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How Was Your Day?

Jai Dee

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How was your day?

Well… I got up at 6:00am this morning… shit, showered, and shaved… got all dolled up in tidy casuals… dodged around the missus as she was powdering and primping herself and getting all dolled up… jumped in the car… left Pattaya and drove up to Bangkok… hit the traffic… cursed a lot… the Bang Na to Rama IV freeway was a fcukin joke… finally made it to a Sathorn Road bank… got a cheque… headed off to the Australian Visa Service building… made our presentation and were told to come back in a weeks time… rang another ThaiVisa member and made an appointment for lunch… had a very pleasant 2 hour lunch chatting with him about plans for the new year… then headed back to Pattaya dodging all the trucks on the Chonburi bypass… dropped in to see how the construction of our new house was progressing… bummer that… say no more... TIT... headed home… called in at a 7-Eleven to stock up on some snacks and smokes and some beer… got home to find that a water pipe had burst during the day and our front garden was flooded…sank a couple of beers… turned off the water supply to arrest the problem until someone can come around to fix it… hopefully tomorrow… the missus started cooking a steak for me for dinner until the <deleted> gas ran out… maybe that’ll be fixed tomorrow too… sank a few more beers… microwaved the steak… quaffed a half a bottle of red wine… and now I’m finally sitting down… exhausted… and thankful that every day isn’t like that.

Just now... I logged into ThaiVisa to have a bit of a laugh... only to find out people are picking on my avatar.... :o

How was yours?

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Arrived back from hospital at 1am after having an injection to quell the pains in my legs.

Awoke at 7am , still in pain, went to hospital again, had blood tests, x-rays, pills, more injections, diagnosed with hypertension, then the Morphine kicked in and.... releif at last. Posted about the accident I was involved in yesterday, ate my dinner, (Fried Fish and rice) took a waggon load more pills, read the Sports section on TV

responded to this post and now I am off to bed and hopefully thats where I will stay ALL NIGHT without the need for another trip to Chaingmai ram Hospital.

not quite as bad as yours!!!

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Heh, bad luck there.

I got up at 10am, washed, computers on, checked various status' to find no problems. Checked email accounts, then got changed and went to centre of Oxford to buy Dad a Birthday present, Dad arrives at 12:30, we go to lunch at local pub, Dad leaves, I go back to computers, new customer's payment didn't clear - probably fraud - call bank, put in necessary ..

Christ this is boring. I'll stop there.

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Heh, bad luck there.

I got up at 10am, washed, computers on, checked various status' to find no problems. Checked email accounts, then got changed and went to centre of Oxford to buy Dad a Birthday present, Dad arrives at 12:30, we go to lunch at local pub, Dad leaves, I go back to computers, new customer's payment didn't clear - probably fraud - call bank, put in necessary ..

Christ this is boring. I'll stop there.

Which Pub? :o

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Well it started off with awaking from a dream where I was in the Chinese Army whlist trying to escape from it, as my head officers were wearing punch and judy masks.

Apart from a chat with Icey and Bambi on msn pretty uneventful and ended the day with a sauna, 'The Great Gatsby', a face pack and roast beef sarnie.

Could've been worse. :o

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O.K. Jai Dee :D

Here was mine, got to bed at 4.00 am. and then up at 10.00 am. today.

Some ass block me leave my Apartment Block via Car, waited and then tinking this will be a “Bad Day”. Left there no traffic, nice, listened to the radio FM ……

Got into to work and all looked good.

Did my bits and things, Beer arrived one hour late, but still hard at work crunching the numbers out.

Finished that, had a sip and then onto ThaiVisaDotCom….

Looked a bit slooooww so I posted this.


Followed by another one on the Joke section “yes on “The Never ……”” which is quite moving, well for me anyways it was and now reading all about your GREAT day in Bangers.

Now then, on December the 1st 2005, now that was a Bad and Good day for me.

Left at 1.30 p.m Param 9 rd., onto the “Express Way” paid the fee and then just before

the top of the road joining the main stretch got stuck in traffic all the way to Sanam Luang 2.45 hours later traveled well 13.5 klicks and took the opportunity to take some Photos, this happened:-


Hint (monk in glasses) sign of the times that we live in.

