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Jail For Thailand Sex Tours


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In my country, Thailand is completely associated with nice beaches, filled with prostitutes.

My girlfriend is Thai, and lives with me in New Zealand after endless preparation to get her here on the first attempt. I feel sad for her, as I see the look on some peoples faces when they find out she is Thai - they assume that she is a prostitute that I bought here, even though is has a bachelors degree and worked at Suvarnabhumi for 2 years prior to her arrival here.

The NZ media (a generally feminist, anti-male motivated machine) would love to do nothing more than show up all those "dirty men" that go to Thailand, and further demonise Thailand in the eyes of my countrymen. Shame on this pig for arranging child sex tours (which he did, I can confirm), though shame on the media for using deception to demonise a country which does not wholly deserve its reputation.

The New Zealand media is "anti-male motivated?" All of it?

What were the anti-male motives behind this story?

Is the NZ media "anti-gay motivated," as well?

If this story was "anti child-rapist motivated," wouldn't that be a good thing?

How is it that you can confirm that the perpetrator organized sex tours?

In my country, Thailand is completely associated with nice beaches, filled with prostitutes.

My girlfriend is Thai, and lives with me in New Zealand after endless preparation to get her here on the first attempt. I feel sad for her, as I see the look on some peoples faces when they find out she is Thai - they assume that she is a prostitute that I bought here, even though is has a bachelors degree and worked at Suvarnabhumi for 2 years prior to her arrival here.

The NZ media (a generally feminist, anti-male motivated machine) would love to do nothing more than show up all those "dirty men" that go to Thailand, and further demonise Thailand in the eyes of my countrymen. Shame on this pig for arranging child sex tours (which he did, I can confirm), though shame on the media for using deception to demonise a country which does not wholly deserve its reputation.

The New Zealand media is "anti-male motivated?" All of it?

What were the anti-male motives behind this story?

Is the NZ media "anti-gay motivated," as well?

If this story was "anti child-rapist motivated," wouldn't that be a good thing?

How is it that you can confirm that the perpetrator organized sex tours?

IMO NZ society in general is anti white middle class male, and this propaganda is continuously spewed out by the overly PC media of all types. When I went there, I was asked 5 times if I had any "porn" ( code for child porn as adult porn is legal ) before I even got to customs, where I was held for over 4 hours while my property was gone over with the proverbial "fine tooth comb". I was also insulted by an agressive female officer, while a male colleague looked on. My only "crime" was to come from Thailand and being a male on my own. Needless to say, nothing was found, but my opinion of the NZ customs is so bad I can't write it here.

It was a case of deja vu, as the same thing happened to me at Heathrow some years earlier, for the same reason. Single male coming from Thailand. The only difference was that the insulting officer in the UK was a male. He was almost spewing when he couldn't get anything to hold me on, and even implied that he's like to stop me entering the UK, which he was powerless to do though.

BTW, IMO NZ newspapers have to be the most boring papers in the world, though they do make excellent wrapping paper for fish and chip takeaways, which have to be the best I've ever had ( still dream about them- yum ).

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Never look down to bargirl she put food on the table... and she not like to do it but have no choice, Not everybody is lucky to get a university degree

Look, like in any other country, becoming a prostitute is a choice - the easy one. As I found out not so long ago from a charming Thai lady, universities in Thailand offer government support for smart kids entering higher educational establishments. So, if you study hard, you can stay at university and receive your education for free - and the government will pay you to keep studying hard. It's not about "luck", folks. It's about work, 'tis that simple. The Thai lady I work with attends English classes, works full-time and also does her distance studies at university - and she pays for everything herself, no need to sell her body. And please don't get me wrong - the girl comes from Isaan, like many here, and her family is not rich. She just works hard, that's all it takes.

That's a nice story, and good luck to your friend. Sadly, many girls don't get that chance and are forced by circumstances to earn money from some form of sex work - chat lines, webcams, massage parlours, escort services. These are all easily found in many countries, not just Thailand. I'm sure some of the girls do see it as easier and more lucrative than other work; whilst others have been deprived education, good parents or fallen pregnant and desserted. Generalisations and stereotyping aren't usually applicable when dealing with humans. However, doing this type of work, wether by choice or necessity, creates physical and mental risks for the person and almost certainly has emotional affects.

It is equally annoying that some people in many so called first world countries do stereotype all Thai ladies, when they actually have no idea of Thailand, Thai culture or probably what goes on in their own country. My wife has bachelor's and master's degrees and had never been in a Thai bar in her life - yes, she's from Isaan but has good parents. Yet, we still got the "knowing looks" from certain numpties.

