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Now most of us won't get involved in a streetfight, cos we have enough social skills to kind of manoeuvere out of a tricky situation. And I've met guys who never had a fight in their life, and those guys I admire, How can you get through life without ever actually fighting, especially in school.. Anyway, my purpose here is what do you do, if God forbid, the worst actually happens, and you find yourself backed into a corner. I would suggest walk away, so many of us have macho delusions about ourselves. The count to ten rule is also good, a bit hackneyed I admit, and totally disastrous if the situation is serious. You'll probably know, anyway, if the situation is serious. Then immediate action is paramount, just run as fast as you can. Otherwise, if you're totally cornered, you could try humour, this works sometimes. But if you are really, really totally cornered, and you know they are intent on damaging you, I would suggest just go crazy. Forget about all the fancy self-defence moves, Believe me everyone fears a crazy person. But you can't fake this, it has to be real, - you feel no pain, you don't care about the consequences - you're just, well, crazy. Actually I'm quite skilled, and can put a drunk person in an armlock no problem, but if I was faced with a serious situation I would consider going crazy, And it is actually a mental choice..You decide I don't care about the legal, finanacial, or human consequences of this - I'm just going to destroy something. Most Thais know they'll have to put a knife into you many times before you go down, well if they have any experience of knife fighting, and I think the Crazy Farang, they fear. .

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For my 14th birthday my Grandfather gave me a new leather belt.

It was a beautiful belt with a huge buckle,I still have it.

Grandad said to me,'Son if you ever get into a situation where you may have to fight your way out,....run......

if running is not an option then use the belt.

Wrap the leather part around your hand and hit the bastards with the buckle.

Just make sure your pants don't fall down '

I only ever had to use it once but it worked and my pants didn't fall down.

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Build yourself BIG and would-be-bullies automatically search for other victims.

Having a knife in a quick-draw is a good backup

Not true. Most unprovoked fights in bars are usually on bigger guys, not the small guys. Someone gets a bit of liquid courage and wants to test themselves against the "big" guy.

Happens all the time in bars in Australia.

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Little guys are often the ones to watch - many big guys get out of fights because they are big - little guys get into fights for precisely the opposite reason. They are the ones picked on, they are the ones easily slighted.

Used to know two brothers that were bouncers in a London club (no names). One was like a walking wardrobe, bear of a man, his brother was short (maybe 5'6") stubby and rotund - when there was trouble the two would go over and sort it out. Usually people settled down on seeing the bear - when they didn't they ended up on their backs - little bro would be the one, but they were watching the big guy.

I was trained to fight, both as a kid going to various martial arts classes from 5 years old, and in the military. The best advice ( and training) I got was from a Tang Soo Doo instructor, a Korean guy - he said, if you can get out of it - run away - if you can't forget the fancy stuff, use any weapon to hand, hit hard fast and violently then get the h3ll out of dodge. Weapons are all around, best ones are walls, windows, posts and the the floor - and passing vehicles.

There are two basic ways to win a fight, depending on your build, strength, speed, situation and ability. Either get in first and hard or wait for them to come to you and use their momentum to introduce them to the wall behind you. Fight dirty because guaranteed they will - Queensbury rules is for the ring - kick in the nuts and/or face (stup upwards with ball of foot where nose meets lip) when on the floor keeps them there long enopugh for you to get away.

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I have never been in a street or bar fight were I didn’t land the first blow, but don’t misunderstand me…….I don’t consider myself to be a hard or some sort of ‘macho’ man at all….But I am vengeful! I don’t like bullies…..Especially the bullies that try and pick on me. I’ve only been is a few bar fights and those I’ve tried to wiggle out of.

I’ve only ever reacted to the vibe around me………The secret, I Believe to avoid trading blow with some nobneck in a bar is to turn and walk away the second you feel things starting to go south!

If you haven’t picked the venue…….Or you haven’t picked the weapons…….Walk away….Quickies! If this <deleted> has ruined you night, possibly embarrassed and pissed you off, you can always look for him the next morning, when he has a monster of a hangover……And give him a slap….Job done.

Now as for being cornered, I don’t agree with the ‘crazy’ approach OP, the out of control is not a good look! If you really have no option then attack is the best form of defense, and I do mean attack, (no holds barred) use every and all things at your disposal to put this <deleted> or <deleted> on their backs.

