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Thai Education Minister Suchart Welcomes 'Donations' To Schools


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Waiting to hear the arguments how this is really "a good thing". Who is going to defend this policy? Come on Calgaryll, Lansford, and gang!

Thank you for asking Reasonable man and Soi Sauce^.

I made some inquiries, with the following points being made, in no particular order:

  • This is nothing new. It has been going on for many years. To try and stop it would be well-nigh impossible.
  • Best to make it transparent.
  • Many schools ask parents for money. In an example personally experienced during my years of teaching English some time ago, was teaching at a local school where enrollment requests exeeded availablity. I recall seeing parents huddled with the Director, and it didn't take a genius to figure out what was happening.
  • In some cases, schools ask money from parents, in some cases parents urge money onto the school.
  • Questions need to be asked, where does this money go. To confront this would obviously be of concern to the Opposition, from whence this money flow mainly originates......frankly, that is where the money is.
  • Increased transparency and scrutiny is urged by the Minister for a practice that cannot be prevented. In other words, "follow the money".
  • Trying to prevent this practice would piss off a lot of parents, who are focussed on one particular school for their little Johnie or Sally. If it was prevented, they would find another way.
  • As opposed to engaging in self-righteous indignation about an established practice, sentiments could better be focussed on transparency of this issue.
  • But if it serves the Opposition to demonize the Education Minister by characterizing this practice a certain way, is par-for-the-course.
  • In particular, they have the MO of "laundering" their agenda through others. Many times creations of their own, but ostensibly separate. At the very least an entity of other Oppositional elements. I bet none of you have heard of "Building Thailand Club" as referenced in this article. I haven't either.
  • Have watched this Minister in action. Let me tell you, he relates to the people in a way Abhi. could only dream of doing. An impressive guy.

What an awful state your mind is in. Scrambled.

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how embarassing for the thai gov;t , ....seems the same the world over though ,......... governments are looking to the rich to make donations , its crazy , why does anyone need 9000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollars ?, capitalism gone mad , soooooooo many greedy b**tards out there watching their fellow humans living hand to mouth , struggling to get an education ,.............99% of wealth is owned by 1% ,................<deleted> !! sad ................... VIVE LA REVELUTION !!.....

Sorry,...........nearly started a coup then clap2.gif

Over the years I have been involved with the so called University system here, and its all about money. They use the pretext of caring about the students and offering all the fancy BS programs with fancy names, but its really like sign up, pay your money, put in a small effort, and your likely to pass. If not, well it's the teachers fault and BTW, we at least have some of your money. If I could only go further and tell you what I've learned from the experience, but not a good idea. Most, with experience, already know.

My experience is people who say I know but can't tell usually know nothing. If they had any real information they would not publish the fact if they feared retaliation.

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Lots of totally meaningless words, another amsterdam graduate.

But what about what I said?

The message vs. messenger thing.

Well first off Suchart pretty well admitted that quality education was not on the budget.

And as for what you said it boiled down to it is OK because it has been going on for years.

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Trying to prevent this practice would piss off a lot of parents, who are focussed on one particular school for their little Johnie or Sally. If it was prevented, they would find another way

What about the finacially less able parents of a bright child whose place is 'bought' by richer parents (probably from the democratic party voting middle classes, who as you infer might get pissed off - although why you would worry about that is beyong me given your support of PTP)) for their little darling. Surely they'd be pissed off as well!! Or should they focus on a school more suited to their social standing in Thai society, such as a temple school.

Access to educaton based on ability not money.

Edited by jonclark
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Wow...amazing...where did Thailand find this elite team of misfits to run the country. First the little sister of Thaskin gets elected by promising tablet computers and minimum wage increases, then the massage parlor king wants to stamp out prostitution, and now the education minister wants to legalize bribes. I can only imagine what we will read about tomorrow. Perhaps the election commission will legalize vote buying in Thailand.