And you think you had a bad day…… let me tell you…

On the 4th December 2005, being a Sunday, Win never posts on “ThaiVisaDotCom” during this free time to give all members a rest from his posts, I posted this:-


Now may I ask this Qus…. I posted a similar “Fred” to this one last year and the same “Mod” closed it on the 8th December 2004, (no prob) but, this time around it was just past 2.00 am on the 6th December 2005, Kwai was that ???? when from all over the World people were reading and well over 4,000 read that “Fred” in a matter of 2 days and some even posted, Kwai (read = why) should the SAME mod do this too early to the ‘Fred” that I posted, a year later. :D

Happy Days to you all, :D

Yours truly, :D

Kan Win :D

P.S. Jai Dee :o Thank you, I needed that one of my chest...... :D

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I drove over to Kata just after sunrise. Waited on the beach while our skipper rounded up the press for the longtail trip out in the bay to board Seraph - a lovely 100 yr old schooner.

Today was Day 3 of the King's Cup regatta. I joined the press boat, sailing around the south of Phuket with journos from all over the globe. We went to the rescue of a stricken yacht involved in a collision, escorted it back to shore, and continued sailing.

Some of the boats are spectacular. And I so like their names: Shockwave, Pink Pussy, Silver Tip, Happy Endings, Stormvogel, Switchblade. There is some serious money in these boats. I was rather impressed by a 120 ft racing yacht over from Hong Kong.

Got a little seasick toward the end- as we motored back from a few miles out. I did well....... must be getting my sealegs. Came to shore around 1 pm, drove home and took a nap for a few hours to sleep off my queasiness. Woken by a friend who needs my help promoting a Khao Lak tsunami program.

Went to dinner at my favourite noodle shop in Nai Harn. I ate tom tum seafood, with mussels and glass noodles. Yummy! Really needed a massage so tried out a new place in Rawai. The parlour was like a boudoir- dimly lit with filmy curtains, flickering candles and mellow music. Twas an excellent massage and a nice end to a great day!


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I got up an hour ago.

Had a cup of coffee and cigarette.

I walked down towards the internet shop, and stopped and met a friend by chance so we stopped at a cafe terrace and had a coffee and a cigarette.

Now I'm online, reading lots of friends wishing me healthy wishes for the beginning of my 27th year, whilst smoking a cigarette and a coffee..

Now I'm posting just under my good friend the colonel's post, smoking a cigarette and ....wait one sec.... yep.. there it is a coffee.

What's next... dunno, but today is the seventh of december, and over in my part of the world it is now 10.45 am

I expect a lot of drinking will take place today. And I ain't talking about no coffee.

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How Was Your Day?,

i wake up late alil coz i slept pretty late ..(grrr..... bad BF ask me to wait him ..bad to have a Doc lover ,he /she always busy like hel_l :D )

when i arrived my vet clinic .. start online..check email.. listen to music from yahoo msger's radio ..in noon time im not busy ..eat fish (yes i wanna be a cat ....NO ...diet time) :o

I chat with some TV members as Icey ,Bkkmaddy ,Stumonster ..

around 1pm (not sure).. i got prank call again :D:D:D.." i wanna wank ..(moaning..breathing hard) never stop (last time i use the whistle as some memb in Ladies Forum Recommend)..

this time i dont use it coz i worry the neighbor think im crazy and wanna be a POLICE :D so i just hang on

afternoon i was really busy .. treated around 20 animals.. im bloodly tried ..nearly faint :D

evening i got good new from Mod ..he tell me ... Big G give me a flight ticket and Visa .. no holidays

now.. im searching some info for Pet-Vet forum as bina want

(what i put sound like Blog) kri kri :D

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Woke up a little late because I ended up watching lots of films in my Dad and Stepmums room for hours.

Got a shower and applied my makeup, sat on my stepmums bed and chatted with her for a while and asked if she was eating properly and stuff. Then I came online and spoke with Bkkmadness and Bambi for a while then I also said a quick hello to my friends from college.

