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Mental Patients In Thailand To Be Released From Chains


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1948 - Using an ice pick and a hammer, neurosurgeon Walter Freeman performed a lobotomy on 34-year-old Frances Farmer, actress and political activist, after all other treatments failed to subdue her communist leanings and aggression. She became mediocre and slow after the surgery, ending her days as a hotel clerk. She died of cancer in 1970.



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To those that find this amusing, Mental illness affects more people than you could imagine.deprEssion anxiety disorders schizophrenia , bi polar disorders are all to common. Most of these conditions can be treated and or controlled with mess or therapy.Thailand is in the dark ages with mental health care, the fact this awareness is happening is a step in the right direction.In the past I have had to deal with people who have episodes in Thailand psychosis mainly through drugs post traumatic disorders or simply stopping there meds while away.

You do not want to end up in a thai institution for mental health it's unreal. There are some very good facilities in Thailand and mental health professionals but most are out of the reach of the average Thai financially.

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1948 - Using an ice pick and a hammer, neurosurgeon Walter Freeman performed a lobotomy on 34-year-old Frances Farmer, actress and political activist, after all other treatments failed to subdue her communist leanings and aggression. She became mediocre and slow after the surgery, ending her days as a hotel clerk. She died of cancer in 1970.



Great catch, Morch. (The link above shows that there is no evidence to support that Frances Farmer ever received a lobotomy.)

On the other hand, according to the wiki link, 300 other patients at Western State Hospital did receive one... There were some pretty strange mental health treatments in our recent past.

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