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Wow...amazing...where did Thailand find this elite team of misfits to run the country. First the little sister of Thaskin gets elected by promising tablet computers and minimum wage increases, then the massage parlor king wants to stamp out prostitution, and now the education minister wants to legalize bribes. I can only imagine what we will read about tomorrow. Perhaps the election commission will legalize vote buying in Thailand.

It's been going on for years, doncha know? We can't prevent it, so let's make it legal, perhaps even compulsory! tongue.png

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Trying to prevent this practice would piss off a lot of parents, who are focussed on one particular school for their little Johnie or Sally. If it was prevented, they would find another way

What about the finacially less able parents of a bright child whose place is 'bought' by richer parents (probably from the democratic party voting middle classes, who as you infer might get pissed off - although why you would worry about that is beyong me given your support of PTP)) for their little darling. Surely they'd be pissed off as well!! Or should they focus on a school more suited to their social standing in Thai society, such as a temple school.

Access to educaton based on ability not money.

We don't want to piss off the pigs, and the sheep don't matter, right? Not complicated. We all know that. It's so simple.

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In other countries, this would constitute instigation of a crime. But Thailand is Thailand, not another country. Here, not only entrance, but diplomas and degrees are 'legally' for sale. One reason why many European countries do not recognise most Thai diplomas and degrees.

Edited by pointoffew
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Hmmm....on second thought, maybe it is a good idea. If it is legal, it would be regarded as revenue. That revenue would be taxed along with all the other sources of revenue. Since it is reported now, the person who normally receive the bribe would not get the money because now the money goes to the school. If the person who paid the bribe gets an educational tax deduction for the bribe, then it would be doubly reported making sure the school didn't divert these funds for someone's pocket.

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BANGKOK: -- Education Minister Suchart Tadathamrongvej is set to legalise the acceptance of "tea money", which has long been described as bribery and a despicable custom.

Legalise corruption, that's one way of cleaning up the term. People will now be donating to a cause, and there will be no more corruption in Thailand.

LOL Seems like it in a nutshell.

Calgaryll has a point, transparency about something that is impossible to stop may be slightly better (lesser of 2 evils?).

I dont actually understand the whole thing, teh Red Shirts are supporting this guy?... but isn't this the opposite to what the Red Shirts were originally after? Equality. (Did I read this wrong?)

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BANGKOK: -- Education Minister Suchart Tadathamrongvej is set to legalise the acceptance of "tea money", which has long been described as bribery and a despicable custom.

Legalise corruption, that's one way of cleaning up the term. People will now be donating to a cause, and there will be no more corruption in Thailand.

LOL Seems like it in a nutshell.

Calgaryll has a point, transparency about something that is impossible to stop may be slightly better (lesser of 2 evils?).

I dont actually understand the whole thing, teh Red Shirts are supporting this guy?... but isn't this the opposite to what the Red Shirts were originally after? Equality. (Did I read this wrong?)

Yes, the best way to fight corruption is through legitimising it. :rolleyes:

Thailand has learnt nothing in the past 11 years. Absolutely nothing.

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Wow...amazing...where did Thailand find this elite team of misfits to run the country. First the little sister of Thaskin gets elected by promising tablet computers and minimum wage increases, then the massage parlor king wants to stamp out prostitution, and now the education minister wants to legalize bribes. I can only imagine what we will read about tomorrow. Perhaps the election commission will legalize vote buying in Thailand.

Vote buying is patently illegal......... donating to the advancement of the electoral process is to be considered as patriotic...

Hurry gov't change the statute...

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to donate money for poor students there is also a foundation for in thailand.this foundation has the intention to go nation wide, but is just founded.

see: www.kfforganization.org

this organization will provide all that is needed for the students to go to learn up to m3.

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So if you pay money to the school, you get the same antiquated, learning-by-rote, box-ticking, hypernationalist education, but in a different room from the proles. Nice.

And a guaranteed good grade for your kid, so when he/she completes uni under the same donation system and becomes the doctor that he/she always wanted to be, they can go and treat these w@nker3 that thought this up!

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Waiting to hear the arguments how this is really "a good thing". Who is going to defend this policy? Come on Calgaryll, Lansford, and gang!