Got a telephone call from a good friend spoke to her for a little bit.

Came back online chatted on MSN for a bit. Then I watched two movies with my Stepmum and Dad again.

Caught my brother drinking some beer so I gave him a big sisterly telling off and chatted with him.

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Well woke up six o´clock in the morning...dress up, breakfast, pick up flamenco outfit...

Take the bus 6.55...the bus driver is the one who has pop in the radio...I prefer the one who sings (kind of) flamenco he doesn´t sing very well...but he really enjoy singing...

get to Madrid city 7.35...take another bus...got to my job...7.50...

drink a coffe...swicht on the computer and log in TV...talk to my work mates...

speak to british costumers who don´t speak spanish...

Good PM from mrboj...today I ´ve done my 500 post in TV so I am part of the bedlam elite ( you worst nightmare is here Khall :o )

Finish work 15.00 p.m take the bus and the underground...go to city centre to buy a coat for myself so that I can give back to my mother her coat...buy some books and some flamenco CD´S...going to my favourite flamenco shop to order new flamenco shoes...

1 hour trip back home...I am not going to my flamenco class today( :D ) because I got a terrible cold...so my asthma is not very good...

Now writting this post...and listening my new flamenco cd´s

In a while I will go to see my friend...she is going back to Scotland tomorrow...

Tomorrow is bank Holiday in Spain so I can sleep as much as I want...

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(In Saigon this week)

Woke up about six, took a one hour swim and showered after.

Dressed in my working clothes ( raincoat, ha ha) and,

Had breakfast (three banana) and was picked up at 8 (morning lah).

Arrived at training center and started the training.

Weeks before I asked and instructed on the kind of equipment that should be there in order to have a good training, Yep all was there they said.

After arriving there I checked inventory and, what a surprise nothing was there.

Told them to go out and buy and at 16:00 it was there.

Had a lunch in between where they offered me pig stummic ( :o ) to eat.

Finished work around 19:00 and went back to my hotel.

Now I am here,


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Woke up early, went to see my parents and watched a movie. Fell asleep in there watching my Stepmum! Woke up and had something to eat, cooked my brother and Dad something too. Talked to my Dad for a while about his situation and stuff.

Had a crappy phone call from a mofo! :o

Didn't do anything intresting to be frank. Then later on watched my Stepmum for a bit and again I fell asleep ! Had a few drinks with my Dad and brother, had a nasty phone call :D

Went to my room and got on MSN, spoke to Bkkmadness drunk for a while until he went offline then I chatted with other victims that were online including our very own Khall! Sobered up a little and listened to some music then wrote this ! :D

Edit - Oh and I downloaded this song I did a charity dance to this year and raised a lot of money with. It was for the youth hostel, a group of us practised this dance like everyday for hours until we got it perfect. We did this dance in a few shopping malls and stuff. Thought I'd see if I remembered it, it's still stuck in my skull ! Even had my own t-shirt with "Sarah" on it ! :D

Edited by Ice Maiden
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Got up went up the farm to make sure everything is Ok, picked a can of coffe up from the shop on my way back and logged in here for my morning "news" session by about 6:30.

Had some breakfast (ham and cheese toasties) then went out to put up about 200 meters of electric fence.

Came back messed about on the computer a bit, got my accounts up to date, then when they were doing the afternoon milking got the tractor out and started to clean out the accumalated sh!t from the rainy season in the cow pens, its on a bit of a slope and during the rainy season the sh!t was running down the slope and then drying off just outside, so ended up forming a bit of a dam, so ended up with a "sh!t lake" behind it. Finally broke the dam after about 2 hrs, cleaned the tractor off, and had a shower and something to eat.

I did fancy a drink or two at this time but none of my drinking buddies are around, so messed around on the computer a bit maor then went to bed.

Oh thrilling life :o

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Kwai (read = why) should the SAME mod do this too early to the ‘Fred” that I posted, a year later.    :D

If you really really want to know, send me a PM and I'll explain it for you. :D

P.S. Jai Dee  :o  Thank you, I needed that one of my chest...... :D

You are most welcome Colonel... and please don't feel that there is anything personal in what happened... your posts are always most welcome.

