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Iran Envoy Claims 'Zionist Regime' Behind Bangkok Blasts


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Can we blame the government? Don't we all have bad people in our country.

If a few of our national went to do bad things, must the government take responsibility?

Are we saying that there are no known terrorist that is truely Americans, British, Irish, French, German, Spainish, Russian, etc (not those nationalised after they became adult)?

There are plentity of Thais caught and charge for terrorism last year (during the Red protest), and we are still proud of Thailand.

They were part of a coordinated attack on Israeli embassies internationally. Key word -- coordinated. They were clearly not independent actors. So the blame goes to their bosses. They were not suicide bombers.

Although one of them nearly became one

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Just because you're smart enough to know about Occams razor and enjoy showing off about that ad nauseum, doesn't follow that Occams razor necessarily applies to this string of linked bombing incidents (Thailand, Georgia, India). I think the PerzianistTM regime's position that it was Zionist regime plot has been well covered and freely discussed on this very forum. So your charges that your POV is being repressed are weak.

Edited by Jingthing
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CIA has reported Mossad to be most dangerous, deceptive and cunning of all military agencies. The recent "bombings" stink of

Mossad...after all their creed is "thru deception thou shalt do war"...

MSM isn't intel...its lies and deception.

Now we know. Thanks for sharing. Seriously, nobody here is claiming Mossad hasn't done sleazy things but the current issue is the series of bombings in Thailand, Georgia, and India. I get it that you can suspect Mossad, and I think that is fair. There is a conflict. It isn't a conflict of angels. Edited by Jingthing
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Can we get everything in perspective here. By voicing an opinion that the yet unproven case of the Thai bombings was carried out by Israeli's as part of a false flag operation is not conspiracy. Occams razor itself would state that the Israeli's are responsible for this in some way. Yes there are lots of terrorist organizations and the BKK bombers were part of one of them, but whether an Iranian Government run one or an Israeli funded one such as the MEK/MEO remains to be seen.

We are being asked to stick to the subject of the OP, but judging by all the posts that have been deleted on this and other threads on the subject, this very topic is itself a conspiracy thread.

The whole worlds media took it's stories on BKK straight from the BKK media and news agencies, and therein lies the danger. We are effectively working off one story, yet there are many people out there with a far more qualified judgement on this subject than some journo's in Thailand.

Fantastic, do tell so we can sit at their feet and learn The Truth.

Edited by Reasonableman
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The woman suspect; Leila Rohani, could be key to unlocking who is behind this. She's in Iran, and you can bet your Led Zeppelin cassette that Iranian officialdom won't be letting any non-Iranians near her.

Just because the prime suspects all have Iranian passports and fly back and forth to Iran, doesn't mean that Iranian government is orchestrating the bombings. It could be an independent group, or perhaps entwined with some lower down Iranian officials. We may never know for sure because Iranian authorities, though pretending to want a thorough investigation, are not going to cooperative in meaningful ways - particularly in allowing the woman suspect to be extradited and/or interrogated by non-Iranians.

Edited by maidu
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CIA has reported Mossad to be most dangerous, deceptive and cunning of all military agencies. The recent "bombings" stink of

Mossad...after all their creed is "thru deception thou shalt do war"...

MSM isn't intel...its lies and deception.

LOL. Please provide a citation.

BTW, thank you for joining up and sharing your lack of knowledge in this matter.

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CIA has reported Mossad to be most dangerous, deceptive and cunning of all military agencies. The recent "bombings" stink of

Mossad...after all their creed is "thru deception thou shalt do war"...

MSM isn't intel...its lies and deception.

Is this a conspiracy theory?

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The woman suspect; Leila Rohani, could be key to unlocking who is behind this. She's in Iran, and you can bet your Led Zeppelin cassette that Iranian officialdom won't be letting any non-Iranians near her.

Just because the prime suspects all have Iranian passports and fly back and forth to Iran, doesn't mean that Iranian government is orchestrating the bombings. It could be an independent group, or perhaps entwined with some lower down Iranian officials. We may never know for sure because Iranian authorities, though pretending to want a thorough investigation, are not going to cooperative in meaningful ways - particularly in allowing the woman suspect to be extradited and/or interrogated by non-Iranians.

Wait till the Supreme 'fearless' leader discovers she is mossad, harboring a spy squirrel and a moose named Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Iranians arrest 14 squirrels for spying

Islamic Republic's intelligence agents allege rodents were carrying advanced Western spy gear

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CIA has reported Mossad to be most dangerous, deceptive and cunning of all military agencies. The recent "bombings" stink of

Mossad...after all their creed is "thru deception thou shalt do war"...