You would be amazed how just someone turning from victim to aggressor in an explosive second can really put the attacker, (who up to this point has felt in control) on the back foot, but you have to follow though as the attacker will only be in ‘shock’ for a few seconds, miss this window….And you may be in for a kicking!

My experience….The whole ‘big guy, little guy’ thing, big guy, mostly no worries, they know there big and don’t often start any shit….It’s you little blokes, a few beers and that chip on the shoulder starts to grow. Should be height rules in bars, keep all the stroppy midgets out…..

For me……..If you can’t hold you drink…..Don’t drink!

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Since most of the Farangs here are ex special forces,ninjas or cia you can not win

Brilliant. The funniest thing I've read on here.

I have never, even in school, been in a fight. Sorry, correction, only ever with my older brother when I was a youngster. I did the KungFu thing for 10 years, I never got in a fight because, and this may sound weak, I don't like getting hurt or hurting others. Also now I'm 34 I like to think I've grown out of the macho stage and the need to prove my toughness. Sometimes all that is needed is a little humility. My instructor always said "someone only wants to fight you because they think they can win. You need to change their minds as quickly as possible. Don't wait for them to strike first". He was an advocate of the throat punch or balls kick. I'm glad to say I've never needed his advice. Now I'm in Thailand, I've read too many stories of Thai's ganging up on foreigners, a punch I hope I can handle, 10 guys kicking and stamping on my head I know I can't.

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Thai's dont fear crazy farangs, crazy or not.

I'd be more concerned about getting into a fight with another farang. Thais are usually calm and have to be pushed to the limit before they lose it and go ape shit, whereas the farang after a few drinks, thinks he's superman.

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I ran a bar in Asia a few years back where everyone in the bar carried an automatic weapon.

Since most of the Farangs here are ex special forces,ninjas or cia


I hope you are not trying to imply that I am ex special forces, ninjas or cia. I am not.

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I bet all the guys with automatic weapons in your bar were though wink.png

Naw mostly just grunts. Most company sized units had a bar. Special forces had the best bars as a rule though. I think they designed their areas around the bar. Although I was seldom welcome in Special Forces bars. Special Forces troops had ongoing battles with most other units because they stole jeeps.

The US provided free beer and whiskey and cigarettes to troops in Vietnam and Thailand. The bar would charge a nominal fee for what we got for free to buy steaks and other food not on the daily army menu.

The dancing girls and bands were mostly Korean back then. Never had any problems with fights when everyone had a weapon or ready access to one. I have seen movies about GI's getting into bar fights but personally I have never saw one in Vietnam or Thailand during the Vietnam war.

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For my 14th birthday my Grandfather gave me a new leather belt.

It was a beautiful belt with a huge buckle,I still have it.

Grandad said to me,'Son if you ever get into a situation where you may have to fight your way out,....run......

if running is not an option then use the belt.

Wrap the leather part around your hand and hit the bastards with the buckle.

Just make sure your pants don't fall down '

I only ever had to use it once but it worked and my pants didn't fall down.

In a Colombian jail many years ago, I kept a murderer at bay using this belt/buckle weapon. I never had to actually hit the guy, but when he got too near I swung it forcibly at him and he backed away. I spent a sleepless night sitting in a corner, but the next day they took the guy away and I no longer needed the belt defense. Also, I won a lot of respect from my fellow prisoners.

BTW, I was an innocent prisoner. American Express made a computer error and notified my local bank that I was passing stolen travelers checks. I eventually sued AE and won.

Edited by HerbalEd
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I ran a bar in Asia a few years back where everyone in the bar carried an automatic weapon. We never had a fight. Arrgh, arrgh them were the good old days. jap.gif

Kind of reminds me of way back in Vietnam. You hardly ever seen a fight because everybody carried a weapon.

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Build yourself BIG and would-be-bullies automatically search for other victims.

Having a knife in a quick-draw is a good backup

Not true. Most unprovoked fights in bars are usually on bigger guys, not the small guys. Someone gets a bit of liquid courage and wants to test themselves against the "big" guy.

Happens all the time in bars in Australia.

Most fights in Australia are caused and amplified by bouncers who call themselves "Security"; most are thugs looking for an excuse to fight.

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