Let me disagree again :) I'll tell you one more story that would be a good answer to "deprived education" etc. This time our protagonist comes from a different 3rd world country (where they actually have cold winters and therefore have to spend much more on warm clothes, shoes, high electric bills and God knows what else). The guy comes from a tiny village in a small province. You can imagine the sort of education one can get at a public school in a 3rd world village. The guy studies hard, really hard, does all he can to upgrade his education to that the city schools provide. Guess what? He enters the most prestigious university in his country for free, as a gifted student, and his government pays him to study (same situation as in Thailand). He studies even harder and also works part-time to provide for his own meals, heating, clothes and regular go-out sessions and gifts for his girlfriend. Still he's the best one in his university group and one of the brightest stars compared to the whole year. After graduating with the bachelor's and master's diplomas (both with honors), all grades are "A", all teachers love him... he applies and gets a scholarship at one of the best universities in Europe. Graduates that - again, impeccable results, excellent reputation! Should I even say that right now he's an extremely successful person and a highly skilled professional who is very well appreciated at his highly-paid job in Europe, and he still remembers his country and is also helping his old village with all his resources, from his gorgeous condo that he bought with his own money? Oh... and no, he's not a scientist.

So, please don't give me that "deprived education" stuff. I actually know people who went against the current and got excellent results, even though they were "deprived" or "deserted" or "pregnant". Some of you will disagree and say that "of course, that guy was lucky and a genius, not everybody's like that". Well... all of those people just can't be geniuses - one simply doesn't have most of their friends being geniuses.

He who wants it, invents ways to get it; he who doesn't, invents causes not to.

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Never look down to bargirl she put food on the table... and she not like to do it but have no choice, Not everybody is lucky to get a university degree

Look, like in any other country, becoming a prostitute is a choice - the easy one. As I found out not so long ago from a charming Thai lady, universities in Thailand offer government support for smart kids entering higher educational establishments. So, if you study hard, you can stay at university and receive your education for free - and the government will pay you to keep studying hard. It's not about "luck", folks. It's about work, 'tis that simple. The Thai lady I work with attends English classes, works full-time and also does her distance studies at university - and she pays for everything herself, no need to sell her body. And please don't get me wrong - the girl comes from Isaan, like many here, and her family is not rich. She just works hard, that's all it takes.

That's a nice story, and good luck to your friend. Sadly, many girls don't get that chance and are forced by circumstances to earn money from some form of sex work - chat lines, webcams, massage parlours, escort services. These are all easily found in many countries, not just Thailand. I'm sure some of the girls do see it as easier and more lucrative than other work; whilst others have been deprived education, good parents or fallen pregnant and desserted. Generalisations and stereotyping aren't usually applicable when dealing with humans. However, doing this type of work, wether by choice or necessity, creates physical and mental risks for the person and almost certainly has emotional affects.

It is equally annoying that some people in many so called first world countries do stereotype all Thai ladies, when they actually have no idea of Thailand, Thai culture or probably what goes on in their own country. My wife has bachelor's and master's degrees and had never been in a Thai bar in her life - yes, she's from Isaan but has good parents. Yet, we still got the "knowing looks" from certain numpties.

Let me disagree again smile.png I'll tell you one more story that would be a good answer to "deprived education" etc. This time our protagonist comes from a different 3rd world country (where they actually have cold winters and therefore have to spend much more on warm clothes, shoes, high electric bills and God knows what else). The guy comes from a tiny village in a small province. You can imagine the sort of education one can get at a public school in a 3rd world village. The guy studies hard, really hard, does all he can to upgrade his education to that the city schools provide. Guess what? He enters the most prestigious university in his country for free, as a gifted student, and his government pays him to study (same situation as in Thailand). He studies even harder and also works part-time to provide for his own meals, heating, clothes and regular go-out sessions and gifts for his girlfriend. Still he's the best one in his university group and one of the brightest stars compared to the whole year. After graduating with the bachelor's and master's diplomas (both with honors), all grades are "A", all teachers love him... he applies and gets a scholarship at one of the best universities in Europe. Graduates that - again, impeccable results, excellent reputation! Should I even say that right now he's an extremely successful person and a highly skilled professional who is very well appreciated at his highly-paid job in Europe, and he still remembers his country and is also helping his old village with all his resources, from his gorgeous condo that he bought with his own money? Oh... and no, he's not a scientist.

So, please don't give me that "deprived education" stuff. I actually know people who went against the current and got excellent results, even though they were "deprived" or "deserted" or "pregnant". Some of you will disagree and say that "of course, that guy was lucky and a genius, not everybody's like that". Well... all of those people just can't be geniuses - one simply doesn't have most of their friends being geniuses.

He who wants it, invents ways to get it; he who doesn't, invents causes not to.

What twaddle.

Why do most people who want to become professional sportspeople fail even though they can put in as much time as someone who is successful?

It is because some have the ability and some don't.

Same with education. Some can study a lot more than others yet still fail. They just don't have the ability to grasp the concept of some subjects or their teachers are crap.

I worked very hard at school but just couldn't grasp science and maths. I studied hard, I hung around with the smartest kids yet still just couldn't pass. When I was 30 I went back to night school and did my science and maths. Breezed through it, for some reason I understood it quite easily.

But one cannot say that if you study hard and apply yourself guarantees you success in education in anything.

Some can, some can't.

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