MSM isn't intel...its lies and deception.

LOL. Please provide a citation.

BTW, thank you for joining up and sharing your lack of knowledge in this matter.

Microsoft manager (MSM) teams up with teens to build a fusion reactor in his garage: Normally, if a grown man talks about building a fusion reactor and wants your 13-year-old to hang out in his garage, we'd expect you to smile, back away slowly, and perhaps alert the authorities. But, if that man is Microsoft program manager Carl Greninger there's no need to run. The science fanatic recruited a team of teens, as young as 13, and worked with them to build a Farnsworth–Hirsch Fusor -- a (comparatively) simple nuclear reactor that smashes together atoms and produces neutrons. Check out the nearly 20-min video after the break to watch a bunch of high school kids generate ball of ionized plasma.

You wanted evidence, well here 'tis!

Edited by Reasonableman
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CIA has reported Mossad to be most dangerous, deceptive and cunning of all military agencies. The recent "bombings" stink of

Mossad...after all their creed is "thru deception thou shalt do war"...

MSM isn't intel...its lies and deception.

LOL. Please provide a citation.

BTW, thank you for joining up and sharing your lack of knowledge in this matter.

Here is what Former CIA Bin Laden hunter Michael Scheuer said about the alleged Iranian terror plot on FOX:

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CIA has reported Mossad to be most dangerous, deceptive and cunning of all military agencies. The recent "bombings" stink of

Mossad...after all their creed is "thru deception thou shalt do war"...

MSM isn't intel...its lies and deception.

LOL. Please provide a citation.

BTW, thank you for joining up and sharing your lack of knowledge in this matter.

Here is what Former CIA Bin Laden hunter Michael Scheuer said about the alleged Iranian terror plot on FOX:

Oh nice.. fox news. . They are fair and balanced in their reporting for sure.

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CIA has reported Mossad to be most dangerous, deceptive and cunning of all military agencies. The recent "bombings" stink of

Mossad...after all their creed is "thru deception thou shalt do war"...

MSM isn't intel...its lies and deception.

LOL. Please provide a citation.

BTW, thank you for joining up and sharing your lack of knowledge in this matter.

Here is what Former CIA Bin Laden hunter Michael Scheuer said about the alleged Iranian terror plot on FOX:

LOL, I asked for a citation for the CIA description. You are refering to what a former civil servant has to say. He is not a representative of the CIA.

BTW this is the guy that dropped the ball on Osama. He screwed up and now he's got a grudge. He blames Clinton and Bush for his failure. He also claimed that the USA would never pull its troops out of Iraq. Lo and behold, US military troops were withdrawn. He criticized the US support of the Libyan revolt and was told by Arab countries to <deleted>. And of course, he has endorsed Ron Paul for President.

Why am I not surprised, there is a link to Ron Paul, the patron saint of US conspiracy spinners.

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CIA has reported Mossad to be most dangerous, deceptive and cunning of all military agencies. The recent "bombings" stink of

Mossad...after all their creed is "thru deception thou shalt do war"...

MSM isn't intel...its lies and deception.

LOL. Please provide a citation.

BTW, thank you for joining up and sharing your lack of knowledge in this matter.

Microsoft manager (MSM) teams up with teens to build a fusion reactor in his garage: Normally, if a grown man talks about building a fusion reactor and wants your 13-year-old to hang out in his garage, we'd expect you to smile, back away slowly, and perhaps alert the authorities. But, if that man is Microsoft program manager Carl Greninger there's no need to run. The science fanatic recruited a team of teens, as young as 13, and worked with them to build a Farnsworth–Hirsch Fusor -- a (comparatively) simple nuclear reactor that smashes together atoms and produces neutrons. Check out the nearly 20-min video after the break to watch a bunch of high school kids generate ball of ionized plasma.

You wanted evidence, well here 'tis!

<deleted>? How is this evidence? The man built a machine that supposedly emits less radioactivity than an xray machine and that's evidence? Personally, I wouldn't want my adolescent kids standing around such a device as the shielding doesn't impress me, but that''s a side issue. The machine you reference isn't related to what the Iranians have built. Using your logic, I must have been bonking a terrorist when my old girlfriend was walking about radioactive isotopes in her handbag. They were shortlife tracers that were injected into people. That too is a big difference compared to what the Iranians have done.

In all these denials and justifications being trotted out, how come the Iranians haven't invested in medical grade isotopes? No one would say a word if that had been the case. Instead they have spent billions on questionable actiivities, while thousands of Iranians cannot access nuclear medicine facilities because the money is diverted to the military nuclear program.

