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Fabio Capello Resigns


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Pearce is a no brainer and will have the country behind him,expectation will be reasonable with him taking over now and if the FA follow there long term plan and not what the media want then we could have a good future with Pearce.

Sorry can't see it........he's done nothing, won nothing, he's most famous for a penalty miss and he needs to bring more to the table to deserve this job. If he gets it before Harry then it is a travesty.

By the way, to the earlier poster talking about Harrys academic ability..........the game is called football, not University Challenge, it is a rank rotten below the belt insult to decry the man for not being an academic type.

In fact I would go as far as to say that it is all the more reason why he should be manager because it will give hope to all those who struggle at school. I hope he gets the job, I hope he uses his football acumen and wins the Euros, and I hope they make it into a Hollywood movie.

Incidentally, you may also note that I am Scottish, and I am a Scottish Nationalist Party supporter at that..........I have a shock for some English compatriots, we Scots are not anti-English, we are anti Little Englander.

Harry Rednapp represents the best of England, he is a man's man, a working class boy that has served his time, and a gentleman to boot, bring me 50 million Harry Rednapps and drown the Little Englanders at birth.

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I have a shock for some English compatriots, we Scots are not anti-English, we are anti Little Englander.

with respect mate i don't think you speak for all of scotland there.

i always liked renton's speech in trainspotting. i don't hate the english, they're just wanke_rs. we on the other hand are colonised by wanke_rs. can't even find a decent culture to be colonised by, we're ruled by effete <deleted>.

seemed spot on to me.

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Martin O'Neill is almost English enough for the FA to find him palateable - I wonder if the timing of taking the Sunderland job throws him out of contention. Or maybe they dislike a man who wears Cloughie like jumpers due to painful reminders of the travesty of Clough never getting the nod.

Not sure I like Redknapp for the role but Redknapp with a strong "tactician" second could be quite exciting - who would take it tho, Pearce, Robson, Hughs, Hughton, Clough junior, Sven ...

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Martin O'Neill is almost English enough for the FA to find him palateable - I wonder if the timing of taking the Sunderland job throws him out of contention. Or maybe they dislike a man who wears Cloughie like jumpers due to painful reminders of the travesty of Clough never getting the nod.

Not sure I like Redknapp for the role but Redknapp with a strong "tactician" second could be quite exciting - who would take it tho, Pearce, Robson, Hughs, Hughton, Clough junior, Sven ...

Redknapps not a strong tactician. His strengths lie in being a fantastic man manager.

I don't think the England job would go well for him as he wouldn't be spending enough time with the players whereas at Spurs he sees them everyday and has bonded them into an indredibly strong unit.

I also find it strange that Capello has been taking so much stick as i believe he has the highest win ratio of all previous england managers but maybe i misread that. Can anyone confirm?

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Anyway......Rednapp for England.......he can then start doing the right thing by sacking the cancer at the heart of the team......Terry out ( forever ) Ferdinand out, Ashley Cole out, Lampard out, and that is just a start........

Agreed, maybe Capello will follow his mates to Chelsea? biggrin.png

Edited by uptheos
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I thought O'Neill should have got the job after Sven went, how the F.A gave it to a man who failed alongside Sven was ludicrous. O'Neill has worked most of his career in England and there are not many other options.

Redknapp is not the answer nor Pearce, just look at the kids showing in the last tournament, could only get them so far on passion alone, tacticlly left wanting.

Who-ever mentioned Pullis ? not a bad shout, sets his teams up well and adjusts his tactics to suit certain opposition and does semm to be able to motivate, which should not really be needed...I mean who would need motivating to play for your country !

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I have a shock for some English compatriots, we Scots are not anti-English, we are anti Little Englander.

with respect mate i don't think you speak for all of scotland there.

i always liked renton's speech in trainspotting. i don't hate the english, they're just wanke_rs. we on the other hand are colonised by wanke_rs. can't even find a decent culture to be colonised by, we're ruled by effete <deleted>.

seemed spot on to me.

