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Smoke, Smog, Dust 2012 Chiang Mai


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I decided to do a bit of my own graphing focusing only in February as some mention it's normal for February to have high readings. As I have mentioned, this February is the worse I've seen in 20 years here and don't feel it is my imagination and these plots seem to verify that.

The first graph is from 1998 to 2010 showing only PM10 > 120. The red blocks are marking February of each year only that exceeded 120. The 2nd graph is of February 2010 and February 2011. The 3rd graph is of February 2012. Let the debate begin. biggrin.png




Who needs a graph?

If you have lived here for a few years you know it's as bad as it has ever been!

Well, there is quantitative and qualitative - the quantitative aka graphs are for cross verification and other members amusement. Besides, I'm a science researcher and it's an occupational hazard. wink.png

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Also, whoever mentioned having a march earlier: driving over Narwate Bridge this morning there was all manner of folks preparing to hold some kind of demo/march, a dozen tuk-tuk's with banners on the sides stating, "ban the burining", anyone know more?

Yep, special short event in Thapae place this morning, with distribution of masks and CD/documentation to Stop the burning, and some officials invited I think bcs some policemen were here.

This afternoon, all was finished by the way. Nobody on Thapae, no more activities ! PM10=300 .. this is a really bad day but I remember having some 3 or 4 years ago more than this.



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No debate, Tywalis! It's bad out there (and not just for PM<10. The question before us is what to do about it. Granted the group here at TV TV Chiang Mai have limited capacity, but what can we as individuals do --- and I don'd mean heading for the beach. Regrettably, not so many have the freedom or the wherewithal to do that! Nor staying here, the knowledge and/or wherewithal to have air conditioning or HEPA filters.

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Taken a few minutes ago- yet another fire on the mountain.

When will this insanity end?

Saw that arriving home this evening. F'n rediculous. And all these VIPs in town, ministers told to visit effected areas, bha.

And then coming back from dinner, opening the front door and the room even seemed smokey.

But I can still make out my TVisa screen.

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Unbelievably been seeing the Komloys (fire lanterns) let off for the holiday. What kind of dork sets off those in these dry conditions?

Again the NO2 levels are way too high around the level that American Lung Assoc. says is dangerous for an hour.


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I am afraid I haven't read through the last 20 pages on this topic, so this has probably been said before. As the burning is against the law, then can someone or a concerned group of someones not take the Ampurs and therefore the goverment to court for not effectively enforcing the law?

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An interesting graph would be the number of days over the 120 ppm limit.


Hey, that was fast! 2007 certainly shows up as an offender which correlates with my memory. I think 2012 might surpass it once the season is over. Thanks for doing that Tywais.
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So, if this is not too much off-topic, to take a breath, where can we take fresh air for a week-end. aqmthai is off-line (we wonder why...) so I can't see the numbers... is Sukhothai a good alternative , as the North is a no-no ?

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aqmthai is off-line (we wonder why...) so I can't see the numbers... is Sukhothai a good alternative , as the North is a no-no ?

I've been having a lot of difficulty accessing aqmthai also for two days. I turned on my VPN connection and it worked fine so perhaps an ISP routing problem. I have a friend coming back from Sukhothai today and will ask him how it is.

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With all due respect to Tywais for producing the graphs, I'm not sure what conclusions can be drawn from them - one might be that PM10 is lowest around 5am each day, another is that the pattern appears to be do the serious burning on the weekends, starting on Friday night. The number of days over 120 graph seems potentially to support the earlier long term trend graph that the volume of pollution may be decreasing; finally the numbers appear to be building to support this season as being one of the worst.

Did I miss something?

BTW, I don't think this is a scientific exercise but is more one that is based on human observations so need to challenge the findings on that basis.

Edited by chiang mai
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I am afraid I haven't read through the last 20 pages on this topic, so this has probably been said before. As the burning is against the law, then can someone or a concerned group of someones not take the Ampurs and therefore the goverment to court for not effectively enforcing the law?

Think one of the best ways is international focus on the dire situation and combined stupidity... Isn't it time for CNN to come back?

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Aqm site only seems to work with a www. Then for some reason my computer seems to memorise address without the www.

Maybe other people having same problem.

Round about 200 today. Air is cr_p basically.

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An interesting graph would be the number of days over the 120 ppm limit.


Where did you find the 18 days in 2012? I only find 10, at the most:

February 18

February 25-27 (based on 'Uparaj College' since there are no observations for 'Chiang Mai')

March 1-3

March 5-7

Thank you for your earlier post with the excellent graphs. Since I'm usually the one with the graphs, I'll post a couple of tables for a change. There are obviously many different ways to compare pollution at different times. Here I have chosen three: The monthly mean levels, the number of 'bad days' and the highest single value of the month.


I have set myself a rule for my tables:I don't calculate averages for months or years where observations for more than 25% of the dates are missing. This explains why 2002 and 2003 are missing from the above table, even though I usually show the latest 10 complete years + the present one:


/ Priceless

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Where did you find the 18 days in 2012? I only find 10, at the most:

I used the graph and cursor but the graph is not behaving the same as when I did that count. Just did it manually with the raw tables and have 18 days for 2012 not including today. This is at the City Hall site.

Feb. 12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,23,24,29 (25-28 are empty (null) and suspect some of those days were over too.)

Mar. 01,02,03,04,05,06,07

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BTW, regarding the 05:00 AM lull. Manually going through the tables there really is no or very little reduction at that time and even higher sometimes then during the day.

Please see post 476 where the (lull) time of day question was first asked, am still curious to understand the activity profile of the burners.

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Where did you find the 18 days in 2012? I only find 10, at the most:

I used the graph and cursor but the graph is not behaving the same as when I did that count. Just did it manually with the raw tables and have 18 days for 2012 not including today. This is at the City Hall site.

Feb. 12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,23,24,29 (25-28 are empty (null) and suspect some of those days were over too.)

Mar. 01,02,03,04,05,06,07

Here are the values (24-hour averages) that I have in my database, but I may be wrong since they started trying to build a new site on 1 Feb. Must say that I prefer the old site, at least until the new one is completed and supplied in English too (at the moment I am relying on Google translate...).


/ Priceless

PS I agree that the first three of the days 25-29 Feb were probably over the limit.

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