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CIA has reported Mossad to be most dangerous, deceptive and cunning of all military agencies. The recent "bombings" stink of

Mossad...after all their creed is "thru deception thou shalt do war"...

MSM isn't intel...its lies and deception.

LOL. Please provide a citation.

BTW, thank you for joining up and sharing your lack of knowledge in this matter.

Microsoft manager (MSM) teams up with teens to build a fusion reactor in his garage: Normally, if a grown man talks about building a fusion reactor and wants your 13-year-old to hang out in his garage, we'd expect you to smile, back away slowly, and perhaps alert the authorities. But, if that man is Microsoft program manager Carl Greninger there's no need to run. The science fanatic recruited a team of teens, as young as 13, and worked with them to build a Farnsworth–Hirsch Fusor -- a (comparatively) simple nuclear reactor that smashes together atoms and produces neutrons. Check out the nearly 20-min video after the break to watch a bunch of high school kids generate ball of ionized plasma.

You wanted evidence, well here 'tis!

<deleted>? How is this evidence? The man built a machine that supposedly emits less radioactivity than an xray machine and that's evidence? Personally, I wouldn't want my adolescent kids standing around such a device as the shielding doesn't impress me, but that''s a side issue. The machine you reference isn't related to what the Iranians have built. Using your logic, I must have been bonking a terrorist when my old girlfriend was walking about radioactive isotopes in her handbag. They were shortlife tracers that were injected into people. That too is a big difference compared to what the Iranians have done.

In all these denials and justifications being trotted out, how come the Iranians haven't invested in medical grade isotopes? No one would say a word if that had been the case. Instead they have spent billions on questionable actiivities, while thousands of Iranians cannot access nuclear medicine facilities because the money is diverted to the military nuclear program.


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Iran is not wholly governed by radical Islamists

What a bunch of hooey. Playing devil's advocate is one thing, but all of this attempted spin on Iran is convincing no one. I will admit that "internal security" probably is at "an all time high" as they have their boot firmly on the neck of their own people.

This pretty much sums up things.

Very interesting to listen too.

Edited by maiphedmaiaroi
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Hmm..... You can always guage the government by the sanctioned media..

Here is presstv.ir on stories in India http://www.presstv.ir/section/351020402.html

Funny, no mention of problems with rice exports to Iran as detailed in the tribune india http://www.tribuneindia.com/2012/20120212/biz.htm#2

Or reuters http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/02/08/us-iran-idUSTRE8171T720120208 (reuters also notes that Moller-Maersk has ceased oil transport from Iran, and Malay traders are not filling palm oil orders due to unpaid invoices)

Oh well.....

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Lets make it easy.........No evidence will ever be accepted nor good enough for the Zealots that want to bomb Iran....

Whether it be reports by IAEA inspectors let into Iran numerous times...(.Opposite by the way of those that want to bomb Iran & have not let an inspector in since Nixon)....

Anyway short & sweet............It will never be enough....So zealot away....errr bombs away.....& may your karma bounce as always right back at you.

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CIA has reported Mossad to be most dangerous, deceptive and cunning of all military agencies. The recent "bombings" stink of

Mossad...after all their creed is "thru deception thou shalt do war"...

MSM isn't intel...its lies and deception.

LOL. Please provide a citation.

BTW, thank you for joining up and sharing your lack of knowledge in this matter.

Here is what Former CIA Bin Laden hunter Michael Scheuer said about the alleged Iranian terror plot on FOX:

LOL, I asked for a citation for the CIA description. You are refering to what a former civil servant has to say. He is not a representative of the CIA.

BTW this is the guy that dropped the ball on Osama. He screwed up and now he's got a grudge. He blames Clinton and Bush for his failure. He also claimed that the USA would never pull its troops out of Iraq. Lo and behold, US military troops were withdrawn. He criticized the US support of the Libyan revolt and was told by Arab countries to <deleted>. And of course, he has endorsed Ron Paul for President.

Why am I not surprised, there is a link to Ron Paul, the patron saint of US conspiracy spinners.

Michael Scheuer has a history of mental issues, but the conspiracy types love him.

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CIA has reported Mossad to be most dangerous, deceptive and cunning of all military agencies. The recent "bombings" stink of

Mossad...after all their creed is "thru deception thou shalt do war"...

MSM isn't intel...its lies and deception.

LOL. Please provide a citation.

BTW, thank you for joining up and sharing your lack of knowledge in this matter.

Here is what Former CIA Bin Laden hunter Michael Scheuer said about the alleged Iranian terror plot on FOX:

LOL, I asked for a citation for the CIA description. You are refering to what a former civil servant has to say. He is not a representative of the CIA.