All this time you have been on here, you have been successfully pretending to be English. Now your cover has finally been blown and you are indeed a Sottish Scouser.

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Exactly mate that's why it makes sense to give it to Pearce,expectation will be low and maybe he could surprise a few people with his no nonsense attitude(passion),the players respect him and he needs time ....he being the only candidate that will be afforded this in my opinion.

you may be talking total sense mate, the expectation level certainly needs something doing to it and pearce in for the euros would lower that level more than redknapp being in there would.

ian holloway isn't a bad call as it goes. alan pardew? nigel clough? sven goran eriksson?

the one that would make me laugh most would of course be roy hodgson.

I am with you there with Roy Hodgson. I think many Liverpool fans feel he should be appointed to the job. Quite often at Anfield Liverpool supporters openly chanted 'Hodgson for England'.

He has 37 years of experience and has already managed 3 international teams as well as a total of 16 teams.

He is extremely good at lowering supporters expectations which I feel is needed at the moment.

He will stick with the older more experienced players but that is just the way he is.

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got to manage the biggest player egos in international football and a squad of overpaid primadonnas, a truly vile and scum-ridden media and an incompetent, self-serving FA. think it's almost the impossible job really.

The over-sized ego thing is hardly unique to the England boys, and to say that English players have the biggest egos of all, for me doesn't correlate with the behaviour of the big Premiership names, English versus foreign.

Got no problem with the description you paint of the England team, just think the implication you make by only ever highlighting and targeting England's woes, that other national teams are full of modest, down to earth players on modest incomes, with balanced professional media and competent, selfless, uncorrupted football associations, is a bit of a nonsense.

England just gets a lot more exposure, particually in circles such as these in which there are a lot of Brits about, but are things really that much better elsewhere? I don't imagine so.

Hating England seems to almost be a lifestyle choice for some these days and anyone who doesn't deemed a bit uncool. That's the impression i get anyway.

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Redknapps not a strong tactician. His strengths lie in being a fantastic man manager.

I don't think the England job would go well for him as he wouldn't be spending enough time with the players whereas at Spurs he sees them everyday and has bonded them into an indredibly strong unit.

I also find it strange that Capello has been taking so much stick as i believe he has the highest win ratio of all previous england managers but maybe i misread that. Can anyone confirm?

reckon that's a spot on summary of redknapp.

and yes, capello's record is the highest matches won %age of any england manager. flopped badly at the 2010 world cup but he's certainly been more successful than most. but he's undoubtedly been far too foreign for the english press to ever give him any leeway whatsoever.

All this time you have been on here, you have been successfully pretending to be English. Now your cover has finally been blown and you are indeed a Sottish Scouser.

hah, no mate. mongrel and proud of it me. irish, english, french, scots and welsh in these veins combining to make 100% woolyback.

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Listen up guys. You are sounding like a bunch of guys sitting around a table in Lancaster Gate.

Just like me.

The decision should be made by people who have done it, not punters or politicians.

Be a nice chap and close the door on the way out.

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got to manage the biggest player egos in international football and a squad of overpaid primadonnas, a truly vile and scum-ridden media and an incompetent, self-serving FA. think it's almost the impossible job really.

The over-sized ego thing is hardly unique to the England boys, and to say that English players have the biggest egos of all, for me doesn't correlate with the behaviour of the big Premiership names, English versus foreign.

Got no problem with the description you paint of the England team, just think the implication you make by only ever highlighting and targeting England's woes, that other national teams are full of modest, down to earth players on modest incomes, with balanced professional media and competent, selfless, uncorrupted football associations, is a bit of a nonsense.

England just gets a lot more exposure, particually in circles such as these in which there are a lot of Brits about, but are things really that much better elsewhere? I don't imagine so.

