstrating rather unimaginative ignorance, yet with such pompous flair. I think he's hopelessly in love with himself.

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Maybe there is often more than one logical answer.

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson go on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retire for the night, and go to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes wakes up and nudges his faithful friend. "Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."

"I see millions and millions of stars, Holmes" replies Watson.

"And what do you deduce from that?"

Watson ponders for a minute.

"Well, astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful, and that we are a small and insignificant part of the universe. What does it tell you, Holmes?" Holmes is silent for a moment. "Watson, you idiot!" he says. "Someone has stolen our tent!" [source: unknown]

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You have to understand the reason behind some of these large infrastructure projects. Its not about building a metro or an impressive airport, its about how much money can be skimmed off the project. Thus big infrastructure projects means big skim. That is why these projects come about. The simple answer is that these projects do benefit the country, but in the great scheme of things it financially benefits all of those involved. In western countries there is much greater public accountability for government expenditure so you don't see such impressive projects.

Sorry to be boring in the pub, but it had to be said.

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