BTW this is the guy that dropped the ball on Osama. He screwed up and now he's got a grudge. He blames Clinton and Bush for his failure. He also claimed that the USA would never pull its troops out of Iraq. Lo and behold, US military troops were withdrawn. He criticized the US support of the Libyan revolt and was told by Arab countries to <deleted>. And of course, he has endorsed Ron Paul for President.

Why am I not surprised, there is a link to Ron Paul, the patron saint of US conspiracy spinners.

This is typically for American and Israeli war hawks. Dismiss the evidence, Discredit the guy. " He is not a representative of the CIA." or "Michael Scheuer has a history of mental issues (Ulysses G.)"

You know what?

He WAS a representative for the CIA and if he criticized US support for " the Libyan revolt", he did right. Do you even know the reason for "the revolt"?

Regarding Ron Paul, he is the only Republican presidential candidate who doesn't want to attack Iran.

But we will see the truth about 5-10 years and ask ourselves:

" what have we done? why did we believed the lies the Israeli and American war hawks told us? Why did we attack Iran and killed more than 1 milion innocent people? why the American and Israeli citizens do not feel safe anymore anywhere in the world?"

Edited by stockholm1995
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Regarding Ron Paul, he is the only presidential candidate who doesn't want to attack Iran.


Correction. No, he is not. President Obama ALSO does not want to attack Iran and he is actively trying to stop Israel from doing so. Last time I checked, President Obama is a presidential candidate for 2012.
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Asked if Thailand was being dragged into the conflict, Bizmark said IranianThai relationship has been flourishing for four centuries and official diplomatic ties have been ongoing for 57 years.

"When we reveal this relationship historically and diplomatically, there has never been any kind of tension between the two countries under the framework of bilateral relations," he said. "Who wants to sabotage this good relationship? That's our concern really. I am confident that through the wise management of the Thai officials they will not succeed in [damaging the good relations between the two countries]."

His Excellency Mr. Majid Bizmark , Ambassador of the Islamic republic mentioned an important point. Thailand and Iran have a very good relationship and no feud with each other.

The anti-Persian anti-Iranian sentiments, the hatred and prejudice towards Iran and its culture, so common in the Western world and its media, notably in the United States and Israel are totally unknown in Thailand.

Persian relations and migration to Thailand dates back to the great days of Ayutthaya. Take a look at the Bunnag family. Descendants of Persians retain influence in Thai public life down to the present day.And that also to the highest circles in Thailand. There is a reason why a publication like The Nation gives the Ambassador that space and publish this interview.

If you are in Thailand as a guest, as a tourist, as a foreigner you should respect Thailands view of Iran and not insist that anything else that is not written in the same stance like in the American media must be a conspiracy theory or not valid and not true.

Thailand is not America. Thailand is different. And that is good.

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Thailand ALSO has very good relations with Israel. Not as close as India and Israel though. India is dealing with even a more delicate situation as Israel is their key strategic military ally while at the same time being a major buyer of Iranian oil. Thailand buys VERY LITTLE Iranian oil.

Thailand's efforts not to anger either Iran or Israel are perfectly understandable. No argument there.

Edited by Jingthing
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Thailand ALSO has very good relations with Israel. Not as close as India and Israel though. India is dealing with even a more delicate situation as Israel is their key strategic military ally while at the same time being a major buyer of Iranian oil. Thailand buys VERY LITTLE Iranian oil.

Thailand's efforts not to anger either Iran or Israel are perfectly understandable. No argument there.

Persian Thais are one of the ethnic minority groups in Thailand.


That cannot be said about the Zionists. Sorry.

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Not a Republican one, however.


Regarding Ron Paul, he is the only presidential candidate who doesn't want to attack Iran.


Correction. No, he is not. President Obama ALSO does not want to attack Iran and he is actively trying to stop Israel from doing so. Last time I checked, President Obama is a presidential candidate for 2012.

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Not a Republican one, however.


Regarding Ron Paul, he is the only presidential candidate who doesn't want to attack Iran.


Correction. No, he is not. President Obama ALSO does not want to attack Iran and he is actively trying to stop Israel from doing so. Last time I checked, President Obama is a presidential candidate for 2012.


Jingthing knew what Stockholm was driving at I am sure. He was just being a pedant.

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If these 'operators' was part of MEK etc (as claimed by some socialists in Europe, also see Andrew Spooner and other nutters), then surely Iran will be quick to arrest the accomplice that already fled to Iran and hand her over to Thailand?

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