Thank you for asking Reasonable man and Soi Sauce^.

I made some inquiries, with the following points being made, in no particular order:

  • This is nothing new. It has been going on for many years. To try and stop it would be well-nigh impossible.
  • Best to make it transparent.
  • Many schools ask parents for money. In an example personally experienced during my years of teaching English some time ago, was teaching at a local school where enrollment requests exeeded availablity. I recall seeing parents huddled with the Director, and it didn't take a genius to figure out what was happening.
  • In some cases, schools ask money from parents, in some cases parents urge money onto the school.
  • Questions need to be asked, where does this money go. To confront this would obviously be of concern to the Opposition, from whence this money flow mainly originates......frankly, that is where the money is.
  • Increased transparency and scrutiny is urged by the Minister for a practice that cannot be prevented. In other words, "follow the money".
  • Trying to prevent this practice would piss off a lot of parents, who are focussed on one particular school for their little Johnie or Sally. If it was prevented, they would find another way.
  • As opposed to engaging in self-righteous indignation about an established practice, sentiments could better be focussed on transparency of this issue.
  • But if it serves the Opposition to demonize the Education Minister by characterizing this practice a certain way, is par-for-the-course.
  • In particular, they have the MO of "laundering" their agenda through others. Many times creations of their own, but ostensibly separate. At the very least an entity of other Oppositional elements. I bet none of you have heard of "Building Thailand Club" as referenced in this article. I haven't either.
  • Have watched this Minister in action. Let me tell you, he relates to the people in a way Abhi. could only dream of doing. An impressive guy.

WOW. Have you been living here so long that you forgot that picking your nose in public is a sick thing to do? SO you're basically saying "Well shit... it's been done before, why not just accept it?" OH alright. So we should all go and break traffic rules and all and pay the "accepted" 100 baht get-out-of-shit card and go about our lives as usual. So now you're off going "We should focus on being more transparent..." Bullshit. You know what? School are NOT going to be transparent and hey --- coz that's just how they've been going about it all this time...! So we're gonna say "Well shit... it'd been done before, why not just accept it?"

Yeah, that's just what mindless dimwits do. Just keel over and take it in the arse. On the other hand, intellectuals will see this as it is. Oh hell -- really, anyone with half a brain can see it for what it really is. But the Red Shirts won't. But like the other guy said -- I think this is a good thing. It'll award more places for the rich, and the poor will be demoted to third class. Everyone gets what they deserve.

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Waiting to hear the arguments how this is really "a good thing". Who is going to defend this policy? Come on Calgaryll, Lansford, and gang!

Thank you for asking Reasonable man and Soi Sauce^.

I made some inquiries, with the following points being made, in no particular order:

  • This is nothing new. It has been going on for many years. To try and stop it would be well-nigh impossible.
  • Best to make it transparent.
  • Many schools ask parents for money. In an example personally experienced during my years of teaching English some time ago, was teaching at a local school where enrollment requests exeeded availablity. I recall seeing parents huddled with the Director, and it didn't take a genius to figure out what was happening.
  • In some cases, schools ask money from parents, in some cases parents urge money onto the school.
  • Questions need to be asked, where does this money go. To confront this would obviously be of concern to the Opposition, from whence this money flow mainly originates......frankly, that is where the money is.
  • Increased transparency and scrutiny is urged by the Minister for a practice that cannot be prevented. In other words, "follow the money".
  • Trying to prevent this practice would piss off a lot of parents, who are focussed on one particular school for their little Johnie or Sally. If it was prevented, they would find another way.
  • As opposed to engaging in self-righteous indignation about an established practice, sentiments could better be focussed on transparency of this issue.
  • But if it serves the Opposition to demonize the Education Minister by characterizing this practice a certain way, is par-for-the-course.
  • In particular, they have the MO of "laundering" their agenda through others. Many times creations of their own, but ostensibly separate. At the very least an entity of other Oppositional elements. I bet none of you have heard of "Building Thailand Club" as referenced in this article. I haven't either.
  • Have watched this Minister in action. Let me tell you, he relates to the people in a way Abhi. could only dream of doing. An impressive guy.