Hating England seems to almost be a lifestyle choice for some these days and anyone who doesn't deemed a bit uncool. That's the impression i get anyway.

i think that the spanish squad for example has far more bona fide stars in it and yet their team manages to play as a cohesive unit. given that a lot of english players have plenty of ability, can only eventually put their consistent failures at international level down to attitudes and mentality.

it's not a lifestyle choice. it's a combination of a lot of factors, not least the three lions tubthumping garbage that comes around every tournament. the we invented the game so we must by rights deserve to do well in tournaments nonsense. the premier league is the best league in the world hype which somehow means england must be brilliant by default. the casual xenophobia displayed by the country's neanderthal-courting media. the well these lads are paid a fortune so must be better than them american part-timers etc. the disgusting golf club that is the FA. everything about the england national football team set-up just stinks really. couldn't care less whether that view of them is deemed to be 'cool' or not. i've very rarely if ever been 'cool'.

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I have a shock for some English compatriots, we Scots are not anti-English, we are anti Little Englander.

with respect mate i don't think you speak for all of scotland there.

i always liked renton's speech in trainspotting. i don't hate the english, they're just wanke_rs. we on the other hand are colonised by wanke_rs. can't even find a decent culture to be colonised by, we're ruled by effete <deleted>.

seemed spot on to me.

All this time you have been on here, you have been successfully pretending to be English. Now your cover has finally been blown and you are indeed a Sottish Scouser.


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and yes, capello's record is the highest matches won %age of any england manager. flopped badly at the 2010 world cup but he's certainly been more successful than most. but he's undoubtedly been far too foreign for the english press to ever give him any leeway whatsoever.

I think the stats mislead a bit as they obviously take on board qualifying games, in which i'm sure he ranks highly, but if we were to simply look at stats for how well he has performed in actual competitions, i think a different story would be told. For me, it wasn't just our results in competitions though, it was the way he continually kowtowed to the big names when it came to the big games.

As for English press somehow giving him less leeway because he was foreign, you have got to be kidding. English press gives no leeway to any manager, no matter their origin - just look at the way English England managers have been treated by them in the past.

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i think that the spanish squad for example has far more bona fide stars in it and yet their team manages to play as a cohesive unit. given that a lot of english players have plenty of ability, can only eventually put their consistent failures at international level down to attitudes and mentality.

Nah, if we are comparing Spain and England, the reason why Spain succeeds and England doesn't, is cos right at this moment in time, put simply, they have better players than we do.

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i think that the spanish squad for example has far more bona fide stars in it and yet their team manages to play as a cohesive unit. given that a lot of english players have plenty of ability, can only eventually put their consistent failures at international level down to attitudes and mentality.

Nah, if we are comparing Spain and England, the reason why Spain succeeds and England doesn't, is cos right at this moment in time, put simply, they have better players than we do.

Thing is the young England players look very good indeed and already know Pearce well through the youth set up.

Its a no brainer in my opinion.

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not least the three lions tubthumping garbage that comes around every tournament.

In other words, if you are proud to be English and happen to express that, you must be some sort of right-wing fascist nazi.

the we invented the game so we must by rights deserve to do well in tournaments nonsense.

You are confusing wanting to do well with feeling it a right. Have yet to meet an England supporter to express the view you suggest to be so common.

the premier league is the best league in the world hype which somehow means england must be brilliant by default.

I don't think it is hype and i don't think, considering the number of foreigners who play in it, there is any feeling by England supporters that by default England must be brilliant. If anyone tends to think that, i would suggest it's people outside the country. Have met a fair few Thais for instance who have that expectation.

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the casual xenophobia displayed by the country's neanderthal-courting media. the well these lads are paid a fortune so must be better than them american part-timers etc.

i don't think that is xenophobia, i'd say it is simply asking a fair question:.these guys have big price tags on their heads, and yet they perform no better than guys who don't.. why is that? Xenophobic not to wonder i'd say.

the disgusting golf club that is the FA.

Finally we agree.

everything about the england national football team set-up just stinks really.

Ah, back to the all the other national teams around the world are so much better, so much different, theme.