Have a nice day.


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Got up went up the farm to make sure everything is Ok,  picked a can of coffe up from the shop on my way back and logged in here for my morning "news" session by about 6:30.

Had some breakfast (ham and cheese toasties) then went out to put up about 200 meters of electric fence.

Came back messed about on the computer a bit, got my accounts up to date, then when they were doing the afternoon milking got the tractor out and started to clean out the accumalated sh!t from the rainy season in the cow pens, its on a bit of a slope and during the rainy season the sh!t was running down the slope and then drying off just outside, so ended up forming a bit of a dam, so ended up with a "sh!t lake" behind it. Finally broke the dam after about 2 hrs, cleaned the tractor off, and had a shower and something to eat.

I did fancy a drink or two at this time but none of my drinking buddies are  around, so messed around on the computer a bit maor then went to bed.

Oh thrilling life :o

Get that blog running again RC, your daily life is more interesting than the rest of ours. No lobster suppers though. :D

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Well I’m really hacked off at the moment and bored. I work for a major company and my job this year has been to close down a factory, making sure that the work is transferred smoothly etc. I negotiated with the company, to let me take voluntary redundancy when i had finished the job, so that I can go off and set up my own business, something I’ve always wanted to do.

Anyway’s, I have completed my task, a month ahead of schedule and was hoping that they would say “great, well done, you can finish early” (with pay of course). I could then book a flight back to LOS and spend Christmas and New Year in Thailand and even make the TV piss-up. As it stands they are not going to do that and I will have to stay in the UK until the 23rd Dec, when the flight prices go through the roof, if you can get one. So at the moment it looks like I’ll be spending christmas here and flying to LOS for 4 weeks or so in Jan :o

Yours, "Bored BoJangles" :D

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wakes up 9.30 am ... do all private biz.. go to clinic ..after that went out to the pet shop with a friend .. he just want to buy chocolate for his dog :D

in noon time.. took fried mama noodle with viggies and pork..

afternoon is quite busy again

- vaccine dogs /cats

- gastro intestinal tract infection dog

- mange dog

while i type this thread a woman run and ruch to see me , said her Lab get sting or from something make eyes swallen ..so i have to check .. give her some med . she ask me ..can dog die ? i said it can happend , as anaphylytic shock ... she scream .. i really freak out ..coz her voice :o:D

after closed clinic 8 pm i hve to drive to a client's home .. inj some drug for get the tick off

well ...suck ..yesterday i try to google something as a recipe for TV member .. i got spyware with nasty icon ( dont get me wrong ..i dont like porn :D )

just run ad-aware .. seem it does not work :D:D:D

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woke up 6.00 a.m...today we had the flamenco singing bus driver...however he wasmore in rock&roll mood today...

start working 8.am...I´ve been searching in google for almost 2h so that <i can find out the city name for the topic "what´s the city"... :D I CAN´T FIND IT... :o

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I just wrote about 10 paragraphs on my not-so-great day which closed with a remark on what wonderful therapy writing about it had been.

Then my finger slipped on the keyboard and erased the entire thing before I posted it.

Now I'm not so sure about the therapy bit.

More pissed off now than when I sat down to write this.



Maybe I better start Happy Hour early tonight!

Anyway, that's how my day was.

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No rain today (apart from the heavy downpour at 6 am but that doesn't count cause I was still in bed) BUT the power was off all day and I couldn't get my computer fix :o Still have not gotten the big hole behind our house filled (AARGH!) and we are preparing for the high season. 4 solid months of tourists. I am getting to old for this :D

Wish I could blame my grumpy mood on PMS :D

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I woke up at the usual time , cleaned 8 inches of snow off my car , started to drive down the street . I got to the first intersection , stepped on the gas and the car spun around 360 . Turned around and went back home .

I think I will make some chicken soup , fool around on the computer a bit and look at my ticket to Thailand for next week so I can have bad days too .

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