You always say you made enquiries. Where do you make these enquiries ... to your other self.

Where have you seen this minister in action???

The idea that this money for places can not be stamped out is ridiculous of course it can and is.By intuitives started by the opposition.

In the same way the Democrat smart teachers program is being cancelled because THIS education minister can not see how smart students will become teachers rather than business people where they will earn more money. The guy is an arse, effectively calling current teacher dumbo's

Yes some schools may ask for money for other things like judo class ect but that is receipted and transparent.

Sometimes your hero's the reds and pua thai do come up with dumb ideas it would be good to take off the red tinted glasses from time to time.. unless of course this is more like a job than a hobby.

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Waiting to hear the arguments how this is really "a good thing". Who is going to defend this policy? Come on Calgaryll, Lansford, and gang!

Thank you for asking Reasonable man and Soi Sauce^.

I made some inquiries, with the following points being made, in no particular order:

  • This is nothing new. It has been going on for many years. To try and stop it would be well-nigh impossible.
  • Best to make it transparent.
  • Many schools ask parents for money. In an example personally experienced during my years of teaching English some time ago, was teaching at a local school where enrollment requests exeeded availablity. I recall seeing parents huddled with the Director, and it didn't take a genius to figure out what was happening.
  • In some cases, schools ask money from parents, in some cases parents urge money onto the school.
  • Questions need to be asked, where does this money go. To confront this would obviously be of concern to the Opposition, from whence this money flow mainly originates......frankly, that is where the money is.
  • Increased transparency and scrutiny is urged by the Minister for a practice that cannot be prevented. In other words, "follow the money".
  • Trying to prevent this practice would piss off a lot of parents, who are focussed on one particular school for their little Johnie or Sally. If it was prevented, they would find another way.
  • As opposed to engaging in self-righteous indignation about an established practice, sentiments could better be focussed on transparency of this issue.
  • But if it serves the Opposition to demonize the Education Minister by characterizing this practice a certain way, is par-for-the-course.
  • In particular, they have the MO of "laundering" their agenda through others. Many times creations of their own, but ostensibly separate. At the very least an entity of other Oppositional elements. I bet none of you have heard of "Building Thailand Club" as referenced in this article. I haven't either.
  • Have watched this Minister in action. Let me tell you, he relates to the people in a way Abhi. could only dream of doing. An impressive guy.

What an awful state your mind is in. Scrambled.

More contortions than the Cirque Soleil troupe rolleyes.gif

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Hmmm....on second thought, maybe it is a good idea. If it is legal, it would be regarded as revenue. That revenue would be taxed along with all the other sources of revenue. Since it is reported now, the person who normally receive the bribe would not get the money because now the money goes to the school. If the person who paid the bribe gets an educational tax deduction for the bribe, then it would be doubly reported making sure the school didn't divert these funds for someone's pocket.

I see where your coming from. BUT it is still wrong to legitimise this .The good schools should be providing extras that the students and parents want.. At least that way IT is for the benefit of all the students.

But this is Thailand and this is the way they do things.

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If the best schools need more money to keep in the top, then have a fixed entry charge. This is the only way to make it transparant, and paves the way for scholorships (government and private). It happens the world over, so we should not be suprised it happens here too, but unspecified "donations" is really creating class stratas in the studentship which is immoral.

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.....and now consider how valid the qualifications of your local Thai professionals really are.....did they earn them by study and passing exams or just by a little "donation' here and there - usually via their doting parents....

Edited by cowslip
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"legalise the acceptance of "tea money", which has long been described as bribery and a despicable custom."

So much for that FREE thai education they brag about, now time for despicable 'red shirt' tea money education.

Edited by z12
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  • Have watched this Minister in action. Let me tell you, he relates to the people in a way Abhi. could only dream of doing. An impressive guy.

Who's interested in the packaging?

This country doesn't need a Mr Smile, Mr Nice, Mrs Cute. It desesperately needs a leader by intelligence, competence and values. Not by image or mob control.

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