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I think the stats mislead a bit as they obviously take on board qualifying games, in which i'm sure he ranks highly, but if we were to simply look at stats for how well he has performed in actual competitions, i think a different story would be told. For me, it wasn't just our results in competitions though, it was the way he continually kowtowed to the big names when it came to the big games.

he's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't there though. you can't slate a manager for not gambling on kids in big games rix. he throws the kids in for a must-win and loses and then he's slaughtered for being both an idiot and for ruining youngsters' confidence.

As for English press somehow giving him less leeway because he was foreign, you have got to be kidding. English press gives no leeway to any manager, no matter their origin - just look at the way English England managers have been treated by them in the past.

they have continuously hammered him for 'not getting english football' and 'not understanding the players' on top of the usual results-based stuff dished out to robson, taylor, mclaren et al. if you haven't noticed that you've not been paying attention i don't think mate. there's been a massive undercurrent of xenophobia towards a man who has won more in his career than probably every england manager ever combined. no respect at all.

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Ah, back to the all the other national teams around the world are so much better, so much different, theme.

i don't really care about other countries' teams rix and i'm not using them as a stick to beat england with here. the FA stinks. the english football system at county and district level, administered by the FA, stinks. many other countries, with far smaller populations and far, far tinier resources and budgets, continue to be more successful than england. i think the entire system is rotten. sorry if that upsets your sensibilities.

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I think the stats mislead a bit as they obviously take on board qualifying games, in which i'm sure he ranks highly, but if we were to simply look at stats for how well he has performed in actual competitions, i think a different story would be told. For me, it wasn't just our results in competitions though, it was the way he continually kowtowed to the big names when it came to the big games.

he's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't there though. you can't slate a manager for not gambling on kids in big games rix. he throws the kids in for a must-win and loses and then he's slaughtered for being both an idiot and for ruining youngsters' confidence.

Why can't i slate him for it? When he came into the job, he promised players would get picked purely on merit, and players not in form would not. This proved to be complete bullshit.

And yes, there is a risk with throwing in the kids, but this is what managing is about - taking risks, being bold, having confidence and instilling it in the players. If the manager is too scared to take risks, why bother employ one? Just assemble all the big names and let a computer decide where to play them.

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they have continuously hammered him for 'not getting english football' and 'not understanding the players' on top of the usual results-based stuff dished out to robson, taylor, mclaren et al. if you haven't noticed that you've not been paying attention i don't think mate. there's been a massive undercurrent of xenophobia towards a man who has won more in his career than probably every england manager ever combined. no respect at all.

I stand by my comment that the flack he has received has been pretty usual stuff and the xenophobia you perceive may have a lot to do with your own perception of the English media - not that i'm saying that perception is totally inaccurate - it isn't - i do think though it may have an affect on your reading of the situation. Or perhaps i just don't read the same rags as you?

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Ah, back to the all the other national teams around the world are so much better, so much different, theme.

i don't really care about other countries' teams rix and i'm not using them as a stick to beat england with here. the FA stinks. the english football system at county and district level, administered by the FA, stinks. many other countries, with far smaller populations and far, far tinier resources and budgets, continue to be more successful than england. i think the entire system is rotten. sorry if that upsets your sensibilities.

Doesn't upset my sensibilities and in fact, if you toned down some of it a degree, i would be inclined to agree, i just think you are one of the ones who loves to hate England, loves to see them fail (which of course they usually do), would be peeved if they succeeded, and seems to think everywhere else is doing things so much better.

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All of a sudden it feels like there's a World Cup finals happening....

Stuart Pearce for England!

Stuart Pearce has limited experience, proven nothing and won nothing.

Harry Redknapp will come fully furnished with the experience of winning bugger all in his 30 years of football management,the difference is that he is proven at not being very good tactically.....everybody says he is a great man manager....NO HE IS NOT,again if he had a cupboard full of trophy's then yes you can see it,but he hasn't.

It will be the biggest mistake in England's history to appoint him,especially with the expectations the already frenzied media have built up with him.

In World football he will be ripped to pieces.

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